And Xu Ziqing in the jungle suddenly eased his brows.

Rong Jin's consciousness came from the sea of ​​​​knowledge, that is joy and happiness, not thinking about Shu.

For Rong Jin, the blood in the river of blood is actually a great supplement—yes, the bloodthirsty demon vine loves the flesh and blood of living things, but since it is said to be "bloodthirsty", of course, he likes to eat blood. This river of blood is made from the blood of living people, and the aura of injustice will not dissipate for a long time, and it can also raise blood monsters! Under the many wandering consciousnesses, the blood river is actually a half-living thing.

When Rong Jin entered it, it was naturally like a dragon entering the sea, extremely happy.

Xu Ziqing was relieved, and when his mind moved, the movements of the green monsters intensified!

The Blood River Demon Venerable also noticed that there was more blood flowing back in front of him, and immediately thought that Xu Ziqing was at the end of the game, and he had to use the last strength to make a desperate attempt. After he laughed strangely, he also pushed the Blood River harder to create more Bloody monsters, destroy the jungle!

At the same time, he never noticed that the river of blood below it was rapidly decreasing visibly to the naked eye.

However, even though the Blood River Demon Venerable did not notice it, the monks who were on the sidelines could see it clearly.

Just within the river of blood, there are hundreds of thin bloodstreams flowing slowly, and each time the bloodstream is drawn away, it disappears quickly as if something was quickly drawn away.

After a while like this, the water level of the blood in the blood river can clearly see the drop...

At this time, the cultivators still didn't understand, it was clear that the blood-colored vines had the ability to suck blood, and they actually regarded the blood river as a feast, and they were enjoying it quickly. But the Blood River Demon Venerable didn't notice it at all, this is really... stupid.

The immortals sneered.

These demon cultivators use many evil methods to cultivate some powerful abilities, but most of their mental states are not tempered enough when cultivating, so that once they fall into the trap of others, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false and be deceived by them.

This is the case with the Blood River Demon Venerable. He is jealous because of his ugly appearance. Even though he has the blood river supernatural power, he has fallen into the Weng of the wood cultivator, and he has never woken up until now. If these immortal cultivators who have tempered their moods in various ways, their own life and magical powers are affected, I am afraid they will be aware of it immediately, how can they be so chaotic?

In this game, the Blood River Demon Venerable will definitely lose!

Gradually, the two sides stalemate for a while.

Xu Ziqing secretly conveyed his thoughts: "Rong Jin, how much is left?"

Rong Jin's cheerful voice returned: "Mother, mother... eat, eat half and half!"

Xu Ziqing understood and asked, "How long will it take before we can finish eating?"

Rong Jin was even more excited: "One... stick incense!"

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly, he unfolded his robe sleeves and flicked it.

In an instant, the plants and trees in front of him, all those that were huge and obscured his shadow, all shrunk down and only protected him around him, while in front of him, only short trees that were not as tall as others were left. vine.

His figure was also exposed in front of Blood River Demon Venerable.

The blood river Demon Venerable's line of sight was also clear for a while. He saw the wooden cultivator standing clean among thousands of trees, as if nothing had happened before. , Like a fat blood cocoon, his face couldn't help but feel even more hatred.

He immediately screamed: "Go! Go! Kill him! Suck him!"

In the blink of an eye, the river of blood below lifted its head again, and the human-shaped blood monsters with a height of two feet quickly climbed out, and their speed was even faster!

Almost in an instant, several human-shaped blood monsters came to Zhiyang Wood. They stretched out their giant palms and slapped them left and right. A bloody palm print immediately appeared on the Zhiyang Wood. At this time, vines were entangled. With a scalding heat current, this extremely large blood monster is just a flash of blood all over its body, and the charred blackness is eliminated.

Immediately, the tall blood monster rushed into the forest with an irresistible momentum!

Xu Ziqing smelled the thick blood coming from his nostrils and frowned slightly.

There was news from Rong Jin that most of the blood in the blood river had been sucked up, and together with the condensed giant blood monsters, it seemed to be even rarer. Now there is no need for a stick of incense, and the river of blood will dry up.

He no longer hesitated, his mind moved again.

The next moment, there were hundreds of thousands of vines rising from behind him!

At this time, each vine was as thick as a water tank, the upper leaf bud was as large as a human head, and when the sharp teeth opened and closed, it was like a huge mouth.

They rushed out very quickly, and with a sweeping momentum, they rushed towards the blood monster that was fighting with the green monster, and like a hungry tiger attacking a sheep, they frantically attacked the dozen or so giant blood monsters!

The immortals clearly saw that the moment the blood-red vines touched the blood monsters, it was like drinking water, swallowing them all, and then rapidly expanding in a vertical and horizontal momentum, all the way to the front of the blood river demon. !

The Demon Venerable Blood River was shocked. The moment he saw the blood vines, he was absolutely right. Then he saw even more that the jungle that was protecting the monks in Tsing Yi suddenly disappeared. Thirsty!

There was a huge panic in his heart, and the Blood River Demon Zun immediately sobered up and looked down—at this moment, his eyes were split.

The originally huge river of blood now only had a thin layer of blood skin, and on top of the blood skin, there were hundreds of "blood pythons" as thick as the vines that sucked the blood monsters before, lazily and extremely Greedily, swallowing the last blood...

