Afterwards, Yun Lie challenged the demon cultivators one after another, starting from a low position and gradually moving up. However, there were many rejecters and few accepters. However, for those who accepted, many were killed, and few were able to admit defeat.

After a few games, Yun Lie's Dragon and Tiger Qi broke through 100, and it had already accumulated to 113 zhang.

In such a series of battles, although Yun Lie has been on the scene all the time, as if he has not spent any real energy, but the monks in the other forty-nine arenas are at most better than two or three people, so they leave first and adjust their breath a little. . When their positions were vacated, the latter came off one after another and challenged many others. Gradually, many monks fought in full swing.

Xu Ziqing saw his senior brother showing great power, and the spirit of dragon and tiger continued to rise, and his heart moved slightly. Then, they suddenly saw two people seriously injured. When they all exited the stage, he flickered and entered the stage!

At this time, he actually moved faster than thought.

As for who he wants to challenge...

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly and said gently, "Please fight the seven hundred and eighth cultivator of the Golden List."

His words were exactly the same as Yun Lie's, and what he challenged was the demon who once rejected Yun Lie and bluntly admitted defeat!

When the demon cultivator saw this, a sly smile appeared on his face.

"I heard that you and that sword cultivator are a pair of cultivators..." His mind was very gloomy, and there was anger in his eyes, "You and other juniors, do you actually treat this seat as a soft persimmon!"

As soon as the voice fell, he could fall and stand firmly opposite Xu Ziqing!

Immediately, the demonic flames erupted, and the corpse swayed. This demon cultivator practiced the "Dead Bone Quieting Dafa".

Xu Ziqing did not panic, and pointed out as usual, a green spread from the bottom of his feet, at the same time the seeds turned into jungles, and the small universe manifested between the virtual and the real, there are countless plants, turned into countless fierce shòu, and fight with those withered bones!

This kind of situation is similar to the previous battle between Xu Ziqing and the Blood River Demon Venerable, and it seems that nothing has changed.

Although Xu Ziqing's technique was powerful, many cultivators had already seen a ghost, and they were quite normal when casting spells, and there was nothing special about them. If so, wouldn't it be another battle of attrition?

That evil demon cultivator suddenly lifted the cloak that had been covering him tightly.

What appeared in this cloak was a slender man with a slender figure. His skin was almost close to the bones. Apart from that, he seemed to have no flesh and blood—even his face was like a skeleton, and the inside of his eyes was like a skeleton. , and there are only two groups of ghost fires.

If it is said that it is a devil who refines such a ghost, it is quite common, but it is extremely rare to make it look like this!

So it was Xu Ziqing, who was also slightly taken aback.

The original Jinbang monks are very clear, they have long known the true face under the cloak. But some people who are concerned about Xu Ziqingjiu, or even have a good impression of him, are a little worried about him.

"Although the bloodthirsty demon vine is powerful, it has to rely on flesh and blood to show its greatest power. Now that Xu Daoyou's opponent is bloodless, how can you deal with it?"

"Although the demon vine feeds on flesh and blood, it is not the only thing it can do. It is so thick and strong, and its twisting force must be like a dragon like a python, and its leaves are sharp and its teeth are thick, so it may not be able to do anything!"

"It's just a pity, otherwise, as soon as the demon vine comes out, it will definitely succeed."

Among the spectators, the wooden monks had mixed feelings about this situation.

They have already recognized the identity of the "Lord of Ten Thousand Trees", but they also know that even the "Lord of Ten Thousand Trees" cannot win the whole battle. When the rank is not the highest, it may not be able to kill the world.

It's just that in their hearts, the demon vine is something that is in their hearts, and it is almost like a holy thing. If they lose, they will be a little unwilling in their hearts. But if you win... how can you not be envious in your heart?

So he couldn't help but sigh.

In the field, the demon was stunned when he saw Xu Ziqing, and he smiled: "Junior, although your demon vine is powerful, may it be doing me a favor now?"

Xu Ziqing's expression was calm, and he was not disturbed by his words. He only pointed it out, and when the time came, a cyan light as thick as the mouth of a bowl, rushed away like thunder and lightning! Although the light was bright, it was silent.

The demon had never noticed this kind of magical power before, but at this time, he noticed a strange power from the blue light.

This kind of power seems to produce a change every time it travels a foot, and when it travels another foot, the change returns again. So again and again, the two forces are constantly changing, giving birth to a thrilling and terrifying feeling!

It seems that this kind of magical power cannot be easily broken?

The demon shook his body, and from one person, turned into ten people.

The method he used is "Ghost Mother Nine Sons Art", which takes one person as the deity, and uses many methods to refine the nine sons' clones.

In the blink of an eye, nine different mysterious powers were flanking Xu Ziqing from all directions!

Xu Ziqing's mind turned.

In the jungle, all the grass and trees turned into shòu, overlapping each other, surrounding him in the center, with horns, sharp claws and sharp teeth outward. At this moment, the supernatural powers were forced to come, and they smashed on these many fierce shòu respectively, and then either smashed them, smashed them, or eroded them, so that they all turned into ashes, and they could no longer stop the supernatural powers.

