Xu Ziqing and Yun Lieyin sat on the pedestal stone seat. There was only a stone slab in front of them, but it was more spacious, and the food and drinks on the top were also very rich. Xu Ziqing picked up the teapot, poured a cup of spiritual tea for himself and his senior brother, and then presented the tea cup to his senior brother before bringing his own tea cup to his lips and taking a small sip.

The tea was boiling hot, but it was sweet when it entered the throat, and then turned into a warm current that went straight into the belly.

Bai Longsheng has a heart.

Sure enough, many other cultivators also sipped tea, and they all felt enjoyment in their expressions.

Bai Longsheng poured a glass of wine for himself, raised his glass and said first: "This small meeting is for the sake of making friends. Everyone is here to join us, and I will show respect first."

Seeing this, the cultivators also raised their glasses one after another: "Eldest son, you're welcome!"

Bai Longsheng added: "The battle for the list is imminent, you all come from all over the world, you must have news, you can communicate with each other. If you have anything you want to exchange, you can also communicate with others. If you are interested, learn from each other. It's not a bad idea. This meeting does not matter where you come from or where you come from, just to be more prepared on the day of the battle, and to meet like-minded people. However, if you need to get the points, don't overdo it, otherwise, if you have any grudges because of this... it will not be beautiful."

When the monks heard the words, they laughed again and said, "You must live up to the good intentions of the eldest son!"

After that, the monks present stopped feasting alone, but chatted with each other and got married.

Le Zheng and Zheng and the brothers and sisters were originally close, but at this time, Gān slammed the stone seat, and even the people took the seat and floated to the two of them together: "How about a little competition?"

This is exactly what Tong Yun Lie is talking about. Since the Zhuang Wei affair was resolved, the bào temperament that he had suppressed in his body became more active. Now, seeing Yun Lie entering the situation like this, although he promised to fight again in the future, it was only a small Give it a try, but it can ease a little.

Yun Lie said, "How about Xiaobi."

It is rare to have a friend who can talk to him, and he will not refuse the invitation of Le Zheng and Zheng.

What's more, his realm was insufficient back then. In terms of real strength, it was inferior to Lezheng Hezheng. Now that his realm has improved, he also has the heart to compete.

Xu Ziqing saw him by the side, feeling a little relieved, and suddenly said, "Do you want me to be a witness?"

Le Zheng and Zheng glanced at him and said, "That's right."

Yun Yan also nodded slightly.

Immediately, Xu Ziqing stretched out his hand and flicked, and on the slate in front of him and Yun Lie, many dishes and drinks were immediately separated to the sides, leaving a space of about three feet in the middle.

Le Zheng and Zheng Tan pointed at a point in front of him, and the slate flashed with brilliance, and a little man one inch long appeared. His appearance and posture were the same as his deity.

Yun Lie didn't change his expression, and he pointed down. Similarly, there was another white-robed villain opposite the purple-robed villain.

Xu Ziqing was interesting to watch, and he also clicked the past.

In the blink of an eye, a blue light mask directly enveloped the empty space of the slate, and of course the two villains were also in the mask.

He placed a ban.

It turned out that because the two had not yet come to the official competition, if the two wanted to try their skills, they would not end up in person. Instead, they would use their own cultivation to condense the avatars. They could show their strengths one by one, but they only had the power to learn from each other. , without causing any major commotion.

Not to mention Xu Ziqing's prohibition, it is to control the battle situation of the cloned villain within a square inch, so as not to damage the host's wine and food, and he wasted his thoughts in vain.

Looking at the stone slab again, the purple-robed villain and the white-robed villain stood opposite each other, their clothes not moving at all.

Outside the slate, the momentum around Le Zheng and Zheng and Yun Lie was also condensed but not scattered. This was the reason why they gathered spirits and were about to come to a small competition.

The next moment, the purple-robed villain and the white-robed villain moved at the same time, and they both bullied each other in front of them!

Chapter 499

Le Zheng and Zheng held a spear, Yun Lie held a sword, the spear was still the same spear, and the sword was still the same sword. The two villains tussled with each other suddenly, the gun shook and the sword sounded, and there was an endless roar!

The tip of the spear pulls the flower, the blade of the sword is cold, the shadow is wrong, and the pace is fast and not chaotic.

Xu Ziqing's cultivation was only in the Jindan period. When Le Zheng and Zheng and Yun Lie were fighting, he couldn't see the moves used by both sides at all. shock.

But now it's different.

Even though it was just two avatars fighting each other, Xu Ziqing could clearly see that every spear technique and every sword technique.

The explosive sound of spear art and the treacherousness of swordsmanship, there are countless mysteries in it, which make people dazzled and tremble.

Because it is only Xiaobi, the two of them are in the same position. The competition is only the spear and swordsmanship that they have honed, and they have not resorted to other magical means. But this time, their battle was obviously more hearty. Le Zheng and Zheng tried their best, and Yun Lie didn't take it lightly.

The two villains' spears and swords drew rays of brilliance, and the aftermath of that power left many traces on the slate, causing extensive damage, but a faint light glowed on the cyan mask next to it, and then quickly flashed over those traces. , immediately restore the place to normal.

This is exactly the magic of Xu Ziqing's technique.

At the moment, Le Zheng and Zheng and Yun Lie are fighting more and more urgently, and all their abilities are manifested in those two villains one by one!

About a moment later, the tip of the spear rolled out the snow, the blade of the sword stirred the silk screen, and then the two collided with each other.

