Xu Ziqing heard Rong Jin's words clearly, and thought about what Rong Jin used to call him... Rao is that he is already in a state of mind, and he can't help but feel embarrassed, and even a thin layer of red appears on his face.

Rong Jin thinks like a child, conceived and germinated in his body, he regards him as his mother, and after he and his senior brother get married, the two... who are united with their mother, are regarded as their father by it. It has a pure mind, no distinction between men and women, and it treats its parents with its own heart. This is not wrong, but... it is called out in front of the senior brother, but it makes him a little embarrassed.

Yun Lie lowered his eyes, his expression was as usual: "Don't think too much."

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and then said with a serious face: "Yes, brother."

After the two brothers said a few words, Rong Jin realized that something was wrong, Ye Bao turned ignorantly, Yun Lie had already withdrawn his finger, but Xu Ziqing gently stroked it and calmed it down, still looking around happily.

Not long after, Yun Lie received Fu Lu and wanted to go to the end of the battle.

Yun Lie's opponent this time was Saint Yin Yang, who was ranked 322nd on the Billboard, and he was an immortal cultivator.

The cultivation method used by this sage has the ability of yīn yang to generate each other, so he has painstakingly refined a kind of natal magic weapon. absorb.

But this kind of magic weapon is not indestructible. The realm of this immortal cultivator is in the early stage of spiritual transformation. With the help of magic weapon, it absorbs external force and bounces out, and then leaves some to make up for itself. But after all, the magic weapon is limited by the realm. If there is one thing that reaches the yang, or there is one thing that reaches the yīn, or if the yang force and the yīn force are prosperous and exceed the limit that the magic weapon can hold, then the yīn yang saint will be defeated.

With the three hundred and twenty-one monks above him, most of them will defeat him.

The ruthless killing swordsmanship practiced by Yun Lie, the sword is the weapon, and the killing is the foundation. But in terms of fundamentals, it is also considered to be the ultimate yang thing.

And these kinds of magical powers are not very beneficial for learning and comprehending the exercises. Therefore, Yun Lie first used the sword soul to train, and when he saw that the sword intent was accommodated by the magic weapon, he understood. Immediately, he didn't stop, and shot out with a sword!

Sword Soul Five Refinements!

Qiáng was unparalleled, sharp and unstoppable, the magic weapon was directly cut into a crack, and Saint Yin Yang also vomited out a mouthful of blood, hurting his heart.

The supreme sword intent spawned by the Five Refinements Sword Soul has already damaged the magic weapon, and it takes decades of effort to cultivate it before it can be restored to its original state. However, if it is hit by a sword again, it will be completely shattered, which is also possible.

That Yin Yang Shengzun knew that he was invincible, and under the heartache magic weapon, he immediately conceded defeat.

After this battle, Yun Lie devoured the 49-zhang-five dragon-tiger energy behind Saint Yin Yang, and his own dragon-tiger energy was as much as 51-zhang-nine.

Then, in the last few games, all the seven hundred cultivators had finally surpassed them. Besides Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, there were dozens of others who could outperform the cultivators. . The remaining hundreds of people competed with the newly promoted monks who had gone through several rounds of battles, and many winners were decided. However, the aura of the dragon and tiger behind the winner these few times is only 4.8 feet, which is very different from the winner of the battle with the venerable cultivator, but among them, those who feel that they are more powerful are quite resentful, while those who are weaker are on the contrary. Anxixi - they will definitely lose to the cultivators on the golden list. Anyway, they can survive this time, even though the spirit of dragon and tiger is still insufficient, it is also a fluke in their hearts.

By this time, all rounds of battles are over.

The dragon and tiger cauldron shined brilliantly, and all the monks heard different voices from the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie looked at each other and stood up.

It turned out that the next challenge was to follow. Except for the top 100 monks, the rankings were already disrupted, and the Dòng Mansion on the highest mountain was re-ranked according to the strength of the dragons and tigers behind the many monks.

Counting the Jinbang cultivators who had already died before and had already been defeated and expelled from their thrones, there was a lot of room in those mountain residences for a while.

Behind Xu Ziqing, the dragon and tiger aura was thirty-four feet seven. The original opponent was the six hundred and eighty-eighth Blood River Demon Venerable. Now that his ranking has risen, he should sit in front of the six hundred and sixty-ninth mountain mansion.

The dragon and tiger aura behind Yun Lie was fifty-one-zhang-nine. The original opponent was the three-hundred and twenty-one Yīn Yang Shengzun. Now that his rank has risen, he should be seated in front of the three-hundred and eighteenth mountain mansion.

The two brothers and sisters had to be separated at this time.

It didn't take long for all the monks to take their seats again.

Xu Ziqing gave birth to a cloud of blue clouds, and leisurely came to the front of the six hundred and sixty-nine mountain mansions, sat down with his knees crossed, and the dragon and tiger behind him let out a long groan, which was very domineering.

Yun Lie stepped on the two-inch sword light, his sword intent flew away, and his body was like electricity. In the blink of an eye, he had settled in three hundred and eighteen mountain houses. Behind him, the dragon and tiger screamed in the sky, and the momentum was even more astonishing.

Just like them, the cultivators of the 100th and 800th rank, the more powerful the dragon and tiger energy behind them, the more amazing their roars, they are all powerful. There are not many who fell in the rankings, and there are not many surprises on the faces of those who have risen in the rankings.

