Xu Ziqing shook his head: "The disciple can't see it."

Immortal Qiuhe smiled and said, "I see that this person's breath is not as pure and unsullied as you, so he is not a person of extraordinary talent with Shan Linggen. But I can see that he has practiced for less than fifty years now. And looking at its strong background, mellow real essence, and harmonious aura, it must have been polished for ten years or more in the later stage of foundation building."

Xu Ziqing was startled when he heard it.

Not to mention him, Luo Yao was even more stunned.

It is not a single spiritual root. When absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is inevitable that impurities will be quenched from time to time, but even so, Du Zihui actually entered the late stage of foundation building when he was in his thirties... Even if there is a family backing, it is very important to be able to reach this point. Not simple anymore.

But how can such a character act like that when he recruits people...

Thinking of this, Qiu Ze's four people's expressions are strange, and the feeling is indescribable.

Du Jiatao kept a low profile, and actually made the disciples in the clan to look like this, it really makes people laugh and cry.

However, after listening to what Master Qiu He said, the four of them had a little more understanding of the Du family, and their thoughts became clearer, so that they would no longer have any prejudice against the Du family because of Du Zihui's strange performance.

After Luo Yao heard this, Fang felt like he had a thorn on his back, and he had some guesses in his heart, so he looked back.

Sure enough, on a high platform in the southeast, someone was staring fiercely at his back, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

Isn't this Du Zihui?

Luo Yao sighed, and now he can see clearly, that Du Zihui is angry but not killing, and I am afraid that he will come to find him later... Thinking about him, Luo Yao has been practicing for a hundred years, but Du Zihui is only less than half a hundred years old. , Compared to him, he is almost a child, and he should really tolerate him a bit.

Thinking of this, Luo Yao nodded at him before turning his head back.

Over there, Zhenren Qiuhe had finished his points, and he had to take care of his disciples. He said, "Ziqing, you will be performing a battle of martial arts later, why don't you take a look at who your opponent is?"

This round of reincarnation is more important than the previous ones. If the opponent is a bit famous, or he is a master, he can give some advice.

Xu Ziqing obeyed naturally, and took out the letter talisman, only to see that it read:

"Forty-nine times, Feixian Peak, Du Linglong."

This... is another surnamed Du?

Chapter 159 Big Competition ⑥

Xu Ziqing flew to stand on the martial arts stage and looked at his opponent.

It was a woman, and a tall woman.

Even if an ordinary woman is slender, it is only about seven feet, but this Du Linglong is close to eight feet, half a head taller than Xu Ziqing.

She was wearing a black outfit that highlighted her perfect figure and was very sexy. Her skin is ivory white, and the exposed parts of her skin are like jade carvings, with a lustrous brilliance.

Her appearance is also perfect, although it is not the kind of delicate beauty, but it makes people feel that adding one point is too much, and subtracting one point is ugly. It's a strange beauty.

But the most beautiful part of her body is not her face, nor her skin.

But her hands.

Every finger is slender, every inch of flesh is full, there are no nails, and the gāngān is clean and simple. The combination of the snow-white back of the hand and the pale red palm has a special beauty.

This is Feixianfeng Du Linglong, a very special and unusual female cultivator.

When she just stood on the stage, she attracted the attention of many people and also caused a lot of discussion.

"What a special nun!"

"You can see that her breath is integrated, so harmonious and comfortable, it is like a complete jade that has never been carved, I don't know what kind of cultivation method she is practicing!"

"Look, she didn't pick up any magic weapon at all. Could it be that she wants to use her bare hands?"

"A female cultivator turned her body against the enemy, how could she have such confidence in herself!"

But no matter how many people talk about it, they don't seem to recognize who this woman is, and they don't know what her origins are.

But people with discerning eyes can also see that this woman is clearly in the middle stage of foundation building, and she can enter the next realm only by fighting for the first line.

Such a female cultivator with such a strange appearance, why was she not famous before?

However, someone else said: "Fei Xianfeng... This name seems to be familiar."

"The peaks that can carry the word 'immortal' are all from immortals!"

"I have counted many peaks, and I have never heard of this Feixian Peak, but you can't cheat on the martial arts stage!"

Everyone was puzzled. On the high platform, Master Qiu He stroked his short beard and said leisurely: "Fei Xian Peak was the peak where Du Qingzhi lived before his ascension. After the reduction from generation to generation, the Du family has no gods. Therefore, the upper peak was taken away by the sect, leaving only two middle peaks and many small peaks for the Du family. But after all, they are descendants of immortals, these descendants of Du Qingzhi. The bloodline has always been self-proclaimed as a person from the Feixian Peak, and the sect also acquiesced..."

It turned out that it was these reasons that everyone realized.

On the martial arts stage, the two opponents also had to fight.

Xu Ziqing flipped the palm of his hand, the steel and wooden sword was already raised, and with a flick of his finger, the sound of "Qiangqiang" sounded, and a blue brilliance spread all over the sword, making the steel and wooden sword with a softness.

