And if you are looking for a servant to serve, your mind may be different from that of a maid at the beginning. After a long time, there may not be no one who recommends a pillow seat, and most of the service is not as meticulous as a maid, so it is not necessary.

Later, Bai Longsheng thought about it again and again, and finally got this group of puppets over.

When Xu Ziqing heard it, he raised his glass and smiled and said, "These puppets are really well done. If it hadn't been for my brother's reminder, I would have been caught off guard, but it would have been hard to tell the difference, and I don't know who made them?"

He has seen the inheritance skills of thousands of puppets and thousands of puppets, and he has also recorded many methods in it, and there are countless methods of refining human-shaped puppets. However, the puppets in that sect are often based on battles, but they seldom record such things as prizes. Even if they exist, they are very few, far less detailed than combat puppets, and they are exquisite and ingenious.

Thinking about it for a while, this is probably related to the demise of the sect, and what is to be passed down should be the best at it, and it is also the means to keep the foundation of the sect. For the rest, the Thousand Puppets and Ten Thousand Puppets of the year may not have more skills, but they are relatively insignificant compared to the battle puppets - don't you see, even the other puppets left by that sect are all battle puppets?

Turning around, these girl puppets move freely, with smooth movements and subtle expressions that are not under all the puppets in Xu Ziqing's hands. It can be seen that the refiner must be a very capable puppet warlock.

Xu Ziqing is the most sensitive to vitality, but he did not take precautions beforehand, and he did not see through the flaws for a while, but vaguely felt that something was wrong. And Yun Lie didn't pay attention to it, but when he noticed his younger brother's mind, his consciousness immediately swept, and he recognized it.

From this, it is even more obvious that these puppets are powerful.

Bai Longsheng listened, and looked a little complacent: "These puppets are all made by my Bailong Mansion, and the elder Wei in the Duobao Building is personally refined. It is extremely convenient to serve him for ten or eight years.”

He can't be unhappy. Although there are many people in the world who practice the way of puppets, but all capable puppet warlocks will never pass on their unique skills. Moreover, it is extremely difficult and slow to cultivate the way of puppets. In the great world of Qianyuan, the elder Wei is the best among the puppet warlocks, and now he rarely refines things for others, and only concentrates on his own research.

Back then, Bai Longsheng wanted a puppet. He was very valuable. Naturally, if he wanted the best puppet, he would invite the elder Wei. What surprised many people was that Elder Wei was also considered to be giving Bai Longfu a face, and he actually made it by himself, which really gave Bai Longsheng a lot of face.

Seeing him like this, Xu Ziqing praised him again. Yin Xiu and Xun Liang had been practicing all day long and never worked on these puppet maids until now. Startled. After hearing about it later, when I looked at these maids again, I was amazed and amazed.

After everyone talked like this for a while, Bai Longsheng suddenly looked at the pair of senior brothers and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, the two of you came by coincidence... Otherwise, I would have to send someone to the Guixian Sect to post."

Xu Ziqing was startled: "Brother Bailong, what is your order?"

Bai Longsheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal... It's just that my Bailong Mansion is about to hold a small meeting recently."

Chapter 489

Xu Ziqing looked over: "Fengyun Xiaohui?"

He glanced at Yin Xiu Xun Liang again, and found that the two of them were not surprised, obviously they already knew it.

Bai Longsheng spread out his palm, and the light in his palm flickered. In a matter of seconds, two silver messages appeared, which were handed to Xu Ziqing and Senior Brother Yun Lie respectively.

Xu Ziqing took it and looked down.

I saw in the letter "Sincerely invite the honored guest Xu Ziqing to my small meeting, the White Dragon House is yours" and other gilded words, and there are many small words, which clearly explained the matter of attending the meeting.

It turned out that this small gathering of wind and clouds was held by the White Dragon Mansion, and the purpose was to invite all the monks who participated in the battle of the wind and cloud list to come to the gathering, to give good hospitality, to exchange ideas with each other, or to exchange news, or to form a relationship with each other, which is also a kind of An act of bringing them closer together.

It's not surprising to think about it, all those who come to participate in the battle list, except for the many who take this opportunity to see the strengths of hundreds of schools to do ascetic cultivation, there are also many for the sake of reputation, for resources, in order to show themselves so that they can be attracted by the big forces. , with different purposes.

As a major force on one side, Bailong Mansion also wants to attract a lot of talents to join in the ranking battle. Get some good feelings first and then talk about it later.

Naturally, those who have already gained some fame, or who have performed well in the ranking battle in the past, are even more careful.

A person with great potential like Xu Ziqing, Bai Longsheng personally sent the invitation, which was highly valued. Even if he realized that Xu Ziqing might not be able to get a good ranking this time, he never neglected him. What he saw was the future.

After that, Xu Ziqing looked at the post in his brother's hand again, except for the name, the words on it were the same.

After Yun Lie read the post, like Xu Ziqing, he put it away.

Xu Ziqing received Yun Lie's gesture, and smiled, "Senior brother and I will definitely attend the meeting."

Bai Longsheng also smiled when he heard the words.

Immediately, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked Chao Yunlie, "Brother Yun, you..." He hesitated a little, "But you broke through again?"