And those who had to give up their high-ranking Mountain Mansion because of their previous defeat didn't look too happy. At most, their mood was slightly moved, and they settled down soon. Although they were plundered by dragon and tiger energy, their strength was strong. Qiáng is fierce, after the challenge, it may be impossible to return to the honorable position!

At this time, new restrictions have also been issued.

From this moment on, all monks can challenge others, but there are the following regulations: For the top ten monks on the Golden List, the challenged person cannot be outside the hundred;

For the top 100 monks on the Golden List, the challenger cannot be outside the 200;

Wherever the monks who are seated in the mountain house at this time,

The person challenged cannot be the loser in the last round, and the rest are unlimited; the person who has been challenged cannot be the loser in the last round, and the rest is unlimited; the person who has been defeated in the last round is the person challenged. Unlimited, you can challenge anyone.

All challenges can be conceded, but not rejected.

There is another requirement, that if the dragon and tiger qi is less than ten feet in the battle, once the battle is defeated, they will be swallowed up completely; while the dragon and tiger qi above ten feet will be swallowed up by half once the battle is defeated.

Therefore, all those who want to occupy a place on the Billboard must be careful when choosing their opponents, and at the same time, they must guard against challenges from others. Otherwise, after five days, the dust will settle.

It was rare for Xu Ziqing to be alone, but his senior brother was only a few dozen feet above him. When sent by his divine sense, he could sense it from time to time, but he didn't feel lonely. At this time, he thought, whether he or his senior brother, were below 100 and above 800, except for those who were not allowed to challenge the losers in the last round of battle, others could be considered as being able to do whatever they wanted.

He counted the remaining monks again. At this time, among the new monks, there were only three or four people left in the Demon Cultivation Institute. They were all blood-stained demons. among. And now all the demons in the highest mountain are counted, and there are still more than 100 people in total...

Just as I was thinking about it, the challenge ratio had already begun.

Xu Ziqing moved in his heart and looked up—

I saw the cold figure in white, which had already landed in one of the venues.

Xu Ziqing couldn't help laughing.

Senior brother sure enough, he really can't wait for a moment.

Chapter 527 Devils

As Xu Ziqing expected, others were still thinking about it, but Yun Lie had already entered the arena. The place Jian Feng pointed was an evil demon cultivator. He was in the 792nd place, and he was a new cultivator. A person who is an immortal cultivator of the Golden List. And the immortal cultivator, who was swallowed by this demon with a secret method, has already died in his hands.

Yun Lie's breath was cold, his eyes were calm, and he said in his mouth: "Please fight the seven hundred and ninety-two Jinbang monks."

He didn't call him a "daoist friend", nor was he polite at all, and he obviously didn't like this person.

The evil demon cultivator heard it, frowned, and looked unhappy: "The boy with the sword really doesn't know the etiquette, let me teach you a lesson!"

After all, he rode a black cloud, carrying a stench, and landed on the opposite side of Yun Lie, confronting him.

At the same time, in the other forty-nine venues, many people have entered one after another, most of them are the losers of the last round of the new monks, and the former monks who have just been taken away from the dragon and tiger and have fallen to the honorary position. , they are gearing up at this time, wanting to choose a good opponent and strengthen their aura. The winner of the previous round of battle, on the contrary, became more cautious at this time, watching carefully.

At the head of the highest peak, leaning against the top of the mountain mansion, a young man in purple robe flashed a smile in his eyes and said, "One step too late, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight Brother Yun this time."

However, there was a tall and slender woman ranked sixty-five on his right. She had fought against him many times in the past, and she was considered familiar, so she asked, "Friend Lezheng, do you know this swordsman in white?"

The handsome young man in purple robe, Le Zheng and Zheng, also had some appreciation for her, so they didn't ignore her, and replied, "More than I know, Brother Yun and I have known each other for many years, and they can be called good friends."

The woman raised her eyebrows: "Oh?" She said immediately, "This new demon has not yet exhausted his means, and it seems that his cultivation is good. Since you are a good friend of Jianxiu, may you infer how he will win or lose?"

Le Zheng and Zheng sneered: "Naturally it is Brother Yun who wins."

The woman became more and more curious: "You are quite confident."

Le Zheng and Zheng Sheng's lines were even colder: "Brother Yun, when I was in Nascent Soul, I kept my realm equal to him, and fought against him with several times his experience and supernatural powers, but it could only be suppressed. The intention is far better than the original, and the strength is not known how many times. Even I can't say that I can really beat Brother Yun. What is the devil? It can be killed in a long time, Brother Yun’s sword intent is right to restrain the demons, I am afraid that he will be able to escape without a few swords.”

The woman heard this, with a surprised expression on her face, and stopped talking to Le Zheng and Zheng.

She had seen Yun Lie Sword Intent before, and knew that its sharpness was incomparable, so she paid more attention. But after all, she had never experienced it personally, and her impression was not too deep. She only felt that this person had reached the gold list, and he did have some strength, but she never thought that Le Zheng and Zheng would highly respect him.

Could it be that the sword intent is really that terrifying?

Thinking like this, she released her consciousness and carefully approached the battlefield between Yun Lie and the evil demon cultivator.

Yes or not, you can tell by looking at it.

The demon was dissatisfied with Yun Lie's attitude, and he was a little swollen because he was better than the Jinbang monk. Demons like them who cultivate the evil way have always indulged their minds. The more jealous they are, the more anger they become, the more angry they are. When they take action, they are also different because of these many emotions.

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