A few monks were slightly curious.

However, Li Qingyuan opened the wooden box and took out five bottles from the inside.

These bottles are all long necks, and I don't know what material they are made of. The whole body is about the length of the forearm, and the diameter is as thin as a ball, but the belly is the size of an adult fist, and the whole body is jade white, looking naive.

Li Qingyuan said, "This is Feng Yuandan."

After all, he delivered the five bottles to the monks one by one.

Tu Jin raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Li Qingyuan said: "Feng Yuan Dan is made from wind shòujīng meat, which is more beneficial for tempering the body than ordinary jīng meat." He smiled again, "...you've saved your life, there is no way to return it, this is It's a mere gift, and I hope you don't dislike it."

It turns out that wind shòujīng meat is indeed delicious and beneficial, but it is not just for people to enjoy in restaurant vendors, but can also be refined into a kind of Fengyuan Dan, which is more useful than jīng meat of the same level when consumed by gods or monks.

This Feng Yuan Dan is divided into four grades. Each grade of meat can be matched with one grade. With a large amount of low-grade meat and a small amount of high-grade meat, you can refine medicinal pills that are between these two grades. . But this refining technique is in the hands of the Li family, and the Feng Yuandan refined, often only the children of the family can get a little in the monthly case, and never sell it to others.

Li Qingyuan was saved, and he was truly grateful. If he said that the whole feast last night was held by his grandfather to repay the monks, then today's five bottles of Feng Yuandan were found after he asked his father. , a special gift.

And each bottle of Feng Yuandan was a fourth-grade Feng Yuandan, that is, it was made from a large amount of seventh-grade wind shòujīng meat and a little eighth-grade wind shòujīng meat, and there were a hundred pieces in each bottle.

Such a precious thing, the monks will refuse.

But Li Qingyuan said: "Could it be that you are not able to beat these Feng Yuan Dans with your life? You don't have to be so outlandish, although these medicinal pills are rare, but my Li family has a lot of stock, only five bottles, but I just want to express my gratitude. If you really consider me to be your friend, don't reject it any more."

When the words came to this point, several cultivators had no choice but to accept it.

Xu Ziqing opened the bottle and saw the medicine pill inside.

Each capsule is the size of a little finger, extremely round, rǔ white in color, smells very fragrant, and makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Indeed a good thing.

At the same time, his heart moved slightly.

These Feng Yuan Pills are made from wind shòujīng meat...

Chapter 477 Thanks

The cultivators received generous gifts and gathered with Li Qingyuan for a while.

However, cultivation is always a very hard and difficult task, especially sword cultivation is the most honed, so I can't be a little slack. Li Qingyuan was very clear, so he left after a short while.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also followed.

The two also want to go back to the hospital.

However, after Yun Lie walked into Donghe Courtyard, Xu Ziqing stopped Li Qingyuan.

Li Qingyuan was a little puzzled, so he asked curiously, "Brother Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Ziqing hesitated and asked: "I don't know that Feng Yuandan, but it is difficult to refine?"

Li Qingyuan was startled: "It's not extremely difficult..."

When he said this, he couldn't help but speak.

Later, when he saw Xu Ziqing's serious embarrassment, he felt a "squeak" in his heart, and he had some vague guesses.

Xu Ziqing hesitated for a moment.

He wanted to inquire about the refining method of Feng Yuandan, even if he wanted to make a demon oath, he was willing. But he didn't know how to speak.

If it's an ordinary thing, it doesn't matter. With his current relationship with the Li family, the Li family must be willing to help him. However, he had previously learned that the Feng Yuan Pill was only owned by the Li family, and that the medicinal pill had this miraculous effect, which was a precious technique.

In the nine thousand big worlds and countless small worlds, all rare methods must be placed in their own hands to be at ease, especially those who are almost related to their own lifeline, they are more valued. If he proposed it at this time, he would be suspected of bringing his kindness and seeking repayment. If the Li family gave it to him, he would feel guilty. If the Li family did not want it, it would also cause a rift between them...

He really can't go overboard like that.

Therefore, when the words came to his lips, Xu Ziqing changed his words: "I was in the extreme winds, and I also got a lot of windy meat. I originally wanted to give it to my senior brother to temper the body. But now I see it. This Feng Yuan Pill, Fang Zhi made those jīng meat into medicinal pills, and it would not cost anything. So, after thinking about it again and again, I have an unkind request..." He paused and continued, "I don't know if Can you ask someone skilled in alchemy from your family to refine these jīng meats into Feng Yuandan of different grades for me? I would like to offer you a reward, and if you need any other elixir, I am also willing to purchase it."

After listening to Xu Ziqing's words, Li Qingyuan was really relieved.

When he saw this man hesitating and hesitating before, he thought it was the other party who wanted to ask for this secret technique of alchemy, and he felt a little hard about it - this man did have a great favor to their Li family, but even his Li Qingyuan's life would not be worth it. The secret technique, if this person really asks for the Li Family Army token, I am afraid that the whole family will be in trouble.

Now that I hear it, I just want to ask them to help refine the wind shòujīng meat into Feng Yuandan... What's wrong with this?

