However, the group competition is about to happen soon. If he breaks through suddenly, he will no longer be able to participate in the competition at the middle stage of his out-of-body experience.

So Gongye Feibai suppressed the impending breakthrough, continued to comprehend the way of puppets with great perseverance, and continued to accumulate and hone himself. Later, with the help of his newly added skills, he squeezed into the top ten of the group domain Xiaobi!

This move is really beyond the expectations of many people!

When he heard this, Xu Ziqing seemed to have guessed: "So, the reward of the inspector is..."

The head of Hangyu Nianxu smiled: "the most embarrassing thing for my Wuling lineage is the lack of people."

Xing Zunzhu also smiled and said: "Therefore, the inspector has specially assigned a token. Before the next small competition, I don't need to accept any invitations from the mountain region!" He continued in a very good mood. "Furthermore, if I can get such a result in the next small competition, then this kind of reward can continue."

It's just that after this time, Gongye Feibai had already saved enough, and he had to make a breakthrough in about the past two years.

In the next round, he can no longer participate in the competition.


Lord Xing looked at Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, and became more and more happy.

With his eyes, he can immediately see that after the Nine Void Realm, although Yun Lie's own edge is hidden, it seems to bring him a sense of threat, and this sense of threat must not come from. Cultivation, then, is his kendo realm, which has reached a very deep level - for sword cultivators, as long as the kendo realm is sufficient, there will be few bottlenecks above the cultivation base. Can also show some prestige. And Xu Ziqing... This young cultivator used to have a lack of energy, but after returning this time, he has a kind of introversion after seeing blood, as if he had been cleaned by evil spirits once. Count him in!

Regardless of whether these two people can quickly add glory to the Wuling lineage, if they do not die prematurely in the future, there will be no doubt.

As an elder, there is such a talent among the latecomers, even if the next Xiaobi can't continue the reward, it will be enough to make him happy!

Hearing these words, Xu Ziqing was also very happy.

They have a very harmonious relationship with the teacher's sect, and they are willing to see the teacher's sect getting bigger and bigger.

Later, they told the two of them what happened in the realm of the nine virtual worlds, which made these elders hear the eyes again and again.

After talking for several hours, Lord Hang Yu and Lord Xing Zun felt more at ease and let them leave.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, they separated from their brothers again, and Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also went back to the Dòng mansion together.

Chapter 483: The Power of the Outer Sect

Early in the morning, a pair of red bodies were leaning against one another on the bed, all resting with their eyes closed.

Fading yesterday's charming night, now it is showing warmth.

After a while, the handsome young man opened his eyes and stood up in the arms of the stern man behind him, and then the man also opened his eyes.

The two were dressed separately, and Xu Ziqing called out, "Senior brother."

Yun Li looked back at him.

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a sudden thought."

Yun Yan nodded slightly and said nothing.

Soon Xu Ziqing took out some of the low-grade shòujīng meat that was originally used to enjoy, cooked it with heart, and then ate it with his senior brother. Although the two of them never laughed at Yanyan, the atmosphere between them was very leisurely, which made people meet. Just calm down.

After the meal, Yun Lie said: "There are still two years before the battle."

Xu Ziqing also nodded and said, "Senior brother will go to retreat first, and after I deal with some things, I will go to the penance for a period of time."

Yun Lie heard the words and said, "You can choose by yourself."

Xu Ziqing also said: "Senior brother, don't worry, I just want to send the corpse of the rest of the wind to your brothers, respected master, domain master and others to taste the delicious food, and then go to the outer door to see how sister Chen Ni and Chen Chang are doing business. , and Luanfenghua also wants to give her sisters the operation..."

This may sound like a lot of chores, but if you really do it, it won't take much work for a cultivator.

Yun Lie heard it, and after a warning with his junior brother, he went straight to his secret room.

Xu Ziqing watched his senior brother disappear, then turned into a flash of light, and went to the place of the Lord of Hangyu first.

Since it was just to send some food, the speed was very fast. It didn't take long for the Lord Hangyu and the Lord Xing to get a few corpses of Feng shòu first, and then he would visit the dòng residences of the brothers respectively, and also send this thing.

They are all disciples of the same vein, and everyone has never rejected them, but accepted things.

After finishing this, Xu Ziqing turned around and threw himself towards the outer door.

Inside the outer gate is still the same as before. There are countless sects, forces, and many lively urban areas. If you only count the number, there are more than the inner gate, and the location is also wider than the inner gate.

Xu Ziqing went directly to the street where he was separated from the Chen sisters. He found a teahouse, and while enjoying the spirit tea, he stimulated the blood contract in his body and told the two sisters where he was.

After about a stick of incense, the pair of sisters really didn't dare to neglect. After being summoned, they came over in a short time.

Seeing Xu Ziqing's back, Chen Ni called out, "Master!"

