Li Qingyuan endured and endured, finally took a deep breath, and said quickly, "I met several benefactors, and it was because they saved my life that I ended up in the future." After saying this, he closed the door. Close your eyes.

He originally thought that after returning to the clan, he could easily let these traitors die, but he never thought that Li Chengming would be so shameless that he would not admit it. However, the concubines are the concubines, and the direct branch is the direct branch. Although the concubines and the direct branches are to be as close as brothers under the family rules, but the direct branch masters the true god and the law, naturally there are many skills that the concubines do not know.

Li Qingyuan turned his head and looked at Li Xingba: "Grandfather, please true God return my innocence and punish treason!"

Li Xingba was also very disgusted by these juniors, he said quickly: "I am a grandfather, so naturally I will not let my good grandson be wronged."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the elders of the Supreme Clan showed a look of approval, and the descendants of the elders also looked suddenly.

Xu Ziqing and several other cultivators didn't know the reason, but they saw that Li Xingba had a good plan and became interested.

First, this Li Chengming's style is so disgusting that it makes people want to kill them quickly; secondly, in the current situation, it is obvious that the cultivators are trying to come up with something they have never seen before, and they can gain a long experience.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xingba moved.

I saw him shouting suddenly, and a huge tomorrow appeared behind him, so huge that it almost penetrated the roof directly.

And within the next day, a giant with a strange appearance appeared in a quick trot, which is the unique True God Dharma body of the Li family.

In this ancestral hall, this giant and the statue of the true god behind it are also of normal size and appearance.

But Li Xingba kept moving. He bowed to the statue very solemnly several times, muttering words in his mouth, as if he was chanting some ancient incantation.

This power resonated with the statue, and almost immediately, an illusory, extremely high phantom of the True God's body came out of the statue. Then, it took a few steps and attached to Li Xingba's True God's body!

Chapter 474 Execution

If it was said that Li Xingba's original body of the true God was the incarnation of the Yang God, it seemed as if he had been endowed with a kind of life, and the breath became even more terrifying - it was almost breathless.

And those clan elders of the concubine also sighed when they saw this scene.

Xu Ziqing looked at it, feeling a little strange in her heart.

There are indeed many secrets of this divine cultivation.

The True God Dharma Body possessed by the statue walked up to Li Chengming and suddenly said, "I ask you, have you ever had evil thoughts and secretly wanted to kill Li Qingyuan, the 987th generation grandson of my Li family?"

Li Chengming opened his mouth and was about to say "no", but the next moment, he felt an incomparable force suddenly burst open, causing him to lean down. The incarnation of the Yang God also lay on the ground, shivering.

It was like seeing something extremely terrifying.

The True God Dharma Body asked again: "Say, have you ever committed a killer! Is what Li Qingyuan said true?"

Li Chengming's face was pale: "No matter how hard you try to force me, I don't have... ah!"

The moment he blurted out, the incarnation of the Yang God immediately collapsed, and the powerful backlash swept across his body in an instant.

In just a few breaths, that tomorrow was already one tenth less.

If it continues, I am afraid that it will shrink to the point where it cannot be seen.

But even at this point, Li Chengming still insisted and said: "The family is bullying others, using coercion against me, I don't accept it... I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

At this time, his statue of Tomorrow has shrunk by one-fifth!

Seeing his disgusting appearance, an elder clan elder finally reprimanded: "You dare to lie in front of the ancestral spirit! Li Chengming, no one uses coercion to force you, it is only when the ancestral spirit possesses the body of a true god. , Anyone who lies and deceives will be deprived of the power of the Yang God, and if they tell a lie, they will get a point. If you still refuse to repent, you…”

But he still said it was too late. Just when Li Chengming fought hard, only one-eighth of his Yang God remained, and before his voice fell, it all disappeared.

Li Chengming spat out a mouthful of blood, his limbs twitched, and he slumped weakly to the ground.

The general trend has passed, because his death without repentance has destroyed his legal body. What remains now is just an ordinary body like a person who has never practiced divine power. Because the power of the sun god has been deprived, even in the future, he will never again. Can't practice divine power.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

This genius, who used to be famous in Shuzhili, has become a waste from now on.

... more useless waste than those ordinary people he looked down on before.

Such a thunderous means is extremely terrifying.

But the True God Dharma body did not stop, but turned around and asked Li Chenghui and Li Chenggai a question.

When these two saw that Li Chengming, the leader of them, was like a dead dog at this time, how could they dare to lie? At that time, they were so frightened that they said everything they knew.

It turned out that the beginning of this matter was really simple.

Left and right... it's just the word jealousy.

As I said before, the Li family is a big family, although for the continuation of the family, the balance between the top talents and the business is excellent for the direct and descendants, but relatively speaking, only the strength is strong enough.

If you can successfully establish a foothold, the natural descendants will still be treated better than the concubines.