Although it is necessary to add a few other medicinal materials in addition to the wind shòujīng meat during alchemy, compared to the wind shòujīng meat, those are not.

No matter how precious it is, it is not such an extremely rare thing that needs to be searched hard.

The preciousness of this secret technique is only in pill recipes and refining techniques, and the rest is just a matter of expending some effort.

Immediately, Li Qingyuan quickly agreed: "What is it about me... Brother Xu, please rest assured, this matter can be given to my Li family. As for remuneration, it is a friend, so don't worry about it." He thought about it, and more He said sternly, "If Brother Xu still needs alchemy in the future, as long as you send the wind shòujīng meat, I, Li Qingyuan, are here in the Li family for a day, and I will take care of it for you!"

When Xu Ziqing heard it, he couldn't help feeling overjoyed. He calmed down, looked solemn, and said seriously, "Thank you, Brother Lao Li will be here."

Li Qingyuan replied with a smile: "Just a trivial matter, what troubles are you talking about? Brother Xu, please give me the meat."

After he finished speaking, he took off the cloth bag around his waist and used it to hold it.

Xu Ziqing also took out a storage ring, which was densely packed with corpses. He opened it directly, like a flood, and quickly poured it into a cloth bag. Later, he only left dozens of first-class wind shòu corpses to enjoy the delicious food, and although the high-grade wind shòu is more delicious, it is only slightly better than the first-class wind shòu. The main difference lies in the method On top of the physical effect, he only left one or two to try early adopters, and the rest were all given to Li Qingyuan to concoct alchemy for him.

Thanks to Li Qingyuan being the direct descendant, the cloth bag for storage is really big enough. However, it took about a quarter of an hour to cut all the wind, and Li Qingyuan was a little surprised by the number.

After everything was put away, Li Qingyuan tied the cloth bag again and cupped his hands: "Brother Xu, wait for my good news!"

Xu Ziqing returned the salute: "Thank you, thank you."

The two didn't say much, Li Qingyuan turned around and went to work on the matter, while Xu Ziqing stepped into the yard and went to find his brother.

After that, the five cultivators temporarily stayed in the Li family in the Chongming region, and practiced separately. Although they were friendly with the Li family, they were different from the previous two days. Especially Xu Ziqing, he also continued to practice Wanlong Boxing, many magical powers, and even absorbed the power of time and space to make Xiao Qiankun more stable, so it lasted for several days. As for Yun Lie, his cultivation is even more difficult, the days are not punctuated, and the sword soul is actually more sharp, and even if it is not fully released, only a trace of it is leaked, and it has an extremely powerful force.

——As if to be chopped into countless pieces.

About half a month passed.

On this day, Xu Ziqing was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard cultivating. He punched like the wind and hit several dragon heads in front of him. Because of the speed, it didn't go away for a long time. , the phantoms are heavy, especially amazing.

When Li Qingyuan came, he saw countless layers of dragon hair make a series of "puff" noises and then disappeared suddenly, and the young monk he married turned his head at this moment.

Xu Ziqing closed his fists, looked back to see Li Qingyuan, and said with a smile, "Brother Li, why are you here today?"

On weekdays, they practiced separately, and they only had a gathering for a few days later. Li Qingyuan was very busy, and often his two sisters came to entertain them more. Li Xingba and Li Xiuhe also came to visit occasionally to ask about the current situation of Li Jiajun.

Li Qingyuan was slightly mysterious: "Why don't you guess Xu brother?"

Xu Ziqing thought for a moment, and a flash of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Could it be..."

Li Qingyuan smiled "haha" and waved his hand, and a row of thin-necked long bottles appeared on the stone table. Each bottle had a different color, but it was equally shiny and beautiful.

He said: "Isn't it because Feng Yuandan has been refined, it finally lives up to Brother Xu's expectations!"

Xu Ziqing got up immediately, walked over, and looked at the bottles carefully.

He glanced at it and counted it. There were twenty-eight bottles in the emerald green bottle, sixteen in the crimson bottle, five in the oil bottle, and only two in the snow-white bottle. Even if Li Qingyuan didn't say it, just from the number of bottles, he could guess that these bottles were dealing with Feng Yuandan of Rank 1 to Rank 4.

Moreover, it seems that this Li family is really kind, and these numbers of Feng Yuandan are exactly what he expected.

Li Qingyuan also quickly introduced Feng Yuandan of different grades, and it was exactly the same as Xu Ziqing's guess. Then he smiled and said, "How, is Brother Xu satisfied?"

Xu Ziqing nodded naturally and said gently, "Brother Li is a believer."

Seeing that he was satisfied, Li Qingyuan didn't bother him much, and left again.

Xu Ziqing put the bottles away and walked quickly into the room.

On the bed, Yun Lie was sitting cross-legged, with sword lights all over his body, as if there was an invisible long sword protruding from the heavenly spirit, which was extremely terrifying. But these coercions could not affect Xu Ziqing, who had already been in harmony with his senior brother.

Yun Lie noticed that the younger brother came in, and felt that his mood was changing, so he opened his eyes and looked over: "Ziqing, why are you so happy?"

When Xu Ziqing saw his senior brother, he calmed down a little, walked to his side, and said with a smile, "Why don't senior brother guess?"

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