The light blue fire turned into a curtain of fire. Although it did not burn vigorously, it was quiet and almost inextinguishable.

After the fine black shadow rushed, it turned out to be a kind of poison needle, they were quickly hung on the fire curtain, and the black juice flowed down for a moment, and the baby fire made a "sizzling" sound.

After a while, it burns out and ceases to exist.

But the infant fire had not dissipated, and it formed a perfect circle in all directions, covering Xu Ziqing in it, and Xu Ziqing put the bitter bamboo flute to his lips again and made a short, rapid sound.

After several consecutive beeps, a few explosions suddenly appeared in the boundless ghost fire, and then all the ghost fires suddenly disappeared.

In front of him, the world has changed again.

It was under the starry sky that there were two evil sheep and two evil owls.

The evil sheep is three feet tall, and the evil owl is one foot wide.

There was a raging fire burning around them, which was pale and dark blue. Among them, there were two red horns on the head of the evil sheep, which were astonishingly hot, and there was a dark fire flowing in the eyes of the evil owl.

At the moment of appearance, there was a suffocating and extremely vicious suffocating around these four evil spirits. This kind of suffocating energy seemed to evoke evil thoughts in people's hearts, making people's faces flush red, their heads dizzy, thinking about it. To kill, to commit sin.

In other words, if this kind of vicious energy is released, if the state of mind is out of control, it will be led into the left path and degenerate into a demon.

Since Xu Ziqing knew that this was a kind of perfection, of course, he would be extra careful every time he broke it.

The three chaotic soul-inducing formations were broken before, but this time, it is the sixth-grade array, called: "Four Demons Killing Body Formation".

The four evils are naturally the four evils, and to kill oneself is to commit suicide after attracting a person to fall into a demon.

Xu Ziqing did not dare to neglect, but under the influence of the star power in the mid-air, these four evil shòu were extremely powerful, so he thought a little, and hit out a handful of yang wood seeds - this is the tree of supreme yang, it is the ancient Fusang The Relic Vein of Wood was originally one of his eight sub-trees. He once bathed in the blood of the Golden Crow, and the strength of the Yang energy was astonishing.

The sunrise is in the sky, no matter how big the stars are in the sky, they can only be eclipsed.

Therefore, when the sun rises, the stars fall asleep.

The veins of the fusang suddenly burst into light, and Xu Ziqing transformed all things with ten thousand trees, and immediately caused these seeds to take root and sprout and grow into towering giant trees. And these giant trees were flourishing, and suddenly they burst into bright light!

The next moment, the rays of light formed into a group, forming the shape of a scorching sun, and in each "scorching sun", there was a phantom of a bird.

Immediately, the scorching sun exploded, and hundreds of firebirds burst out. They feathered three legs, and they were the incorporeal body of the Golden Crow!

No matter how powerful Xu Ziqing is, it is impossible to turn Wanmu into a real ancient Golden Crow. He just uses this ancient Fusang vein, which contains extremely pale Golden Crow blood, to transform into an incorporeal body with very little Golden Crow's power to break the evil star. array.

This is like he turned ten thousand trees into ten thousand dragons. Although he has some power of a real dragon, it is far less than that of a real dragon. This Golden Crow is even worse than that of the Wanlong, because the "Wanmu Hualing Jue" is not as wonderful as the "Wanmu Hualing Jue" - and the blood pressure of the real dragon is also slightly lower than that of the Golden Crow. superior.

Not to mention the ancient real spiritual things, I saw that in the blink of an eye, the group of crows turned into a torrent and washed away.

The incarnation of the four evil spirits is also very powerful. The two sheep, one left and one right, two owls, one up and one down, divided into four directions, rolled up the yīn wind, and attacked.

But the golden crow is a sacred object in the end, and it is very good to fight evil. It will not be long. The two evil sheep are surrounded by a group of crows, and the beaks of the birds are pecked and killed. a group.

Xu Ziqing knew that the Four Demons were not the opponents of the Golden Crow, and he only released his divine sense to scan the vast starry sky to find traces of the demons.

After the formation of this magic formation, although the demons will continue to set up formations and increase their back-hands, they are like the previous three big formations, and they may not be able to use secret schemes.

He couldn't turn over the ditch at this time.

Sure enough, in the starry sky, a dark light suddenly flowed through!

It was a dimly lit meteor, wrapped in yīn assassination intent, and slammed down suddenly!

Xu Ziqing was waiting for the blow when he put his palms together, and suddenly slapped——

After the crisp sound, two huge slaps came out of nowhere, meeting the left and right sides, just supporting the meteor!

A giant force like the suppression of mountains fell fiercely, and Xu Ziqing used his true essence to drag the meteor with that giant palm.

After that, the Tai Chi yīn yang fish suddenly climbed up behind him, the yang fish opened wide, and a blue dragon came out!


After this loud noise, the Qinglong and the meteor collided heavily!

At that moment, the meteor exploded and the blue dragon shattered.

The countless Golden Crows also devoured the Four Demons!

Four evil killing formations, break them!

Immediately after that, there is the fifth-grade magic formation, the five-yīn heart-shooting formation.

