This demon was unwilling, but it was helpless. Later, it took a hundred years of light to re-refine the nine-child avatar.

Unexpectedly, when he saw that he was about to pass a thousand years, he brought the nine-child avatar that he had managed to refine back to the ranking battle. He wanted to be like the previous ranking battle. Fan. As a result, this time was not as smooth as before. He actually met a very tough person among the new cultivators. It was not enough to admit defeat.

Really bad luck.

However, no matter what the demon thought at this time, the blue dragon in the sky would not allow him to shake his head.

Immediately, the blue dragon's mouth opened wide, spitting out fire streams, surrounding the demons. But the demons hid quickly, and several fire currents didn't touch him, just scalding him fiercely, but he didn't get hurt much. However, the ground near the demon was penetrated, leaving behind many deep black holes as thick as water tanks! It was scorched with ash and thick with smoke.

But even so, after the evil demon cultivator was in a hurry at the beginning, then he was very sensitive to dodge, and the remaining eight clones were drawn in half, vacated, and went to deal with Qinglong, and the remaining four, only then went to find Xu Ziqing's trouble. .

At this time, the waves started again.

The yīn Yang Taiji behind Xu Ziqing did not disappear, but just after the first Qinglong pulled out its tail, another dragon head appeared from the inside! Immediately after one after another, in just one breath, the three blue dragons already filled the entire sky!

At this moment, many cultivators knew that Xu Ziqing was not only able to manifest one blue dragon, but could actually release more... This one dragon and three dragons bring even more different power.

Sure enough, just as the cultivators expected, after the three blue dragons were exhausted, the long dragon body swayed from side to side, circling in all directions, and all eight clones were quickly trapped. Those clones all exploded their magical powers. Unfortunately, although they could hit the dragon occasionally, they only saw a burst of blue light on the dragon's body, and all the magical powers disappeared.

It's just that no one has ever noticed that the last blue dragon was leaning out of the yīn fish.

After this blue dragon came out, it seemed to be the most ferocious one. It went from top to bottom, like a dragon swimming into the sea.

Only the sound of "click" was heard, and the demon cultivator, who was originally like a skeleton, was bitten off by the waist! Immediately afterwards, Qinglong ignored the screams of the devil, and he chewed the bones of the demon Xiu with several mouthfuls, and ate it like this!

Even the Nascent Soul and Nascent Soul were all buried in the mouth of the dragon.

This situation can be said to have turned a little more urgent. The cultivators thought that the devil could compete with Xu Ziqing for a few more rounds. Even if he lost, he could admit defeat. "One bite and two paragraphs", "death without a whole corpse"?

The bloodthirsty demon vine is already suffocating enough, who knows that the cultivator in Tsing Yi has the ability to turn Wanmu into a giant dragon, and it is so fierce...

It made people look a little stunned.

At the same time, after being trapped by the previous two giant dragons, the other eight clones turned their heads to bite the giant dragon that devoured the deity, and devoured them one by one again... So no matter how wonderful this technique is, The demon cultivator who was eliminated before can no longer use the clone to live again!

And Xu Ziqing, at this time, took the other half of the dragon and tiger aura that his senior brother had not swallowed, and made himself 43.5 feet-but this number seems to be a lot, but there are also many senior monks, newcomers The cultivators are constantly fighting, and they are not really outstanding.

At the same time, Xu Ziqing was also somewhat happy.

Since the Battle of the Rankings, after he has continuously improved his realm due to the Great Way of Imbuing the Spirit, although he has some expectations about his own magical powers and other skills, but before it is verified, he lacks a certain degree of certainty.

Later, through many opponents, Xu Ziqing tried slowly, and gradually he knew the heat.

Because his realm has risen to the early stage of spiritual transformation, the magical powers that were not perfect in the past have become more perfect; the magic techniques that were not powerful in the past can also be multiplied; It's out of the question.

It is said that the ten thousand wood in his hand has been tempered even more terrifyingly, and his ability to change has become more and more powerful. Once, he could only use a few wood dragons that were powerless to succeed, but now there are more than a few, dozens of nearly a hundred, It doesn't matter!

By this time, Xu Ziqing had no idea.

During his Nascent Soul stage, as his realm rose, the dragons that could be transformed would not exceed ten; during his spirit transformation stage, as his realm rose, the dragons that could be transformed would not exceed a hundred; during his out-of-body stage, as his realm rose, There are no more than a thousand dragons that can be transformed; during his Mahayana period, as the realm rises, the number of dragons that can be transformed can eventually reach 9,999!

And once he can command the last wooden green dragon, it must be when he enters the tribulation period.

At that time, he could already wait for Feixian!

The wooden blue dragon is more powerful than the real dragon in the past. The real dragon has hard scales and swords, and the sword does not hurt. Although this wooden dragon only has a little charm, it is enough to resist these treasures and supernatural powers.

That's why, to deal with this evil demon, three blue dragons will have full power.

