Xu Ziqing read it once and knew what he knew, so he turned his head and said to Yun Lie, "Senior brother, I'll go and change it, senior brother, do you have something you want?"

Yun Lie shook his head slightly: "No, you go."

Xu Ziqing stood up, stepped on the void, and walked straight to some monks.

It is also a matter of luck. What monks need for their cultivation are mostly elixir and treasures of heaven and earth. What they often lack are all kinds of spiritual herbs and elixir. As for the spiritual herbal medicine, Xu Ziqing has the most here.

Over the years, Xu Ziqing had many adventures, and he could not bring down thousands of seeds. All of them were moved into the small universe and became his secondary wood and secondary wood. Among them, there are not a few elixir, and he also has a lot of precious varieties handed down from ancient times. .

Therefore, just a few quick glances, he saw that some of the strange medicines listed by the monks were almost all he had. However, those strange medicines were extremely difficult to obtain outside. Will try to change here.

Xu Ziqing was certain in his heart that he practiced silently, and in his small universe, many changes appeared immediately.

A spiritual meridian was directly sacrificed by him, hovering uncertainly in mid-air, and the wood dragon continued to absorb the huge spiritual energy in the spiritual meridian, and turned it into countless pure wood energy, sprayed from the dragon's mouth, and flew to the ground. among the grass.

In an instant, there were several kinds of extremely rare spirit herbs and medicines that rose from the ground in an instant, and based on the original seed, a clone was born. refresh.

Xu Ziqing didn't say much. He only walked in front of the cultivator at the farthest point. He often glanced at it a few times, and took out from his sleeve one or a few spirit herbs and medicines that were old enough, put them on the slate, and then put them on the slate. take away another thing from above.

After doing this again and again, it took about half an hour or so before he returned with a full load.

However, even if he was careful, some monks noticed his actions and were amazed.

Others argue:

"There are so many spirit herbs and medicines in his hand, I don't know where they come from?"

"I think his wood energy is pure, he must be a monk with a single wood spiritual root..."

"If that's the case, it's not too surprising. People like them who are close to plants and trees can indeed find more treasures."

"I don't know what his name is? If you write it down, it will be useful to say it in the future..."

Such words also came into Xu Ziqing's ears, he smiled slightly and didn't care.

In the early years, his strength was low, and even if there was something strange, he did not dare to show it, but now he is a monk in the middle of Nascent Soul, and he also has Zhou Tianxianzong as his support. Such skills are not very conspicuous.

The wooden cultivator was originally good at this place, and no one must be able to peek into the fact that he has a legendary practice... At most, people will only think that these strange herbs have been found by him, but they will not know that they are It was cultivated from his small universe.

After returning to his seat, Xu Ziqing showed his income to his senior brothers.

Not to mention the other things in the middle, such as Zhiren Zhima and other things that he did not have before, as well as some rare strange things, he gathered them up.

I can't tell which day it will be useful.

After that, many monks were lively, and after the exchange, some people learned from each other, communicated news, and made friends.

Three days and three nights passed.

This small meeting is over.

Chapter 502 Young man asking for medicine

Although this small meeting is over, there are many monks who are reluctant to part with their new friends, still nostalgic, or find another place to talk about Taoism and so on. Bai Longsheng, as the master of the young mansion, has some cultivators who are willing to climb up with him, greet him by his side, and get along with him diligently.

Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng, but they left first after saying goodbye to a few cultivators they knew.

As soon as they reached the door, a group of people stepped out of the big formation, and suddenly they heard someone calling from behind.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay! Fellow Daoist, wait a minute!"

Xu Ziqing and the others paused and turned around.

I saw a man running in a hurry. Although he was not sweating profusely, he also looked flustered, as if he was afraid of letting the person get away.

Seeing that they stopped, the man seemed relieved. He hurried to the front, adjusted the front of his clothes first, and saluted, "Zhang Ziqi at Ling'anmen, I have seen you fellow Daoists."

For all the fellow Daoists, his eyes fell on Xu Ziqing alone.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed his purpose.

Sure enough, Zhang Ziqi thought about it and said, "I was in Xiayu Xiaohui just now, and I saw that this fellow Taoist had a lot of spirit herbs and medicines on hand, and Xia was also looking for a strange herb, so I came to disturb... Don't blame fellow Daoists."

He was born quite good-natured, and now he is very sincere when he says these words.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Xu Ziqing is here... What does Fellow Daoist Zhang mean?"

Zhang Ziqi hurriedly said: "I, no, I want to find a Baiyin grass, do you know if fellow Daoist Xu has this kind of strange grass?" He paused, then quickly said, "If not, I have seen traces of this thing, too. Excellent."

After he finished speaking, he felt a little nervous when he observed the expression of the monk in blue in front of him.

In the previous small meeting, because it was hosted by Young Palace Master Bailong, he would have to discuss with others during the meeting.

But he came here, and he didn't know if he could have that luck.

