If he can combine the two sets of swordsmanship, it is comparable to the swordsmanship of the Huáng level; if he can combine the four sets of swordsmanship, it is comparable to the swordsmanship of the Xuan-level.

Xu Ziqing understood the four-character sword art, which is the profound meaning he got from the Four Seasons Sword Art. When he combined the four profound meanings, the Four Seasons Sword Art can also be unified, and the power has increased tenfold!

It's a pity that he can't do it yet, and he still needs a lot of time to comprehend.

At this point, he didn't have a lot of time.

However, he vaguely had other feelings.

chūn summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons are reincarnated, endless and endless.

When the four seasons are reincarnated, plants and trees live and die, and after death, there are joys and sorrows.

To comprehend the "Wanmu Seeds the Heart Dafa", one should enter into the emotions of Wanmu with one's body, and share joy and sorrow with them in order to integrate better. At this time, his emotions are tied to Wanmu's as one.

But what if he got out and looked down from the perspective of the Lord of Ten Thousand Woods?

Then the flowers bloom and fall, the grass grows and the grass disappears, the trees wither and the trees grow, and the leaves grow and fall, it is just a normal state.

This idea of ​​birth and death of nature is also a powerful idea.

Xu Ziqing suddenly understood something.

Senior Brother's sword intent is pure, and this kind of idea of ​​his is also very pure.

When the purity reaches the extreme, it will get rid of the harassment of the seven emotions.

The so-called life has joys and sorrows, and death also has joys and sorrows, but looking at the cycle of life and death, it is ruthless to see joys and sorrows.

Between Xu Ziqing's eyebrows, there is a ray of cyan light that is flickering.

There was not much ruthlessness in him, only a hint of it.

He didn't have much killing intent, still only a trace.

Xu Ziqing has stayed by Yun Lie's side for a long time, and his body has long been stained with a slaying meaning belonging to Yun Lie, and also a sharp meaning belonging to Yun Lie's sword.

At this time, he wanted to use this killing intent to polish his ruthless intent, and condense this sharp intent into his own technique.

Gradually, the blue light in Xu Ziqing's eyebrows became purer and brighter.

His whole body also began to have a strange aura, spreading in all directions!

Beyond the giant tree.

Under the martial arts stage, many monks who were at a loss found that a subtle change had taken place in a giant tree. On the martial arts stage, Du Linglong also twisted her body, raised her fists, and jumped towards the giant tree!

On the high platform, Qiu Ze and the others were extremely surprised.

Because they found that in that giant tree, there was clearly an aura similar to that of the body, which belonged to the real person of Jindan, the ruthless and cold murderous aura!

But Yun Lie was clearly beside him, and he didn't make a move at all. Why did his breath appear on the stage?

There is no doubt that the breath is emitted by Xu Ziqing.

But how could Xu Ziqing's aura be so similar to Yun Lie?

Even the real person Qiu He showed a somewhat surprised expression.

Du Linglong's fist did not reach, but the giant tree suddenly burst.

A cyan figure jumped out of it and landed a short distance away.

Du Linglong turned around and saw Xu Ziqing standing there quietly.

In Xu Ziqing's body, there is an ethereal murderous aura, which seems to belong to Xu Ziqing, but also doesn't seem to belong to him.

This murderous aura gave Du Linglong a very dangerous feeling.

But when she tried to find the source of the breath, she found that the breath came from Xu Ziqing's eyebrows.

Du Linglong saw that at the center of Xu Ziqing's eyebrows, a cyan light was spitting out, as if something was nurturing.

She even had a feeling that when that thing was really conceived, it would bring her a great threat!

Du Linglong never wanted to let that thing come out, so she threw her fist again and immediately thirteen punches in a row!

This is a series of positive and negative seven killing punches, so that all kinds of killing boxing methods are used forward and backward, and you can't resist!

But she was still a step too late.

With a sound of "hum", a cyan thread came out from Xu Ziqing's eyebrows. It went forward without a hitch, with an extremely sharp meaning.

Du Linglong didn't have time to stop her, and the blue thread pierced her shoulder.

She didn't even feel pain, only felt a numbness swept through her body instantly, and then she lost all consciousness.

Under the martial arts stage, everyone could see it clearly.

Du Linglong started from the shoulder socket, and at the moment when the blue light circulated, his whole body was turned into wood.

She turned into a woodcarving beauty.

In an instant, the entire martial arts field was silent!

Chapter 161 Big Competition⑧

"Then, what the hell is that!"

"I didn't see it clearly!"

"Such a move is hard to resist!"

After a moment of silence, the monks were in a commotion.

Some Jindan real people in the field could see it clearly, but there was also a little surprise on their faces.

This Xu Ziqing seemed to have touched something, but it was faster than they thought.

Xu Ziqing, in the form of a foundation-building cultivator, has used a trace of Jindan Zhenren's ruthless killing sword energy, how powerful it must be! No wonder so many

The monks of the same level are unbelievable.

