This is a very powerful nun.

Xu Ziqing only glanced at it, not much.

This woman is extremely powerful, and among the many female cultivators he has seen before, she is really top-notch, and I am afraid she is also very ambitious. It's just that I don't know what kind of sect she trained as a master. It seems that she should also participate in this round of the Billboard.

Sure enough, Bai Longsheng first introduced them to them: "This beautiful lady is Miss Qin Xiaoqin, the core disciple of Miao Mi Immortal Palace, and she is full of power." He pointed to the two brothers, "These two are Zhou Tian Xianzong's high disciple, this brother Yun Lie, has only practiced for three hundred years, but when it comes to the realm of swordsmanship, he is far more powerful than me. He is less than two hundred years old, but he is in such a state now, and the way of wood is extremely pure."

"The three of you are all newcomers who came to participate in the battle for the first time, but they are not bad compared to other battlers."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Qin Qian of the Miao Xian Palace still had an indifferent expression, but his tone was still acceptable: "Two Taoists."

This female nun is arrogant by nature and cannot be seen by ordinary people. Now that she is willing to greet people like this, she treats them differently.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Miss Qin."

Yun Li nodded slightly.

Both parties recognized it.

After that, Bai Longsheng took a step forward, and while talking with the two parties, he led them out of the Bailong Mansion.

Qin Xiao and Yun Lie are both taciturn people, so Bai Longsheng and Xu Ziqing talked, and some news leaked in the middle, so that the people on both sides listened silently. After a while, they became closer. .

Xu Ziqing was also a little curious. Although Bai Longsheng was very thoughtful towards Qin Xiao, he didn't seem to be very close, and he didn't seem to be a good friend.

Bai Longsheng's age is several times that of Xu Ziqing, although Xu Ziqing never revealed it, he saw it and said with a smile, "The palace master of the Immortal Palace and my father have a very good relationship. I live in the mansion."

Xu Ziqing smiled and didn't talk much.

He felt a little subtle in his heart, and his love was very good... If it was just a normal Taoist friend, Brother Bailong, as a son of man, would not rashly use such words. Could it be that the Palace Master is the Palace Master's confidante? The Palace Master has already married a wife, but still...

As soon as his thoughts changed, Xu Ziqing stopped thinking about it.

No matter what others are like, he and his senior brother can stay the same in this life.

The Duobao Tower is also in Bailong City, standing on a vast land on the right side of the city.

This force pervades the entire Qianyuan Great World, and can often enter where one force is close to the core, but because it has always been fair and never interferes in matters within its power, it is also willing to be supervised by many forces, but it is quite popular with many forces. welcome.

After walking for about ten miles, Bai Longsheng and his party saw a huge pavilion.

This pavilion is not too high, with only twelve floors in total, but it is very spacious and cleverly made.

Looking around, there are doors open on all sides.

Chapter 490

The Duobao Building is hundreds of feet high, and now Xu Ziqing and his party are still some distance away.

But even so, they could see that countless monks came here early.

I saw that in the sky, there were many riding shòu, or birds, or fleshy wings, and there were many people flying on magic weapons, and their bodies were full of energy, making it difficult for people to approach. After a short look, I felt that the bodies of those people seemed to contain some indescribable terrifying power. Once the commander came out, it could cause the heaven and the earth to shake, which was extremely powerful.

——Most of these people are under the age of 1000, and they are the ones who are going to participate in the battle of the Billboard.

Xu Ziqing also had some emotions in his heart.

The world is changing, and the journey to immortality is long. He keeps walking forward, and his perception changes endlessly.

In the early years, in the small world, the foundation-building cultivator felt extraordinary; after entering the middle three thousand, the Yuanying cultivator became a god; and in the top three thousand miles, the golden elixir was everywhere, and the Yuanying was like an ant.

The more you go on, the more you realize how small you are, and no matter how you enter the realm and how many magical techniques you have, you can still see that there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside of people.

As a spur, so that he did not dare to neglect.

Bai Longsheng, as the Young Palace Master of Bailong Mansion, is different from the children of aristocratic families and distinguished people who usually come by various luxurious carriages and pets. Instead, he walks. Along the way, Xu Ziqing and others have also seen it. Many talented people with great supernatural powers.

Some ascetic monks who were hard to see in previous years, sword cultivators with sword energy, and core disciples of great sects who were powerful and hidden in the past, all showed their graceful appearance at this time, which was so dizzying that it was almost impossible to see.

Xu Ziqing's consciousness was slightly released, and then retracted instantly.

Just because he had just released it, he realized that in the surrounding area, countless spiritual senses were wrong and tempted each other. Among them, the fierce ones were like thunder, the warm ones were like flowing water, the majestic ones were like mountains, the deep ones were like valleys, and the domineering ones were like mountains. Imperial power... all are not easy to provoke.

It was too unpleasant to cause others, so he restrained his breath and did not look at it.

