Although this scene seems to be different, it seems to be a replay of the previous battle between the two.

Li Cai still used the Langya Ring, and the power of the Langya Ring was ten times stronger than before, but at the same time, Xu Ziqing also softened the steel and wood into a rope. The rope was ten times more tenacious than before under the infusion of True Yuan.

Therefore, in one face-to-face, the two birds have been tied by their necks, struggling fiercely in the air while ramming!

Xu Ziqing held one in each hand, but he never let them break free!

Li Cai's eyes were fierce, and he opened his mouth and spat out a bead.

That bead is about the size of a fist, and Jin Cancan is so cute!

Its usefulness, however, is anything but cute.

As soon as this bead appeared, it violently hit Xu Ziqing in the face.

If it is smashed, Xu Ziqing's face will probably be smashed into a hole. At that time, instead of his handsome face, he will have a "remnant face" with fleshy bones.

Li Cai hated Xu Ziqing and wanted to destroy this little white face.

Xu Ziqing had to control the birds with both hands, so he should not have been able to let go.

If this is the case, wouldn't it really be necessary to eat a piece of it alive?

Under the battle stage, many cultivators could not bear to stare, thinking that they were about to see blood.

In particular, there are many beautiful female nuns, each of them is regretful.

It is rare that this young man Xu Zi is not good-looking, and his bearing is also very extraordinary. This face was injured by a magic weapon. Even if it is repaired in the future, it will always be a big embarrassment in front of many monks.

Not to mention the other side, if someone sees Xu Ziqing in the future, the first thing they think of will not be "good handsome young man", but will be the holey face that was smashed out, isn't it too embarrassing?

Xu Ziqing saw Zhu Zi coming, but she was not as frightened as others expected, but instead smiled slightly.

After that, he didn't see how he moved, and the black rope held by both hands suddenly shrank back, causing the two birds to quickly retract as well.

In the blink of an eye, the golden beads were about to hit the front, and the two birds actually blocked Xu Ziqing's front at the critical moment!

With a loud bang, the golden bead smashed onto the Firebird's head, smashing it into pieces, turning into countless anger, and flying in all directions. And the golden beads did not slow down, and the momentum reached to the water bird behind. Xu Ziqing's arm moved slightly, and the water bird's body was crooked, and it also pressed its head against the golden bead, turning into a stream of water and rushing around.

After resisting twice in a row, Jin Zhu's momentum has disappeared, and the light has dimmed a lot.

However, Xu Ziqing jumped to grab it, took the golden pearl into his hand, and probed into the divine sense.

Sure enough, with Li Cai's current spiritual consciousness, he could not control many magic weapons at all. In a short period of time, if he wanted to be able to use them, he would often have to pour his spiritual consciousness into it and recognize the master by dripping blood.

Xu Ziqing's spiritual sense surpassed Li Cai a lot, but after erasing his spiritual sense and pouring out that little bit of blood, Jin Zhu cut off contact with Li Cai.

From blocking the golden beads to snatching the golden beads, it was completed in the blink of an eye. Before Li Cai could react, he realized that he had lost contact with Jin Zhu, and his face was ashen with anger.

His voice was sharp and he shouted sharply: "Xu Ziqing, you return my magic weapon!"

After shouting, Langya Shuanghuan flew back and slid into his wrists.

Immediately, Li Cai clenched his hands into fists, and there was a strong wind on his fists, with raging fire, cold water, and vertical and horizontal airflow. He had already abandoned the fire dragon, jumped away, and rushed towards Xu Ziqing!

At this time, where does he still have fun thinking before, he just wants to beat Xu Ziqing into a cripple, in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

Seeing his impulsiveness, Xu Ziqing only found it funny: "You seem to have a high level of cultivation now, but in fact you have a lot of weaknesses, the exercises and breath are not round, and although there are many magic weapons, there are very few people who can really control them. I just hope you hit me a few more times so that you can collect all your magic weapons and save me a fortune."

While he was so sarcastic, he did not take it lightly.

Li Cai's fist is indeed a vast fist, and the water, fire and air flow are woven together, forming a blasting force in the middle. Once used, I am afraid it will be earth-shattering.

However, Xu Ziqing was not afraid.

If it is a monk of the same level who has acquired this boxing technique step by step, Xu Ziqing is afraid that he will feel a little dangerous, but although this Li Cai looks huge, in fact, he can't completely merge the two airflows, so the blasting power, Also very limited.

If these powers were used against an ordinary disciple from the inner sect, they would probably stun them, but when they met Xu Ziqing, they would be completely useless.

Xu Ziqing stood up with his sword and let Li Cai stand on top of Caolong's head, and the two fought like this. However, Xu Ziqing did not meet Li Cai's attack directly, but swam around him for a while. It is impossible to burst the fist intent. However, although Xu Ziqing didn't suffer, there was still a fire dragon in the back, eager to spit fire at any time, so that Li Cai would be swept away.

It's a pity that although the fire dragon is good, it is only a magic weapon. After Li Cai used the boxing technique, he could not manipulate it arbitrarily. Xu Ziqing took a loop, and turned to control the gold beads at will, and broke it up for Qiáng Xing!

