When I think of Xu Ziqing's battle, there are countless small universes of grass and trees... If this is the case, it is no wonder.

To be able to use the bloodthirsty demon vine as the tree of his own destiny, and use it to manipulate all the trees in the world, this is not the master of all trees, and what is it?

By this time, these Muluomen were no longer dissatisfied.

The other cultivators, whether they knew the name of the bloodthirsty demon vine themselves, or were told by their classmates and friends, the wooden cultivators, at this moment, they were more afraid of the calm and gentle cultivator in Tsing Yi.

They watched Xu Ziqing's back come back to his peak, and when they saw Jianxiu in white who lived on the same peak as him, they all sighed in their hearts.

This is actually a pair of senior brothers. If there is no accident, both of them must be above the 800-level position, but how far they can break into, it makes them both on guard and looking forward to it.

At the same time, within the void, there are disputes.

There was a strange voice from the magic door scattered immortal: "Okay, alright, wait for the dignified immortal sect, you can still produce such a cub who is good at eating flesh and blood, why didn't you enter my magic door, or ask me to wait for a good life to take care of one. Fan?"

Another different voice was also sullen: "My demon sect eats flesh and blood, and I will be yelled at and killed. If you wait for this disciple in the immortal sect, why don't you come and kill your relatives?"

Another hoarse voice said: "What a ferocious creature the bloodthirsty demon vine is, it also threatens us and others, we should immediately capture it and kill it completely! Even if it doesn't help, it must be sealed and suppressed, otherwise once it gets out of control, we will wait for the demonic way, You wait for the Immortal Dao, and disaster will be imminent!"

At this time, on the Demon Dao side, everyone said in unison that they wanted to kill Xu Ziqing and completely destroy the bloodthirsty demon vine.

The bloodthirsty demon vine is a very fierce thing. If it grows outside, even if it is calcined by lightning, it may not really die. If it makes a comeback one day, it will be a trivial matter for those who have been harsh on it and exterminate the family. But now that this thing has been collected by the monk as the tree of life, if the monk dies, the bloodthirsty demon vine should also be dead, maybe it can be completely eliminated.

However, after the scattered immortals of Xianmen looked at each other, someone snorted coldly.

The scattered immortals looked over and saw a blue-clothed woman with a face like white jade and hair like jade silk, her expression was condensed, and she said in a deep voice: "Slaying demons and eliminating demons, I will have someone in my immortal way to do it. You wait for the demons. The devil in the middle, whose fierceness is exposed, dare to talk to me about eliminating the devil? If you want to eliminate the devil, after this battle, come to fight with this seat, and take a look, who is the one who is going to be eliminated!"

When the demons scattered immortals heard it, they all frowned.

They are talking about getting rid of demon vines, which one said to get rid of demons? Immediately, it became clear to them that this woman was clearly saying that they were overbearing, meaning that what they said was the devil. If you want to get rid of Xu Ziqing, you need to get rid of yourself.

Sure enough, the jade-faced woman said again: "Demon and non-demon are in one's own heart. You have done all evil, but you are taboo of a younger generation with a pure heart. It is nothing more than fear of demon vines. If you want to kill my fairyland genius, his heart can be punished! "

After all, this woman is murderous and arrogant, her almond eyes are full of evil, and when she looks at the devil, it is the hatred that is rolling, and she is about to throw it out!

At this time, those demon sect scattered immortals suddenly remembered the origin of this woman's identity. Even some immortal sect scattered immortals looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces - this woman really remembered her direct relative. 's younger brother.

This girl is Yuzhen Fairy, Six Tribulations Loose Fairy, a lonely female fairy who has become famous thousands of years ago. At the beginning, she was born in a poor family, her parents died early, and she only had one younger brother to depend on each other. But the two brothers and sisters are both geniuses of cultivating immortals, and they joined the same four-rank sect and were trained by the sect. The two brothers and sisters have been lonely since childhood, and they practiced very hard, but the older sister is more savvy and has reached the transcendence stage early, while the younger brother is slightly inferior, but he is also out of body, and it is the limelight.

However, just when Fairy Yuzhen was about to transcend the tribulation, her younger brother was suddenly surrounded and killed. Unprepared, she released the demon clone and escaped from the siege. It turned out that this younger brother cultivated in a very special way, and the avatar he cultivated was a demon. And this demon is very powerful, and it has the art of hemolysis. As long as it spews blood, it can poison and kill Sanxian, attracting attention from all directions, especially for people in the magic way, it is more useful.

This matter was stabbed by the Evil Dao. Although the sect wanted to protect the younger brother, the rank was lower in the end, and the Evil Dao approached aggressively, and because the younger brother was a demon after all, it was inconvenient for people in the immortal Dao to help, so that the younger brother He died tragically in the hands of the evil demons, leaving only a trace of his primordial spirit, and he was in a daze, and was taken into the gourd by Fairy Yuzhen, and he has not regained his senses.

Fairy Yuzhen was furious because of this. Originally, the matter of her ascension was almost guaranteed to fall, and she was defeated by the calamity of her heart. Later, she had to be converted to Sanxian. The Evil Demon Sect, and later killed 100,000 Evil Demon Xiu, with a fierce reputation, until now, whenever he misses his younger brother, he has to go to the Evil Demon Sect to kill a slaughter to appease the heart.

At this moment, Evil Demon Xiu wanted to force Xu Ziqing, so Fairy Yuzhen naturally thought about his younger brother. Pity her younger brother, a dignified Xiandao cultivator with a righteous heart. When cultivating the demon avatar, he never committed evil, but found resources when eliminating demons, and then ended up like this... This matter is known, those immortals who stand by and watch Chinese people, there is inevitably a trace of shame in my heart.

