Xu Ziqing also took the letter talisman and went back to the high platform.

But he didn't see that another person flew over with a sword and landed directly in front of the black-clothed Si Xing.


The black-clothed minister raised his head and saw his friend coming: "Taihe, why are you here?"

The white-haired boy with a childish face opened his mouth to take the flying sword, and said with a smile, "The place I supervise is over, and I came to see you, why, doesn't Brother Wing like it?"

Zeng Yi had a firm expression at first, but at this time, he was a little helpless when he heard someone call him: "Don't laugh, you shouldn't leave your post without permission, if you are found, you are afraid of punishment."

Yuan Taihe smiled disdainfully: "I'll just supervise the murders in Bidou, and the other matters will not be under my control. Besides, I will leave the Black Dragon Order, which can record all traces of inappropriateness. If you want to remove the Hundred People's Congress Those who are more qualified, even if they make trouble and annoy me, just arrest them in the execution hall, and don’t let those unruly people be lonely!”

Zeng Yi had always known that this friend was acting recklessly, so he didn't persuade him much.

After Yuan Taihe said those words, he suddenly said again: "I heard that Yun Lie's precious junior brother is fighting with you, but is it true?"

Zeng Yi nodded: "That's right." He didn't hesitate, his eyes moved to a certain direction.

Yuan Taihe smiled and looked at it, and then he raised his eyebrows: "Sure enough, Yun Lie is also there. His junior brother has been in school for less than a year, so I don't know how good he is?"

Zeng Yi's eyes flickered, and he said bluntly, "Don't underestimate Xu Ziqing, he has already qualified for the Hundred People Competition."

Yuan Taihe was surprised: "That kid just broke through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment a few months ago, so he can get this qualification?" He frowned and said, "I think he has a docile temperament, how can he have such a powerful spirit in the competition? !"

Zeng Yi thought for a while, and said, "When Xu Ziqing first came to power, he was only in the middle stage of foundation-building, but a set of swordsmanship was still a little hot. Besides, he must have been taken to practice swordsmanship. , that breath is somewhat familiar to me."

Yuan Taihe's expression became subtle: "He went to the sword... It seems that Yun Lie is really good to him."

Zeng Yi nodded: "More than that, Xu Ziqing seems to have been to the Devil's Cave. There are occasional shadows of fighting the Devil's between moves. He is not well-cultivated. If he went to the Devil's Cave at that time, he would definitely be accompanied by Yun Lie."

Yuan Taihe's expression became more correct: "Just like that, it's not enough to rank in the top ten."

Zeng Yi said, "When Xu Ziqing was performing martial arts competitions, he met Du Linglong of Feixian Peak. With his Linglong Seven Killing Fist, he actually imitated Yun Lie's swordsmanship and tempered a kind of supernatural power." He frowned, hesitated a little, and then added, "But it's not necessarily a supernatural power, he sacrificed a green needle from his flesh and blood, and gathered his understanding and will on it. ."

When Yuan Taihe heard this, his mind was really solemn.

If it were a magic weapon, if it was sacrificed and refined from flesh and blood, it would probably be equivalent to the magic weapon of life, so let's not talk about that. If it is magical, it is a little scary.

The so-called magical powers are people who practice magic techniques, and they are made by smelting the understanding of many techniques that they have learned. They can be taught by teachers or they can be understood by themselves. The latter is more suitable for their own cultivation than the former, and their strength is also extremely high. qiáng is big. It can be said that it is the essence of magic. In magic, its status is comparable to the sword intent of sword cultivation.

Do not see that there are many supernatural powers that are not as powerful as Sword Intent, and supernatural powers are easier to understand than Sword Intent, but firstly, even if they are easy, they are only relatively simple, not really simple; secondly, not all supernatural powers are invincible to Sword Intent , There are high and low sword intents, as well as supernatural powers. Many supernatural powers are only prototypes at the beginning, and with the growth of cultivation, they can be more perfect and more powerful. After that, there are not a few who have the latter better than the former; At first glance, I have realized and condensed the magical power, but it may not be able to completely control the magical power, and it is extremely difficult to use.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the cultivation base often has to reach the Jindan stage before condensing the supernatural powers. Now if Xu Ziqing has only such a cultivation base, it will be condensed... How can it not be shocking!

But now Yuan Taihe is not sure whether that green needle is a magic weapon...or is it the prototype of supernatural powers? So he said, "Brother Wing, what do you think?"

Zeng Yi thought for a moment and said, "It's neither an illegal treasure nor a supernatural power. I think this thing is somewhere in between."

Yuan Taihe froze for a while, then smiled and said, "You are very reasonable."

Zeng Yi nodded: "Xu Ziqing used the battle to support the battle and made another breakthrough. Now he is a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building."

Yuan Taihe sighed and said, "That's not surprising."

Having said this, he couldn't help but look there again.

Before, he just probed for Yun Lie's trace, but now he really went to see that Xu Ziqing. That's just a weak young man, gentle and submissive, could it be that he really has that kind of talent?

Now he is really curious.


Xu Ziqing returned to the high platform and naturally sat cross-legged again.

