Bai Longsheng heard it, but did not smile.

To be honest, in his opinion, one of these two young monks is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the other is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and the experience level is really too shallow. There are countless heroes in the battle of the Billboard, I don't know how many people from all over the world, and I don't know how many people with extremely talented people. How difficult is it to make a breakthrough there?

At least there must be a period of spiritual transformation, and all kinds of great supernatural powers and magic formulas must be in hand, so that they can protect themselves slightly.

In the Yuan Ying period, I wanted to touch the eight hundred gold list... difficult, difficult, difficult.

Bai Longsheng thought that Yun Lie now had the kendo realm of the Five Refinements of the Sword Soul, and he could be called a genius among geniuses. He might have the power to fight, and he could not enter the Eight Hundred Gold List. However, Xu Ziqing's cultivation base is lower, and he seems to be lacking in energy, so I'm afraid there is no hope.

But if the realm of the two of them improves again, and even Yun Lie can break through to the realm of transformation into a god... and then cooperate with the sword soul, it is hoped that they will enter a higher ranking and be respected and sought after.

However, according to the information from Bai Longsheng, one of these two monks is less than 200 years old and the other is less than 300 years old. Their potentials are still far from being discovered, and the road ahead is even more promising. Even if it fails this time, there will be another next time. Second-rate. It will not be a few hundred years before you can become a person above the rest, a person among the people.

After talking for a while, Bai Longsheng bluntly invited: "In three or four months, I will be able to throw away those three burdens, and then I will return to Bailong Mansion. It is also a fate for me to meet here. After waiting for the lower realm, if you don't mind, why don't you come to my mansion to talk."

Xun Liang and Yin Xiu knew when they were established that this was to inform him when they would go to Bailong Mansion and join their sect, and for Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, this was an ordinary invitation.

——It is also a temptation to further tie with them.

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie.

Yun Yan nodded slightly.

Xu Ziqing also smiled and said, "Young Palace Master invites you, how dare you not go?"

Bai Longsheng gained face and was very happy, and then he looked at Tu Jin and said again: "I will come back to the realm of the nine emptiness in the future. I wonder if I can accompany Brother Tu? The hard work is fast."

Tu Jin glanced at him and said, "There's nothing wrong with that."

The group finally agreed, Bai Longsheng didn't disturb the others, and quickly left.

Xun Liang and Yin Xiu were both excited. Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing would walk around the realm of the Nine Illusions again, in exchange for some things that were not found in the lower realm. Voila.

Three days passed in a hurry, and the four Yun Lie did not miss much, so they used the sword god order and went directly back to the great world of Qianyuan.

Volume 27: The White Dragon Mansion

Chapter 482 Return

To the west of Shanjuan Town, the valley bottom surrounded by several small peaks is forbidden.

After a flash of light, four figures suddenly appeared inside. It was Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie, Xun Liang, and Yin Xiu who had returned to the great world of Qianyuan by the Sword God Order.

Then, with a wave of their hands, they each released the restrictions they had placed.

However, the four of them noticed again, and several small restrictions suddenly exploded, turning into a stream of light and disappearing in front of their eyes.

Everyone also recognized that these small restrictions were set up by Mi Xing, Gongye Feibai, and Lu Wenge in the Wuling Mountains.

Sure enough, they had just taken a few steps, and a few more escaping lights came quickly. The three slender youths who appeared in front of them were also the people they missed before.

When the three saw Xu Ziqing and the others, they all looked overjoyed: "You are back!"

Before they could speak, Gongye Feibai suddenly became a little anxious: "Why is Tu Jin not here?"

Xu Ziqing hurriedly reassured him: "Senior Brother Gongye, don't worry, Brother Tu, he is still cultivating in the Realm of the Nine Voids, and he is very well. We have just returned to participate in the Battle of the Billboards, not because something went wrong."

Gongye Feibai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then laughed at himself: "It's really worrying for you to go to that other world."

Xu Ziqing also smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior Brother Gongye, although we have some experience, but at best it's only a near miss, almost never have been injured, let alone any serious danger."

The other two senior brothers have also seen their friends, and after hearing his words, they are relieved.

Yin Xiu and Xun Liang felt their hearts warm when they saw their friends so caring.

In just a few short conversations, since everyone is fine, they won't stay much longer. If you want to go to the Realm of the Nine Voids next time, you will have to change another place, and you don't have to be nostalgic here.

Soon, they came to the town together, ordered a table of good meals, and ate together.

They hadn't enjoyed the drinking water from the lower realm for many years, and the monks ate it very happily. At the banquet, Xun Liang and Xu Ziqing were good at talking, so they told everything they had encountered in the realm of the nine virtual worlds.

Naturally, they were separated for three years, and their experiences during these three years were also discussed separately.

Gongye Feibai and the three listened intently and were amazed from time to time.

