After about half the time of the incense stick, several people came together, and their consciousness fell on one of the lines of silver writing.

Slaughter Jianzun, Yun Lie.

Seeing these four words, Xu Ziqing, Le Zheng and Zheng nodded secretly.

Such a title is apt.

Yun Lie is accustomed to the ruthless killing swordsmanship. He was once known as the killing sword, and he created the "Suppressing Sword Technique" by himself.

However, the word "Zun" is suspicious.

Xu Ziqing learned earlier that anyone who gets on the Eight Hundred Gold List can get the title of honor, such as Le Zheng and Zheng, who is the Ming Zun of Ice and Fire. But if you haven't made it to the 800 Gold List, you can't easily claim to be like this, otherwise you'll have a hard time with many geniuses.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have attached a word "Zun" to his senior brother on the black list...

With this question, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but look at Le Zheng and Zheng.

This second young palace master has passed the golden list, and of course he knows many things better than him.

Le Zheng and Zheng really knew it too: "Don't be surprised, Daoyou Xu, sword cultivators are different from ordinary cultivators, but those who have condensed the sword soul and entered the second or higher training can be called 'Sword Sovereign'."

Xu Ziqing realized that, after he went to the other places on the black list again, he found out that five or six people had the title of Sword Master in a row, and he was relieved. Instead, he felt a sense of honor.

Regardless of Xu Ziqing or Yun Lie, their titles are quite unique. After they have read all the names on the black list, they have never seen anyone similar to them. There are also swordsmen who are called "killing sword" and "killing sword", which look a bit similar, but as long as the word "Zun" is missing, then the difference between this word is the difference between heaven and earth.

Just after watching it, the three of them have no intention of staying.

Now that the battle of the rankings is imminent, they should go to Heding County after resting in the inn for a while here.

However... before a few people walked far, suddenly, someone from behind made a sound.

"That Xu Ziqing, hasn't come yet!"

"It's here, can you recognize it again?"

"Waiting is not the way, I need to find Tianjifang here and seek information about this person."

"A mere Nascent Soul, how dare to occupy such a title, I will definitely learn it!"

These words were so severe that Xu Ziqing didn't have to listen carefully, and they fell into his ears.

Really, for his title...

Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng all stopped.

The three walked aside and turned around.

Xu Ziqing could see it clearly, and there were five or six young monks in green and green robes, all with anger on their faces.

Their shoulders have leaf patterns, and their hem and cuffs also have dark patterns of vegetation.

It can be seen that they are disciples of the same sect.

The leading disciple, the realm is even higher than the transformation of the gods.

Le Zheng and Zheng suddenly said: "It's a member of the Muluo sect."

Chapter 507

The Muluo Sect is just a fifth-rank sect, attached to the second-rank sect Luotian Xianzong. Some outstanding disciples in the sect can enter the inner door of Luotian Xianzong for cultivation, and even worship the inner door. Take a seat.

In this five-rank sect, because of the majority of wood-genus exercises, most of the disciples recruited are also wood-genus cultivators, and there are not a few people with single wood spiritual roots. The wooden cultivators who came out of this gate are also much more powerful than those in other sects.

Some people even learned that when this sect was attached to the Luotian Xianzong, it offered a cultivation method of the Heavenly Rank Wood, and anyone who entered the Luotian Xianzong from this Mu Luomen also had the opportunity to practice this cultivation method. ...after all, there are very few people who can directly worship Luotian Xianzong. Over time, although this Muluo Sect is not too big, it has become a place that many wood monks yearn for.

Xu Ziqing glanced around and found that among the Muluo Sect disciples, in addition to the headed cultivator at the Spirit Transformation stage, there was also a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator and an early Nascent Soul cultivator. As for the other three, they are only in Jindan.

Their attitude is close, it should be a relationship between brothers and sisters. The texture of the plants and trees on the body of the two monks in the spiritual transformation period is very different from that of the two monks in the Nascent Soul period, and their status must be higher than the others.

The one who said that he wanted to be taught before was the one from the early Nascent Soul.

Since the Muluo Sect is famous for the wood-related exercises, I heard that there is a daring cultivator who dares to be called the "Lord of Ten Thousand Woods", doesn't it mean that their entire sect will crawl under this person's feet? Naturally, he was furious at the time, and he was even more reluctant to let it go easily.

For Xu Ziqing, they were the first wave of trouble.

Xu Ziqing sighed secretly, he was a little hesitant now.

The people of Muluomen are looking for him, can he go out to meet him by himself?

But if we meet, we must have a fight, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to turn a gān ge into a jade and silk.

For a while, he frowned slightly.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing didn't want to cause trouble, but shook his head helplessly, greeted his senior brother and Le Zhenghe, and decided to leave first. if I didn't hear it.

However, Xu Ziqing thought well, but things were not as good as he thought.

As soon as he turned around, the Muluomen saw him, and after walking a few steps, they immediately asked him, "This fellow Daoist, stay here!"

Xu Ziqing paused and turned around.

