In mid-air, ten black dragons stretched their bodies, stretching for no less than hundreds of miles, and ten black puppets, each with a black-clothed prisoner on its back, circled brazenly.

These ten black-clothed criminals all have at least the cultivation level of the middle stage of Jindan. Their swords are strong, sweeping all directions. Act rashly!

Because Xu Ziqing was among the hundred people, after the battle platform was built, the real person Qiu He took action and moved the high platform they were on to a place closer to the battle platform.

However, before the Great Hundred People Competition began, he suddenly noticed that there were two malicious eyes falling on his back - who is it?

Xu Ziqing turned back suddenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

It's actually Li Cai!

The Li Cai at this time was very different from the one he had seen before. Although he still had a gloomy complexion and a dark temperament, the aura around him was ten times greater than when he recruited his disciples! The little bit of power that occasionally overflows, although it has not reached the Yuanyuan period, it is definitely at the peak of the late foundation establishment!

With his aptitude, it is really unusual to have such an entry.

What made Xu Ziqing even more surprised was that this Li Cai was also squeezed into the 100-person contest.

Along the way, he naturally knew how much energy it would take to get to this point. How could Li Cai, a man with an unstable temperament and bullying others, have such means? It's unbelievable.

But the next moment, Xu Ziqing calmed down.

No matter how unbelievable it is, the fact is the fact. No matter what method Li Cai uses, since he can enter, Xu Ziqing will overthrow his previous impression of Li Cai and change his mentality.

Otherwise, if he accidentally underestimated the enemy and lost to Li Cai, he would be very unwilling.

Xu Ziqing and Li Cai's eyes met, Li Cai was still so resentful, Xu Ziqing's thoughts turned a hundred times, but with a slight smile on his face, he turned back. He knew very well that the more he understated it, the more angry and hated Li Cai's temperament became, and it was considered a small revenge.

Really, Li Cai's eyes were even more hateful, as if he wanted to burn Xu Ziqing's back.

The old god Xu Ziqing was there, but he didn't notice it.

Soon the ten black dragons sprayed out black lotts, which fell into the hands of every cultivator who participated in the competition, and wrote their opponents in the first round of the competition.

Xu Ziqing raised his eyebrows when he received the signature.

Things are always so ingenious, his opponent is Li Cai.

Xu Ziqing smiled, then turned his head and asked: "Senior Brother Yun, you mentioned before that Li Cai and the others were locked up in the water prison, and they will not be released until before the competition. , how could he have made such progress and still get a place in the Hundred People Competition?" He said here, his voice muttered, as if to himself, "And in the first round of competition, he was with me as an 'enemy'. 'It was a coincidence that we met..."

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved, and he said slowly, "If the ancestor of Bliss intervenes."

Xu Ziqing smiled without saying a word.

Indeed, it would not be difficult to release Li Cai earlier if the Bliss Ancestor intervened. And in this 100-person competition, everyone is a leader, and everyone has a real knife and a real gun, and whoever encounters someone... it doesn't matter.

There will always be someone who will sell Yuan Ying's ancestors a face, isn't it?

Soon, the competition of 100 people began. After the black sign was handed in, the hundreds of heroes did not hesitate and jumped up one after another, escaping to the fifty battle stages, facing their opponents from a distance.

The battle platform was several times larger than the Yanwu platform, and when I stood on it, I felt that I was insignificant.

When Li Cai arrived on the stage, with a flick of his right hand, a fire dragon flew out, stepping on his head with his feet, holding the fire dragon's horns in his hands, and wearing a set of blue-green armor, he looked majestic and imposing.

His whole body was full of real energy, sometimes hot, sometimes icy cold, sometimes violent, sometimes turbulent, and all kinds of breaths, just one touch, he would feel deep water and unbearable pain.

Li Cai's true essence has actually formed a Tai Chi wheel that complements water and fire, which makes the blazing heat and the ice cold come instead. No matter what kind of exercises he uses, they all complement each other and are effortless!

I don't know what kind of exercises he has practiced, but there is no doubt that it is extremely powerful!

Xu Ziqing stood quietly, looking at Li Cai, who was now fierce and flaming, and his mind changed.

If that's the case, it's no wonder that he was able to enter the Great Hundred People Competition.

...and really can't underestimate him.

As soon as the thought moved, Xu Ziqing's feet also glowed with a strong blue light.

Those rays of light quickly changed into countless leaves, vines, and grasses, which were woven together visibly to the naked eye, and vaguely condensed into the shape of a long dragon.

Soon, the outline of the long dragon became clearer and thicker, and in the blink of an eye, an emerald green flying dragon was formed, carrying his master and slowly raising its head.

Xu Ziqing, who was in Tsing Yi, seemed to have become one with the giant dragon, and also stood on the dragon's head, confronting Li Cai, who was riding on the fire dragon, from a distance.

Li Cai's expression changed, and his eyes soon became more sinister.

Repeatedly being swept away by Xu Ziqing made him feel deeply aggrieved. And the failure and suffering of the second senior brother made him offend the senior brothers who had always defended him, and his status was shaken. Not to mention that the time he was imprisoned in the water dungeon was a pain that he had never endured, who was used to being pampered.

