After he figured it out, Xu Ziqing once again absorbed the spirit of Jiamu according to his previous thoughts.

As soon as he opened his mouth slightly, a azure light burst out from it, straight into the mouth of the bottle, rolled up the liquid inside, and swallowed it into his belly.

In an instant, the heat flowed, all over the limbs and bones, as if it was combined with something in the flesh and blood, causing his whole body to become hot in an instant - and then running the exercises again and again, the size of the week was repeated many times, and finally the heat faded away. .

And that kind of surging power is finally deposited in every minute of flesh and blood, waiting for the time needed in the future, and then gushing out.

After such refining, when Xu Ziqing woke up, three days and three nights had passed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his senior brother sitting across from him, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Senior brother."

Yun Lie looked at him: "How?"

Xu Ziqing said: "Everything has been refined into flesh and blood."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Very good."

Afterwards, the two of them practiced their own penance.

Xu Ziqing is still polishing his many supernatural powers and techniques, accumulating his true essence, but Yun Lie spreads out a few scrolls of iron scrolls like gold and non-gold in front of him. Go, the mind seems to be sucked in.

This is exactly the swordsmanship written by several kendo masters. The essence of their swordsmanship is displayed one by one in the strokes, which is where the hard work of those kendo masters is gathered. Sword practitioners only need to watch these strokes, and they can appreciate many mysteries and comprehend them. Swordsmanship is also a multiplier.

It is a treasure of swordsmanship.

And these few volumes of swordsmanship, there is no doubt that it is precisely when Yun Lie passed the twelve levels of swordsmanship, every three levels obtained, from shallow to deep, when combined into one, it is a very powerful swordsmanship.

This sword technique Yun Lie has never seen before, and now he will learn and practice it.

One of the ways of the sword is boundless and endless, and even if he can easily pass the twelve swordsmanship levels, if he is said to have cultivated to the extreme, he is far from being able to. Therefore, every time you encounter a swordsmanship, you have to practice it, use it for your own use, and improve yourself.

Yun Lie pointed at the same point, and on the iron scroll, countless small characters seemed to be transformed into countless sharp swords, and they were quickly chopped in front of him. Every track forms countless sword paths, which are broad and profound and incomparably mysterious.

His eyes instantly turned into a deep black, and he could only see those swordsmanship trajectories reflected in them, changing in a thousand ways.

So, another five days passed.

Outside the door, someone passed the ban and summoned in.

The two people sitting opposite each other opened their eyes at the same time, the blue light in one of them slowly dissipated, and the pupil of the other returned to normal.

Then they stood up.

Xu Ziqing took the light of communication with his hands, and after pinching it, the voices of Le Zheng and Zheng came out.

"The small meeting is coming, I'm already outside the hospital."

Xu Ziqing recovered, raised his eyes and said, "It turns out that this is the time."

Yun Lie said, "Let's go together."

Xu Ziqing just turned around, came to Yun Lie's side, and walked out of the door side by side with him.

After the ban was lifted, the two of them really saw a purple-robed man standing with his hands behind his back, with a noble temperament and a powerful aura.

Xu Ziqing called out, "Palace Master Lezheng."

Le Zheng and Zheng turned their heads: "You two are really ascetic practitioners, so it's no wonder that you are entering the realm so quickly."

Xu Ziqing smiled: "It's nothing to do."

Le Zheng and Zheng greeted Yun Lie again.

Yun Lie was reticent and nodded as a courtesy.

A few days ago, Le Zheng and Zheng came, and since Bai Longsheng invited him, he did not leave the invitation to him. It was on this day when the Fengyun meeting mentioned above was held.

Therefore, Le Zheng and Zheng came as early as possible to invite Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie to go together.

The two brothers and sisters also happily accompany each other.

Because Bai Longsheng was the main victim, they were very busy today, so they couldn't come to meet them in person, but the three of them had just walked out when they bumped into Xu and Yun's acquaintances, namely Yin Xiu and Xun Liang.

Bai Longsheng was very considerate, so he sent them over to guide them.

Chapter 498

Bai Longsheng was very generous, and the place he chose was among the most luxurious inns in Bailong Mansion.

This inn is designed to attract visitors from all over the world. There are many different places to entertain guests. There are many rooms of upper, middle and lower levels in small places, and courtyards in medium and large ones. , and assign them to different guests.

Today, the place where Fengyun Xiaohui is held is a very beautiful mountain and stone garden.

There is a great formation outside, which blocks all directions, forming a net of heaven and earth. Those who do not hold invitations cannot enter, so it is very safe.

The person in charge of the formation was the Mahayana monks trained in the inn, and there were two other monks of the same cultivation level who were safely guarding the sky above the garden for protection. There are more than ten cultivators around the formation, all of them are above the out-of-body stage, these people are the masters of the White Dragon Mansion, and they also came to protect Bai Longsheng. As for some other powerful monks with higher cultivation levels hiding in secret, it was also for the smooth progress of this small meeting.