Li Cai hated Xu Ziqing so much that he wanted to take it back again when he saw the gold bead being let go by him. However, although Xu Ziqing was not as good as refining the gold bead, he just thought he was a brick, but he moved faster than Li Cai. I saw that he was shaking the sleeve of his robe, and he took Jinzhu back into the sleeve!

So Jin Zhu was originally Li Cai's treasure, but he used Xu Ziqing three times to smash Li Cai's several tricks. one's strength.

With Li Cai's fists, bào's fierce intent rose up. He relied on his own set of body armor to wear, so he didn't care about it, and only exploded his fist intent!

He shouted, "Xu Ziqing, go to hell!"

The meaning of water and fire forms a tai chi, which rotates in circles, and the two extreme wills in it briefly merge, giving birth to a powerful force.

Xu Ziqing kept walking and retreated again and again, but his eyes were staring at this dangerous mass of water and fire Tai Chi, looking for its weakness.

Yes, Li Cai's foundation is unstable, and there are actually many flaws.

In the core of water and fire tai chi, there are many wills that are free and cannot be merged, and those that are fused are not very well-behaved. The outside is wrapped with a large number of water and fire wills that are mutually exclusive, but they are slowly merging little by little. Increase explosive power.

But how could Xu Ziqing let it continue to grow like this?

As soon as he picked up his sword, he stabbed the weakest and most repulsive part of it, using the "Hidden Character Art" to hide the aura of the sword, and silently cut away the will of water and fire.

Just like a thread, the will of water and fire was constantly weakened and removed, Xu Ziqing's figure was like a blue electric light, surrounding the water and fire Tai Chi, and the wind was as elusive.

People outside the field can only see countless sword lights flying by, and it seems that a sword cocoon is formed between the entanglements, which is shocking!

Soon, the water and fire tai chi became smaller and smaller, and the blasting power that had been brewing in it lost the possibility of being more aggressive due to the loss of the outer will.

The whole process took only one breath, Xu Ziqing's body stopped suddenly, and the last remaining water, fire and tai chi were also close at hand——

Xu Ziqing put away his long sword, and with a clear whistle in his mouth, a blue cord burst out of his palm, wrapped around the water and fire Tai Chi, and threw it into the sky!

"Bang——" After the roar, Qingsuo turned into smoke.

At the same time, the water and fire Tai Chi also dissipated without a trace, leaving only a gust of wind that was hot and cold, which rolled up Xu Ziqing's robe sleeves, and the wind roared.

Chapter 166 Big Competition?

Xu Ziqing's ability to easily defeat Li Cai's tricks made the people in the audience heave a sigh of relief.

I saw that in the crowd of about ten feet or so outside the battle stage, there were two cultivators standing tall, one in red and the other in purple, watching the battle on the stage.

Among them, the shorter one has a beautiful face, bright eyes and longing, and his long black hair is also standing up high, which seems to have a different look.

The other stood with his hands behind his back, his skin was as white as snow, and his whole body looked like a figure made out of snow. There was no trace of blood, but there was a fire pattern between his eyebrows, which seemed to contain boundless flames, scorching hot, breath and appearance. Very inconsistent, yet seems very natural.

Both of them are characters with excellent looks and bearing, but they are hidden in the crowd for some reason, but few people can find them, as if they were hidden by something.

That beautiful young man was the one who breathed a sigh of relief, and another beautiful young man glanced at him lightly and said, "You must have come to see that old friend, can you rest assured now?"

The beautiful young man smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Ziqing has made great progress again, which makes me worry for nothing. If I see you next time, I have to ask him to invite me for a drink!"

If Xu Ziqing heard it, he would naturally be able to recognize that this beautiful young man in red was the young master of the Sanctuary Alliance, Su Xin, who had come with him all the way from the small world.

I just heard the beautiful young man say: "Although you two have offended the Bliss Patriarch, but he has practiced the exercises well, and there are two Jindan real people who give advice, so you don't need to worry about the future. I am God Fire Peak, but it is only the named disciple of the master, and we need to work harder in order to win the eyes of the master, and it is better to become a direct disciple as soon as possible."

When Su Xin heard it, he smiled: "Thank you, Senior Brother Qi, for your suggestion. Su Xin understands that since Su Xin entered the mountain, he has been taken care of by Senior Brother Duo Meng.

The beautiful young man nodded slightly, and then his tone softened: "But don't worry, now you are laying the foundation again, and when you can achieve it, I will speak for you in front of the master, and then it will become a personal biography. Disciple, you will be able to learn "Shen Huo Dafa", and it will not be worse than your old friend."

He said with a sigh, and his voice became lower: "You and I are in ordinary encounters, and we were both blessed by misfortune and were admitted to Shenhuo Peak. Now that I have been practicing for a while, you should catch up, no matter how tolerant you are now. It's just for the sake of letting out a sigh of relief in the future. If you have enemies, you can't always rely on the protection of your ancestors, or you should rely on your own cultivation to settle down, and that's what my generation of immortals should do."

Su Xin listened to his warning, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and between his eyebrows, a touch of enthusiasm lingered, which was also a sign of anger.

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