After many battles, because it was with a real monk, Xu Ziqing had a lot more fighting consciousness than before, and he also mastered swordsmanship more thoroughly.


Now he doesn't have to put on a starter gesture, just a thought, and the chūn rain artistic conception has been activated.

On the opposite side of him, Du Linglong stretched out his hands slightly, and shook it—

At the moment of clenching into a fist, it seemed that the surrounding air was also clenched in, and violent fluctuations occurred in an instant.

It seems that countless airflows have been squeezed into the pair of pink fists, making people's heart skip a beat!

"Bang bang!"

Du Linglong's fist suddenly turned from jade white to deep red at this moment.

It seemed that all the qi and blood in the whole body had gathered in the blink of an eye.

And her whole body was enveloped by the mighty might, it seemed that her sense of existence suddenly disappeared, and the only thing left in front of people was that pair of fists.

The two moved at the same time.

Xu Ziqing's long sword vibrated, and his body was like a cirrus cloud, and suddenly he was about to hoist the long sword towards Du Linglong's throat. At the same time, the cyan sword lights were extremely lingering, so brisk with a soft chūn meaning, when the sword was startled, people suddenly lost their fighting spirit, and were smashed by the murderous aura in the delicate chūn rain.

But Du Linglong was not in a hurry, her feet were still standing in place, and her fists were still tightly clenched.

At the moment when the tip of the sword was about to touch her throat, she suddenly hit a right fist!


The incomparably pleasant percussion sound is like a mountain spring, lingering.

Du Linglong's fist collided with the steel-wood sword.

And the countless rain of love that was driven by the steel-wood sword disappeared in an instant.

It was the punching style of this punch that broke it up!

The chūn rain has not yet fallen, and the grass seeds cannot germinate.

Xu Ziqing's "Meng Zi Jue" has not yet been used, and it has been interrupted because the artistic conception cannot be achieved.

But at this time, he couldn't help being stunned, Du Linglong just put out his right fist against the steel-wood sword, and his left fist also came out from below, hitting Xu Ziqing's abdomen fiercely!

Xu Ziqing subconsciously gathered the true essence and formed a thick layer of true essence in the dantian.

The fist didn't really penetrate the true essence layer, but the punching energy on the fist still penetrated part of it, causing a violent shock in Xu Ziqing's body!

Xu Ziqing took a deep breath, and suddenly retreated with the strength of his fist!

There was a dull pain in his dantian, and his internal organs were already injured.

What kind of boxing is this? It's so awesome!

On the high platform, everyone was shocked when they saw Xu Ziqing's boxing.

In many previous battles, although Xu Ziqing did not make it easy, but he never suffered any damage, but this was the first round of battle in the battle of Yanwutai, and he was already injured!

That Du Linglong is really unusual.

Qiu Ze and the others didn't know much, so they didn't know what kind of boxing technique Du Linglong used, but they all looked at Master Qiu He.

But this time, Master Qiu He also shook his head: "I've never seen it before." However, after he pondered for a while, he looked at his eldest disciple, "Yun'er, do you know?"

The aptitude of Zhenren Qiuhe is limited, and he was only four hundred years old when he achieved the golden pill. All the adventures are now incomparable to this eldest disciple.

Yun Lie also lived up to the expectations of his master, and said at the time, "Linglong Seven Killing Fist."

At the same time, Luo Yao was a meal.

It turned out that a voice also sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness at this time: "That is Linglong Seven Killing Fist!"

It was someone who was transmitting his divine sense.

This voice was very familiar, Luo Yao was slightly startled, then raised his eyes to look at the source of the voice.

Hearing that voice rang again: "What are you looking at? What about what this young master said!"

Sure enough, it was Du Zihui.

Hearing his stubbornness, Luo Yao was not as disgusted as before. He smiled and said, "Thank you for clarifying my doubts." Then he asked, "Is Miss Du from your family?"

That Du Zihui seemed puzzled. Seeing Luo Yao's gentle attitude, he turned his head away and snorted coldly, "Linglong is my cousin, you don't want to attack her!"

Luo Yao was silent. Who is going to beat her up?

But now he also knew Du Zihui's temperament and sighed: "If you don't get in the way, why don't I talk about this boxing technique."

Although Du Zihui's temper was not good, Luo Yao was not annoyed. He also calmed down a bit. After saying "you care about that Xu Ziqing", he briefly explained the power of "Seven Killing Fist of Linglong".

This boxing technique does have a history.

As we all know, people have seven emotions, which are joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, and shock. This "Linglong Seven Killing Fist" is to use the exquisite body to penetrate the seven orifices and kill the seven emotions.

And this boxing technique was created by Du Qing, the patriarch of the Du family.

Du Qingzhi once had a wives and concubines with exquisite body, and Du Qingzhi is a passionate seed who loves every wives and concubines like treasures. At that time, Linglong was a good furnace physique, but because of the spiritual energy of the seven orifices, he was not allowed to practice, and his lifespan was less than half of ordinary people. How could Du Qingzhi let his lover be so weak? He created this set of boxing techniques, tailor-made for women with exquisite bodies, and it is more effective in practice.

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