And now this stone house is the ancestral hall of the clan, and if there is a clan meeting, it will all be held here.

The stone house is larger than the previous one where Li Xingba was located, and there is a painting with an ancient and clumsy line directly behind it, which depicts a huge tomorrow. In the midst of tomorrow, there will be another human figure with a strange appearance, very agile, and it is the appearance of the true god of the Li family.

In front of the painting, there is another statue, its shape is lifelike, the size and lines are exactly the same as that of the true god in the back.

Just one glance, it seems to be able to suck people in, and if you look at it for a second, it seems to be swallowed.

It's shocking!

Xu Ziqing didn't dare to look at it any more. Although his resolve was firm, his aura was his aura, and he was strong and strong. The coercion emanating from the cultivators came through the painted paintings and statues, so it would be better not to pull with them.

He looked at other places in the room and saw two rows of large chairs on the left and right. The first dozen or so were red-backed chairs, and all the back were black-backed chairs. There are incense tables, futons, and a particularly solemn wooden chair with a backrest under the painted paintings. When they are displayed, they all reveal an ancient connotation, which makes people respectful and dare not be frivolous.

Li Xingba sat directly on the first red-backed chair in his right hand, and then greeted Xu Ziqing and others to sit at his start, while Li Qingyuan was a junior, but he was not qualified to sit down in such a scene.

In less than half an hour, many old men with amazing breath came in, each of which was above the Tribulation Realm.

A rough calculation shows that there are as many as twenty-three people!

This is only the descendants of the Li family's direct branch in the Chongming region, and among these descendants, twenty-one people are direct descendants with the same true god's body, and only two of them are among the descendants who depend on the direct branch. breakthrough of genius. But these elders of the Taishang clan who had made breakthroughs and possessed this kind of True God's Dharma body were all absorbed into the heirlooms at the time of their breakthroughs.

When they came, they first filled all the red-backed chairs.

Then, another group of people came.

Chapter 473 Interrogation of the Betrayal

Among the people who came this time, the one who walked in the forefront was a tall middle-aged strong man. His appearance was quite similar to Li Qingyuan, but he did not have his extravagance. Instead, he was a little more majestic. for the robbery.

He is the person with the most power in the Chongming Region's direct branch. He can also be called the branch patriarch within the direct branch, but if he comes to the main family, he can only be called the Chongming Domain Patriarch.

Behind Li Xiuhe were dozens of clan elders.

These clan elders either come from the concubines, or from the direct branch, who have made great contributions to the clan, or they have the same true god's law body and have already entered the upper realm of robbery, and there are various other reasons in the branch. A person of great status, and a person of high morality.

They formed the core of power in the Chongmingyu branch of the Li family, and they were also the most influential people in the branch.

For any more important matters, they must be summoned and dealt with after deliberation through the clan meeting.

These people also sat down. Their positions were on the two rows of black-backed chairs under the red-backed chairs. Only Li Xiuhe walked to the statue and sat in the most important place in the ancestral hall. .

At this time, Xu Ziqing and others also had a peculiar feeling that pervaded the ancestral hall. It came from all of them, as if they had converged into a kind of "potential", with a faint oppressive force, like the power to make everything not belong to the ancestral hall. All rejected.

At this time, not only Xu Ziqing noticed that his whole body was like being pressed against a huge boulder, but several other sword cultivators also found that the operation of Zhen Yuan was not as flexible as before.

——This is a family that cultivates the divine way. Under the influence of the same bloodline, the peculiar realm where they are linked and condensed is not that they are not welcome, but that their breath is leaked and formed naturally.

It is also because of this that these cultivators understand that this Li family is really a behemoth that is entrenched in the realm of the nine imaginary.

Moreover, it is only possible for the members of a direct branch of the family to gather together. What if everyone in the Li family gathers together?

This is probably unimaginable for them.

The so-called family heritage... so evident.

I saw Li Xiuhe glanced around and nodded slightly to the new monks from the lower realm, and then there was a bit of anger in his voice: "Bring Li Chengming, Li Chenghui, and Li Chenggai here!"

Li Qingyuan's expression turned cold for a moment, and at the same time, the elders of the Taishang clan on both sides exuded a kind of anger, but among the clan elders, the expressions of a few people became a little ugly.

At this time, two attitudes emerged.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing was thoughtful.

It seems that I heard before that the clan elders of the concubine refused to believe... Now it seems that it is not necessarily unbelief, just unwilling to believe.

But the descendants and the bloodline can all see it clearly.

After Li Xiuhe's voice fell, there were two very burly cultivators outside, pressing three young cultivators who looked very young and walked in. These young cultivators have a strong aura, the highest one is in the lower realm of robbery, and the other two are also in the upper realm of Juyuan.

Speaking of which, the realm is indeed not low... and they all come from a concubine. If there are no accidents in the future, I am afraid that they will have a promising future. It's no wonder that the clan elders are reluctant to bear it.