The speaker was the middle Nascent Soul from Muluomen. He clasped his fists and said, "I met Daoist friend Qiu Ziang in Xiamuluomen." Then he continued, "I think Daoist friend's wood energy is pure, I think

He must also be a cultivator of the wood genus. He should pay attention to Xu Ziqing, who is arrogant on the black list. I wonder if your friends know about this person? If fellow Daoists know, please feel free to let them know. If the daoist doesn't know... I'm not talented, and I want to go to him to learn from him. If the daoist also wants to do the same, I might as well go with him. "

Although they felt that the cultivation method of their own sect was extremely powerful, they were not afraid of other wooden monks. But self-confidence is self-confidence, and these people are not reckless. As far as they want to come, a person with such a title should be somewhat capable, even if they are displeased. It's better to invite a few more people who see him unhappy to go together, or make him suffer.

As a result, several people noticed that the Tsing Yi cultivator had a mellow wood energy, and they moved their thoughts.

Xu Ziqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He cupped his hands and said, "...Under Xu Ziqing, I have seen a few fellow Daoists."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Muluo Sect couldn't help being stunned, and then they all changed their faces.

There was that irritable Nascent Soul in the early stage and said angrily, "Since you know that I'm waiting for you, why are you making a fool of yourself? Are you making fun of me?"

The other people didn't look good.

I was still inviting each other before, but I guessed that this person was looking for someone, so how could they not be ashamed?

Xu Ziqing became more and more helpless: "If you have any orders, please tell me."

Yun Lie, Le Zheng and Zheng stood a little far behind him, and two lines of sight also fell on the Muluomen.

The two sides showed a bit of confrontation.

Qiu Zi'ang seemed to be calm. He pulled the Nascent Soul early back, and comforted his brother who was also a little angry. He turned to Xu Ziqing and said, "Without him, Zhan Er."

Xu Ziqing's expression gradually became solemn.

The people of Muluomen said:

"The last fight, I'm going to erase your name!"

"Since you set such a name, you should know what happened today."

"I'm not wronging you!"

Qiu Zi'ang was much calmer than the other classmates. He had looked at Xu Ziqing before and saw that he was a gentle and handsome person, but he was not as arrogant as his name. He inferred that the name must be decided by the black list.

It's just... what kind of exercises does this Xu Ziqing practice, and what kind of skills does he possess, so that Tianji can name him the "Lord of Ten Thousand Woods"? How can they be reconciled to those who are also cultivating the wood genus exercises!

Xu Ziqing frowned: "When the battle is over, I will fight again, now there is no need for this."

However, the Muluomen were unwilling: "There are tens of thousands of opponents at the time of the battle. If we can't meet them, what should we do?" After saying this, the monk in the early Nascent Soul didn't wait for Xu Ziqing to react, and immediately shot!

When it was, the cultivator stretched out his arm, and countless blue lights burst out from his palm, like a shower, all of them hit Xu Ziqing!

Xu Ziqing took a step back and pointed, many light spots flickering in front of him, each light spot is a green leaf, floating around him instantaneously, up and down, gathering and dispersing, like clouds, with A layer of ethereal, green smoke-like barrier was erected.

This is another defensive supernatural power that he has learned. It is called "Wooden Cloud Wall".

Therefore, when this rain-like blue light came, it was completely swallowed up by the wooden cloud wall, and it didn't touch Xu Ziqing at all. At the same time, the power and ability of these blue lights were fed back to Xu Ziqing.

Xu Ziqing snorted softly, "It's actually poisonous?"

The blue light alone is like a test, but if the blue light is poisonous, it is different, and the toxicity is severe. If it is not Muyunbi, it is a collection of the characteristics of Wanmu, I am afraid that even if it blocks the attack, it will be corroded by toxins... ... Those toxins will penetrate into him as soon as they touch him, and even Nascent Soul will be poisoned by that time.

Therefore, this is not a temptation at all. The cultivator in the early Nascent Soul staged a heavy hand just after provocation, and his mind was very sensitive.

This method is so ruthless that it makes it impossible to guard against it!

Xu Ziqing couldn't help but feel annoyed. Seeing the other party was also very surprised, he froze for a moment. He flipped his hand and hit a seed, which suddenly turned into a strange vine in the air. In the blink of an eye, it was tied to the Nascent Soul. !

The Nascent Soul reacted quickly, he dodged immediately, and the blue light all over his body burst out, about to collapse the vines, but he never expected that the strange vines would penetrate the blue light and tied directly to his body!

In an instant, the real essence in his body was quickly drained, and when he looked around again, most of the azure light that protected his body had been swallowed up!

At this moment, he suddenly understood and blurted out: "Spiritual Devouring Vine!"

This kind of vine is one of the top ten fierce vines. It is very fierce. It is best to devour true essence. It is also a wood spirit that wood cultivators like to subdue. It’s just that this thing has long since disappeared and is hard to see, so ordinary people can’t easily remember it.

But now many Muluomen people are shocked, how could they guess that Xu Ziqing has such a fierce vine?

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