At the moment, when he rubbed his palms together, three black flags stood up straight all over his body, each side was three feet high and half a meter wide, and blood-colored lines drew strange characters on the black background. The blood was flowing, and it was terrifying.

After the incantation, the three black flags turned round and round, and suddenly the black light burst out, and there were many evil ghosts crying, sharp and harsh, and then many dark ghosts rushed out, with scarlet eyes, claws and claws, culling!

This kind of yīn ghost flag can also eat flesh and blood, even a cultivator with a firm heart, but as long as there is the slightest gap for this ghost to catch, it will invade the mind and blind their soul. Immediately afterwards, the cultivator's supernatural powers were difficult to exert, and the deeper the sinking, the primordial spirit was directly pulled out, and was ingested into the yīn ghost flag, devoured by the evil ghost, and turned into a ghost in the flag.

After the demon used this method, Xu Ziqing, who was sitting in front of the mountain mansion, felt relieved.

Such tricks must not hurt Senior Brother.

Just as he thought, Yun Lie didn't feel that this demon was difficult to deal with.

As soon as he pointed it out, the black and golden light burst out, it was a second refining sword intent, straight in the front of the evil ghost.

The evil ghost let out a tragic howl, as if it was caught in the hot sun, and immediately melted like snow.

It turned out that even the sword intent of a refinement could not stand it!

Naturally, although some of the evil spirits in this ghost banner were transformed by the Yuan Ying cultivator Yuanshen, the Yuanshen was originally relatively fragile, so how could they be the condensed sword-soul opponents? Generally speaking, its power is still a kind of obsession, which can trigger the cultivator's inner demon and lure him into deep depression.

So even though the evil ghost was removed, the black fog became more and more diffuse, not only making the figure of the evil demon Xiu hide in the ghost fog, but also an ethereal music, slowly drifting away.

This sound of music seems to penetrate the depths of people's hearts, so that people have to listen if they don't want to hear it, and they can't refuse it at all.

In the nearby peaks, some cultivators who followed the elders and brothers of the division to watch the battle, with cultivation bases below Nascent Soul, even if they only heard a half-wisp of the floating, did not feel a shock in their hearts, and seemed to be in a trance for a moment. .

Some seniors slapped them on the shoulders and woke them up suddenly, and they were terrified.

Someone said: "Don't be afraid, it's a ghost."

Another humane said: "Go back and ask the Heart Tower, and when you can enter the twelfth level, the obsessed ghost will be harmless."

Another person said: "After this, the xinxing needs to be polished a lot."

Those who were almost lost, naturally answered "yes" repeatedly, daring not to be careless.

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved, his eyes and pupils blackened, gradually showing a pure white state.

And his eyesight has been penetrating the black fog, and he can see all the scenes in the field clearly.

Yun Lie Primordial Spirit has long been in harmony with the Sword Intent and has been tempered into the Sword Soul, so the Divine Consciousness released from this is also extremely powerful. But if this is the case, the demon and the ghost fog are one, and they can also be aware of it, so he transformed the body of the fairy into the shape of a super fairy, and only looked at it with the eyes of the flesh.

The ghost fog filled the air, and there seemed to be countless small voices that entered Yun Lie's ears, constantly whispering and seducing, but no matter how strange and enticing those voices were, they could never shake Yun Lie in the slightest. It wanted to create an illusion, but after the pair of pure white eyes swept through, it was like a mirror image shattered, so that the illusion mirror was also broken.

The heart of Yunjie is as cold as ice, and it is extremely firm.

At this time, the demon's method has been figured out, and Yun Lie's fingers moved slightly, already holding the black gold long sword.

After that, there were many ghosts and shadows, covering the sky and covering the ground, and he was slashed out by his sword, and they were all cut off——

Killing the Divine Sword can slash the invisible things in the world, and no evil can come near!

In the three-sided yīn ghost banner, there are endless evil ghosts, and every time they come out, they will be injured by the sword intent, and they will be wiped out.

After a while, the evil ghosts became rarer and rarer, and the ghost fog gradually faded. When Yun Lie looked at it, a shadowy shadow seemed to be empty but it was real. Hit that shadow.

In an instant, the phantom turned into a real body, and in the fierce sword light, it was divided into two parts by a sword!

The evil demon Primordial Soul scattered and escaped, but there was a silky sword light flying up, first killing the Primordial Infant, and then making a detour, twisting the Primordial Soul on the other side to pieces!

This demon has a dragon and tiger qi behind him that is twelve feet tall, but because it has been killed, all the dragon and tiger qi has been captured by Yun Lie. Now behind Yun Lie, the aura of the dragon and tiger has reached fifty-four feet.

At this time, the ghost fog had dissipated, and only Yun Lie was left standing quietly in the field, dressed in white, and did not touch a drop of blood.

The three sides of the yīn ghost flag were cut by a sword light, and the middle section of Qi was cut off, the light was dim, and it was difficult to repair. And this place surrounded by ghost flags, the corpse that was cut into two pieces was bleeding and gurgling, very miserable.

However, Yun Lie remained motionless and said, "Continue."

The next moment, the dragon and tiger cauldron in the air immediately released a huáng light, shrouding the ground, and almost in an instant, the broken ghost flag and the corpse of the demon cultivator had all disappeared.

As if nothing ever happened.