Xu Ziqing looked at the expressions of these three spiritual cultivators. Seeing them, they seemed a little depressed, but there was some arrogance in their eyes. It seemed that they had indeed been cultivated.

The proud son, for some unknown reason, suddenly had evil thoughts, but he actually started against Li Qingyuan.

As for Li Qingyuan, there was a clear disgust on his face at this time: "I treat you well on weekdays, but you actually attacked me in the absolute domain. If it wasn't for my fate, I would have fallen by now. According to the rules of the clan, the people in the clan For those who kill each other, if the children of the direct branch have evil thoughts on the children of the direct branch, if they fail, they will stick a hundred sticks, and then they will pay their lives. If the children of the direct branch have evil thoughts on the children of the direct branch, no matter whether they are successful or not, they must pay for their lives with their own bodies. I am Li Qingyuan. You are the family business inheritor, since you dare to have bad thoughts on me, you should be punished by the clan rules and die!"

It was the young man named Li Chengming who had already advanced to the robbery realm. His expression changed, and then he shook his head and said, "If you want to add sin, there is no need to worry. People are lucky to escape, and they will come back as soon as the time is up. Although I am responsible for negligence, I have never been framed. I don’t know why the eldest son said such words, I am wronged!”

Li Chenghui also repeatedly echoed: "I am wronged! I hope the head of the family and the clan elders find out the truth, and I am innocent!"

Li Chenggai also said: "Eldest son, even if you are not angry that Brother Chengming is more qualified than you, you shouldn't have wronged me so much!"

The three of them spoke eloquently, with sincere expressions on their faces, as if everything they said was true, but in reality they turned black and white, and their thick skin was outrageous.

Xu Ziqing was stunned, such a character is really rare.

If it wasn't for him hearing the angry words of Li Qingyuan and his sister when he didn't show up, or if he didn't see them trapped in the wind, or if he rescued them with his own hands, or if he personally contacted Li Qingyuan and believed in him The product... I'm afraid it will be a little shaken at this time.

Li Qingyuan's face flushed with anger, and his knuckles clacked.

Although he envied the children of the family with excellent aptitude, he was also envious of those who possessed the Dharma Body of the True God. This Li Chengming was indeed qualified, but his Sun God was not the Dharma Body of the True God, so what was there to envy?

Even if things are revealed, they dare to speak up here, really think they can get through it!

But even if the direct branch believes in Li Qingyuan, because there are many elders of the concubine who want to keep the three of them, many people secretly discuss it. Some of them believed, and some said they didn't, and there were some disputes.

Therefore, even if it is a huge clan like the Li family in the realm of the Nine Voids, despite the strict supervision and strict clan rules, there are inevitably some entangled entanglements. If a divine cultivator with outstanding talent is caught in this way, I am afraid that it will be doomed in the future, and it will be difficult to break through.

At this moment, among the monks watching this farce, Tu Jin suddenly sneered: "Shameless."

In an instant, the eyes of many clan elders in the ancestral hall looked over.

Then Tu Jin said again: "despicable and disgusting."

At the same time, the elders of the Taishang clan and the head of the family also heard clearly.

When Li Xiuhe raised his hand, the atmosphere became a little dignified, and the three did not dare to speak again. The clan elders have different thoughts, but the head of the family stops them, so they can no longer try to make any rumors.

Li Xingba also snorted heavily: "My grandson was rescued by someone, according to his own witnesses."

Afterwards, Li Qingyuan turned his attention to the cultivators with a pleading expression.

Tu Jin said: "These three people are full of lies and have despicable conduct."

Xun Liang also said: "When the five of us met Brother Li Qingyuan, it was indeed in a place surrounded by wind, and the situation was very dangerous."

Yin Xiu said, "The amount of wind is unusual."

Yun Yan also nodded slightly: "Not bad."

The temperaments of the four sword cultivators were either straight, upright, or resentful, but they all looked clear and frank.

Xu Ziqing sighed slightly, and his tone was also calm. He heard how Xun Liang's six senses were sensitive to the small words in the wind, how Tu Jin hated the betrayal, and went to investigate, and how the five of them rescued Li Qingyuan and others, and killed them. How many heads of wind shòu have been extinguished, please tell me in detail.

His remarks are much more detailed than those of the four sword cultivators. Every detail can be matched, and it is well-founded and not like a made-up statement.

At the moment, the elders of the direct branch and the elders of the Supreme Clan are more trustworthy. Even the elders of the concubine clan who wanted to keep Li Chengming and the three of them seemed unable to argue at this moment.

However, Li Chengming's mood was very firm, and his expression suddenly showed a trace of grief and anger: "...You are friends with the eldest son, so naturally you will speak for him. I, it's useless for me to say more, I can only suffer!"

He still refused to admit it. Instead, he presented an innocent appearance that he had suffered grievances and was about to be persecuted to death, which made people feel depressed for a while. Li Qingyuan's anger was aroused even higher by him, and he wanted to release the Yangshen to kick him Stepping on to death, but still can't attack recklessly, it's really mad.

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