After speaking, Li Hongsu took a deep breath and grabbed two light balls from the storage bracelet. When he looked closely, there were two spiritual veins struggling like little dragons, full of spiritual energy and very clean.

Xu Ziqing directly handed Qianyincao over, and he accepted two first-order spiritual veins: "This way, the two are cleared."

Qianyincao was not considered a very good thing among his many spiritual grasses. He could have given it to two people, but it was just the so-called "Shengmi Endou Mi Chou". Since he didn't plan to continue to marry, he didn't need to get involved too much.

After that, Xu Ziqing and others said goodbye to the two of them, and left the place after they repeatedly thanked them.

After all this time, Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng were not impatient, and after they went out, Xu Ziqing said to them: "Senior brother, fellow Daoist Lezheng, two Heavenly Demon Stones have appeared in White Dragon City, should I inform White Dragon? Young Palace Master?"

Yun Lie pondered for a while: "I don't need to go into details about today's affairs, just mention them a little."

Le Zheng and Zheng also said, "I think the same way as Brother Yun."

Xu Ziqing nodded: "I understand. I only said that someone was looking for me to change a spirit grass, and that person had this thing in his hand."

Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng Du said, "That's fine."

After it was settled, Xu Ziqing was relieved.

After returning, on the second day, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie met Bai Longsheng together, and informed him as he said before. Bai Longsheng is very keen, he doesn't ask questions, but makes people pay more attention to the people they have recently interacted with.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for someone outside the Bailong Mansion to take refuge, and Bai Longsheng personally met them and accepted them.

It is said that the person he received was a female cultivator who was seriously injured and is now slowly recovering...

After Xu Ziqing and the other three listened to it, they no longer worried about it, so they pressed the matter down.

As for Bai Longsheng's thoughts and speculations about the magic stone that day, it has nothing to do with the two of them.

Today, they still focus on cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

There are only three months left until the day of the battle.

During this period of time, the geniuses in many regions became more restless, and they gathered together to wait for the news of the battlefield.

The numerous sects and forces are all about to move.

Suddenly one day, there was a huge làng sound in the middle of the Binchuan River, which runs through the north and the south.

After làng Tao passed, everyone only saw an extremely huge stone tablet rising slowly from the bottom of the river "booming and booming", and bit by bit, covering half of the sky.

It was a pitch-black stone stele, I don’t know how many feet long, it was as thick as a mountain, towering into the clouds, both majestic and ancient.

Some people soon saw that on the stone tablet, there were countless names of people, each of them was pure silver, and the stone tablet set off each other, which was very clear.

And at the top of the stone tablet, two big characters bī entered the eyes, and they were so imposing, it was almost breathless.

That's exactly-

Black list!

Volume 28: Battle of the Billboard

Chapter 505: Binchuan City

The black list is out, and the situation is set.

When the stone tablet rose into the sky and the words glowed with silver light, Qian Jizi, the elder in Tianjimen, ran the Tianji, and figured out that the place where the battle was located was Heding County, Jueyan Mountains.

Qian Jizi responded with a long chant, and the huge black list responded with a vibrating sound.

At this time, all the monks in the world knew about it.

The cultivators who had gathered in the past are now like a hundred streams converging, pouring into the banks of the Nabin River from all directions.

That place is the hub of the north and the south, but because it is too prosperous, there is no large-scale force that can fully encroach on it. Instead, it is divided into countless sites, so that the giants from all sides are involved.

As a result, that place has also become a free place where ordinary loose cultivators can enter at will.

It will take three months for the black list to sink to the bottom of the river again, so if you want to know how many opponents there are now and have some confidence, you must go to the Binchuan River during these times to see the names on the black list.

It is also because of this that the city near the Binchuan River has gathered countless monks in a short period of time.

The black list stands in the middle of the river, and every name above it is very clear.

Many young monks who stepped on the magic weapon and rode on the flying shòu all hovered around the black list. Countless Taoist consciousness swept the black list, and included the names and titles of all the monks above into the sea of ​​knowledge. , remember.

But most of the cultivators were arrogant, and because of the many titles, they also caused a lot of restlessness, and they vented it out before the battle.

In just a few days, there were several battles in the city. Among them, those who felt offended because of the same or similar titles to each other had to provoke the other side. After the battle, the loser would naturally You can only give up the title, and the winner will still retain it. At the same time, on the black list, the title of the loser will be automatically erased.

Dozens of people even lost their lives because of the incident, but people who heard it didn't feel that way.

The title accompanies one's life, which should be prudent and cherished in the first place.

On this day, there were still tens of thousands of monks staying on the black list, and their consciousness was still lingering on the black list.

Suddenly, in different directions, the consciousness of several people landed on the same line of silver writing, and then, there were several coercion, which came from those places, and did not disperse for a long time.