Yun Lie's eyes had returned to normal at this time, he turned slightly, looked at another mountain mansion, and said in a cold voice, "Please fight the 923rd Jinbang cultivator."

It was also a new demon cultivator. His face was a bit ugly, but after pondering for a few breaths, he jumped down.

He already understands that this sword cultivator is very powerful, and he can't help but linger in his heart, but thinking about the means he uses to press the box, it is not impossible to defeat it - even if it is not good, he can also be a little bit.

To resist, to admit defeat.

In the current situation, if he was timid before the battle and lost his honor, he would probably be ridiculed. At that time, how can you win the favor of the honorable people? It's better to fight it... After thinking about it like this, this demon thinks he has a plan, so he will fight.

When he arrived at the venue, although this demon was different from the arrogant one before, he also had a sly smile on his face.

Immediately, he clapped his hands, and five coffins were erected around him.

Five coffins, five colors, each extremely thick.

When it was, many cultivators saw what kind of means this demon was using.

Sure enough, in the next instant, the coffin lids shuddered, making a sound like a broken joint, and all of a sudden, they jumped up!

The five sets of coffin lids were rotated in the air, making a "bang bang" sound, and they would not often be connected end to end, forming a shape of mutual restraint and mutual growth.

After that, the blood light fell and dispersed into the five coffins.

There was only a "swipe" sound—in the five coffins, five corpses jumped out in unison!

These corpses are different in color, divided into gold, wood, water, fire, soil, and the colors of the five elements. It is the five elements of corpse refining. It is two feet tall, with long hair all over its body, and its flesh is extremely hard. Even ordinary treasures are difficult to break.

On the other hand, the corpse had an indigo face, and the teeth were like knives, and the roots were more than two inches long. Their eyes are rigid and their faces are expressionless, but they are very agile, and their bodies are like electricity. Each of them has a kind of power of the five elements!

Many monks immediately recognized it.

"This is the Five Elements Refining Corpse."

"The corpse was taken from the Yuanying monk."

"This monk was at least a person with double spiritual roots during his lifetime."

"Looking at the appearance of this corpse... it has been heated for thousands of years!"

Chapter 528: Xu Ziqing Reappears

As soon as the five refined corpses came out, they immediately turned into several afterimages, and the corpse gas spewed out of their mouths, making the field extremely poisonous. In the blink of an eye, they were so close to the clouds, their stench was almost disgusting, and the tip of their fingers seemed to tear the sky to pieces!

The thousand-year-old Nascent Soul refines the corpse, and the Nascent Soul has become a corpse baby. While full of yīn energy, he can also perform five-element spells and cooperate with each other to form a five-element array! This is the devil's trump card, from the beginning, it will come out!

Yun Lie was as calm as usual, and at the moment when the corpse refinement rushed, he raised his hand first and slashed with his long sword.

Sword Intent shot out in an instant and turned into a long streamer. At the front of the sword, the sword Intent became silk, and the silk became a net. After a while, the silk net woven half of the sky, covering the sky and covering the ground.

The unparalleled sharp edge slashed past, and the heads of the two corpses that swooped and ran the fastest have been cut off! The copper skin and iron bones that were rumored to be hard to damage treasures were actually cut open like tofu!

The sword net fell, quickly covering the other three refined corpses, turning those three refined corpses into hard fragments and falling all over the ground. The whole process only took one breath, and everyone only felt that the first two corpses were separated, and the last three were also shattered, but they never saw the speed of the sword light!

At the same time, Yun Lie didn't stop moving. After he chopped out countless sword threads, he seemed to condense his sword intent. At this time, he cut out the sword, just like splitting the galaxy, and also splitting the space in front, and directly hit the evil demon Xiu.

The demon didn't even react, and he was already cut in half! Almost at the same moment when he realized what happened, he was seeing the destruction of his five corpses. He regretted so much that he was about to admit defeat, but it was also at this time that he realized that he could not speak, because he Nascent Soul, who managed to escape, was also greeted by a sharp black-gold light...

Yun Lie killed the demon with this sword. The sword net left before has not been dissipated, and he is smashing the corpse gas spit out by the corpse. A gāngān clean.

This battle was faster than the previous one. Five corpses equivalent to five Nascent Souls were killed because of their clear appearance.

If this demon cultivator met other cultivators and cooperated with many corpse refiners, it would be able to dominate the few, but unfortunately for sword cultivators like Yun Lie, corpse refining is not hard enough, and its own realm is not superb enough, and its ability is even more powerful. It's not big enough, although there are many, how many ants can devour a giant elephant?

Although these refining corpses are much better than those of ants, for Yun Lie, he can't bear to spend it here, so it is only a few swords' work to bring out the five refining sword intent.

This evil demon has a qi of 15.5 feet to cultivate dragons and tigers.

At this time, Yun Lie's dragon and tiger aura was as high as seventy-nine feet six.

Such a heavy dragon and tiger energy has already climbed into the top 100, which is called rapid.

Yun Lie didn't give up. What Jian Feng pointed was another demon cultivator who was ranked seven hundred and eighth. However, given the lessons learned from the past, this demon cultivator felt that his strength was not much higher than the first two qiáng, and he was unwilling to fight and directly admit defeat. Behind him, the Qi of dragon and tiger is seventeen feet six, and it is divided into eight feet and eight, and belongs to Yunlie. By this time, Yun Lie's dragon and tiger aura had reached eighty-eight feet.

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