"Boom--" The strong air rushed out, setting off a rolling wind.

But Sword Intent smashed all the punches, turning into an ordinary gust of wind that seemed ferocious, but couldn't hurt any cultivator, and scattered.

The heavy punch was smashed, and an angry cold hum came from the air, and then the demon shòu leaned down extremely quickly, and a pair of fleshy wings rolled up a hundred zhang hurricane!

In the midst of the hurricane, a burly figure jumped off the demon's back very quickly, and his fierce body fell to the ground, causing the ground to crack and dust to fly!

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"That's Senior Dragon Fist Zhong Sheng Zhong!"

"It was he who accompanied Li Cai here, and it is strange that Li has such confidence!"

"This person is also a well-known person on the Tianlong list, and he is a core disciple. He has a lot of momentum outside the sect. He actually likes Li Cai so much—"

"Senior Zhong is the most outstanding second disciple of the ancestor of Bliss, so he naturally wants to protect the only remaining direct grandson for him!"

The monks made these many exclamations in surprise, without concealment, and of course Xu Ziqing heard it.

He thought, this person is so powerful, I don't know Senior Brother Yun... Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Yun Lie, seeing that there was nothing wrong with Yun Lie, but there was still some concern and worry in his heart.

The dragon fist bell stood high and high, and the real essence in his body burst out of his body due to his anger, forming a layer of real essence fine needles on his body surface, densely packed, as thin as a hair, and extremely scary.

He took a few steps forward, and there was a great momentum, as if the earth would tremble for his aura!

When Li Cai saw the man, he shouted in a tragic voice, "Second Senior Brother, save me! I don't want to be sent to Si Xing Peak!"

"Slaughter Sword Yunlie, you are so brave!" Longquan Zhongsheng glanced at him, his eyes flickered, and said sternly, "As soon as you formed the pill, the sect master made you the first core disciple, let me You can't convince me when you are ranked backwards. Today you are going to arrest my junior brother again, so domineering, I want to ask for advice from Dragon Fist Zhongsheng, seeing that your fifth place on the Dragon Ranking list is worthy of your name!"

As soon as this statement came out, it could be said that it made a lot of noise, which made many disciples around him even more surprised.

"Dragon Fist Zhongsheng is the thirty-eighth of the Tianlong list, but he wants to challenge the fifth Slaughter Sword Yunlie?"

"This is not surprising. Many of the proud people on the Tianlong list are proud and arrogant people. Senior Yun had been silent for many years in the Yuan Dynasty. As soon as he appeared, he went straight to the sky, so naturally he couldn't be convinced."

"What's more, Senior Yun won the first position of the core disciple, and he was not challenged. Now Senior Zhong wants to make up for it, it is only natural!"

Many disciples were talking about it, and Longquan Zhongsheng was talking nonsense. Yun Lie was like a giant peak, standing between the heavens and the earth, standing still.

After Longquan Zhongsheng finished speaking, he opened his mouth and said, "Are you also obstructing law enforcement?"

Longquan Zhongsheng's eyes flickered: "This is not an obstacle to law enforcement, but a small challenge. If I win, you have to let go of my junior brother, and if I lose, you will admit your first position."

Yun Lie said coldly: "Those who obstruct law enforcement will be punished."

When Longquan Zhongsheng saw that Yun Lie didn't answer his words, he felt a great loss of face, and he stopped talking about etiquette. Hesitating, with both arms supported, he punched straight and roared, "Earth Dragon opens its mouth—"

I saw that when he punched, there was an extremely violent energy emanating from it, with a condensed brown light, extremely heavy, and rushed out fiercely!

The qi jin carried the whistling sound of the wind, as if a dragon head appeared faintly in the fist wind, opened its monstrous huge mouth, and carried an unparalleled power!

This punch was thrown, and all the disciples present were affected.

They only felt as if they had been hit by a violent force, their hearts swelled up, and they almost vomited blood.

Especially Xu Ziqing felt deeper, he and Yun Lie were standing side by side, and when the fist was aimed at Yun Lie, he was also the first to bear the brunt. Xu Ziqing didn't have time to react, and the monstrous weather came with a dragon-like momentum, making him seem to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and the corners of his lips were bleeding.

This type of boxing is called "Earth Demon Earth Dragon Fist". It is a set of middle-grade Xuanjie exercises. There are seven styles in total, and the power of each style will increase exponentially. At the same time, from the dragon head to the dragon scales to the dragon tail, the dragon claws, the dragon body, the dragon horns, and the entire dragon body, it is almost a simulated dragon attack.

At the end of the boxing technique, the fist, the wind, the fist, and the force are turned into dragons, and they can shatter a mountain with their teeth and claws!

Longquan Zhongsheng is a peerless genius with a single earth and spiritual root, which is very compatible with the attributes of earth dragons. After he was admitted to the sect by the Bliss Ancestor, he has since been immersed in this high-level boxing technique, and now he has won the samadhi. Made a great name.

He is now using his most proud set of boxing techniques to make trouble with Yun Lie.

Yun Lie moved at this time.

