Zhang Ziqi was overjoyed, and without hesitation, he swayed in a hurry, turned into a flash of light, and hurried away.

Xu Ziqing glanced at Yun Lie and Le Zheng Hezheng, and said, "Senior Brother, Second Young Palace Master, this..."

Yun Lie said, "Let's go together."

Le Zheng and Zheng Xiang remembered something, and frowned slightly: "It's okay, just go and have a look."

So the three of them also turned into elusive light, and followed that Zhang Ziqi all the way to the White Dragon City, a rather elegant inn.

But in such an inn, many of the guest rooms are guarded by large arrays and prohibitions, but with this protection, if other people come to attack this place, the innkeeper will not pay attention. If it is not good to dislike it, you can make the formation more strict, unless the attacker kills the guests indiscriminately in front of the inn owner, he will be enshrined and expelled, and ordinary revenge will not be included in their shot.

Zhang Ziqi arrived a breath earlier than the three of them. Naturally, he first saw that it was a beautiful girl in a rose-red skirt who was constantly attacking and restraining him with magic weapons. Although this girl's cultivation is only in the late stage of Jindan, but the spiritual tool in her hand is very good, almost close to the low-grade treasure, and she only attacks the weak points of the formation and prohibition, and gradually she will also Those protections were weakened a little.

In the long run, I am afraid it can indeed be broken...

However, when Zhang Ziqi saw the girl, he shouted, "Xinmin, stop!"

When the beautiful girl heard this, she turned her head with resentment in her eyes: "Third Senior Brother, you are still defending this slut! She is fornicating with the devil's way and secretly harboring an evil child, so she should be slaughtered! She was brilliant in the ranking battle, but you hid her and worked for her... Where did you put me, and where did you put the division?"

Zhang Ziqi's face was ugly. As soon as he raised his hand, a ray of light swept away, entangling the spirit tool in the girl's hand, making it dim and unable to continue attacking. At this time, he was not as rude as before, but he had the air of a young and handsome man: "Can you say such foul language freely? The matter of Hong Su was originally private, but you are shouting loudly here, I'm afraid that the world will not be in chaos, Xinmin, you have disappointed me too much." When he said that, his tone was a little stern, "Dear disciple, how could you become like this, like this..."

He wanted to say "disgusting", but he couldn't.

Zhu Xinmin sneered: "She did it, why can't I say it? Third Senior Brother, you are too partial! Do you still think she was the Feihong Fairy back then? Today, she is nothing but a broken flower and a willow, and is reviled by others..."

Zhang Ziqi said sharply, "Shut up! She is also your sixth senior sister!"

In just a few words of argument, things turned into a farce.

Zhu Xinmin was still scolding people, but Zhang Ziqi couldn't let her ruin another junior sister's reputation. Although he did not use any ruthless means, Zhu Xinmin was bound by a light circle, so he could no longer move, and no more nonsense could come out of his mouth.

Afterwards, Zhang Ziqi turned around and gave Xu Ziqing a wry smile: "I'm sorry, fellow Daoist Xu, two fellow Daoists, let Er wait laugh..." Now it's my sixth junior sister who is in bad health, and Xinmin is seven. Junior Sister. "

His expression became more and more bitter: "This is the end of the matter. Come in with me. I... have some things that I have to tell you in detail."

Chapter 503 The Deceived Woman

Xu Ziqing really didn't know what to say at this time. The scene at this time was clearly due to love, and several people were entangled with mad men and women, especially the girl named Zhu Xinmin, who was full of resentment and jealousy. Could it be that the devil was born early? The elders of Ling'anmen, didn't they mediate for this? On the contrary, it is unimaginable to let the disciples under the sect shake their minds so much...

If it was an ordinary time, he would not want to get involved in such matters, but he had promised Qian Yincao before, so he would have to go.

For a while, Xu Ziqing had no choice but to walk into the courtyard with Zhang Ziqi, but Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng were as steady as Mount Tai, and walked to keep up.

Zhang Ziqi held a light rope in his hand and sent Zhu Xinmin all the way to the side room in the yard. No matter how angry she was, he would not let her go, let alone bring her into the main room. Closing it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he turned around and apologized to several people again.

At this time, a fragile female voice came from the main room: "Is that the third senior brother..."

When Zhang Ziqi heard this, there was a hint of pity in his eyes. He walked over quickly and led everyone into the room, and said in his mouth: "Hong Su, I'm back, this time I'll bring a fellow Taoist, or if I can get Know the trail of Baiyincao."

As he said this, he didn't forget to glance at Xu Ziqing from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he didn't refute, his heart was instantly settled, and he became warmer and closer to the three of them. If it wasn't for Qianyincao, why would you have such an attitude?

Xu Ziqing and others also saw the woman in the house.

The girl was born beautiful, but compared to the previous Zhu Xinmin, she was not as charming as her, but there was a heroic spirit in this person's eyebrows, even though she seemed weak at this time, she also contained a kind of firmness. qiáng, very eye-catching.

Speaking of which, she is indeed more moving than Zhu Xinmin, and her bearing is better than hers.

Li Hongsu was not rude when she saw the guests. She propped herself up a little and bowed, "My concubine is Li Hongsu, and I have seen you fellow Daoists."