Xu Ziqing snapped his fingers again and stabilized the mask.

He can see that Lezheng and Zheng today are better at spear than they were decades ago, and his senior brother's swordsmanship is also more brilliant. win or lose.


This is far from all the skills of the two.

Although Le Zheng and Zheng used spears, the spear skills were only learned by relying on his own skills. Although his brother did learn the way of swordsmanship, he did not use swordsmanship, but only used swordsmanship to fight.

What's more, neither of the two small universes have been used, and the power of will has not been manifested, so the outcome is still a matter of debate.

This time, it was really just a discussion.

In the end, Le Zheng and the Zheng Long Spear stood up and suppressed them heavily! Yun Lie's arm turned, and the long sword turned into thousands of sword shadows.

Finally, the two were connected, thousands of swords and shadows merged into one sword, and Wanjun's spear slapped fiercely——

After the loud noise, the mask was shattered, but the residual power of all the power also dissipated.

The purple-robed villain and the white-robed villain still stood opposite each other, and then they both turned around and disappeared.

At the same time, Le Zheng, Zheng and Yun Lie also dissipated the momentum around him.

At this moment, a few crisp high-fives suddenly came from the side, which woke the three of them up.

With a flick of his sleeves, Xu Ziqing rearranged the original dinner plate, and then turned his head to look over.

I saw that a monk who seemed to be unruly, just three steps away, apparently had been here for a long time. It was Zeng Weibing, the Liufeng sword. Now his eyes are bright, and his face is also full of admiration: "Good spear, good swordsmanship, and very powerful one-handed spells, several of them are really extraordinary."

As early as when Yun Lie and Le Zheng and Zheng were having a good fight, Xu Ziqing noticed that someone was watching, but since the person who came was not malicious, he would not be too defensive. In the same way, no matter how Le Zheng and Zheng and Yun Lie fought each other, they were distracted and also noticed the figure of Zeng Weibing.

Xu Ziqing also smiled back: "Whatever you are happy about, let's discuss it and make fellow Daoist Zeng laugh."

Zeng Weibing is a sword cultivator in the middle stage of God Transformation. He had heard from his friend Bai Longsheng that he had met a new sword cultivator with a very high level of kendo, and then he heard that the sword cultivator had no difficulty in breaking through twelve levels in a row. The story, very curious. This time he came to participate in the Fengyun Xiaohui, except for Bai Longsheng's face, just to see Yun Lie's demeanor.

Earlier, he saw Le Zheng and Zheng gathered with them, and when he was moved, he followed. Sure enough, seeing the fight just now opened his eyes, and he also saw that Yun Lie's swordsmanship, indeed above him.

Suddenly, he felt a little itchy.

I don't know if I can have a try...

Zeng Weibing wanted to propose it intentionally, but Yun Lie had only fought with others, so if he would fight again, would he be a little bit suspicious of taking advantage of others' dangers? So there was some hesitation.

Then a fragrant shadow floated over, and beside him, there was another woman with a refined temperament.

Fairy Hagixia's expression was a little curious: "Daoist friends gathered here, can I ask my concubine to disturb you?"

Several male cultivators would not refuse, so they all laughed: "Fairy Hagixia, please."

Not long after, there were five stone seats in this place.

Fairy Hagixia said, "Just now, fellow Daoists were..."

Zeng Weibing replied with a smile: "Daoyou Yun and Daoyou Lezheng just had a sparring match, I just watched it."

Fairy Hagixia's expression changed: "Oh? I don't know which fellow Taoist is better?"

Zeng Weibing pondered for a while: "The two fellow Taoists can be said to have no winners or losers. Whether it's spear or swordsmanship, they are very comparable." When he said this, he sighed, "If I were to fight against them. , I am afraid you will lose."

Fairy Hagixia is also familiar with Zeng Weibing, and she has a good understanding of his skills. Now that I hear it, I am even more curious. She thought about it for a while, then smiled: "It's rare to get together, why don't I talk about Taoism? My concubine also had several magical powers in her early years, and I was looking for fellow Taoists for advice."

Lezheng and Zheng are aggressive, and now someone makes an appointment, and they don't refuse: "It's really boring to talk about it, it's not like acting like you just did."

Zeng Weibing laughed: "So good!" Seeing Fairy Hagixia's puzzled expression, he repeated what he had just seen.

Fairy Hagixia also found it interesting and nodded in agreement.

Xu Ziqing has the lowest realm, but Zeng Weibing agrees with his surgical method, and counts him as one.

Yun Lie also said: "Yes."

After that, the five cultivators quickly moved the drinks to other slates, leaving only a large one floating in the middle of the five.

When they came down, they tapped the slate in front of them with their fingers, and there were five little people on the top, each with their own prestige.

Fairy Hagixia covered her lips and smiled, and the little man in colorful clothes was just like her, with eyes like water, and when he turned his arms, two colored silks rose into the sky, turning into two groups of colored lights, facing Lezheng and Zheng who were facing her. call.

The purple-robed villain snorted coldly, raised his right arm, and a mass of snow burst out from his palm, freezing the colorful light. At the same time, he flipped his left hand, pulled out a spear flower, and stabbed at Zeng Weibing. Zeng Weibing opened his mouth and sprayed, and a flying sword burst out of the air, facing the tip of the spear. Second, hit Xu Ziqing. At the same moment, Fairy Hagixia's colored light trembled in the snow, and another group of red light shook from below, but it also rushed towards Xu Ziqing.

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