It turned out that he had already drank it before, and it has not been filled yet, so how come there is wine?

He also lost his mind.

The wine brewed by this cultivator can make these cultivators of various realms get drunk, and it is also useful for these cultivators.

Xu Ziqing finally slipped the wine glass between his fingers, and his body was so soft that he was about to slide down. Seeing that, Yun Lie took him into his arms with a little force, and after a short pause, he picked him up again, and arranged for them before going to Li's house. room to go.

Along the way, many cultivators fell to the ground individually, Yun Lie did not look sideways, and quickly came to the room.

Turning around, he closed the door again.

Xu Ziqing leaned his head sideways between Yun Lie's arms, his face flushed red, and he breathed slowly, with a hint of wine.

Yun Lie didn't hesitate, and directly hugged him to the bed and put him on the bed.

Xu Ziqing did not wake up.

He was not slightly drunk, but completely drunk.

Afterwards, Yun Lie stood in front of the room, quietly watching the younger brother's sleeping face.

He did never drink, but not at all.

When he was young, his mind and energy were all above the swordsmanship. For ten years, he sharpened his sword and had no intention of enjoying himself. Later, he had to travel around, comprehend Sword Intent, and even polish Sword Intent, improve himself, and find a way to break through. Drinks confuse people's minds, and if they can not be contaminated, he will never be contaminated.

In the final analysis, he is just upright and rigorous in his actions, not thinking about external things.

However, he has now reached the realm of Sword Soul, and he has already reached the Fourth Refinement. The Sword Heart is already extremely stable, and the mere drink is not enough to confuse him. Even if he drinks, it doesn't make him disgusted, but he is not greedy. Back then, when he married his junior and junior brother, he also drank the wine of Hexi on the night of his room, and he was also happy at that time.

His junior brother may not know his true intentions, but he still wants to drink alcohol on his behalf, presumably because he doesn't want him to have any reluctance.

This thought made him very happy.

Naturally, he will not disappoint his younger brother.

After Xu Ziqing was drunk, he didn't do anything inappropriate. It wasn't the first time that he was drunk in front of Yun Lie, and he was unprepared for his senior brother as before, and he looked like a child.

Yun Lie looked at it for a moment, then sat down on her head.

He didn't look at all, and after a long time, he reached out and stroked Xu Ziqing's profile.

Then Yun Lie leaned over again, touched his lips, his breath lingered, and he left as soon as he touched it.

Chapter 476 Feng Yuandan

The next day, Xu Ziqing woke up, refreshed, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a stern man in white leaning on Chuáng's head and holding his hand, it was his senior brother. After a brief recollection, he had already remembered the drunken incident last night, and he knew that it was his senior brother who was watching over him all night. He couldn't help but smile slightly, with affection in his eyes... Then, he actually stood up, leaned against his senior brother's lips, and gently touched him. bump.

Yun Lie also opened his eyes, just facing Xu Ziqing's eyes.

Xu Ziqing's eyes softened: "Senior brother."

Yun Lie also said: "Is there any discomfort?"

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "The Li family's drink is very wonderful. Although it is quite strong, when you wake up drunk, it becomes lighter. It must be brewed with enthusiasm. Brother, don't worry."

Yun Lie nodded slightly, brushed the long hair that fell in front of him, and said, "Get up."

Xu Ziqing's smile deepened and he said, "Yes, Senior Brother."

The two of them were both monks, so they didn't get dirty, and they didn't need to wash up, so they quickly tidied up their clothes and walked out the door.

But it's not even the beginning of the morning, it's early in the morning, the world is full of spiritual energy, it's best to go out and enjoy the scenery. It was rare for the two of them to come to Li's house, and the scenery in the garden was quite interesting, and it would be quite pleasant if they could walk around.

Yun Lie tempered his sword soul every day on weekdays, and Xu Ziqing also had many magical powers and exercises to practice, but he had not been so leisurely for a long time.

He walked out of the door quickly, and it was very quiet indeed, but some servants were already working, but there were no other gods nearby.

Seeing the two distinguished guests, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, a maid who was on duty outside walked over quickly. Yingying bowed and asked with a smile, "Can the two distinguished guests use the morning meal?"

Xu Ziqing knew that this must have been arranged by Li Qingyuan earlier, and after a little thought, he said, "I don't know Li..." He recalled that all the people here were surnamed Li, so he paused and continued, "...Brother Qingyuan, you can Got up? Where are I and the other three companions, senior brother, where are we staying now?"

The maid seemed to have known this question long ago, and immediately replied: "The eldest son is also ready at this time. If it is normal, you should condense the Yang God in front of the Yangshen platform. The other three distinguished guests live in the east. in the courtyard."

Xu Ziqing nodded when he heard it: "Thank you for letting me know." He thought for a while, and then said, "I don't have to eat, my brother and I will go to meet friends for a while, and then talk about other things."

The maid naturally answered "yes" respectfully, and then backed away.

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie: "Senior brother, let's take a look first?"

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Alright."

The two of them walked outside the courtyard.

The place where they lived was the East River Courtyard, where the East Lin Courtyard was located... Just listening to the name of this courtyard, it must be very close.

Sure enough, after going out, walking 200 steps to the right, I saw another courtyard, which was also very quiet. It was the East Courtyard.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Xu Ziqing noticed that there was a faint sword intent coming from inside. Although he didn't target him, it still made people feel a little shudder, as if he was going to be cut to pieces if he was not careful.