He had seen those nine people on the Black Dragon Stage before, no matter whether they were male or female, each of them was extraordinary. When it comes to the 100-man competition, if he wants to win the ranking, he will definitely meet the people among them, and together with the masters in the other nine martial arts fields, it will definitely be another hard fight.

Imagine that there are more than one million inner disciples in the Wuling Xianmen, among which there are the most disciples in the foundation-building stage, and this battle is also the longest. To be able to stand out among the hundreds of thousands of foundation-building disciples, what an extraordinary talent, and I don't know how many means to press the bottom of the box!

Xu Ziqing didn't dare to have luck in his heart, and he wouldn't take it lightly.

However, when he was doing the work, he suddenly felt something.

Xu Ziqing only felt that someone was spying, that divine sense

Sweeping it away, although there is no malice in it, it has already made him horrified and caused a lot of discomfort.

He knew that this was the reason why he had made great progress in cultivation and became more sensitive, but he was also a little curious, so he followed it.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing was slightly startled.

That divine sense clearly came from the Black Dragon Stage, and on that stage, in addition to the punishment in black, there was also a young monk with white hair and a childish face. The divine consciousness did not come from the chief criminal, but the young cultivator.


Thinking back carefully, Xu Ziqing couldn't remember that he had ever seen that person, and naturally he didn't know that he had already spied on him when he broke through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment earlier.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at Yun Lie: "Senior brother, do you recognize them?"

If he didn't know him, but was interested in him, it would probably have something to do with his senior brother.

As a Jindan cultivator, Yun Lie has naturally already noticed it, but as long as others don't have evil thoughts or killing thoughts, he has no psychological understanding and turns a blind eye.

Now that he was asked, he replied, "Zeng Yi is in charge of the sixth seat, and Yuan Taihe is in charge of the nine seat."

Xu Ziqing laughed: "Senior brother can remember his two names, presumably their strength is very extraordinary."

He has known his senior brother for many years, and he has some understanding of him.

If senior brother didn't see it, he wouldn't remember the names of others.

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "If these two can go further, there is a 50% chance of comprehending the sword intent."

Xu Ziqing suddenly understood, and smiled: "Since you haven't understood the sword intent, you will definitely not be your brother's opponent."

No wonder the senior brother remembers that half of the people who hope to understand the sword intent are also sword cultivators with great potential. However, if the senior brother has not yet achieved the golden core, under the suppression of the realm, the senior brother's sword intent may not be able to take them, but the senior brother has already made a breakthrough. No matter how these two people enter the realm in the future, they will surely not be able to catch up with the realm of senior brothers.

Thinking of this, he felt sympathetic.

Chapter 164 Big Competition?

Each of the ten martial arts venues will have their own competitions, and the time for the end will not be too different. Not long after, all the competitions in each martial arts venue have been completed, and the places for the hundred-person competition have also been determined.

Xu Ziqing sat on the stage, only to feel the vitality rolling in all directions, and under the pressure of the vastness, he turned out to be unable to move, and was suddenly shocked.

Just at this moment, there was a sound transmission of divine consciousness, cold and familiar, it was Yun Lie.

Just listen to Yun Lie's voice transmission: "Don't panic."

Xu Ziqing felt a little calm in his heart, but he couldn't help but ask, "Senior Brother Yun, what's going on?"

Yun Lie said, "Just change the venue."

Sure enough, the next moment, I saw the surrounding majestic stone walls slammed into smoke, and the surroundings were immediately unobstructed, and the field of vision became wider.

There are countless martial arts platforms around, densely spreading to the distance, I am afraid there are not thousands or tens of thousands.

Each martial arts platform is very tall, and there are many high platforms around. There are Jindan real people entrenched on it, and there are also many disciples of the Yuan Dynasty and the Foundation period, sitting and standing around each high platform.

It can be described as a sea of ​​people, countless.

However, compared to before the competition, there were a lot less, because many people in the competition were injured and could not continue to watch the competition.

Before everyone could look at the other people on the martial arts platform, those martial arts platforms actually moved!

It was as if an invisible giant hand pulled them to one place and kneaded them together.

In an instant, everyone could only hear the continuous sound of "rumbling", and the situation in front of them was turned upside down, and great changes had taken place!

However, in just a few breaths, thousands of martial arts platforms were pinched together, leaving only fifty taller and wider platforms standing between heaven and earth.

Those high platforms were extremely hard and solid, and seemed indestructible.

This is the battle platform for the Hundred People Competition!

Only then did Xu Ziqing understand it, and he was very calm, and immediately was amazed.

They are still trapped in the fifth martial arts arena, which is about to compete. It turns out that the arena is to be replaced at this time, and there is such a sign.

However, I don't know who made the shot, and it's really amazing to be so generous!

He also thought that when the monks in the foundation building period and the metamorphosis period competed, they would all be in the martial arts arena. Now that there are experts who have shaped the martial arts platform into such a shape, it must be divided up after the competition of hundreds of people. What? But after a second thought, he thought, he felt that such a troublesome thing, in the eyes of the expert, it seemed that it could be done easily with just a few steps, and it really shouldn't be a big fuss.

Not to mention what Xu Ziqing thought, after the completion of the fifty battle platforms, he felt a sense of relief in his whole body.

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