Not yet close, already timid.

The man in white flicked his sleeves and said, "Go out."

Immediately, a great force came, and Xu Ziqing felt the world spinning, as if his entire body was about to fly upside down...


He suddenly curled up, his fists turned into blue shadows in the sky, and he shot out!

All I could hear was the sound of a series of chirps of gold and iron, and Xu Ziqing's fists were hitting some kind of hard swordsman, causing his wrists to sore. But he punched faster and injected the real energy more urgently. After a few breaths, the sudden force retreated!

Xu Ziqing pointed out again, the azure brilliance was like a horse, and instantly rushed forward——


After the crisp sound of glass shattering, the man in white in front of him also shattered like a mirror image.

And where is the force that wanted to overturn Xu Ziqing before?

Xu Ziqing himself was still standing in the same place, and the dense fog was still permeating.

The azure brilliance was also within his line of sight, in the middle of a certain center in the thick fog, after which the thick fog slammed away, and several black flags were also tossed and damaged.

Xu Ziqing already understood that he had encountered a kind of confusion.

The scene he saw before was so familiar that it almost made him addicted... He remembered that it was the first time he and his senior brother Yun Lie met. At that time, he was just a raw bastard who was ingested into a storage ring, while the senior brother put the heavenly bastard into the ring and went to the small world to find opportunities.

Due to the coincidence of various things, he met with his senior brother, who sent him away and told him to return to his original body.

At that time, Xu Ziqing was weak and weak, and Yun Lie came to help, which was the source of Xu Ziqing's initial admiration for his senior brother. As soon as this confusion appeared, the first thing that aroused was his memory at that time.

In the illusion, Yun Lie stretched out his hand and swiped, and the scene of sending Xu Ziqing out of the ring reappeared, and the evil demon cultivator also took the opportunity to attack. Xu Ziqing's mood was firm, and when he realized it immediately, he broke the confusion in his heart, and his true nature remained unchanged.

Of course, he also saw the opportunity, and immediately shot, let the demon retreat.

The confusion was broken, and Xu Ziqing was a little puzzled.

Although he didn't know much about the game, he probably knew a little bit and did some research. Although that kind of confusion formation just now performed an illusion, it didn't actually cause him too much disturbance.

According to his estimation, this should be nothing more than a ninth-grade magic circle. Is it too weak to be used by the devil in the God Transformation stage as an attack method?

But the next moment, Xu Ziqing realized that the scene before him had changed again.

After two melodious bird calls, two exotic birds suddenly appeared, with long tails and agile postures.

When I looked closely, it was actually a green luan and a red luan.

The birds chirped in unison, as if a hundred birds chirped in unison, then the green luan moved to the left and the red luan to the right, each drawing a semicircle.

This scene should be extremely beautiful, but after the extreme beauty, a strange change has occurred!

Hongluan raised his body and turned into red feathers all over the sky, each piece turned into a ray of flame, and landed into the sea; Qingluan leaned over, his long tail swayed high, and turned into countless ice crystals, creating an ice field.

This is exactly, the two worlds of ice and fire.

Xu Ziqing didn't dare to neglect, this kind of formation was created with two spirits, and it formed such a scene of Yin and Yang polarities, which was a level higher than the formations he had seen before.

It is already an eighth-rank array.

The scorching fire current and the icy cold current came back and forth, and they took turns to fight. At one time, the blood would freeze, and at the same time, the whole body was extremely hot. The true essence is affected by these two extremes, sometimes galloping like a horse, and sometimes slow like a guī, it seems that not only the physical body is unbearable, but even the magic and supernatural powers are difficult to perform smoothly.

This seems to be very powerful, but it is only eighth-rank, and he still can't do anything about him.

Xu Ziqing separated his hands, his fingertips flickered and flew away.

There are two pods of seeds, rooting and sprouting on both sides.

Huge snow-colored trees rose into the sky, facing the other huge flaming flower tray.

Suddenly, the snow-colored giant tree turned into a white tiger several feet high, and the bright red flower plate turned into an equally huge vermilion bird. Both of them opened their mouths at the same time, and they sucked countless cold currents and fire currents into their mouths!

Xu Ziqing kept his eyes fixed, staring at the boundless ice field and the endless sea of ​​fire in the ice and fire double heaven.

This formation is not difficult to break, but he is caught in the formation, but he has to know where the evil spirits are.

Sure enough, when he was listening with all his attention, an inaudible "humming" sound quickly sounded between the two forces that were being swallowed, followed by a more subtle sound of the wind, and the extremely faint bloody smell also hit the nostrils!

Xu Ziqing's expression changed, and his fingers were slightly opened.

Countless jasper-like leaves spewed out from the palm of the hand, forming a cage-like thing in the air. They suddenly swelled up, and the colorful leaves were embedded in it, and there was an indescribable wonderful feeling.

After that, the cage suddenly expanded and contracted, and suddenly passed through the stream of fire!


After the strange vibration, many blood-colored dots the size of dust appeared in the "cage".

Xu Ziqing stretched out his hand, and the "cage" was right in front of him.

He could see clearly that these blood-colored dots were extremely tiny insects... These were exactly the bone-eating insects.

