In particular, the place where geniuses gather will not be quiet. The more outstanding one is, the less willing they are to be subservient, and it is easy to fight each other. But for Jindan cultivators, these fights can open their eyes and let them no longer be confined to their own narrowness!

Can be described as well-intentioned.

Moreover, I am afraid that it is not only the case of the Shuiyuemen. All the major factions and various forces that have industries here will also let their disciples be trained to a certain extent.

Once in a hundred years, how many talented people can be created in a hundred years!

Such an opportunity, where are the sect forces willing to miss it?

The facts were not beyond Shuiyuemen's expectations, nor did Xu Ziqing's expectations.

No matter how arrogant Jindan disciples are, they will suffer a lot of blows after coming here. With their xinxing, those who are a little better will not be stunned, but will turn to self-examination and polish their mood to be more firm.

Just like this handsome young man who is coming up.

His expression is determined, and he clearly has the cultivation level of the late stage of Jindan, and the further boundaries seem to be shaky. Just waiting for an opportunity, he is expected to break the core and become a baby.

At this time, he bowed slightly, and did not say how to be respectful in his tone, but he was also very respectful: "Several seniors, please come in." He turned slightly to make way, "I don't know how many seniors, what are your orders?"

Xu Ziqing smiled kindly: "I'm waiting to live here, you just have to come up with the best place to live."

The handsome young man thought about it and said seriously: "There are many seniors who have moved in recently, please wait for a while."

Xu Ziqing did not embarrass him: "It's okay, just prepare a table of good dishes first!"

The handsome young man said very calmly: "Yes, several seniors please."

Not long after, the three were taken to the second floor by him.

This place is divided into countless small rooms, with curtains hanging down to cover the outside, and a large table resting on the railings in the inside. Outside the railings, it is very empty, and you can see the situation in the many small rooms around the left and right.

Xu Ziqing sat down and saw the outside clearly.

Naturally, they can also find that in the surrounding areas, there are many powerful breaths, and like them, they are dormant everywhere.

At the same time, the handsome young man stepped back first, carefully lowered the curtain, and walked down.

As he was walking down the long steps downstairs, he suddenly saw three or five young people approaching.

"Yo, isn't this Qin Luo?" The domineering young man sneered, "Since the death of Elder Qin, our senior brother's rank has been dropping all the way, and then he fell out of the position of the core disciple, you say..." He was proud He glanced at the people beside him, "You said, how much water did Brother Qin's cultivation have back then? It didn't take long to get back to its original shape, so it's really useless. I think he's worthy of doing it here. The work of serving people is over!"

His face was full of malice, and he leaned in and sarcastically said, "I wonder if the senior I received just now will get along well... Senior Brother Qin?"

Chapter 506

The handsome young Qin Luo frowned, as if remembering something unpleasant. Afterwards, he glanced at the person opposite him, and said calmly, "Junior Brother Duanwen, please make way, I need to provide food for senior."

The domineering young man's expression turned cold, and his tone was even more unpleasant: "Hmph, you won't be complacent for long!" He lowered his voice slightly, "Listen, since it's a toad, don't want to eat swan meat!"

Qin Luo didn't tell him much, and went downstairs directly.

After his back disappeared, Duan Wenyu's domineering attitude subsided: "Okay, you guys help me watch a little, don't let any old monster with a broken sleeve stare at him."

The monk behind him flattered: "Since the young master doesn't like this person, why didn't he just... Ruin him? In this case, how could Junior Sister Luo like such a plaything?"

Duan Wenyu glanced at him: "Stop talking nonsense! No matter how bad he is, he is still a disciple of my Shuiyuemen. It's not shameful enough to spoil him with the old monster, isn't it? No matter how shameless this son is, he won't betray his fellow sect. He wants to be honest. It has been reduced to a thing that was harvested, and we have to be shameless!"

A few cultivators didn't understand anymore: "Young Master, Fairy Luo is interested in him, if you insist on marrying him, wouldn't the son spend a lot of effort at Fairy Luo for nothing? Besides, Young Master is now targeting him many times. As soon as he turns over, he will become the son's confidant!"

Duan Wenyu snorted coldly: "Stupid!" Then he saw that his subordinates looked reverent and fearful, so he explained carelessly, "Luo Qingyao's training method is exactly the same as that of this young master. The good. This son knows this, and so do Luo Qingyao's elders. If not, do I really think I have any affection for that woman? It doesn't matter who she is thinking in her heart, and who she belongs to is the first class. an important matter."

"Qin Luo is still in love and doesn't understand the beauty of women's sensuality at all. Luo Qingyao is just wasting her time. But after all, Elder Luo loves her, and she will inevitably be persuaded by her obsession, so this son also needs to start from Qin Luo. Qin Luo Luo is now in the late stage of Jindan. After being suppressed by my son everywhere, if his state of mind is shaken and his natural realm falls, Elder Luo will definitely not let his beloved granddaughter marry. He will definitely apply directly to the sect master to enter the Shuiyue dòng penance. After decades of retreat, Luo Qingyao has already returned to my son, how can he entangle Qin Luo? The matter will be resolved naturally."

