Afterwards, Bai Longsheng also put on a smile on his face: "Brother Yun, Brother Xu, Mr. and Mrs. Xian really believe in people."

Although Yin Xiu and Xun Liang never took the initiative to speak, there was a flash of joy in their eyes at the same time.

When the Nascent Soul cultivator saw the young mansion master taking such initiative, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. At the same time, he couldn't help but mention the position of the two in the heart of the young mansion master.

Xu Ziqing also looked at a few people.

Bai Longsheng has returned to the mansion, and his style is quite different. As for those two sword cultivators, they worked hard outside in their early years. Although the prudent ones are stable, they have vicissitudes of life. The yīn yīn xiu is not only yīn yu, but also quite lonely, but now it seems that those foreign objects have been brushed away, revealing the kind of Jian xiu’s kind of Geng Zhengbing. The straight sword heart is like wiping away the dust on the sword.

Look at their costumes again... Not only has this White Dragon Mansion never treated the two of them badly, it is clear that Bai Longsheng has attracted the two of them as confidants.

So, it is indeed a good place to go.

Xu Ziqing hurriedly glanced over, with a more genuine smile on his face: "Several brothers, long time no see."

Yun Lie nodded slightly, and it was considered a greeting.

Bai Longsheng was lazy on weekdays, but under the eyes of his father, he didn't dare to indulge like that. He immediately quoted with a smile: "The guest room is ready. Before the battle, the two of you will stay in my mansion for a while? I'll have a chat."

He said that he was learning about swordsmanship, but he knew about Xu Ziqing's friendship with Yun Lie, so he didn't name him, so he included Xu Ziqing and gave him a face.

Xu Ziqing also knew some of the corners, so he smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Bailong, for your kindness. My brother and I are welcome."

Bai Longsheng laughed loudly: "What are you polite? But underestimate the love I'm waiting for..."

Such a group of five people walked into the large formation with laughter.

When their figures disappeared, the Nascent Soul cultivator who was left outside was also a little speechless.

He now knows that the two here are not only ordinary visitors, but can also be called the distinguished guests of the Young Palace Master. At least he has received some people who came to visit before, but he has never been treated by the Young Palace Master personally leading his confidants to greet them with smiles and all kinds of polite words...

Besides, Xu Ziqing, when he walked into the great formation, he could perceive the extremely strong spiritual energy, which was three or four times stronger than the outside.

With a slight swipe of his consciousness, he could also find that in the surrounding void, there were many small formations, one by one, vaguely, and seemed to form a terrifying formation in formation, formation in formation.

These formations have the ability to defend, also have the ability to attack, and also have the ability to gather spiritual energy. There are many advantages that cannot be listed.

This kind of handwriting is actually only the outer courtyard of the ninety-ninth layer, which shows that the White Dragon Mansion has a strong background. It is unknown how many spiritual veins are buried below the ground, and how much manpower and material resources were used to build it like this.

This is no wonder that many people want to join the White Dragon Mansion, and it is no wonder that the forces of the White Dragon Mansion are so difficult to provoke.

Bai Longsheng walked all the way, introducing the two brothers and sisters all the way.

He was also in a very happy mood at this time-although when he was in the Realm of Nine Voids earlier, he made a statement to invite these two great potential heroes, and he was sure that these two people should be invited to come. But now that he really came, he was naturally more comfortable.

This not only simply gave him face, but also showed that this pair of Taoist companions really had the intention to marry him.

Undoubtedly, it is also a good thing for him.

Chapter 488 Puppet Maid

In the outer courtyard, there are many clouds and mists, as if they are living things.

Xu Ziqing saw that countless courtyards of various sizes stood among the various scenery, some small bridges and flowing waters, or pavilions and pavilions, or mountains, or deep valleys, or gardens, each with its own style and various scenery, and so on.

Among the people who came and went, at first there were acquired and innate warriors, and later Qi refining, Huayuan, Jindan, and monks of different levels also followed the road and saw more and more, and there were some closed courtyards. Retreat, and many restrictions were set up - it is said that there are also monks above Nascent Soul, and even spiritual transformation, there are many.

However, because these high-level monks did not officially join the White Dragon Mansion, they were only sheltered in it, so they could not enter the inner courtyard, and could only stay in the outer courtyard. Naturally, the stronger the strength, the better the treatment they could get. .

Not long after, he passed the Ninety-Nine Outer Court.

Xu Ziqing saw a big river again, with rolling waves and misty water.

Bai Longsheng hit with a token, and the big river divided into two sides, let them open the way, and told them to cross over.

At this time, the aura suddenly climbed several grades again, which only made people feel as if the aura was converging into a wind, flowing continuously, and much more intense than the aura in the outer courtyard.

Among them, there is also the inner courtyard of the eighteenth floor, which is populated by many forces, monks, and some of their confidants who have taken refuge in the White Dragon Mansion. Among these people, although it is not said that they have reached the point of swearing allegiance to the White Dragon Mansion, they are also "prosperous and damaged" with them, and many related operations and forces in the mansion often need to be handled by them.

Further inward, is the top priority of the White Dragon Mansion.