After this victory, Xu Ziqing raised his eyes, and then set his sights on a demon cultivator who had been rejected by Yun Lie earlier.

Now the two brothers have already made a big splash, and after a little investigation, these monks who are still in the battle, or who are already on the sidelines, know that they have a closer relationship.

Before Yun Lie invited to fight, those demon cultivators admitted defeat, but when their Dao Companion invites to fight again, if they come to admit defeat, their face will be trampled under their feet, and they will not be able to turn over again.


Therefore, this demon cultivator had no choice but to face Xu Ziqing.

Although he is quite afraid of the wooden dragon and the bloodthirsty demon vine, he also has some luck, and he thought early in his heart that if the momentum is not right, he can't throw his life here just to get angry!

But obviously this demon cultivator also misestimated Xu Ziqing's strength. He thought that Xu Ziqing had just released three blue dragons, which was close to the limit. It was to kill the previous demon in one fell swoop. , it will always cost Xu Ziqing a lot of real energy, and I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on to a few points... If it is an ordinary situation, such an idea would have been good, but he never knew that every time the legendary cultivation method has a great improvement in the realm, there is an infinite magic method, which is more powerful than A hundred times before.

So, after Xu Ziqing released twenty wooden dragons, it was too late to admit defeat, and the devil was already dead.

The aura of dragon and tiger behind Xu Ziqing was as high as sixty-five feet seven.

After that, when Xu Ziqing once again challenged the devil who conceded defeat to Yun Lie, he made them embarrassed.

If you don't go, you will undoubtedly slap yourself. If you go, I'm afraid your life won't last long... These demons have always been domineering and poisonous, how did they know they would be subjected to such sparring here?

This pair of senior brothers already had the upper hand, so why did they refuse to give up with them!

Really, it makes people hate it to the extreme.

Chapter 530

At the moment, a demon jumped down from the high seat. His realm was very high, and he was on the one hundred and thirty-three golden list monks.

He is ranked here, just because it is not a taboo, as long as he does not challenge the losers of the last round, but the monks next to him don't need to care. So after he flashed into the vacated field, he first picked the winner of that round to fight against him.

That immortal cultivator also has the ability, although the ranking of the demons was shaken, but he never avoided the battle, and immediately walked in. However, although his spirit is high and his strength is very good, he is not as good as the devil in the hundreds of rankings. When he is, he will be torn apart by his hands!

If it wasn't for his Nascent Soul being devised by the teacher early to take him away quickly, he would have been bitten by the devil and swallowed by him!

In this battle, although the demons took advantage of the quick action, if they weren't very clever from the beginning, how could the immortal cultivator who had managed to break through this level so easily lose his physical body in a few breaths?

The immortal cultivator was lucky to escape, but the dragon and tiger qi was taken away, and he could no longer continue to fight.

The devil gave a shrill laugh, and pointed to the winner of the round again.

Just as the brothers Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie just now shot one after another, killing them one by one from the lower-ranked demons on the gold list, he also started from the newly promoted immortal cultivator, which seems to be less capable. Hesitating, he spoke eloquently and stimulated, and there seemed to be a delusional tone in his tone, so that Xianxiu, who was hesitant, suddenly jumped into the arena when his mind became hot.

Immediately, he was naturally killed by his poison.

This demon is very vicious. When he fights against people, he can turn his body into a very terrifying and weird state. His skin is hard and his hands are like electricity. Often, with this body, people are hard to guard against.

But after one or two hours, there were seven or eight immortal cultivators who were damaged in his hands. Among them, three of them had their Yuanshen scattered and Yuanying disappeared. Two of them almost escaped with Yuanying, and the other three were the remaining one. Group God.

So terrifying, so ferocious, so terrifying that one's guts would be split open!

Just like this demon, there were also several demons who were ranked in more than 200 and 300 respectively. They also ended up in the same battle, and they also challenged the victor of the round to fight against Xianxiu.

Not long after, among the immortals, there was a lot of damage.

At this time, the first devil laughed "haha", pointing at the few immortals who had been named by him but conceded angrily, his face full of arrogance: "If you want to blame, then blame those two juniors, if they weren't so ruthless, This seat will not start like this! If you say that this seat is your enemy, aren't those two juniors also enemies? This seat will continue to kill people, this is all the fault of those two juniors!"

His words were all provocative, and they spread in an instant.

The other demons also agreed casually, as if they were thinking the same way.

In an instant, many people's expressions changed.

On the top of a peak, there was a Jindan cultivator whose muscles trembled, as if it was extremely painful, and his voice also carried some hatred: "Yes, it's all the fault of those two, otherwise, how could Shishu be harmed by the demon like this? ?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie who were still fighting against the demon in the arena. In their eyes, hatred was even stronger than that of the demon.

At this time, a broken drink rang in the ears of the Jindan cultivator, slamming into his eardrums and spreading into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Jindan cultivator was agitated, and seemed to have reacted. Although the hatred in his eyes was reduced, it never faded: "...Master?"

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