In the Li family in the Chongming region, Li Chengming's talent is extraordinary, and he is a contemporaries with Li Qingyuan, who is a direct descendant, so there are some secret comparisons. Li Qingyuan said that he was not very good in the practice of Shinto, while Li Chengming had a high status in the concubine and was often praised by others. Gradually, many people said that if Li Chengming and Li Qingyuan changed their positions, they would have their own place. It's like now, Li Chengming is clearly far superior to Li Qingyuan, but he has to fight for him and serve him, which makes people feel unconvinced.

It was nothing at first, but after listening to it a lot, Li Chengming also had a shadow in his heart.

He is clearly too strong, why should he be pushed down by Li Qingyuan?

If Li Qingyuan dies and the young sons haven't grown up yet, he may not be able to enter the direct branch and accept cultivation.

As long as Li Qingyuan is killed, everything will be fine...

Such thoughts have been accumulating in his heart, Li Chengming broke through again and again because of his talent, and soon entered the realm of calamity.

And as we all know, the robbery state is the most unstable state of mind. If there was any obsession in the past, the obsession will deepen in this state, and there will be no previous scruples. Only when the knot is resolved can a breakthrough be achieved.

Li Chengming's obsession was excavated, and finally converged into one idea-he wanted Li Qingyuan's life!

As for many of the problems that he had soberly realized before, at this stage, he was not aware of it.

It's like going crazy.

Later, Li Qingyuan wanted to take over the family business and was going to practice. Li Chengming had always performed well and was confident and humble. The family wanted him to be Li Qingyuan's right-hand man, so they arranged for him to accompany Li Qingyuan.

Li Qingyuan went to the Absolute Territory several times in a row, and was brought in and out by Li Chengming, so he naturally trusted him quite a bit.

Until this time, Li Chengming felt that he was enough to escape, so he tried to be punished and cut Li Qingyuan.

Only then did Li Qingyuan get a sneak attack.

After Xu Ziqing heard this, he sighed inwardly.

In the final analysis, this is just a trace of jealousy that was born at first, and then it was drawn out and accumulated day by day, until it evolved into a demon, and the evil thoughts deepened. In the end, I finally couldn't control it and made an irreversible wrong.

It is true that spiritual cultivation needs many years of polishing to be smooth as a mirror.

This robbery is the most difficult time to torture the heart and polish the state of mind.

The elders of the Li family, the elders of the clan, and the head of the clan also looked a little sympathetic at this time.

This Li Chengming was supposed to be one of the pillars that could finally support their Chongming domain lineage, but because of the evil spirits in the robbery realm, he became despised by the family.

Having committed such a mistake, it cannot be forgiven at all, and in the end, it can only be...

The head of the family, Li Xiuhe, slapped the armrest and said angrily, "The evidence is conclusive. According to the rules of the clan, Li Chengming, Li Chenghui, and Li Chenggai will be executed in public! All the members of the family will come to observe the punishment, as an example!"

Li Chengming had already lost hope, and his expression was very numb at this time, while Li Chenghui and Li Chenggai were crying and begging for mercy.

But the result is already doomed.

When Tu Jin and the other four sword cultivators heard the punishment, they all applauded.

Such a big family can really be severely punished.

And... those who betray their brothers should be killed!

So soon, the three of Li Chengming were dragged down. Several elders of the Taishang clan went to supervise in person, and the rest did not stay much, and all went to observe the execution. However, the bitter master Li Qingyuan finally got angry. After he asked his father and grandfather, he invited the monks: "Several brothers, why not go to the torture platform together?"

Several monks looked at each other and said, "This is my honor."

The execution of people within the clan is a real shame. To be able to invite them to watch the execution together is to regard them as best friends.

Of course, there are many monks who saved the life of Li Qingyuan, the successor, and more because of the Li Family Army token.

But no matter what, these cultivators are like guests in the Li family in the Chongming domain.

Not long after, under the leadership of many elders of the clan, a group of people went through many courtyards and buildings and came to a huge square. In the center of this square, there is a very high stone platform, with a total of sixteen floors, which is actually the meditation platform!

The cultivators looked around and saw that there was still a layer of stone steps on the right side of the Yangshentai about a hundred paces. The stone steps and sanctuary platform seem to be made of a kind of stone, about five or six feet high and quite wide.

There are five stone pillars on it, each of which is very sharp, like a sharp thorn rising from the ground, binding several ropes.

Regardless of whether it is a stone pillar or a stone step, there are many brown mottled marks on it, and some evil spirits are faintly overflowing...

Sure enough, this is the torture platform.

At the same time, after the monks and the clan rulers stood in the best position, from all directions, there were more clan children, followers or some subordinates who were attached and trusted, all gathered in this square. superior. One heavy and one heavy, surrounded the torture platform.

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