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Exactly."

Bai Longsheng's eyes flashed, and he immediately praised: "Brother Yun is so talented and has a good background!" After saying that, he surrendered, "This time, I wish Brother Yun to break into the Eight Hundred Gold List and make a big splash again!"

In his opinion

, There is no doubt that the five refinements of the sword and soul in the transformation period will break into the Billboard.

Yun Lie didn't move, and replied, "Thank you."

Seeing this, Bai Longsheng couldn't help laughing.

After receiving the banquet, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing were arranged to stay in a very luxurious room, also in the side yard where Bai Longsheng lived. Xun Liang and Yin Xiu still stayed, and they talked with Yun Li about swordsmanship for half a day before leaving.

For the next two or three days, both brothers and sisters meditated in the room, and Bai Longsheng occasionally came to visit them. However, with the respect of his Young Palace Master, his sincerity is beyond words.

On the fourth day, Yinxiu came alone.

At this time, Xu Ziqing was using a magical power to discuss with his senior brother. When he saw Yin Xiu coming, he accepted the magical power and asked with a smile, "Brother Yin?"

Yin Xiu's mind is not as depressed as before, and now he cupped his hands and said, "Brother Xu, Brother Yun, the eldest son instructed Yin to ask about the two of you..."

Xu Ziqing was stunned: "What's the matter?"

Yin Xiu said: "Today there is a treasure hunting party in Duobaolou. The eldest son wants to invite the two of you to go with you. I wonder if the two are interested?"

After he finished speaking, he explained the details of the treasure hunt first.

This Treasure Hunting Party is the same kind of gathering as the Fengyun Xiaohui in Bailong Mansion, but the form is a little different. Fengyun Xiaohui is to invite the outstanding people to the banquet, and often only those who hold the post can participate. The Treasure Hunting Club will be opened by Duobaolou today, and there is no need for a post. Anyone who participates in the Billboard Battle this time and is confident can go there, and there is no need to hold a post.

And since it is said that it is a treasure... It is those who can break through the levels set by the Duobao Building. Depending on their ability, they can get all the treasures in the building, from magic treasures to medicine pills to heaven and earth treasures, everything. Very tempting.

Therefore, most of the monks who got the news would join in the fun.

If you can get the green eyes of the Duobao Building... If you go to this building to find some treasures, wouldn't you be able to take advantage of it? It is unknown if he can even join Duobaolou.

The power of this Duobaolou is not under the White Dragon Mansion, even compared to some first-rank immortal sects. In this great world of Qianyuan, Duobaolou is a behemoth that runs rampant in many counties, and some of the channels for obtaining treasures from heaven and earth are many sects, and it is difficult to compare with it. Its owner is not one person, but two brothers of the same family. , extremely terrifying. Not to mention that the two brothers also have a number of loose immortals under their banners, and they have a solid background and are incomparable...

It is conceivable that many treasures that will never be sold will be revealed in the treasure hunt of Duobaolou today. If you are lucky, you can get one or two pieces. When you participate in the Battle of the Billboards in the future, you may have some more trump cards. Or being able to increase their own strength, naturally makes people flock to them.

Xu Ziqing and his senior brother looked at each other. Hearing what Yin Xiu said, he was indeed a little interested.

Since they arrived in the great world of Qianyuan, they have seen some forces, but compared to the entire great world, they are very few. This Duobaolou does sound like a behemoth. In the future, the two brothers and sisters may have to take advantage of this opportunity to experience it instead of fighting a little more.

Immediately, Xu Ziqing responded with a smile: "Brother Bai is kind, dare you not obey? Brother Yin, please."

Yin Xiu also showed a smile when he heard the words.

Everyone didn't say much, but Yin Xiu led the way, and the two brothers followed.

Bai Longsheng was standing in the main hall at this time, and there were more than ten monks behind him. Looking at his spiritual light, they were all monks above the Nascent Soul, and there were two people who were overwhelmed and expected to be out-of-body stage qiáng. Sheng was very respectful, thinking that he was his bodyguard. Apart from that, most of the others have a more submissive attitude. Xu is Bai Longsheng's subordinate, and there is only one woman standing on Bai Longsheng's left.

Seeing Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie coming, Bai Longsheng stepped forward and greeted him with a smile: "Brother Xu, Brother Yun, you two are here."

Xu Ziqing also smiled mildly: "I have been cultivating all the year round, and it is inevitable that my vision is narrow, and I just use this to gain insight."

Bai Longsheng heard this and couldn't help laughing: "Brother Xu is too humble."

After speaking, he led the two of them to the front of the dozen or so cultivators with a very warm attitude.

The many subordinates of the White Dragon Mansion, seeing the attitude of the Young Mansion Master towards Xu and Yun, knew that these two were distinguished guests and would not show any disrespect towards them.

Even the cold woman looked over at this time.

Her cultivation is also very good. She is a monk in the early stage of personal transformation. In terms of realm, it is comparable to Yun Lie. It seems that there is a terrible power in her body that can destroy people in an instant. It was soon obscured by a kind of fog, making it impossible for people to see clearly.

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