——After all, the greater the power, the stronger the deterrence, but at the same time, there will be more pretenders.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie and a group of five came to the outside of the garden. At first glance, it was the most beautiful place, but there was a mist in the sky, making the whole garden seem like a dream, with an ethereal beauty.

No matter what kind of person with cultivation level, when they come out of the garden, they will be blocked by the fog. Every step forward is like being in the mud.

Everyone took out the invitation, and the invitation touched the mist, which immediately turned the mist away, allowing them to enter it unimpeded.

Soon, about dozens of steps, the eyes suddenly opened up.

I saw that there are many trees, mountains and rocks around the left and right, accompanied by, or rugged, or lush, with messy beauty.

Looking up again, a waterfall in front of me hangs down, and I don’t know how many feet it has formed. It looks like a Milky Way hanging upside down and entering a deep pool.

In front of the waterfall and on the pool, there is a huge boulder that rises straight up. It is square at the top, like a stone platform, but the further down it goes, the narrower the stone body is. When it reaches the water surface, it is only about the thickness of the forearm, as if it is crumbling. But it's rather sturdy.

And on both sides of this stone platform, where the water of Shuntan flows, there are also many stone seats of the same shape, high or low, scattered. Roughly speaking, there are more than one hundred in total.

Now there are dozens of monks sitting on this stone seat. It's just that depending on the difference in cultivation realm, the distance from the central stone seat is different.

After the group came in, Xu Ziqing first met Bai Longsheng, who was the owner, and now sits on the central stone seat. The rest of the cultivators were all arrogant, and there were many who achieved good results at the Duobaolou Treasure Hunting Conference, and they also attended the conference. There were even one or two people who broke through the twelve levels, which are quite eye-catching here. .

Xun Liang and Yin Xiu jumped up and took two adjacent stone seats to sit down. Xu Ziqing glanced at him and saw a pair of parallel stone seats on the right side of Bai Longsheng. When he went there, Le Zheng and Zheng Ze sat on the left of him again.

When many cultivators saw them coming in, their eyes fell on Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng.

They were the ones who broke through the 12 levels at the Treasure Hunting Conference. Someone in Le Zheng and Zheng recognized his identity and the name he made in the past, so they naturally paid more attention to them.

Seeing a few people, Bai Longsheng also said with a smile: "Brother Xu, Brother Yun, Palace Master Lezheng, you are all here." He was about to introduce the monks in front of him, "Liufeng Sword Zeng Weibing, Hagixia Fairy Wanrong girl, Tianyan guest Luo Qing... all are quite famous masters."

Liu Fengjian Zeng Weibing is a swordsman who looks quite unruly. Although he did not take the long sword on his body, he has a sense of freedom and expansiveness in his body. I think he is also a sword cultivator with the sword of his life, but because of his swordsmanship, It's not cold and solemn, but has a hint of unrestrained and unrestrained.

He cupped his hands and said, "Zeng Mou is polite."

Fairy Hagixia was not born very beautiful, and when it comes to her appearance, she is only upright, but when she frowns and smiles, her eyes flow, giving people a sense of being refined and refined, and it makes people unable to look away.

Her voice was clear and she also said, "The concubine is polite."

The other one, Luo Qing, has a stern face. His eyes are tightly closed, as if he is blind, but there is a slit between his eyebrows. After that, it was closed again, which was very strange.

He is not as polite as the previous two, with a "hum" in his nose, even if he has said hello.

These three cultivators have their own characteristics, and each of them is above the level of divine transformation. Now that Bai Longsheng has specially introduced them, they are obviously very capable. Especially looking at the strange appearance of the eye that day, they should have extremely powerful supernatural powers.

Such characters are all those who want to show their talents in the battle of the Billboard.

Xu Ziqing and the others were not rude, and since they would not hold grudges with others at this time, they all responded individually.

"Under Xu Ziqing, I have met fellow Daoists."

"Le Zheng and Zheng."


The three monks had different expressions, but there was no anger.

Seeing this, Bai Longsheng smiled and was satisfied.

He only posted 200 invitations, but not everyone was willing to come—there were always some arrogant people who were not below him, and didn't want to join in the fun.

In Fengyun Xiaohui, the young cultivators who participated in the ranking battle originally formed a relationship with each other. Bai Longsheng initiated this matter for the sake of the family. What are those proud sons of high status here? They might have to hold such a meeting themselves, and it is only by recruiting members.

Among the people who are willing to come, most of them are Nascent Soul cultivators with special abilities. There are only a dozen or so people who are above the spirit transformation stage, and among these more than ten people, only these three or four people are really close to Bai Longsheng. The relationship is good... Old friends and new friends have given him face, and he is naturally happy. Even a lonely person like Tianyanke can do this, which makes him more comfortable.

So Bai Longsheng opened a few more topics with the two parties, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

While the few people were talking, gradually the stone seat was filled with people. These attendees are probably not much different from what Bai Longsheng expected.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Bai Longsheng gave a high five, and in front of all the stone seats, a slate floated up, and the top was filled with wine, delicacies, spirits, fruit and fragrant tea.

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