Yun Lie had a long sword in his hand, protecting his whole body so that water could not get in, Xu Ziqing thought about it for a moment, and moved his fingers slightly. The next moment, the little man in green shirt made a mistake with his feet, his hands formed a fist, and he shot hundreds of phantoms. One punch smashed the flying sword away, and the other punch shattered the red light. Let them do nothing.

In this way, although Xu Ziqing's realm is lower, he has not fallen behind.

Then, the brows of the little man in the green shirt moved, and countless thorns grew around them, like a city wall, spreading to the left and right sides, and in a moment, they surrounded the bodies of Fairy Hagixia, Zeng Weibing, and Le Zhenghezheng. , and then extended, so that their pace cannot be easily changed, instead of removing the thorns first, they can jump nimbly.

But just at this point, Yun Lie swung his sword again, and the thirteenth variant suddenly erupted, and the entire stone slab was covered with the sword marks he cut! Then Fairy Hagixia accidentally hit the sword, temporarily withdrawing from the battle, and then Zeng Weibing took the next sword. After retreating a few steps, he turned to attack Xu Ziqing. Instead, Le Zheng and Zheng faced Yun Lie again, and Fairy Hagixia took the opportunity to come back. ...

So, what a melee!

In the end, the five villains stopped at the same time and hit each other. In general, they only fought a fight, and did not deliberately decide the outcome.

Fairy Hagixia tapped her fingers again and began to discuss: "The "Hagixia Lingshui Gong" I study is for the Hagishui Dao, which is reflected by water and transformed into a rosy sky, which can use the power of rainbow changes to cover the sky and the sun. The ability... I have a magical power, please see, how can I break it?"

When she said that, the little man in colorful clothes lifted the colorful silk and began to practice infinite mysteries.

Zeng Weibing pondered for a moment, and then pointed it out: "I study the "Liu Feng Jian Dian", there is wind and no direction, and the walking is changeable. If I use the profound meaning, I can have the unpredictable power of gods and ghosts. If it were me, I would encounter With this magical power, I can break the power of the eighteenth form in the Sword Canon."

After he finished speaking, the Blue Mountain villain raised his long sword, turned his whole body into a bào style, and hit the core directly.

After that, Le Zheng, Zheng, Yun Lie, and Xu Ziqing used their own abilities, and also called the cloned villain to practice, and went to compete with the Caiyi villain. After Fairy Hagixia discussed it, Zeng Weibing proposed it again, and everyone broke it. Then there is Xu Ziqing, Lezheng and Zheng, and Yunlie, and so on, each of them has gained a lot.

Although these drills are different from real battles, some changes and some comprehension of the Tao can be experienced in it to make up for their own deficiencies.

The so-called immortals, apart from their own stunts at the bottom of the box, often do not hide too much. Only by discussing with others can they broaden their horizons and let themselves understand. Otherwise, closing the door every day will limit one's vision, and it will be difficult to improve the mood, and it is easy to encounter bottlenecks from time to time.

For a time, the five people talked like this, but it was very pleasant.

Before I knew it, an hour or two had passed.

At this time, they were talking about a magical power that Fairy Hagixia had seen, and the changes were very complicated. She was invincible at that time, but now she just proposed it and discussed it with everyone.

Before they could say a word or two, everyone suddenly noticed that a powerful force rushed towards them. Although it could not cause any damage, that kind of aura was like some kind of strange treasure... So they couldn't help but turn their heads and all went to Looked in that direction.

It was a slender female cultivator, with a sullen face, a bit old-fashioned, and a bit weird.

She was now sitting on the stone seat of her own house, holding a wooden box in her hands, which she had just opened.

That kind of aura came from the box.

Chapter 500 Sky Meteorite

Due to the previous movement, many cultivators were attracted by the spiritual light, and there were dozens of spiritual consciousnesses that immediately threw them there.

Xu Ziqing and others were no exception. He realized that there was a fist-sized piece of ore in the wooden box.

This ore is inconspicuous, with a brownish tint, but if you look closely, you will see a layer of faint colorful shimmer on the top. It is very beautiful when it flows, and it adds a bit of mystery to it.

Suddenly someone whispered: "Heavenly Meteorite?"

Immediately afterwards, more monks recognized it.

That piece of ore is clearly a peculiar spiritual mine that is hard to predict in the legendary place where it was formed. At most one piece is found each time, and it is often impossible to find it for ten thousand or even tens of thousands of years, which is very rare.

And the use of meteorites, there is only one - that is refining.

During the refining process, as long as the powder of this ore is added, the quality of the magic weapon can be improved by at least one point. The spiritual materials were refined together, and finally, the magic weapon that could only be a high-grade treasure was upgraded into a half-immortal weapon at once! Moreover, this half-immortal artifact accompanies its owner until it reaches the flying immortal, and its master's realm improves, and the quality of this half-immortal artifact is also slowly improving...

What a terrifying ability this is!

Even the meteorite can be fused with any refining spirit material, and there will be no rejection at all——

It can be seen that this kind of treasure is really attracting people, and once it appears, it will often cause many people to fight for it.

At this time, many cultivators recognized it, and their eyes instantly became fiery.

Ordinary people get such treasures, and they must hide them well, use them for themselves, and never show them in front of everyone's eyes. Otherwise, wouldn't it arouse the greed of everyone and cause trouble for themselves?