The battle was not over yet, and it was impossible for Du Linglong to admit defeat at this time. The youth in Tsing Yi stood on the martial arts stage and raised his hand to hit a green cord. The Qingsuo swept away, wrapped around the waist of the woodcarved beauty, and sent her directly under the martial arts platform, letting her stand firmly.

This really gave Du Linglong a face, and didn't beat her down and make her humiliated.

Du Linglong had just been escorted off the stage, and many monks jumped down from another high platform and came to her side, wanting to expel her spells and return her true colors.

But what is surprising is that even those masters who were cultivated in the Yuanyuan period only found that the surface of Du Linglong's body was covered with wood grains, and there was a sound when he tapped it lightly, but there was no gap, and he couldn't penetrate the real essence.

Among the many people who jumped down, there was Du Zihui.

There was nothing he could do, and he cast his angry eyes on the people on the stage.

At this time, it was obviously Xu Ziqing who had won. When he received Du Zihui's attention, instead of being angry, he felt that this person was very affectionate. The two of them have the same surname as Du, and they must be relatives. If relatives are hurt, it is natural to be angry. If they are not angry, they have a cold temperament.

Xu Ziqing had no intention of embarrassing a woman, he opened his mouth slightly and took a breath.

There was a thin line of blue light bursting out from Du Linglong's shoulder, and she turned back!

Xu Ziqing raised his palm and slowly pushed it away.

He saw the azure light floating in front of his palm, quiet and obedient, and at the same time it also contained an unparalleled might.

It was only at this time that everyone saw clearly that it was a needle.

A needle that is only one inch long, as thin as a cow's hair, is blue all over its body, and the tip of the needle is flashing a little bit, it seems to have great explosive power, very sharp, once it is shot, it is unstoppable!

With a flick of Xu Ziqing's finger, the green needle suddenly moved and fell into his eyebrows.

This is what he has gained into the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and he will use his mind to constantly discuss.

Then he flew up and returned to the high platform.

On the high platform, all the monks were full of joy and welcomed his return.

Luo Yao and Xu Ziqing are familiar with each other, so congratulations first: "Ziqing has improved his skills this time, it's really gratifying!"

He has also estimated that no matter how many magic talismans he uses, he will not be able to resist the blow just now.

Unless he waits for him to reach the Yuanyuan period, he runs the spiritual talisman with a profound cultivation base, or if he needs to make the cultivation base reach the golden elixir period and condense the treasure talisman, it will be possible to block it.

But this should also be limited to the base that this friend of his own has no progress.

When Qiu Ze and the others saw it, they also rejoiced.

Xu Ziqing thanked him one by one, but was stopped by Master Qiuhe.

Master Qiuhe asked, "Ziqing, would you like to show it to your master?"

Xu Ziqing sat down, stretched out his fingers and drew between his eyebrows, pulled out a thin needle, and said to Master Qiuhe, "Master, please check."

Zhenren Qiuhe heard the sound of the wind breaking through the air, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab it, his palm bursting out with a thick color of true essence, full of the smell of earth.

The fine needle was very sharp. After it pierced into the real essence of color, although it was stuck by it, it struggled for a while, and then it gradually stopped and stopped shaking.

Immortal Qiu He looked a little surprised: "What a domineering technique, Ziqing, if I'm not mistaken, Yun'er's murderous aura is quenched on the tip of the needle?"

Xu Ziqing nodded: "It is precisely with the help of my brother's freezing mood that I can condense this needle. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be defeated by Miss Du." Having said this, he turned his head to Xiang Yun. Lie smiled and said, "I would like to thank senior brother for his daily teaching."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Your needle is not bad."

Xu Ziqing's smile deepened, and his heart was also very happy.

Reality Qiuhe was very pleased to see the two of them like this, and said with a smile: "Between the same sect, we should help each other. Your brother takes care of you, it is his duty, otherwise I will let you in vain. Are you staying with him?"

Xu Ziqing also smiled: "Master's words are very true, in the future I will ask for more advice from senior brother."

Xu is due to the gradual changes in his mood. Now, when he is facing Shizun and senior brother, he will occasionally make fun of him, showing a little bit of a boyish temperament.

Zhenren Qiuhe looked at the fine needle for a moment, and didn't say much, then returned it to his disciple, without saying what the mystery was in the needle.

Just as Xu Ziqing was about to put him between his eyebrows, he felt a force coming from behind him, sweeping him away. He was startled, and immediately aware of this familiar power, he relaxed and let it take him.

Sure enough, the next moment, he sat opposite Yun Lie.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly and said, "Senior brother called me, but do you have something to teach me?"

He thought to himself, wouldn't it be because of the smirk that made his senior brother angry?

Yun Lie is indeed not such a stingy person, he only said: "Sacrifice the needle and temper it again."

Xu Ziqing was naturally very obedient, and immediately did not retract the green needle, but just stretched out a little bit to let it float between the two of them, faintly emitting blue brilliance.

Yun Lie flicked his fingers and shattered the sharp murderous aura at the tip of the needle.

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