That wife and concubine also gave birth to a child for Du Qingzhi. Although the first generation was a boy, it is inevitable that there will be women with exquisite body in the descendants. This boxing method has also been passed down, until today's generation of Du Linglong.

Du Linglong was born with an exquisite body and a stubborn personality. She suffered a lot because of this physique in the past, and her family was afraid that she could not be brought up, so she never named her, and only passed this boxing technique to her as a last resort. .

When Du Linglong practiced hard and finally achieved the first punch of Linglong's Seven Killing Fist, his body gradually improved. From then on, she became more and more hardworking, and she called herself "Linglong".

The "Linglong Seven Killing Fist" is so powerful that any cultivator who competes with her, even if the cultivation base is still higher than her, is often difficult to deal with her.

Now that Xu Ziqing meets Du Linglong, it must be a fierce battle - this is naturally Luo Yao's idea. In Du Zihui's view, Xu Ziqing will lose without a doubt.

Du Zihui said: "Cousin Linglong just hit two punches, the first punch is Killing Siquan, which kills the love on the sword, breaking the rain sword technique; The reason for the intrusion was to injure Xu Ziqing's kidney vein and make him unable to move."

Luo Yao was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Everyone has seven emotions. If this "Linglong Seven Killing Fist" can really kill the seven emotions, then it can indeed gain the upper hand in many battles - if the two sides have a big difference in their cultivation bases, it can't be done, but once the two sides' cultivation bases are similar , that would be difficult to turn the tide of the battle.

In the field, Du Linglong was constantly showing his power, and every wave of her fist could arouse billowing true essence, the air flow vertically and horizontally, and the strong wind overflowed.

Such domineering boxing is not at all like what women are used to, but is more wild and fierce than many male cultivators who specialize in heavy martial arts.

In Xu Ziqing's "Four Seasons Swordsmanship", no matter what kind of swordsmanship, it is ultimately related to the seven emotions of people.

The chūn rain swordsmanship is in love, the Xia Lei swordsmanship is enthusiastic, the autumn wind swordsmanship is mournful, and the winter snow swordsmanship is lonely.

At the same time, the four-character sword art is also full of joy, anger, sadness, and sadness. All kinds of artistic conceptions are derived from the seven emotions.

Therefore, in the current situation, Xu Ziqing was constantly being pressed and beaten by Du Linglong.

Du Zihui said proudly: "This punch is 'killing sorrow fist', all the tricks born out of grief must be restrained by it... This trick is called 'killing joy fist', as long as there is joy in the technique Yes, but also to be suppressed by it... Cousin Linglong's best move is this 'Killing Worry Fist'. If the opponent is worried after fighting for a long time, it is easy to arouse anger and give birth to potential, but this As soon as the move is made, the worry is gone, but instead it will fall into the urn of the cousin, like being bound by spider silk, unable to escape..."

While listening to Du Zihui's voice transmission, Luo Yao was worried about Xu Ziqing.

Then, he unconsciously looked at the real man in white who was sitting beside him.

Yun Lie's eyes have also been falling on Xu Ziqing.

However, Yun Lie's expression remained unchanged.

Is he too good at hiding his emotions, or does he really have great confidence in his junior and senior brothers?

Chapter 160 Big Competition ⑦

On the martial arts stage, Xu Ziqing fell into deep thought while dodging.

Du Linglong's "Linglong Seven Killing Fist" is really extraordinary. Every time he makes a move, the emotion on the sword move will be killed by her, making his moves unsustainable and disrupting his mood.

If it goes on like this, after his true essence is exhausted, he will fail.

But he clearly promised his senior brother that he would try his best to get a good ranking, so how could he lose on the spot in the first round of this martial arts battle?

No, absolutely not!

Xu Ziqing calmed down and began to analyze.

The "Linglong Seven Killing Fist" kills the seven emotions. If it is ruthless to kill, it will naturally be broken.

But in the whole world, most of the exercises are related to the seven emotions of human beings, otherwise, they will not be able to realize it, and they will not be able to create their own unique artistic conception.

If that's the case, why does he still hold on to Qi Emotions?

It's just that if a person is ruthless, he can't understand the joys and sorrows, and only blindly excludes the seven emotions, not letting go, but a short cut. The seven emotions are constantly rooted, and if they suddenly grow in the future, they will come violently, which will actually cause harm to oneself.

But after a second thought, he thought of his brother again.

What Yun Lie cultivated is the ruthless killing of the sword, not ruthless, but freezing the seven emotions under the endless killing thoughts will neither hinder the enlightenment nor cause disaster.

The monks who are equally ruthless and who practice the way of forgetfulness and ruthlessness do not understand emotion, but once they understand it, it will be a disaster.

Xu Ziqing thought that he could learn from his senior brother.

If the seven emotions are completely destroyed, naturally they will not be killed again.

Then "Seven Killing Fist of Linglong" is useless.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing suddenly opened his five fingers, and a few seeds suddenly popped out.