As for Xu Ziqing's finger, the demon stretched out his hand in the void and grabbed a figure, and he stopped in front of him.

This finger centered the figure, and the people in the field didn't even have time to see what the figure was, and found that it could become a wooden sculpture, and it was visibly decomposed into ashes with the naked eye.

, piled up on the ground.

This kind of magical power is also extremely terrifying!

It seems that at this time, this magical power of "one-finger birth and death" finally used the greatest power!

At the other end, Xu Ziqing turned the ten thousand trees around him into a fierce shòu, weakening the nine strange magical powers. Therefore, as soon as he flicked his sleeves, on the rattan armor all over his body, the azure light swayed down the sleeves of the robe, and these residual powers were offset in an instant.

Even a single star has never touched Xu Ziqing's body.

The demon's face turned cold, but he did not expect that the nine kinds of magical powers came out together, and it didn't work.


He took a deep breath, and the knuckles of the ten knuckles "cracked" repeatedly, and the nine clones turned into nine black lights. While brewing supernatural powers again, they rushed towards Xu Ziqing very quickly!

At this time, Xu Ziqing's grass and trees were all wiped out, and it seemed that there was not enough time to regenerate it.

He seems to be already, can't do anything?

But Xu Ziqing still did not panic, he glanced at the demon and patted his forehead.

Immediately, many cultivators who watched the battle held their breaths. Could this move be to release the bloodthirsty demon vine? And this bloodthirsty demon vine, is it really as they thought, there is no way to hold the demon?

At this moment, the atmosphere is stagnant, and it seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

Behind Xu Ziqing, a Tai Chi yīn yang fish hangs high.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of the Yangyu opened wide, and a long and distant chanting sounded proudly, as if it had come from the ancient prehistoric place...

Chapter 529

The monks became interested and stared at the Taiji Sunfish.

They naturally know that this Tai Chi should be another form of Xu Ziqing's Xiao Qiankun, and it is also the rhyme of the Tao that he cultivates.

Tai Chi gives birth to two rituals, two rituals give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.

This Tai Chi is the source of change, transforming into yīn yang, transforming into all things.

The cultivators thought about the scene when Xu Ziqing manifested Xiao Qiankun before, the scene of ten thousand trees turning into all things, and the two fish of Yin and Yang, with clear boundaries, interdependence and integration, and they also felt that it was very appropriate.

At least, Xu Ziqing's avenue must be not wrong.

Then in the coming days, at least you don't have to go into the devil because of this, and you don't need to break up your cultivation and reincarnate.

They looked at the Yang Yu again.

I saw a pair of five-toed giant claws, pulling the outer wall of the yang fish, little by little, a huge dragon head protruded out.

This dragon head is very powerful, and the dragon's eyes look forward to it, and it has a noble meaning, and it radiates from its whole body... After a while, the huge dragon body is also revealed soon, it is a cyan dragon with a length of dozens of feet. !

At this moment, those monks were all surprised.

If it is said that the transformation of ten thousand trees into all things is due to the supernatural power of the monks themselves, but ten thousand trees into dragons... If this dragon is nothing but an illusory thing, once it succeeds, it will become the essence, which is easy. But if this is not the case, but the real wood is turned into a real dragon, it would be too scary!

Of course, Xu Ziqing was neither an illusory dragon, nor a real dragon.

This dragon transformed by Wanmu is another form of Wanmu. It has some abilities of a real dragon, but it is far inferior to a real dragon. However, the form has been completed. If in the coming days, Xu Ziqing's realm will continue to rise, and after breaking through the barriers, he will ascend to immortality, and even higher - this blue dragon transformed by ten thousand trees may not be like a real dragon, roaring proudly for nine days!

At this time, after the cyan dragon appeared, it filled the venue for the battle by half.

On the ground, its huge figure also cast a heavy shadow... as if the sky was suddenly dark.

As soon as the dragon came out, a fiery dragon force spewed out from its mouth, just like a hot stream of fire, rushing straight towards the demon!

The demon's heart froze, and the smug look on his face has subsided.

He thought he had restrained the bloodthirsty demon vine, but he didn't expect that such a strange blue dragon would come out again. In the past years, he attacked Xianxiu, and he also used the magic of fire dragon and water dragon, but those real essence condensed things, Compared with this Qinglong, the coercion is very different.

This Qinglong actually made him feel that it was the breath of a real dragon!

The evil demon pinched his fingers and called a nine-child clone to block in front of him, and then only felt the heat coming. This nine-child clone was actually caught in the fire, and in the blink of an eye, it was burned to ashes!

At this moment, his heart was horrified, and the thoughts in his mind turned sharply.

When he used to be Nascent Soul, he thought that with these nine avatars, he would be able to stand up and down, but he encountered an eighth-order black dragon! The black flood dragon also spit out a breath of poisonous gas, which is also like this blue dragon, showing a dash of real dragon might. On that day, he sacrificed all his avatars, but he only tried to block them. Those avatars were one by one, and they were all destroyed in the mouth of Qinglong! This made him worthy of escape... Later, he learned that the black flood dragon was a partial dragon descendant with the blood of a true dragon. .

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