Therefore, his resentment towards Xu Ziqing has gathered into a will, which has caused him to endure a lot of pain, and has also achieved his current result.

Li Cai got his current cultivation base, and he was angry with him.

Hate is related, and it is inseparable from his direct ancestor.

Since he was rescued from the water prison by the ancestor, the second senior brother immediately retreated after giving him a hard look. He himself was reprimanded by the ancestor, sweating and trembling.

Fortunately, although the ancestor was angry at him this time, he was only angry at his strength. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his attitude. He also praised him for being able to think about the senior brother, and even the second senior brother was also an enemy. However, it didn't really give up on him. Later, the ancestor heard that he was going to fight with Xu Ziqing in the big competition, and finally made a capital to improve his strength.

Li Cai took the rebirth pill given by the ancestors, which is extremely precious and can only be used once in a person's life. It can not only temper the cultivator's body, remove impurities, but also seal a root of miscellaneous spirits, thus creating the effect of "pseudo-double spirit roots" for Li Cai.

The dual spiritual roots left behind are the water and fire dual spiritual roots, and they are just like thick lines. This originally limited his aptitude, but under the masterful hand of the old ancestor, it became his advantage - the old ancestor He taught him a "Water and Fire Homogeneous Dafa", which is a high-grade practice method of Xuanjie, and its power is infinite.

Although it was difficult for monks in the foundation-building period to understand such high-level exercises, the ancestors insisted on putting the understanding of this exercise into Li Cai's sea of ​​knowledge and let him learn it directly. Although this can't make him master it to perfection, it is enough for his current cultivation.

Afterwards, the ancestor of Bliss even used the Dafa of Initiation, and sent a hundred years of true essence into Li Cai's body, controlled his body, and gave him Qiáng to elevate his cultivation to the peak of the late foundation-building stage!

Not to mention, the ancestors also gave Li Cai a lot of magic weapons and protective things, and it was like equipping him from the inside out to be airtight. With the blessings of these many halos, Li Cai can only hold on to the present and participate in the Hundred People Competition!

It was only at this point that it was extremely difficult for Li Cai to use his magic weapon to sprint upwards. In order to avoid encountering a difficult opponent, so that he could not face Xu Ziqing, the ancestors used the means to let Li Cai in the first round. At that time, he fought with Xu Ziqing.

Therefore, Li Cai was full of hatred and the experience he had gained in many previous battles, so he wanted to give Xu Ziqing a hard blow!

Chapter 165 Big Competition?

When Xu Ziqing treated Li Cai, it was "not a speculative sentence." No matter how resentful he was, he would just treat it as a breeze and didn't care.

Seeing him like this, Li Cai couldn't help but take the lead! As soon as he raised his hand, there were two rays of light in his palm, one red and one blue, which were the pair of Langya rings.

Originally, Li Caixiu couldn't keep up with him, but now he has the late stage of foundation establishment, which is the most suitable for Langyahuan.

One of his palms is azure blue and the other is fiery red. It is precisely to divide the true essence into two sides, the profound meaning of Taiji, to separate the two diametrically opposed wills of water and fire, and manipulate Langhuan and Yahuan respectively.

As soon as Langya Huan was in the air, he instantly transformed into millions, and turned into countless red and blue shadows that covered the sky and covered the earth, and smashed towards Xu Ziqing!

The Biqing Grass Dragon is very large, so the target is obvious, and many of them easily hit its body. In an instant, wherever it was hit, it was burnt black or weak, and it suffered a lot of damage.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing sank slightly.

When he fought against these Langya rings before, they never made such a change!

However, Xu Ziqing was not panicking. For a while on his right arm, a black steel and wooden sword entered his palm.

Immediately, chūn weathered the rain, and countless blue qi turned into boundless filaments, spreading all over the air, both soft and lingering. The countless shadows that have changed are like fish caught in the net, and they all plunged into the lingering whispers of these jiāo woven fabrics, stuck and pulled, and the momentum of hitting and colliding gradually slowed down.

That Li Cai laughed coldly, and slapped two finger gestures with his fingers. In an instant, countless ring images disappeared, leaving only a pair of rings floating in front of him, and he didn't fall into the rain net at all. !

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly. When the tip of the sword trembled, the filaments in the sky dissipated immediately. He stood extremely steady, and his mentality was also very stable.

Since Xu Ziqing was not angry, Li Cai was naturally angry.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Li Cai's eyes, and he slapped Langya ring again.

The next moment, Langya Huan became the size of a wheel, spewing fire and water outward.

The water and fire condensed in the air, and instantly turned into two birds, each of which was several feet long.

The pair of birds were very ferocious, and they only showed their bodies, and they leaned down. One sharp claw was like a hook, grabbing Xu Ziqing's head fiercely, and the other long beak was like steel, quickly stabbing Xu Ziqing's heart. , are all vicious!

Where could Xu Ziqing be easily caught by them?

He just raised his hand and retracted the steel-wood sword. A steel-wood appeared in both hands at the same time, which quickly turned into two black cords in the wind. With a wave of his arm, they wrapped around the necks of the two birds respectively!

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