They are hidden in the fire stream. If he is not careful, the vermillion bird made of grass and trees devours the bone-eating worm. When he recovers the vermillion bird later, the bone-eating worm will also enter his body at the same time and burrow into his bones. , to destroy his root bone and let his physical body be destroyed.

this means,

It is really extremely poisonous.

Xu Ziqing sighed lightly, and picked up several coke wood chips with his ten fingers, and then he flicked the wood chips with his fingertips, causing these wood chips to form a strange pattern in the air, "swoosh" to different directions.

Then the explosion sounded, and several vortices suddenly appeared in the ice field and the sea of ​​fire, and then the vortex sunk, and the sea of ​​ice and fire disappeared. There were only two huge plants left in place.

Xu Ziqing was very cautious, he put the "cage" in front of him, opened his mouth, and spewed out a cloud of blue flames.

This is his Nascent Soul's Infant Fire, which can burn evil things.

Those many bone-eating worms, together with the "cage", were all burned by the infant fire, and then he quickly took back two pods of seeds, which were also burned with the infant fire, but did not take back into the body.

Although he is extremely careful, this evil spirit has more troubles, and he must not let this possibly polluted thing enter his small universe again... Fortunately, this is just a wooden clone in the world of ten thousand trees. Nothing was lost either.

Then, the situation changed again.

Just now, it was still in the double world of ice and fire. At this time, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the eyes were full of ghosts.

The wind was extremely vicious, bone-piercingly cold, and when chuī passed his head, it was as if countless steel needles had been pierced through his head, and the pain was unbearable.

Even the sky seemed to be dark...

At this time, Xu Ziqing's expression finally became solemn.

After three consecutive formations, no matter how he did not understand the formation, he would not be unaware of this famous big formation.

Complete Extinction.

It's also a kind of... serial array.

The way of the formation, derived thousands of formations.

And the formation is divided into nine ranks, with multi-party cooperation, and the evolution of the universe.

There is a kind of complete extinction formation, if people are trapped in the formation, when the gods are mixed, they will be destroyed.

This extinction perfect formation is from the ninth grade to the first grade, and the formations are connected.

The previous ninth-grade array was called "One Yuan Fan Chaos Formation", and then the eighth-grade array was called "Erling Yin Yang Formation".

At this time, what appeared in front of Xu Ziqing was the seventh-grade formation, which was called the Three-Hundred Soul-Inducing Formation.

Chapter 534 Extinction Array

Everyone in the world knows that human beings have heaven, earth, and human beings, and there are also seven souls.

When the three mixes and seven souls are gathered together, they are refined and refined, which is the primordial spirit.

And human beings are also mixed for life, and the seven souls are attached and born.

Among them, Heaven and Fate are all Yang Hun, only Earth Hun belongs to yīn, if life Hun produces abnormality, then the seven souls will not exist.

In these three chaotic soul-inducing formations, countless clusters of ghost fires suddenly appeared.

In each cluster of ghost fires, there are three thin flames, which are the fires of human beings... However, apart from being originally a yīn earth hustler, regardless of the fate of the gods, it has also become a yīn hustle.

When the ghost fire approached, Xu Ziqing realized that each cluster of ghost fire was three phantoms, and these phantoms were all born exactly the same as his deity - as if they were his own three gangsters!

Countless pale "Xu Ziqings" swayed to and fro, and seemed to be muttering words, but these voices were incomprehensible, and at the same time they penetrated into the human ear crazily, making people annoyed and unbearable.

After the formation of the magic circle, Xu Ziqing already felt the stinging pain, and at the same time, the tingling feeling became more and more intense, more and more terrifying, and more and more annoying.

No, this is a sign of a shaken mood!

Xu Ziqing calmed down and stopped looking at those ghost fires.

His Primordial Spirit is clearly still very stable, it has never disintegrated at all, and naturally he will not re-differentiate the haunted soul that has already changed its essence. That day, the three people mixed together, it is a fake thing at all!

But the great thing about this Sanchao Inspiration Formation is that when these ghosts and fires appear, the Sanchao that evolves will give the monks the feeling that they are their own Sanchaun.

If he believed it, the false three gangsters would pierce into his heart, causing him to have pains of peeling off the seven souls, and he would sink deeper and deeper, thinking that his primordial spirit no longer existed... and at this time, his mood dropped. , can no longer maintain the original realm, if you are not careful, you will lose your cultivation base again and again, and become unbearable.

Even, he can no longer use his true essence.

It's just that Xu Ziqing has been honed under the Five Refinement Swords for many years, and his will is already extremely strong. How can such a seventh-rank magic formation really trap him? The moment he noticed something was wrong, he knew the real illusion!

Immediately, he took off the bitter bamboo flute and made a sharp flute sound: "Woo-"

In the blink of an eye, a ray of sound burst out, heading straight for the swarming ghost fire!

As soon as the sound passed, those ghost fires dissipated as if they were blasted away by something.

However, more ghost fires gathered in the rear, gradually condensed, forming a huge ghost shape, and there were also shadowy human figures flashing around on both sides. Then suddenly, an extremely thin black shadow came quickly!

In the boundless ghost fire, there are shadows swaying, these shadows are hidden in the shadows, almost silently, and they come to the front.

Xu Ziqing was not at all chaotic, when he opened his mouth, infant fire erupted.

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