There are triple courtyards.

In this triple core courtyard, one of the people of Bai Longsheng's clan lived there.

——Although they can't call themselves "Bai Long", they also take the surname "Bai". They are also born in the same vein as Bai Longsheng. If it is said that the eighteenth inner courtyard is the foundation of the power of Bailongfu, then this courtyard is the

As the foundation of the White Dragon family, there must be no mistake.

But no matter how many clansmen there are here, only Bai Longsheng is the only one who can serve as the mansion master.

There are all kinds of secrets in the middle, so they can't be humane to the outside world.

It is precisely because this core courtyard is where the children of a family are located, the spiritual energy here is so strong that it almost forms a white mist, and the breath is full of clear spirit, as if it can wash away all the turbid objects in the body, and it is even a little more to run the power. Dharma, there will be countless spiritual energy poured back. Sitting here for a day is no worse than cultivating for several days at the confluence of several first-order spiritual meridians.

It is conceivable, but for those who cultivate here, those who arrive outside the world in one day work hard for many days, and when they enter the realm of cultivation, won’t they be several times faster? It really is a good place to practice!

Then I looked at the second courtyard, which was the residence of the Palace Master. It was the place where Bai Longsheng's father and son, relatives, guards, confidants and others lived. It was extremely vast. Inside and outside, there are many rules.

The last courtyard is the place where the clansmen secretly cultivate.

Or the disciples of Yingjie, or those who are in seclusion, or the mighty who have a very high level of cultivation and do not care about world affairs, all of them are practicing asceticism within.

The hospital is closed all year round, and no one else can disturb it.

Bai Longsheng was also stubborn. He took the two brothers directly into his father's house, passed through a moon gate on the side, and went straight to a very luxurious mansion deep in the garden. This is the side yard. , which is also his residence.

All the subordinates he trusted were also arranged here.

Now entertaining guests, he actually let people in.

Xu Ziqing swept his eyes and saw that Yin Xiu and Xun Liang were not at all suspicious. It was clear that the two of them should have gained Bai Longsheng's trust and had truly become confidants.

——However, he did not know that when Xun Liang and Yin Xiu first came, Bai Longsheng had already let them in. You need to know that you really want to attract people's hearts in this world, and you can treat each other sincerely. If Bai Longsheng first put the two of them aside, and brought them to the hospital after many trials, there would be nothing wrong with that, but because it was too ordinary, the two swordsmen could not feel anything special, and they were attached on their faces. In fact, he may not really take him to heart.

But now it is different. From the beginning, Bai Longsheng has shown a state of thirst for talents, and he cares for the two of them. Therefore, it didn't take long for Yin Xiu and Xun Liang to be more convinced of Bai Longsheng.

Bai Longsheng took such a risk really well, and the two sword cultivators who were trained in the second sword soul have completely surrendered since then.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were led to a back garden by the owner. The scenery is very beautiful. There is a huge stone table under the shade of the tree, which has a quiet and elegant sense of wild interest. It fits with nature and makes people linger.

Bai Longsheng took his seat, then invited everyone to sit down as well, and clapped his hands again.

Soon, dozens of girls in colorful clothes came, each holding dishes, fresh fruit, and spirit wine, all of which were placed on the table.

This Bai Longsheng actually held a small feast for the two brothers and sisters. Although Yin Xiu Xun Liang was not as casual as he used to be, he was not too restrained. It was only after the two of them were seated that they sat down with them.

Then the girls in colorful clothes finished serving, and they were divided into two.

Seven or eight of them stood on both sides, and dozens of others actually came to the flower bushes and the woods, dancing gracefully and gracefully.

A few monks enjoyed the delicacies while admiring the dancing postures of the girls. It was really relaxing.

However, Xu Ziqing gradually realized that something was wrong.

It's not because of the people next to you, but the girls are smiling, but no matter how they dance, their eyes seem to be lacking in energy... What is the reason for this?

He was curious, and inevitably took a second look.

When Yun Lie saw his junior brother like this, he whispered, "Puppet."

Xu Ziqing's heart moved, his eyes were slightly closed, and when he opened them again, blue light flashed in his eyes.

This... as expected, those girls did not have any vitality to linger around them.

Even an ordinary mortal would never act like this. What my brother said was true.

Over there, Bai Longsheng also heard what Yun Lie said, and he said in surprise: "Brother Yun, I have also entertained some guests here, but there has never been someone like you who can immediately tell the difference..." He paused, Said, "Yes, although these women are beautiful, they are indeed puppets. I ask people to live in them, so that they can entertain others and themselves, and they will not tempt people in my hospital to be lustful and entangled in love. It couldn't be more convenient."

It turned out that this young mansion master is a sword cultivator. Since he woke up, he has mainly focused on ascetic cultivation. Even the people who were recruited by the audience were mostly talented and diligent in cultivation. I don't care about women's sexuality, and I don't want to have more contact with female servants - after all, most of these people who put down their bodies to be female servants are mostly people who want to depend on men, not female cultivators who are dedicated to cultivating. Its service will inevitably cause problems. Therefore, in this dwelling, there was no maidservant either.

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