Therefore, although the bloodthirsty demon vine is extremely terrifying, these immortal cultivators never blurted out their intention to kill. Fairy Yuzhen was even more angry because of what happened to her younger brother, and she scolded the evil demons back when she said it.

Many immortals remembered the past, and took another look at Xu Ziqing, and they agreed with it.

Those who are evil do evil, and those who are good can restrain themselves.

Although the young cultivator has the demon vine in his hand, since the battle of the leaderboard, he will only be able to kill when he encounters the demon, and there is often room for him in normal battles. This alone shows that his character is quite good, and he is definitely not a person who kills indiscriminately, and he cultivates

In the realm of transforming the gods, the demon vine is also very obedient. Naturally, he has a deep relationship with him, and he has never swallowed his sanity... If this is the case, why do you want to anger the demon vine indiscriminately because of its fierce name?

It's just that there are also scattered immortals sighing. It's a pity that such monks are not in their sect, but after all, Zhoutian Xianzong was originally the overlord, and the master of the demon vines fell in that sect, but they didn't let them have any jealousy. I mean.

Especially at this moment, they are all people of Xianmen, how can they be in chaos when facing the forces of the devil? Naturally, it is necessary to gather in one place.

Therefore, many scattered immortals did not say much, that is, they acquiesced in the meaning of Fairy Yuzhen.

At the same time, in the Zhoutian Immortal Sect, the Six Tribulations Loose Immortal who led this act finally said: "Xu Ziqing is a member of my Zhoutian Immortal Sect. If anyone wants to move him... I am Zhoutian Immortal Sect, and I will never die."

As soon as these words came out, not only the scattered immortals of the Demon Sect, but also the scattered immortals of the immortal sect, also trembled in their hearts.

Never die... never stop.

That Zhou Tianxianzong, Haosheng valued this person!

The people in Xianmen understand that bloodthirsty demon vines can eat immortals, and if Xu Ziqing can fly immortals, even if he arrives in immortal world, he will be valued. If Xu Ziqing was in their sect, the sect would also make such a decision.

And all the immortals of the Demon Sect kept their mouths shut, as if they had died down.

But it can't be done in the open, but it is unpredictable in the dark.

Chapter 526 Father?

No matter how the bloodthirsty demon vine came out, everyone was talking about it. After Xu Ziqing returned to the peak, he sat opposite Yun Lie and discussed the previous battle with Yun Lie.

Xu Ziqing's palms were spread out, and there was a thin vine sticking out from there. It was bright red and looked like a coral.

It turned out that Rong Jin had eaten happily before, but at this time he didn't want to shrink back and just wanted to play outside. It is also born with intelligence, consciousness is like a three-year-old child, and it is the most intimate to Xu Ziqing. Even if it grows in the world of ten thousand trees and is accompanied by countless plants, it is all subordinate after all, and its intelligence is not yet opened, so I call it. unwilling to get close.

Xu Ziqing felt sorry for him being alone, and his heart softened, so he got what he wanted... He didn't let him out earlier, but he was worried that when his strength was not good, there might be some variables, but now he is in the realm of God Transformation, senior brother's The realm of swordsmanship is even more extraordinary. The two of them are in the Zhoutian Xianzong, and they also show some strength, and most of them will not be regarded as abandoned children by the sect. In addition, Rong Jin was already exposed before, so he was no longer taboo.

Yun Lie glanced at Rong Jin and said, "This thing needs to be used with caution."

Xu Ziqing naturally understands, but he also knows that this is the concern of his senior brother, otherwise why would he make a point knowing that he was cautious? Then his eyes softened and he said softly: "Brother, don't worry, Rong Jin's suffocating anger will not change, unless necessary, I will not let it despise people's lives, and I will not let it degenerate into the temper of a demon."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "From now on, the evil spirits should have unruly intentions. You need to take more precautions, and don't take it lightly."

Xu Ziqing frowned slightly, then sighed: "Yes, senior brother, I understand."

Seeing him like this, Yun Lie said again: "Although you are careful, you don't have to worry about it all the time. I'm afraid of being a demon. I'm at your side."

Xu Ziqing's heart became warmer, and his smile became softer, but his tone was close: "Yes, I will follow the order of senior brother."

Yun Lie knew Xu Ziqing's temperament, his expression softened slightly, his eyes fell on Rong Jin like a sword.

Because Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing faced each other day and night in the early years, and later the two became Taoist companions and Yuanshen double cultivators. The second person Rong Jin knew well was Yun Lie. Moreover, Yun Lie's sword and soul is extremely sharp, and the killing energy in it can turn back the blood and evil spirits, which made this childlike Rong Jin feel a little awe of Yun Lie, but became more and more intimate with Xu Ziqing.

At this time, Rong Jin nodded at Ye Bao, then shrank back towards Xu Ziqing, and came out with an intermittent consciousness: "Listen, be obedient..."

This time it was the first time Rong Jin had such a relationship with Yun Lie, and Xu Ziqing was also surprised. Then he smiled slightly and gently stroked Ye Bao with his fingertips: "Rong Jin is the most obedient." The front handed him a hand, "Rong Jin is still young, after the lesson... Senior Brother, you should comfort a little."

Yun Lie raised his eyes, and after a pause, Fang also stretched out a finger and pointed on the leaf bud.

Rong Jin's little body stood up, Ye Bao twisted again, and finally rubbed Yun Lie's fingertips, and timidly came out of consciousness: "Father...Father?"

Xu Ziqing was stunned for a moment, but Yun Lie seemed to be a little stunned.

Rong Jin observed his words and expressions, and his consciousness became more and more timid: "He, and mother, jiāo...match! Father and father...kin..." After speaking, his voice became smaller and smaller.

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