The three of Xu Ziqing saw through it at a glance. This woman is indeed terminally ill, and what’s more, she is in a state of great loss, and her abdomen is slightly bulging, obviously pregnant, and it is extremely difficult for a female cultivator to conceive a child. This woman is not good at all, I am afraid it will cost more, and even her realm seems to have regressed a lot.

Not to mention that her eyes are blue and black, as if her body is poisoned, when she speaks

Her voice was weak, her breathing seemed to be absent, her vitality had diminished... If there was no proper way, she would only have less than a hundred years of lifespan. If she wanted to give birth to a child, she would only have less than ten years of life.

So it's no wonder that Zhang Ziqi is full of fear, and facing him today is like a life-saving straw.

This is really, it is desperate.

Xu Ziqing and the other three also gave Li Hong no face and nodded slightly to her.

Zhang Ziqi walked to the bedside, hesitating and hesitant to move a finger, and then he said in a low voice, "Xinmin is here, she just... said some bad words."

Li Hongsu's face showed a touch of obscurity, and then she closed her eyes: "I think these fellow Daoists have also heard it."

Zhang Ziqi sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu should have Baiyincao in his hands."

Li Hongsu's voice was even softer: "I understand... such a thing cannot be taken out easily, and Daoyou Xu is willing to come here. He is already a very kind person. There is nothing that can't be told to others. I am in this situation now, what else is there? Are you hiding it?"

A tinge of pain flashed in Zhang Ziqi's eyes.

Li Hongsu also sighed softly: "Third Senior Brother, you have helped me a lot, but this matter...let me tell it myself." She paused, "If these fellow Daoists also think that I... This is my life, you must not embarrass them for me."

Zhang Ziqi smiled bitterly: "You, you also know my temperament, how can I embarrass others like this? What's more, with my meager ability, I am far inferior to those few fellow Daoists. They are willing to take care of me, and as you said, they are extremely kindhearted."

Otherwise, how could he dare to stay like that? Not to mention, let them come here to see the junior sister, so as to learn about the junior sister.

Li Hongsu qiáng smiled, feeling better.

In fact, rather than persuading Third Senior Brother not to embarrass others, she actually persuaded him to let go. She looks like this now, even the teachers have abandoned her, but if the three senior brothers help her like this, the kindness is hard to repay. If she goes, the third senior brother is too stubborn, and if he blames these fellow Daoists, he will hurt herself instead, and she will drag the third senior brother down for the rest of her life.

By this time, she sighed even more in her heart.

If it weren't for her current appearance, Zhan Yuan would have had her place on the list. Her own level is higher than that of the third senior brother. The moment he saw the three, he knew how many people the third senior brother brought back. The most powerful master—that Nascent Soul, also contained terrifying power in his body. The other two Spirit Transformation Stages are particularly impressive. Her third senior brother is only a cultivator of Nascent Soul, who can perceive the other party to surpass himself, but it is not as good as her, who was also a cultivator in the spiritual transformation stage, and he can see that those people are more powerful...

The two brothers and sisters said a few words in a warm voice, while Xu Ziqing and the three stood quietly by the side and did not bother. Even Le Zheng and Zheng, who were always impatient, didn't say anything.

However, the two of them also knew that they could not wait for the guests, and after changing their words very quickly, Li Hongsu spoke, her tone was a little sad, but also a little calm: "... It was because she had been poisoned for a long time, her body was sucked by others, and she was pregnant... that she had fallen to this point. If she wanted to recover, she had to have an alchemy master by her side who carefully examined the body of her concubine. The situation in the world can only be treated with symptomatic medicine. The third senior brother knew about this, so he went to Duobaolou to find a master to offer him help. Shot, so the three senior brothers ran in various ways to seek this thing."

Her body is weak, but she speaks clearly and clearly. In fact, she is more calm than Zhang Ziqi, and her mood is also on top of it. It can be said that she looks down on life and death. Then she took it easy and went into more detail.

Li Hongsu and Zhu Xinmin were apprentices together before, but their circumstances were different.

Because of Li Hongsu's aptitude for Shan Linggen, coupled with his amazing understanding, he has risen all the way from the inner disciple to the direct disciple, and then to the core disciple. It can be said that it is very smooth. And although Zhu Xinmin also worshipped the same elder as her master, she was still a little behind in practice. Zhang Ziqi was originally the disciple of the elder. From the beginning, he admired Li Hongsu and took good care of him. However, after Li Hongsu entered the country faster, he took care of him in turn. Zhang Ziqi is very fond of Li Hongsu, while Zhu Xinmin is in love with Zhang Ziqi. There are some unspeakable complex disputes between the three.

However, although Li Hongsu had no intention of Zhang Ziqi, Zhu Xinmin became hostile to Li Hongsu because of jealousy, and even hated him.

Li Hongsu is upright and has a deep friendship with her classmates. In order to avoid embarrassment for her master, she often practiced outside the school. On the one hand, she improved her own cultivation, and on the other hand, she avoided Zhang Ziqi and Zhu Xinmin so that they could cultivate their friendship. This made her enter the country faster.

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