Chen Chang also looked happy: "I have seen the master."

The faces of the two sisters were originally beautiful, but now they smiled happily after seeing Xu Ziqing, and they became more and more gorgeous. add

Because of the hardships they had endured in their early years, they were a bit more charming than many female nuns in the outer sect. For a time, some male guests who passed by couldn't help but look straight.

Xu Ziqing turned around and smiled at the two of them: "I haven't seen you for a long time, it seems that the two of you are living well."

Sister Chen Nishang smiled and saluted: "It's all thanks to the master."

The three masters and servants said a few words. Chen Ni was prudent in the end, and said first: "This place is simple. I also ask the master to go back to the hall with my sisters."

Xu Ziqing frowned slightly: "In the building?"

Chen Chang also smiled and said: "Master, go on the road first, and listen to me and wait for it to come slowly."

Xu Ziqing smiled, put a low-grade spirit stone on the table, got up and left with the two sisters.

Well, I was just letting him take a look. After a few years, what business did the two sisters do?

Sister Chen Nishang felt a little nervous in their hearts. They were conscientious and did not dare to relax. Although the two masters have left a lot of resources for them, after all, most of them are used to develop their power, and they have just been attached to them. If they want to gain real trust, they still have to do something to win them slowly.

Therefore, they hardly dared to rest over the years, and they seldom practiced, all in order to quickly tie their heels in the shortest time... As for the stability of the heels, there is still more time, you can slow down slow.

After going around two streets, not too far, the group entered a big alley.

Beyond the exit, there is another street, but it is not so lively compared to the ones I encountered before.

But there are not too many people in the past, and there are still some small families and forces around. Although those forces are not very powerful together, it is very difficult to find a loophole in the middle.

Xu Ziqing was a little surprised.

Just because Sister Chen Nishang said, this street is not attached... or in other words, it is a quarter of the street that two pairs are attached to. All the shops there are already occupied by Sister Chen Nishang.

This place can be regarded as occupying a favorable location - if the disciples of nearby families and sects are in urgent need of cultivation resources, but there are not many available in the family, this quarter of the business will bring a lot of benefits. .

From this point of view, the two sisters Chen Nishang are really talented in this way.

After about a hundred steps, everyone saw a small building. There were many shops scattered around, and gradually formed a guard. This small building was their center.

There are four guards standing in front of the small building, each of whom is in the late stage of foundation building, but Xu Ziqing glanced at it and saw that they were all over a hundred years old... In this great world of Qianyuan, such qualifications are really considered Not good.

No wonder, sister Chen Nishang can recruit them.

Although the guards were not well-qualified, they had been in the outer door for many years, and their vision was good. They had long known that there was still a mountain village behind the pair of sisters, and seeing that they were so respectful to the Tsing Yi cultivator, why didn't they think twice in their hearts? Immediately, their attitude towards Xu Ziqing became more and more respectful, and they did not neglect him.

Sister Chen Nishang smiled and was very satisfied with the performance of these guards.

At the beginning, they recruited people to fill the scene, but they didn't recruit everyone. In the outer door, there are all kinds of people and so on. If you attract someone who doesn't wink, wouldn't it be easy for them to cause trouble for this emerging force?

So, in this early stage, it doesn't matter if your aptitude is poor, it doesn't matter if you are older - even a little weaker strength is not a problem. The most important point is that first of all, you can't make trouble, you have to be able to advance and retreat in moderation.

Because the time is too short, the back of this small building is connected to this courtyard, but including the small building's footprint, the radius is less than one mile, and the sphere of influence is really small. But after all, it was built by women. Although the small building is small, it has all the internal organs. After entering, you can feel a kind of spirit.

And obviously, the spiritual energy inside the small building is much stronger than the outside, and there are several rooms where the spiritual energy is particularly strong. Xu Ziqing looked at it a little and knew that there was a spirit gathering formation in these rooms. Earlier, he and his senior brother Jiāo Yu The sister's third-order spiritual vein was also placed here.

This pair of sisters is really exquisite.

After a while, the sisters brought Xu Ziqing directly to the top floor.

Xu Ziqing glanced at it, this floor is divided into two rooms, the inner and outer rooms, and the spiritual energy is the most abundant in the whole small building.

The inner room was sealed long ago, and the outer room was empty. There were only two futons on the ground, which seemed to be used by the two sisters for their daily practice. It was indeed intentional to set aside the residence where he and his senior brother stayed when they came.

After reading this, Xu Ziqing was generally satisfied.

Sister Chen Nishang looked at his expression and saw that the master was not at all dissatisfied, so they relaxed half of their hearts. After that, they sat down with the servants, served tea, and offered fruit before they sat cross-legged on the opposite side with the permission of the master. What they did in the outer sect, they all told them one by one, and they have never concealed how much the force they have built can do.

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