Du Linglong was stunned for a moment, but quickly jumped up and flashed the seeds.

But Xu Ziqing's seed was not meant to hurt people.

After those seeds fell to the ground, they suddenly got under the Yanwu stage, and soon many seedlings grew, and they quickly stretched out visibly to the naked eye, turning into giant trees with more than ten feet.

The martial arts platform immediately turned from bare to a grove, and there were still many gaps in the giant trees, which would not block everyone's vision.

At this time, many monks were surprised.

It can't trap Du Linglong, and it doesn't seem to be indestructible. What's the use of doing this?

Du Linglong is also very puzzled, but she has always been firm in her heart. When the giant tree appeared, she smashed the nearest one with a wave of her right fist!


The giant tree shattered and fell heavily to the ground, even shattering and splashing out.

But to everyone's surprise, as soon as the splintered pieces of wood hit the ground, they sprout again, grow into a new giant tree, and stand on the martial arts platform again.

Du Linglong frowned upon seeing this.

If it goes on like this, every piece of wood she breaks will grow again, isn't it a war of attrition? This was different from what she had thought before.

She no longer broke the giant tree, but continued to attack Xu Ziqing. In her opinion, as long as she could hit this person, no matter how easy those giant trees were to grow, it would be self-defeating.

As for Xu Ziqing's idea of ​​letting the giant wood stumble her, then he was very wrong!

She, Du Linglong, practiced in the forest when she was young, and would not be hindered by these giant trees!

And Xu Ziqing didn't actually want to stop her with a giant tree.

He was just playing a little shit.

When Du Linglong's next fist hit, Xu Ziqing smiled slightly.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in front of Du Linglong's eyes.

This is not hidden by the "Hidden Words", because as long as Du Linglong hits "Linglong Seven Killing Fist" a lot and breaks the artistic conception, he will have nothing to hide.

What Xu Ziqing used was the "Escape the Wood to Constrain the Breath", which he had not used for a long time.

Du Linglong's apricot eyes were wide open, very surprised.

But she didn't panic, Mu also had feelings, she didn't interrupt them, but used the gaps between the huge number of giant trees to remove the wood qi and search for the aura of the people hidden in them.

"Whirring whirring!"

After hitting thirty-two punches in a row, there is still no trace of Xu Ziqing!

Under the martial arts stage, many people were also surprised and talked about it.

"I can't find Xu Ziqing!"

"I also checked, there is no breath of Xu Ziqing!"

"Has he stepped down?"

"Impossible, Yanwutai is very clever. If the person on the stage has already gone down, then the traces he left will disappear. But you see, the giant tree left by Xu Ziqing is still there!"

Du Linglong's expression became more solemn.

Her idea was right, killing the wood qi should be able to find Xu Ziqing.

But she never imagined that Xu Ziqing not only used the "Escape the Wood to Retain Breath", but also used the "Wood Escape Technique". After he combined his breath with wood qi, he moved back and forth among these giant trees to buy time.

This is the reason why he shot these seeds and planted giant trees before!

Everyone in the audience saw Du Linglong wandering among the giant trees, but they were helpless and could not find any trace of Xu Ziqing.

But there were also discerning people who saw that what Xu Ziqing used was actually a kind of escape technique, and immediately exclaimed that it was ingenious.

For a while, the atmosphere became a little warmer.

After watching these many battles, it is difficult for many masters to meet people who can stand against each other, so it is rare to see an evenly matched battle situation.

But right now, this match is really exciting!

Xu Ziqing was hidden among countless giant trees, and his body felt the surging air flow brought by Du Linglong's boxing wind, and his body continued to escape.

But his eyes were tightly closed. He spread his consciousness all over his body, hiding most of his power in the depths of his dantian, and gradually fell into a state of emptiness.

If the seven emotions cannot arise, they freeze the seven emotions.

How to freeze Seven Emotions?

His way has not yet been found, and there are seven emotions in his magic, how difficult it is to freeze it!

What Xu Ziqing can think of now is Yun Lie, who can freeze seven emotions.

He was thinking, how did the senior brother freeze the seven emotions?

It was a powerful thought that only dance alone could not refute.

With this kind of thought, the senior brother realized the sword intent, tempered the Dao heart, and had an invincible belief.

That kind of belief is to take oneself as the foundation, set the principle of killing, and have the heart of endless killing.

Therefore, there is no emotion on the sword of the senior brother, only pure killing intent.

As soon as the sword is used, it is inexorable.

But Xu Ziqing didn't have the heart to kill, and it was impossible to have endless killing thoughts.

His sword could not produce pure murderous aura.

Xu Ziqing knew in his heart that his practice of swordsmanship was short, and even with the guidance of a famous teacher and a lot of training, he still couldn't compare to a real swordsman.

He is not a sword cultivator, and he cannot become a sword cultivator. His ultimate way will only be a kind of magic way.

Therefore, although he has mastered the swordsmanship of the four seasons, and has condensed the sword light, he still has not been able to practice this whole set of swordsmanship to the extreme.

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