However, in the end, those coercion turned into a dissatisfied sentence:

"Hmph, Lord of Ten Thousand Woods? What a big mouth.

gas! "

Bailong Mansion, in front of the second courtyard of the core.

At this time, there are many people here, divided into two sides, standing opposite each other.

One of the handsome and gentle young people slightly cupped his hands and said to the young man in Huafu on the opposite side: "Eldest son, I'll go first."

Young Master Huafu looked a little lazy at first, but now he shows some regret: "Since you have already made up your mind, this is the only way to do it. But see you in the future, don't treat it as if you don't recognize it."

The gentle young man smiled and said, "The eldest son is serious."

After the two sides finished talking, the gentle young man turned to look at the man in white beside him, his eyes softened instantly: "Brother, let's go." He looked at another young man in purple robe, "Palace Master Lezheng?"

The man in white nodded slightly.

The purple-robed youth also said, "Go with you."

Afterwards, after the three of them said goodbye to the young master Huafu, they turned into three rays of light and broke through the air.

After about seven or eight days, they came to the bank of the Binchuan River, within the city.

At noon, the escaping light from the sky fell and turned into three young people on the spot.

One has a soft breath, the other has a cold expression, and the other has a suppressed aura. Whether it is appearance or temperament, they are all dragons and phoenixes in people, so that people can't pick out any faults.

These three young people are Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie, and Le Zheng who came first to bid farewell to Bai Longsheng.

A few days ago, I heard that the black list appeared in the Binchuan River, and then I heard that the place for the battle of the list has been determined. Xu Ziqing and others no longer retreated and practiced, but decided to go to the Binchuan River first. Let's take a look here. A huge black list that comes out every hundred years.

However, as the Young Palace Master, Bai Longsheng still has many subordinates in his hands, and he does not need to participate in the gang battle. In the last three months, he also has a lot of work to do, and a lot of manpower is deployed, so he can't come over in advance. . However, although Xu Ziqing and others knew him well, they would not ignore their schedule for him, so they said goodbye.

After working day and night, the three came to the outside of the city.

This city, following the name of Binchuan River, was called "Binchuan City", but it was different from many cities they had seen before. At the gate of the city, there were no monks who charged tolls.

The gates of the city were wide open, and people could come and go at will.

Xu Ziqing and other three young cultivators came here, but they did not attract the attention of others—even if they had just settled down, in less than a stick of incense, there were many cultivators who came with them, and they were also there. Appearing in the shadows.

Whether it is the city residents in the city, or the monks who arrived here before them, in recent days, they have long been accustomed to this endless stream of people.

Without hesitation, the group immediately walked into the city.

And this city is also huge. Xu Ziqing looked around and found that there are very few mortals in this city. Even some shopkeepers have their own cultivation bases, and they seem to be vague. Different shops have some sense of competition, and some words and deeds can also see the shadow of many major forces.

The place where the north and the south meet, really is a mixture of dragons and snakes... and crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

Now that they are here, the three of them did not rush to go to the Binchuan River to investigate the black list, but first looked for an inn to stay in.

After a little inquiries, Xu Ziqing chose a place called "Tiger House". It is said that many foreign monks lived here, and there were scattered immortals to suppress it, so there would be almost no trouble.

Soon I came to the inn, and the guests were greeted by a number of Jindan cultivators. They didn't seem to be very old, and they didn't seem to be the people who often worked for the author-or rather, they looked more like they were raised in the sect. The disciples were neither humble nor arrogant, and some even showed arrogance. Only in the face of the situation that most of the contacts are cultivators above Nascent Soul, can they reluctantly suppress their ego and try their best to entertain everyone.

Xu Ziqing can get some news from the surrounding voices without any inquiries.

It turns out that this Tiger House is the property of Shuiyuemen in this place, and these Jindan cultivators who received it are really the inner disciples of Shuiyuemen. This time, during the battle of the sect, the sect announced the task of entertaining guests in many industries here, and also made many talented disciples who had a bright future in the sect and who were always in the palm of their hands and tried to teach them must be accept this task.

It is also because of this that there are these "running halls" who seem to be unwilling, but have to work hard to complete the task.

After Xu Ziqing found out, he was amazed at the thought of Shuiyuemen.

Without much thought, he knew that Shuiyuemen's move was purely to hone the disciples of the sect.

Usually, these disciples have a high status in the sect. Even if they practice occasionally, they may not have suffered a lot, and it is inevitable that they are lacking in mood. But now that the ranking battle is imminent, many geniuses have come to Binchuan City, which is different.

The inner sect disciples who came here from Shuiyuemen are only at the Jindan stage. To run the hall, they must face many guests with different temperaments, and these guests are not only far superior in strength, but also not inferior in talent, even better than them. Even bigger. Countless geniuses, countless heroes, can completely shatter their pride, forcing them to bow their heads and endure the humiliation of insufficient strength, which also stimulates their further ambitions.

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