Undoubtedly, this is Tu Jin's sword intent.

Rui Senhan carried an indescribable evil spirit at the same time.

Xu Ziqing thought for a while, but he still never walked in the door, so as not to disturb Tu Jin's sword practice.

But he was afraid that the three companions would not be able to find him and his senior brother, so he left a ray of consciousness outside the door, and only said that he and his senior brother would walk around freely, so that they don't have to worry about Yunyun.

After that, he and Yun Lie turned around again and came directly to the sanctuary platform.

Every day at dawn, it is the time when heaven and earth are the most energetic, and it is also the time when the cultivation of divine power is most effective. Therefore, when the two of them came to the Yangshentai, they saw that dozens of spiritual practitioners had come here early, sitting on the stone. On the different stone steps of the platform, release tomorrow and feel the world.

It turned out that on the Double Five Day, all the clan gods and cultivators will come. In addition, on weekdays, the weaker people of the Li clan often come to the meditation platform in the early morning, in order to use the family luck to promote their own divine power. On the contrary, after cultivating to the Tribulation Realm, this is not necessary.

Li Qingyuan was in the Gathering Source Realm, and he was sitting on the fifth floor at the same time, and he was hanging up tomorrow, cultivating hard.

I saw that in his tomorrow, a strange monster was opening its huge mouth and swallowing greedily, and there was a surging power in the sky, pouring into tomorrow, and from tomorrow, continuously. It poured into the mouth of the strange shòu.

At the same time, the radiance of tomorrow's edge is dazzling, and there is a strong momentum bursting out, which is extremely powerful, and tomorrow's divine power is also slowly increasing little by little.

Judging by these two monks' spiritual consciousness, it can be seen that there seems to be clouds gathering in the top of Yangshentai, and the clouds are not real clouds, but are transformed by the spirit of heaven and earth, and are constantly nurturing the Li clan.

Xu Ziqing took a closer look, only to think that the way of God and the way of immortality are really different, and the cultivation method seems to be very simple, but the postures of those sun gods are different, and it seems that they have turned into many different routes, so that people can't spy on them.

... After he looked at it for a while, he stopped comprehending.

In the end, it's still different.

The method of cultivating divine power is extremely mysterious, but if he continues to look at it, he is afraid that it will not only be useless to himself, but will be harmful.

Next, Xu Ziqing did not look at how the cultivators used their divine powers, but only looked at how the people exhaled their energy, borrowed the help of the Qiyun of the Yangshentai, and reflected on themselves, and could have some other insights.

Just like that, half an hour passed.

When Li Qingyuan's round of practice ended, he naturally noticed that someone was watching him, and immediately turned around to see Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie.

He smiled, stood up, and walked off the sanctuary.

Li Qingyuan cupped his hands and said, "Brother Xu was drunk last night, why don't you rest for a while?"

Xu Ziqing said with a smile, "It's rare to sleep soundly, but I just woke up naturally after I had enough energy."

Li Qingyuan greeted Yun Lie again and was about to invite them to dinner together.

Xu and Yun had no objection and went with him.

After a while, the servants and servants set up the table, cooked the porridge with the windy meat, scooped up a spoonful and ate it, it melted in the mouth and was extremely delicious.

After a few people had eaten it, Li Qingyuan instructed the servants to bring the food box and put three cups of meat porridge that had not been used in person, and said, "Brother Tu, Brother Yin and Brother Xun may not have eaten yet, so I will send it for them."

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Brother Li has a heart."

Then a group of three people came to the east side of the courtyard again.

At this time, Xu Ziqing felt a little, and noticed that the person inside did not continue to polish the sword soul.

Li Qingyuan stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Then I heard Tu Jin speak inside: "Come in!"

Li Qingyuan pushed the door open, stepped into the courtyard, and said, "I brought some snacks here, can the three brothers show their faces?"

As he spoke, he opened the lid of the box.

Immediately, a strong aroma wafted out, filling the entire yard, which was extraordinarily attractive.

Xu Ziqing saw that Tu Jin and the other three were sitting on each side of the courtyard, Xun Liang was sitting cross-legged on the ground, Yin Xiu was sitting under the tree, and Tu Jin was sitting on the stone, each with a sharp breath. At this time, when he heard what Li Qingyuan said, he restrained his momentum and turned his head to look.

Li Qingyuan placed the three cups of meat porridge on the stone table and waved with a smile.

Seeing this, the three sword cultivators got up.

Xun Liang picked up the cup quickly, ate a spoonful, and said with admiration, "It's really memorable!"

Yin Xiu didn't say much, but his eyes were slightly contented.

Even after Tu Jin had eaten it, his expression was quite satisfied.

Li Qingyuan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw it.

That Xun Liang finished eating quickly, looked at Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie again, and asked with a smile, "Have you two eaten such good meat porridge?"

Xu Ziqing replied with a smile: "Fang Caier waited for the sword practice, and my senior brother and I had a good meal at Brother Li's place first."

Xun Liang "haha" laughed: "Thanks to Brother Li still thinking of me waiting."

Everyone joked and laughed. Although Li Qingyuan was a spiritual cultivator, with his extra efforts, he was already regarded as a friend by everyone at this time, and the natural atmosphere was excellent. After the three sword cultivators had finished eating, Li Qingyuan took out a few flat wooden boxes from his waist pocket and placed them on the table as well.

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