Yun Lie thought for a while, then shook his head: "I can't guess, you tell me to listen." He paused again, and then said, "Maybe it is with me."

Xu Ziqing didn't give a shit anymore, so he sat down on his head and said, "It's true that I'm with my senior brother." After he finished speaking, he only took Yun Lie's hand and wiped it with his hand.

A faint blue light flashed, and a green bottle appeared in Yun Lie's palm.

Yun Lie's eyebrow peak is slightly loose: "Feng Yuan Dan."

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Yes, brother, guess more carefully."

Yun Lie opened the cork, poured out a pill and ate it, and then felt the flow of power in the body of the law, and pondered for a moment: "First-grade Feng Yuandan."

The smile on Xu Ziqing's lips deepened: "Senior brother guessed right." He rubbed his hand again, and then released a faint light, "Guess this again?"

Yun Lie opened the crimson bottle in his palm again, and also poured out the medicinal pill and ate it: "Second-grade Feng Yuan Dan."

After that, Xu Ziqing took out the oil bottle and the snow-white bottle respectively, and asked Yun Lie to guess, but Yun Lie actually guessed them one by one according to his words. This guess is not wrong, but on closer inspection, it is just a joke between the two.

After playing, Xu Ziqing's rare interest gradually faded, and he was satisfied: "There are a total of four-grade Feng Yuan Dan, and there are fifty-one bottles, all of which are the wind shòu refining that my brother and I took in the Wild Wind Territory earlier. I originally thought that although the wind shòujīng meat is good, every time a brother wants to temper his Dharma body, wouldn’t he have to eat a lot of wind shòu? That would be too troublesome. Yuan Dan, but it couldn't be better. It is thanks to Brother Qingyuan for helping him."

Hearing this, Yun Lie nodded slightly, put away all the bottles, and said, "You can thank him."

Xu Ziqing also nodded: "There should be contacts between friends, and the only way is the right way." He thought for a while, and then said, "Senior brother, according to what I think, I want to refine a magic talisman that integrates offense and defense. Brother Qingyuan wears his body to protect himself. The attacker contains a wisp of the sword intent of the senior brother, while the defender uses a magical power 'Muyunbi' that I have newly realized. If you are against someone with ulterior motives, as long as you have the will to kill , when it touched Brother Qingyuan, the sword intent of the brother burst out, and at the same time, Mu Yunbi also burst out to protect the Lord, protecting Brother Qingyuan's body, so that he would not be injured by the attack, how?"

Although the two of them did not study the way of talisman, the simple magic talisman was nothing to worry about.

After Yun Lie thought for a while, Fang said, "You can wait for a while, and when my sword soul is refined, the sword intent will be more powerful."

When Xu Ziqing heard it, he also said, "Just follow what my brother said."

Chapter 478 Returning to the Sword Spirit Pagoda

That being said, the cultivators did stay in the Li family for quite a while, and even if they were guests, they had done it long enough.

Those few sword cultivators have their own understandings, and it is impossible to build a car behind closed doors, so they want to go back to the Central Sword Region, go to the Sword Spirit Pagoda to experience, and then in front of the Sword Shadow Wall, they have a good time to visualize.

So soon, the monks said goodbye to the Li family.

When Li Qingyuan heard it, he naturally came quickly, followed by four or five strong young men, and said to the monks: "Everyone pursues the immortal way and wants to cultivate, and Li cannot stop him. However, a few brothers are alone. Here, no one takes care of the little things around you..." He pointed these young people and continued, "They are under Li's confidants, let them serve you for the time being, and when you go back to the lower realm in the future, Then they can be sent back." Here, he paused again, "Although it is a bit abrupt, I hope you will not refuse."

In a big family, it is common to ask subordinates to serve. These young people are all in a state of concentration, and they will not cause any danger to the monks, and it is impossible to do anything to monitor and communicate. It was really just his mind.

It's just that Li Qingyuan also knew that most of these friends were loners, and he was worried that they didn't want to be around many people.

This time, without waiting for Tu Jin and others to say anything, Xu Ziqing agreed first: "Brother Li is attentive, thank you very much."

Li Qingyuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, this brother Xu accepted these servants, and he must have really regarded him as a friend, so as to live up to his good intentions. He quickly separated the two and told them to follow behind Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, and then he looked at the other three sword cultivators.

Seeing that Xu Ziqing was taken in, the three of them also nodded their heads in agreement.

Li Qingyuan smiled more and more, and told his five subordinates: "Serve well!"

Those five subordinates naturally responded with a "yes" respectfully.

Afterwards, Li Qingyuan didn't say much more, he just took the cultivators to the outside of Sword Spirit City with the bull-headed flying snake and left.

Xu Ziqing and his entourage brought the young people who were in the state of concentration and spirituality, and stayed in the original inn.

He didn't like the servants of others, so he naturally had his own intentions to bring these two followers-since he and his senior brother agreed to refine the talisman for Li Qingyuan, it would be a bit too flamboyant to visit after the refinement. It would be even better if he just told the followers to bring them to their friends when they went back, as an ordinary gift.

After not seeing each other for three years, Tu Jin and others did not leave the upper room before heading to the Wild Wind Territory, and now they are just living again. Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also lived near them and took care of each other.