But now that the skinny female cultivator has taken it out, she naturally wants to exchange the meteorite for what she needs under the protection of Bai Longsheng—or Bai Longfu—this is better than exchanging it outside, but instead she is greedy. Whoever kills the more money is better.

Fairy Hagixia and Zeng Weibing's eyes also lit up, and they didn't want to talk about it again at this time.

, only bowed his hands to the other three, and put away his own avatar first, paying close attention to the skinny female cultivator.

Xu Ziqing glanced at his senior brother. Since he has practiced, he has almost never used magic weapons, and naturally he has no interest in the meteorite. And his brother's sword of life has already been refined, and it can evolve on its own with the growth of his brother's cultivation and the improvement of realm, and there is no need for this thing. However, at this time, the excitement was placed on the door, and the eyes of the entire Fengyun Xiaohui had already gathered. His thoughts moved slightly, and he joined in the fun.

The skinny female cultivator saw that the eyes of all the cultivators were all attracted, and there was a bit of pride on her face. She saluted everyone slightly, and then said arrogantly: "I got this thing by chance, taking this opportunity, I want to exchange a magic weapon with you fellow Daoists."

The monks looked at each other.

Change the magic weapon? Such a rare treasure, I am afraid that the one I want to exchange is not an ordinary magic weapon!

But it's easier to change the magic weapon than other treasures. In the hands of these monks with extraordinary qualifications, which one does not have a few magic weapons!

Immediately, a monk said:

"Fairy please speak!"

"Yes, if I wait for everything, I will not refuse!"

Le Zheng and Zheng looked over, and there seemed to be traces of flames in his eyes.

Xu Ziqing was a little surprised when he noticed the reaction of the second young palace master.

Could it be that he also wants to get the meteorite?

Le Zheng and Zheng really wanted to get it, but he was not as eager as some monks with red eyes. He noticed Xu Ziqing's gaze and said, "I'm used to using the Frostfire Silver Spear as a top-grade treasure. If there is a meteorite smelted in it, you can ascend with me and accompany me to the fairyland."

Xu Ziqing was stunned.

It turned out to be the case. He also remembered that when he saw the second young palace lord fighting with his senior brother decades ago, the silver spear was extremely majestic, and it danced like a raging fire under the ice field. Compared with the long sword, it is not at a disadvantage. However, the sword of my brother's life can accompany him for a lifetime, but the silver spear cannot be compared. But after smelting the meteorite, the silver spear is different.

Thinking like this, Xu Ziqing continued to look lively, and his consciousness was still sent into the wooden box to carefully watch the meteorite that day.

Although he didn't want to get this thing, it was a rare treasure after all, and he had never seen the real thing before... Now that he can take a look at it again, it's okay to have some insight!

The skinny female cultivator over there saw so many cultivators cheering, and she didn't give a shit, she said directly, "I want a high-grade weapon with both wind and fire attributes that has extremely high attack power, who gave me the attack power, I am a meteorite today to whomever goes."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Wind and fire dual attributes... The wind attribute is a mutation attribute, which is very rare, and there is a saying that the wind helps the fire, the combination of these two attributes is indeed powerful. However, it is also because of the mutation attribute. Of course, there are not many treasures like this. The pure wind attribute is rare. If you want to add a fire attribute, it will be rare.

What's more, for monks from the Nascent Soul Stage to the Divine Transformation Stage, low-grade treasures are enough, and at least a mid-grade treasure is very powerful. Only the geniuses in the family sects with rich family background and high status will get high-grade treasures after the Nascent Soul stage, and even if ordinary monks get high-grade treasures, it is difficult to drive, or it is too expensive to drive... …If the skinny female cultivator wanted a low-grade or a middle-grade, but she could ask for a high-grade all of a sudden, it would immediately make people embarrassed.

At this time, the monks understood even more.

The skinny female cultivator didn't change outside. Apart from the fear of being coveted by others, there was also a reason why it was difficult to find magic weapons outside. These characters who can be listed under a thousand years old have more or less adventures. In their hands, she may still be able to get what she wants...

I just understand that I understand, and those who don't have to be embarrassed.

After about a moment of silence, there was still a cultivator who couldn't hold back. It was a burly young man. He spread out his hand, and there was a bead in his palm. The whole body was fiery red, but there was a layer of cyan wind around him: "Feng Yanzhu, a high-grade treasure, you can Turned into a sea of ​​fire, what does the fairy think?"

The skinny female cultivator was already a little disappointed, but this time she saw someone come out first, and she looked overjoyed: "I'll take a look!"

At the small meeting held by the Young Palace Master of Bailong Mansion, the burly young man was not afraid that the skinny girl would miss his treasure, so he gave it to her directly.

The skinny female cultivator picked it up, poured in her consciousness, and used it for a while... Then she frowned slightly and let go: "I'm not very satisfied with this one, so let's put it away first...I don't know if there is anything else. A fellow Taoist brought out a magic weapon?"

The burly young man sighed and collected the beads first.

He obtained this item in a ruin. Although it is a high-grade treasure, its attributes are rare and incompatible with him. Secondly, it consumes too much and its power is quite simple. Originally, he just put it in his hands for the time being, and will sell it to the Duobao Building soon, but now he is just trying it out, and it really won't work. It didn't disappoint him too much.

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