Left and right... Now even with the naked eye, you can feel countless coercive collisions, and countless heroes gather!

However, although Xu Ziqing is a new face, many people know Bai Longsheng's appearance.

At this time, seeing him walking slowly, many people set their eyes on him, and swept over the people on both sides of him... Especially when they saw Qin Xiao, they had to stay for a while. instead

It was Yun Lie, who had already restrained his breath very deeply, and Xu Ziqing, who had always been gentle, who were not looked at very much.

After approaching the Duobao Building, Xu Ziqing saw that there were huge open spaces in front of the building.

Countless monks were standing, sitting, levitating, or riding, with different postures. There were also many extremely confident geniuses. They were arrogant and contemptuous. , only two points more seriously.

The will of these people is also extremely rigid and cannot be easily shaken.

Xu Ziqing sighed secretly, the great world of Qianyuan is full of geniuses, and now he really has gained a lot of knowledge.

——At least he has seen a lot of people who are difficult to deal with. The breath of that body is that he has a legendary cultivation technique, and it is inevitable to be afraid.

Besides, there is a huge space in front of the Duobao Building to accommodate many talented cultivators. In the area closer to the door of the building, an invisible large formation is set up.

An array master blurted out: "Serial array! Aggregate array!"

The huge forces that are entrenched in this big world, the formations that they can come up with are also extremely impressive. Today, those geniuses who believe in their power have excellent eyesight. As soon as they saw this formation, they knew that the building was really good, and they paid more attention to the follow-up in their hearts.

Not long after, the figure of an old man in huáng clothes appeared in front of the Bafanglou gate.

The old man had a childish face, his face was red, and he smiled. And in front of each building is the same old man, born in a normal appearance.

Bai Longsheng raised his eyebrows: "The method of avatar?"

Xu Ziqing took a closer look, and sure enough, the bodies of the eight old men were all solid. It seemed that they were not incorporeal bodies that were transformed into illusions. Instead, they really used some kind of secret method to divide the primordial spirit into many parts, supplemented by countless rare and strange treasures. It was only made into a real avatar, and each avatar has all the capabilities of the deity. If one avatar is killed, but as long as there are other avatars remaining, the old man will never die.

I didn't see how the old man in huáng clothes moved, but his voice was clearly heard: "The battle for the battle is imminent, and I, Duobaolou, are here for this treasure hunting conference, and many fighters are welcome to come and challenge. There are treasures in all levels, and there will be no regrets—"

Many talented cultivators originally came for this purpose. After hearing about it, they were quite interested and became more and more concerned about it.

The old man in huáng rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "Eight gates have different levels. Fa cultivators, alchemists, smiths, master formation masters, sword cultivators, talisman masters... no matter what you are doing You can choose any kind of Taoism. Everyone please!"

As soon as his voice fell, a stone tablet was erected in front of the eight buildings, and the books on the tablet were different.

Seeing this, Bai Longsheng looked at all the stone tablets, but did not take the lead.

But he didn't break through, but others did.

I saw a young man in ochre clothes, like a big roc, jumped over and landed directly in front of the building in the southwest.

He looked a little conceited, and said loudly: "Ge Ying, who has the supernatural power of God's eyes, come to learn!"

Then another man in black robe jumped up, with a layer of black air on his face, but it was a demon cultivator: "Harsh fistula, sex likes bone."

There is also an enchanting woman who walks with her feet, like a witch: "My concubine is Luo Suo, and she is better than soul capture."

Among the three people, one is good and the other is evil, and one is both good and evil.

It seems to be a test, it seems to be a coincidence...

The old man in huáng quickly laughed, and with a flick of his robe sleeves, the three disappeared.

Many heroes present were shocked, and then they discovered that just in front of the southwest building, three images appeared over the great formation, and in each image, a figure slowly appeared.

Looking at their faces, isn't it the three who disappeared before?

Now they seem to be ingested by the big array, presumably this is the way to break through.

At the same time, some pictures and shadows appeared in front of the other buildings, some three or four, some seven or eight, all appearing together.

And those who haven't challenged, can stand on the sidelines and see the postures of all the cultivators.

It is conceivable that the many actions of the passers-by are clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes - if they really pass through, they will be full of glory, if they can't pass, they will be embarrassed... it will be a huge loss of face. .

I have to say that Duobaolou's move is also a hidden rule.

If it's not good enough, don't come here to be embarrassed, otherwise that face will be thrown on the ground and trampled on by yourself, won't it become a big laughing stock? At that time, don't say that people will follow or join some major forces, I am afraid that I will be ashamed first!

Xu Ziqing looked at those graphics.

He was standing in the northeast at this time, and there were five images in front of him. In each image, there was a master of formation.

In those pictures, each one suddenly changed.

In the first picture, countless huáng sand erupted violently on the ground, instantly turning a whole world into a desert, and dozens of slap-sized poisonous scorpions emerged from the ground, each of them crimson red with a back. Translucent, ferocious tail.

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