"Ahhh-" Blood River Demon Venerable shouted: "My blood river! My--"

The screams stopped abruptly.

The Blood River and the Blood River Demon Venerable have long been the same body, and the Blood River is not the same.

If it is destroyed, the Blood River Demon Venerable will not be destroyed.

And the blood river gān withered... the blood river demon who possessed a kind of supernatural power was immediately attacked by the supernatural power, and the whole person was instantly shriveled and turned into a bone frame containing only human skin.

A blood-red light burst out, and a blood-colored Nascent Soul also screamed.

Bloody Nascent Soul screamed: "Blood Shadow Escape!"

But the bloody light didn't have time to flicker, and more vines were already entangled in it, and the Nascent Soul, which was also full of blood, was also devoured. At the same time, Xu Ziqing pointed out, Qingguang. Explosive, in the middle of that blood-red light!

At this moment, the last primordial spirit left by Demon Venerable Blood River was also destroyed.

The dense blood-colored vines fluttered in the air, their sharp teeth rattled, but they were softly attached to Xu Ziqing's side, rubbing against each other like a spoiled child.

The vines, which had just sucked blood and looked even more red, showed a different kind of terror against the gentle cultivator in blue clothes.

At the same time, the weak dragon and tiger aura behind Xu Ziqing slaughtered onto the huge dragon and tiger aura of the Blood River Demon Venerable, and in a short time, he devoured the opponent completely. The Dragon-Tiger Qi of Blood River Demon Venerable was at 32.32 feet. By this time, Xu Ziqing's Dragon-Tiger Qi had grown greatly—he already had 34.7 feet.

The blood-colored vines returned to Xiao Qiankun, and Xu Ziqing jumped out and landed on the top of the peak.

Seeing the white-clothed Jianxiu who was waiting for his return, he couldn't help but smile softly.

Immediately, his senior brother said, "Well done."

At this time, a wood cultivator finally exclaimed: "That is—that is the bloodthirsty demon vine!"

Chapter 525

The cultivator has clear ears and eyesight, and his spiritual sense is in all directions. The words of the wooden cultivator who suddenly made a sound were naturally heard by the cultivators in the audience. Immediately afterwards, there were many different reactions.

On the contrary, some people who only focus on their own self-cultivation, have not thought of this thing, and feel a little doubt, but they are also talented and enlightened, and when they hear that the wood cultivator is so terrified, they have some measure.

And some disciples and classmates with profound cultivation were all shocked.

Even the scattered immortals of the Immortal Sect and Demon Sect in the void couldn't help but change their expressions after hearing the words "Bloodthirsty Demon Vine".

At the same time, the most frightening are all the wooden monks who have already achieved some achievements.

The bloodthirsty demon vine is a well-deserved one, headed by one of the ten ancient vicious vines!

Although it is the leader, in terms of terror, it is far superior to the other nine types of vicious vines. It is the overlord of the vines—even among the ten thousand trees, it belongs to the most famous and most terrifying category.

Although such a vicious creature is recorded in the ancient books, no matter how many wooden monks have appeared throughout the ages, no matter how great the qualifications of those wooden monks, no one has been able to subdue it—everyone who has ever beaten it. All of the ideas were turned into madness by backlash, or were sucked from the inside by their seeds, and in the end, they were all swallowed up.

Therefore, since I don't know how many years, the bloodthirsty demon vine has only become a legend, and the place where the bloodthirsty demon vine may grow in the rumors is an extremely ferocious place, where birds do not fall, and there are few people.

Just now, Xu Ziqing used this demon vine. Although many wood cultivators felt familiar, they only thought it was a vicious blood-sucking vine and were slowly searching for its origin. However, after the monster vine suddenly became thick and gave birth to hundreds of thousands of huge vines, it was so clear and clear that one of the wooden monks suddenly shivered and recognized it!

As long as there is a little flesh and blood, this kind of mad bào vine can be attached to its flesh, blood, Nascent Soul, Divine Soul... everything has been devoured. It has been cultivated to the extreme. All magical powers and magic weapons are useless, and nothing can resist. !

By this time, there were a few people with complicated expressions.

It is the Muluomen.

Before the Battle of the Billboards, several Muluomen were quite dissatisfied with Xu Ziqing because of the title of Lord of Ten Thousand Trees on the Black List. Senior brother pressed people with realm, so he came back in anger.

Unexpectedly, at the time of the ranking battle, they realized that Xu Ziqing had broken through again and again, and he had also entered the Divine Transformation Stage! Afterwards, Xu Ziqing made several shots, all of them winning, and the few Muluomen were also watching closely. Although Xu Ziqing is powerful with spirit-devouring vines, the wood cultivator who owns the ten fierce vines is not very rare among Muluomen, and he is not afraid of him.

After that, Xu Ziqing went through the rounds of battles again and again, but they were Muluomen. In the end, only the senior brother who turned into a god was left, but he also lost to the immortal cultivator of the Jinbang rank before, which made them understand Xu Ziqing a little bit. ...until now.

Many Muluomen thought that Xu Ziqing had a spirit-devouring vine that was the limit, but they never expected that he would be able to subdue the bloodthirsty demon vine - but as long as it was a wood cultivator, who would not know the fierce name of this vine? ?

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