The two contemplative followers already had the funds arranged by Li Qingyuan. When Xu Ziqing wanted to book a room for them, they refused. They soon lived in a small room that was very close to Xu Ziqing's room and was specially used for the follower. . They may have also been carefully replaced by Li Qingyuan, and they were extremely attentive to the two brothers and sisters. This

It is no wonder that cultivators always have to accept a few servants, because it is convenient for them to do things.

After meditating in the room for a while, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie walked out the door and quickly walked towards the Sword Spirit Pagoda.

After the two of them visualized in front of the Sword Shadow Wall respectively, Xu Ziqing did not gain much and escaped first, while Yun Lie also got up very quickly and was going to the Sword Spirit Pagoda.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved, and he did not leave, but wanted to see his brother Chuangta.

I don't know how senior brother has tempered his sword soul now...

Yun Lie had already attracted the attention of many sword cultivators since he walked in front of the Sword Spirit Pagoda.

As far as monks are concerned, the mere three years have passed by, and they cannot be called forgotten. After all, the swordsman who created the Sword of Swordsmanship in front of the Sword Spirit Pagoda has rarely been seen for hundreds of years. Now, in these years, only Yun Lie is the only one.

When Yun Lie created the killing sword technique, there were many sword cultivators sitting beside him, comprehending and benefiting. At this time, among those people, some of them recognized Yun Lie very quickly, and they also temporarily let go of their own enlightenment. Came over to take a look at Yun Lie's accomplishments.

It is also a good luck, the previous tower breaker was ejected after only a moment of work.

The followers of the Li family who followed immediately went to Jiāo to receive a hundred divine stones, and there was no need for Yun Lie to deal with others in person.

Yun Lie raised his eyes slightly, looked at the ninety-nine-story tower, and then turned around, the whole person had already entered the tower.

On the first floor of the secret room, Yun Lie sat cross-legged, and the sword spirit was separated from the body.

The phantom in the mirror flashed out, and Yun Lie's sword soul shot instantly. After a sword light, the phantom shattered and passed through!

The next moment is the second floor!

Outside the Sword Spirit Pagoda.

Xu Ziqing looked up with a peaceful expression.

Since Da Yunjie entered the tower, the white light on the corners of the first tower floor flashed away, and in a flash, he jumped to the second floor!

And in the second floor, it flashed for a moment, and then went to the third floor.

Then the fourth floor, the fifth floor... The light on each floor only jumped slightly, and immediately changed, like a shooting star, clinging to many tower layers, drawing a very splendid brilliance.

There were more and more sword cultivators watching, and some people gradually exclaimed.

"Which sword cultivator is this, the speed is so fast!"

"It's as fast as the wind, I'm afraid every sword will kill the tower guard!"

"I heard that it is a sword cultivator surnamed Yun. At that time, he was only able to create the sword move of his own way with only the second sword and soul refinement and the cultivation of the Nascent Soul period, which inspired the situation and touched many people faintly, indeed The talent is amazing. I just don't know why, and then disappeared, and I didn't expect to come back three years later. I don't know what his current level of kendo is. If I guess, I'm afraid that he has reached the third level before he comes to the next one."

"—Nascent Soul Stage? I don't know his age..."

"I've never heard of this, but there are people who are good at visualizing and speculating, it should be less than three hundred."

"So, that's really amazing!"

Tu Jin and other three sword cultivators also came here. From a distance, they saw many sword cultivators surrounding the Sword Spirit Pagoda, which made people feel strange. However, when they saw Xu Ziqing, where did they not know that the person who broke through in this Sword Spirit Pagoda was Yun Lie?

This is no wonder, Yun Lie was quite famous a few years ago, and it is only natural that he is valued when he returns.

In just a few short breaths, Yun Lie had already reached the eleventh floor, and to him, the bottleneck of the Sword Soul Refinement was nothing. He didn't get in the way at all. Twelfth floor.

Then, as before, he still shot without mercy, and passed by with a sword.

Under the Sword Spirit Pagoda, all the monks saw that after the white light on the tower leaped to the thirteenth and fourth floors, the speed was not slow at all, and it was still the same as before. On the twenty-second floor, it did not stop either.

After repeating this, he finally quickly reached the thirty-third floor.

At this time, many sword cultivators watching were shocked.

I don't know if this Yun surnamed Jianxiu will pass...

However, the next moment, they saw with their own eyes that white light was advancing forward, and before they returned to their senses, they jumped again, reaching the thirty-fourth floor!

"Breakthrough! Sure enough, he is already the third refinement of the sword and soul!"

In an instant, some sword cultivators exclaimed.

A few more people have noticed that until now, the speed of breaking through the level has remained the same... This also means that the person who breaks through the tower at this time, even if he breaks into the third layer of the sword and soul, every time he breaks through the level, Only one sword was used.

There was a lot of discussion for a while, and it attracted a lot of sword cultivators, especially those sword cultivators who didn't know Yun Lie. They became even more interested when they heard that this person had failed the second sword training three years ago.

They are all people who understand swords, and naturally they understand more that the longer they stay in a tower, the more difficult it will be to break through. On the contrary, the shorter the stay time, the farther they have reached the limit.

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