When he pointed it out, a three-zhang-long sword gang flew out of the sky, punching straight into the shape of a dragon's head, with the same strong momentum, and a sharpness that seemed to be able to cut through everything. All cut off!

At the same time, he also waved the sleeve of the robe on the left, Xu Ziqing felt that there was a familiar force that made him lighten up, and the whole person quickly backed up until it fell outside the range of the punching force, and then stopped.

Xu Ziqing knew that he couldn't intervene in this kind of battle. Only when he got to a safe place would he be the greatest help to his senior brother.

. However, even though he was no longer present, his eyes were always fixed on Yun Lie.

He must watch this fight to the end!

The sword gang flew quickly, and was swallowed by the dragon head. But how strong is the sharp edge of the sword, how can it be swallowed by that mere virtual leader?

In the blink of an eye, the dragon head let out a high-pitched whine, and was smashed by the sword Gang!

One punch didn't work, Longquan Zhong Sheng's eyes flashed, and he threw four or five punches one after another, each punch equally powerful and fast.

"Boom boom-"

The sound of countless flowing winds being shattered is incessant, and it even seems to stir up the sound of wind and thunder.

And the sword gang that Yun Lie used before has not dissipated, it turned around flexibly, as if it already had wisdom, turned its head, and rammed, smashing the four or five dragon heads!

Xu Ziqing couldn't take his eyes off it. He had never seen this battle between real people. Now that he saw it, he had to be shocked.

Longquan Zhong Sheng had already punched many punches, but Yun Lie only punched one sword in total.

The disciples present also saw that in the current situation, Yun Lie had the upper hand steadily.

Longquan Zhongsheng couldn't help Yunlie when he saw the first move, his face suddenly flushed red, he opened his mouth and exhaled a vitality, and shouted: "Pick me up for the second move, and the earth dragon turns around—"

When this style is played, the fist strength is no longer condensed like the previous one, but it seems to be transformed into the wind, empty and empty, as if nothing happened.

But at the moment when Zhong Sheng closed his fist, the place where his fist hit originally had the airflow as the center, constantly rotating and spreading outwards.

After that, the belated fist energy compressed and turned into countless scale-sized air blades. The brown light flickered, like dragon scales, majestic and majestic!

The air blades are as beautiful as flower petals, and they rotate extremely fast. The air is split at the edge, which is faster and sharper than the blade! From the dragon head to the scales, this seems to have broken the fist strength into zero, making the attack surface larger, the attack more violent, and less easy to dodge!

This is obviously the proud trick of Longquan Zhongsheng, and when he successfully uses it, there is a bit of pride in his expression.

If Yun Lie used the same sword gang as just now, then no matter how powerful the sword gang is, it can only smash the closer Qi blade, and the fish that slip through the net will also come to Yun Lie, causing huge damage to him. destruction!

But this time Yun Lie didn't use the sword gang.

Just as the countless air blades were pouring out like raindrops, Yun Lie's whole body gradually gave birth to a few very thin and very white things.

Xu Ziqing's eyes widened slightly, he recognized it, these were clearly sword qi!

When he was in the small world, he had several times seen "Brother Yun" use sword energy against the enemy. At that time, the soul of the sky was like the current cloud, with countless sword energy entangled around him, as thin as hair and as dense as silkworm cocoons. , but it seems that every root can cut the world!

At this time, the sword qi surrounding Yun Lie was more, finer, and denser than what Xu Ziqing had ever seen.

Every time they rotate, there is a very slight blasting sound, and every dance is like a cracked silk. The cold thought full of murderous intent is also stained on every sword energy, making them even bigger and more terrifying.

Yun Lie's spiritual thoughts moved, and the sword qi rose vertically and horizontally!

The sword qi turns into countless white turbulent winds, wandering recklessly in the rain of boundless qi blades, each of which will destroy countless qi blades in succession, like a messy giant net, sticking all the qi blades and strangling them. Gān net!

Chapter 127: Captured

In just one breath, all the air blades have been swept away.

The field is filled with countless silk-like sword marks, whistling and circling, turning with the thoughts of Yun Lie, which is extremely powerful.

By this time, Yun Lie had never taken the initiative to attack, but only passively defended.

But it's just defense, and it also makes Longquan Zhongsheng's two-time ultimate move to fail again and again!

Seeing that Yun Lie made his triumphant tricks invisible, Longquan Zhongsheng was angry: "What a good Yun Lie, what a criminal in charge!"

He arched his arms, showing an extremely twisted posture, and shouted: "Earth dragon swinging its tail!"

The next moment, his shoulders moved this elbow, as if forming something full of power. Looking at it carefully, it was a dragon's tail, and it seemed to be flapping with the vibration of his arm!

At this time, Longquan Zhongsheng suddenly threw his waist - "Crack!"

Like a long whip, the dragon tail also slapped out, with a shocking squeeze, as if even the surrounding air would be forced and shattered by this blow.

The disciples who were watching couldn't help but step back several feet, and they were all shocked.

"I feel that if this move falls on me, it will shatter my true essence and destroy my foundation!"

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