Especially when they met the people of White Dragon Mansion in the Realm of Nine Voids, and Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie went to the battlefield of Nine Voids, they were especially surprised. Of course, they were not only happy for Xun Liang and Yin Xiu's whereabouts afterward, but also for the two brothers and sisters who had undergone trials on the battlefield and had a relationship with the Li family.

Saying this, before I knew it, more than two hours passed.

Seeing that it was already past noon, and a group of friends had gathered together, Xun Liang and Yin Xiu left.

They are not from the Zhoutian Xianzong, but they can't easily enter the door, so they don't disturb the gathering of people in their Wuling lineage.

After the two left, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie followed the three senior brothers back to the inner door.

A group of five people arrived at the main peak. Lord Hangyu could grasp all the scenes in the entire mountain range. He had already known about the return of Xu and Yun, so he sat in front of the house to fish and played with water brocade and dragon carp.

The dragon carp was helped by the dragon's blood that Xu Ziqing first gave, and now the golden scales around his body are more dazzling, the dragon's whiskers are swaying, and the energy of his body is also more powerful. In the long run, it may not be impossible to truly cultivate to the point of becoming a dragon.

It saw a few people now, and waved its tail to Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, and there was a bit of intimacy between its movements, also because of the dragon's blood.

Lord Hangyu also turned his head and smiled kindly at the two of them: "just come back."

Xu Ziqing was a little moved, and smiled back: "The domain owner is worried." He paused and asked again, "The other brothers..."

The Lord of Hangyu laughed and said, "most of them are working hard behind closed doors, where will they go?" Then he stroked his beard, "but Ke Hong went out to travel, but you can't see him."

Xu Ziqing was a little curious: "Senior Brother Ke went out to travel... What about the Battle of Doutian?"

Before the master of Hangyu could answer, another burst of laughter came over: "Ziqing, wait for me to tell you!"

Isn't this voice the one of Xing Zunzhu?

As soon as Xu Ziqing turned his head, he saw Venerable Master Xing striding forward, and he smiled and said, "Then I will ask Venerable Master to clear up the confusion for me."

Xing Zunzhu laughed more and more cheerfully: "Why not!"

So, he quickly revealed the reason.

It turned out that this matter really had something to do with the once-in-a-decade group domain Xiaobi.

In this small comparison, the sect has sent inspectors to supervise it, but all the large and small mountain areas in the inner sect of Zhoutian Xianzong must participate.

At the time of the small competition, at most eight monks from each domain could not exceed the initial stage of out-of-body body to enter the competition, and they were screened round by round. Until the end, a total of ten monks who were the most powerful were selected and received the sect's praise.

This reward is not an ordinary reward, but will be judged by the inspector according to the specific situation of the domain.

For example, if a very outstanding disciple appears in a small mountain area and wins the top ten, the inspector may simply bestow a few spiritual pills or other heavenly materials and earth treasures that other disciples desperately need but cannot obtain to improve the overall mountain area. strength.

If a disciple in a large mountain area wins, perhaps this disciple can get the opportunity to go to some secret places to gain enlightenment...

If a disciple from an ordinary mountain region wins, that disciple happens to have relatives and friends who are not qualified but have deep feelings for him. The inspector may be able to make an exception to allow the disciple to enter the inner door, or give him a treasure to enhance his personal qualifications, and so on. People are automatically absorbed after they are born...

And so many different benefits.

In short, as long as there is a request, most of the wishes can be satisfied.

The inspector had the entire Zhou Tian Xianzong as the backing, but he was very powerful.

Whether it was the more than 20 years when Xu Ziqing got a baby, or the years when he and Yun Lie went to the Realm of the Nine Voids, the group competition has already been carried out several times. And the Wuling Mountain Region is just a small mountain region. At that time, Yun Lie's cultivation base had just been refined, and it was at the critical juncture of polishing. Therefore, neither of him participated in it. Every time, seven senior brothers went together. .

But...not only because of one fewer number of people, but also because of luck, or because of strength, they can't always break into the top ten.

However, there was an exception just a few years ago in the last small competition in the group domain.

This exception was Gongye Feibai in the early days of out of body.

He can be friends with Tu Jin, and his own strength and talent are naturally very good. He has been stuck in such a realm for many years, not only to ensure the status of the Wuling Mountains, but he has to be constrained in the fairy sect and has less experience. The reason, there are other reasons, is that he still lacks some understanding on certain roads, so that he can't break through.

However, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie brought the inheritance of thousands of puppets.

Although their brothers have some adventures, they are inferior to the two of them. This huge inheritance of thousands of puppets and thousands of puppets naturally wants to learn from it, so they all come to understand this way, confirm each other, and gain a lot of insights from it.

In this way, almost all the senior brothers have gained something, and among them, the one who unexpectedly fits this way is Gongye Feibai, who is very quick and clever. Among the many senior brothers, he is also making rapid progress the one.

Perhaps it was because of the solid accumulation in the past. Gongye Feibai, who had not advanced for many years, had made some achievements in the way of puppets after studying for more than 20 years. He combined the way of puppets with his own way. Then vaguely, there was a sign of a breakthrough.

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