Xu Ziqing pondered for a while and said, "I vaguely remember that this kind of Baiyin grass should be

It is used for refining medicinal pills, but because of its strange effect, ordinary alchemists can’t use it…”

It is too light to say that it is not necessary. This kind of strange herb is an extremely rare spiritual herb handed down from ancient times. Its medicinal effect varies infinitely with different years. Generally, an ordinary alchemist cannot use it to refine it. If it can be refined, it must be a very powerful character. Not only is the alchemy technique unique, it is definitely the pinnacle, and it is on the top floor.

Moreover, there are only a handful of medicinal herbs that can be refined from this strange herb, each of which is either jellied or has a strange effect, but the grade of Chengdan is above the earth rank. Logically speaking, this is only used by those alchemy masters for research, and other uses are really not big.

How could such an obscure thing be brought up by a young monk in the Nascent Soul stage at this time?

When Zhang Ziqi heard this, his eyes lit up.

This Tsing Yi cultivator let people know as soon as he said it.

As a result, hope seems to be a little bigger.

Then Xu Ziqing hesitated again: "Speaking of which, what Daoyou Zhang needs is Baiyincao...or Qianyincao?"

Ordinary Baiyin grass, the age is only a hundred years, what can it be refined? The effect of the drug is not enough. What he knew was that those alchemy masters who used them to study alchemy would not be able to use them for at least five hundred years. Although it was still called Baiyincao at that time, it was not just that short of years. And if it can reach a thousand years of Qianyincao, it is really useful.

Therefore, ordinary people only say that it is Baiyincao, but in fact, in the mouth of the alchemy master, it is called Qianyincao.

The more Zhang Ziqi listened, the more delighted he became. He hurriedly said: "Qianyincao, does Daoyou Xu really have Qianyincao?" He was incoherent for a while, "No matter what, Wanqi, Daoyou Xu, and I have one..."

Xu Ziqing sighed: "This thing is really useless..."

Zhang Ziqi didn't wait for him to finish his sentence, and he explained quickly, like a pào of a pearl, "Don't hide it from fellow Daoist Xu, this Qianyincao is not for use below, but is needed by an alchemy master in Duobaolou. I have something to ask the alchemist below. Grandmaster, he proposed that if he could get a Qianyincao, he would be willing to make a high-grade earth-level medicinal pill for him, and he would search everywhere if he had no way to do so." After speaking, he became even more anxious, "I want to be there. The purpose of taking an elixir is to save the life of the younger sister, and now the younger sister is lingering on the bed, without the help of the master of alchemy, she will not be able to survive!"

He hurried these words, and people were stunned to hear them.

Xu Ziqing was full of surprise and looked left and right. Fortunately, there were not many pedestrians around, so he came back to his senses.

This fellow Daoist Zhang was eager to speak out in such a vast area. It can be seen that what he should say is the truth. If he was not flustered to the extreme, he would not be so rude.

But why is there a life involved? And the junior sister who is about to die, what happened...

Zhang Ziqi was in a hurry. He also knew that he didn't say it in detail, but how could he say it here. And if he doesn't say it, how can he win the trust of this person?

He has searched for many times, but never found it. The more hesitant this person is in front of him, the more likely he is to have this thing in his hand. Naturally, he must not let it go, which makes him even more anxious. It's just, it's just the situation of his junior sister, he really can't easily tell others about it... For a time, he was in a dilemma and really didn't know what to do.

Xu Ziqing naturally had Qianyincao in his hands, which was one of the ancient seeds he had obtained. However, although there are, he had already shown the limelight when he took out those spirit herbs and medicines in the Fengyun Xiaohui. If he took out more precious herbs casually, it seemed that some of them would be too wild... Always act with a cautious attitude.

He thought about it for a while, then said, "This Qianyincao, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly found that the expression on the opposite side of Ziqi changed drastically.

Xu Ziqing was startled and was about to ask.

Zhang Ziqi's face was already very ugly, he whispered: "Who moved the restraint? Junior sister, junior sister she!" In a panic, he stretched out his hand and was about to pull Xu Ziqing's arm, "Fellow Daoist Xu, please come with me, I really can't miss this grass, Junior Sister is in danger again..."

However, before he could really catch it, he only felt a tingling pain in his hand, and his chest also felt like a hammer, and the whole thing was shaken. He raised his head suddenly, and saw a white-clothed sword cultivator with cold eyes, obviously he just shot and gave a small punishment.

Zhang Ziqi instantly knew that he was too abrupt, but he couldn't let go of his junior sister, and he couldn't let go of Qianyincao. He opened his mouth and said, "Please, please, please come with me..." At this moment, there was something in his eyes. The color of pleading.

Xu Ziqing couldn't bear it, this fellow Daoist Zhang was in a chaotic situation and his mood was shaken. If he was allowed to go on like this, he was afraid that his realm would fall, which was really pitiful.

He shook his head: "you go, I will come with you."

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