Duan Wenyu looked proud: "As for Qin Luo himself, he is upright and honest, as long as I don't talk to his fallen grandfather, no matter how provocative and suppress him, for the sake of his fellow students, he won't either.

Comparing with me, what is there to worry about? "

Several subordinate monks suddenly realized, and quickly said: "Young master's plan! You really have a plan!"

Duan Wenyu smiled "haha": "My son's conspiracy is despicable,'s good to use it." After that, he turned around again, "Let's go, don't forget to take care of Qin Luo in the future. "

After the group dispersed, in the second floor booth, Xu Ziqing's expression became a little more subtle.

After Qin Luo left, he was releasing his consciousness to observe the movements of many monks in the restaurant below. He didn't expect it, but found such a scene.

From the conversation of several people, Xu Ziqing could know that Duan Wenyu, Qin Luo, and Luo Qingyao are all disciples of a certain branch of Shuiyuemen. Among them, Duan Wenyu is more powerful, while Qin Luo is relatively helpless. There is also an unrequited love connection between women.

... He was a little strange in his heart. In the past few years, how could he always see those idiots and resentful women, full of love and evil?

After shaking his head, Xu Ziqing didn't think much about it, so he put the previous scene behind him for the time being.

Qin Luo's movements were quite neat. After a while, he led a group of beautiful women to bring more than ten kinds of fine wine, vegetables, tea and fruits, and placed them on the table. Due to the previous incident, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but glance at him more, but he looked firm, and it seemed that Duan Wenyu's actions had not shaken him... So, presumably in the future, Qin Luo will most likely have a baby in the future. One of Duan Wenyu's many calculations.

If it's fast... Maybe I can barely catch up with this ranking battle?

Then Xu Ziqing picked up the teapot and poured tea for Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng respectively, and his mind became calm.

After the meal, the group was still led by Qin Luo, and they built a small courtyard at the back and placed many restrictions. However, after entering, they were separated into their own rooms. Le Zheng and Zheng did not live with the Taoist couple Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie.

After settling down, they did not stop, and went to the Binchuan River together.

As soon as they reached the river bank, Xu Ziqing and others saw many monks divided into two sides, gathered in three or five, all looking up and watching.

The three of them heard the sound of several explosions in the air, as well as the chirping of birds and the sharp sound of breaking the air. They also looked up and saw two graceful women standing in the air, each holding a magic weapon and fighting each other. In the light of the simple hands, there is no mercy in the techniques and moves! It was a great fight!

How is this going?

But soon, there was no need to think too much. Among them, the beautiful woman in the light blue dress threw a bead with her hand, which just hit the shoulder of the beautiful woman in the opposite side. She screamed in pain and had to back away angrily.

"Stop fighting! I'll give this title to you!" She was a little stern, "After a while, my aunt will come back to look for your bad luck, and you will have to come back alive!"

At this time, Xu Ziqing also understood that it turned out to be a matter of winning the title.

The woman in the light blue dress smiled gently: "From now on, Fairy Xia is only a concubine."

The beauty in huáng glared at her hatefully, she turned her head and left.

I don't know how many times this kind of comparison has happened these days, but the two female cultivators who started this time were both extremely beautiful, which attracted many people to stop and watch. But now that the dust has settled, they no longer pay attention.

And Xu Ziqing and the other three came to the river and raised their eyes to see the huge black list of thousands of people!

Le Zheng and Zheng have already been on the Eight Hundred Billboards, and naturally they have no names on this black list. But Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, one should have their name engraved when they entered the great world of Qianyuan, and the other should also show that they are looking for a look when they are born.

So the two consciousnesses rushed out of their sea of ​​consciousness, landed on the black list in an instant, and quickly searched for them.

But after a few breaths, Yun Lie's consciousness paused a little.

Le Zheng and Zheng's expressions moved slightly: "The Lord of Ten Thousand Woods...Xu Ziqing." He thought about it, and the corners of his lips rarely twitched, "If you were Daoyou Xu, you would be worthy of this name."

It's might be a bit dazzling.

With his keenness, he can detect a few unwholesome divine senses without looking for them, and from time to time he will swipe over the words Lord of Ten Thousand Trees. Come to think of it, it should also be some monks of the wood genus, who feel that this title is too arrogant.

Xu Ziqing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Lord of Ten Thousand Woods, how can such a title be crowned on the head at will? When I think about it, it's just that when the big world was destroyed, the pair of Tilian brothers used to call him like this, but now how many years have passed, how can it be on the black list to show such an offending person name come?

Because of this, he may not be able to stop in the future.

After sighing, Xu Ziqing used his spiritual sense to search again. This time he was looking for his senior brother.

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