At this time, there were vast sands, withered bones, and five kinds of poisons were drilled out of countless corpses, each of which was extremely huge, but only a fleshless bone remained. The five poisons are all highly poisonous, and they lead countless bones of the same kind to form five groups of bones and surround Xu Ziqing.

At the same time, the sand is flying, and it seems to form many phantoms of talismans. Each phantom has a pulling force, which seems to be absent, as if it can take people's minds away——

Xu Ziqing silently transported his true essence, and released nearly a thousand fierce shòu with "Ten Thousand Trees Transforming Spirits".

These savage shòu tore and scratched everywhere, fighting with the bones, but once this move was used, Xu Ziqing's true essence cost as much as 30% - it must be done quickly!

When it was, he rose into the air, and under the sand under his feet, there were indeed many bones and withered claws rushing up, pulling him into the sand. Xu Ziqing

Standing in the air, the blue cloud needle burst out!

Now these needles can be turned into thousands, and they can be killed in the air.

Colleague, Xu Ziqing opened his palm, and in his palm, cyan vines erupted, stabbing the ground.

There are vines on top of the vines, just like countless sturdy arms, poking into the sand, looking for the endless sand grains, where the eyes of the suppression array are located!

After about a cup of tea, the fierce shòu had already trampled all the five poisonous bones into broken bones, and the countless sturdy green vines pulled out the huge bones of the giant python from the ground - and then Xu Ziqing pointed out, the bones were broken. , the formation is also broken.

The sixth law formation is the fourth-grade law formation, and the Liuyang wins the confusion formation.

Six giants as high as 100 zhang were sprayed vertically and horizontally between the mountains, with infinite strength.

As soon as they open their mouths and inhale, they will suck away the human primordial spirit, and if they exert more force, they will be scattered.

But this is easier for Xu Ziqing.

With such a huge force, Qiao Jin was useless. He slapped his forehead, and eighteen giant dragons rushed out of the Yang Fish and bit the giant!

A wooden dragon is a dragon, but a wooden dragon has no primordial spirit.

The giant's supernatural powers are useless, and they can only fight with their bodies. After a moment, their flesh and blood are torn to pieces.

The sixth is broken.

The seventh formation, the third-grade magic formation, is the death formation of the Seven Emotions.

Joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, and shock, within the seven emotions, each emotion is transformed into a real world, making the monk seem to have re-entered samsara, trapped in it, unable to control himself.

However, Xu Ziqing once had a relationship with his senior brother Yuanshen, and felt his brother's frozen heart. In the past, this level has never fallen, but it has been broken the fastest.

The eighth formation, the second-grade magic formation, is called the Bafang lore formation.

In all directions, there is a steady stream, full of endless enemies, all with endless murderous intentions.

There are many levels, one is broken and there are many, and it seems that it will never be exhausted.

Xu Ziqing's body has consumed 40% of his true energy. He took a deep breath and opened the yīn fish!

The bloodthirsty demon vines are like countless blood pythons, scrambling to get out!

In just an instant, they took root on the ground, and after countless hours, they continued to spread out!

Chapter 535

There were countless cracks on the ground.

The roots of the sturdy qiu knot seem to be the veins of the earth, spreading out like meridians, causing the earth and rocks to roll and collapse.

The blood-red vines continued one by one, and gradually moved away along these cracks. The long vines were waving recklessly in the air, and in a short while, it had already covered half of the sky.

Looking at it, it is endless, all scarlet.

Xu Ziqing soared into the air and stood on the thickest main vine. He could see the killing intent rolling in from all directions, and he seemed unable to find any way out, nor could he find the key formation.

But countless demon vines protect the body, in a state of absolute crushing, crushing all the formations and chain formations from everywhere around! And those more checkpoints, the magic sound of illusion, were all defeated by this kind of force!

Meanwhile, the demon vine is still spreading.

It seems to grow endlessly, turning this place into its domain, as if to fill every place.

No matter how powerful this second-grade magic circle is, when the demons are repairing the cloth, they can only be on the field of competition - and Xu Ziqing can't find the eye of the circle, so he has to use the most powerful method to destroy it. !

Sure enough, it was not what he expected.

When Rong Jin let go of his figure and occupied the battlefield with the most massive posture of his mature body, the various array changes that had been inexhaustible suddenly became stuck and froze immediately.

The demon vine continued to grow, growing unscrupulously, and when it finally reached a certain limit, this terrifying magic formation suddenly shattered!

Xu Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief, but instead of taking Rong Jin back, he asked him to take advantage of the leylines of the venue to take root outside. In this way, the real yuan he consumes is also much less.

After the second-rank magic circle was broken, a flood suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although the bloodthirsty demon vine has grown so strong that it has broken through the lore formations in all directions, it seems that it can only occupy a corner in this vast land, and there are farther and wider places that it cannot reach.

But Xu Ziqing also knew that this was just an illusion.

The venue is only that big, and it was only because of the infinite mysteries that the first-grade magic circle gave birth to, which made him feel as if he was in another space. If this magic circle is also broken, I am afraid that only the demon vine can be seen.

But such a magic circle is also extremely powerful, and he still cannot take it lightly.

Sure enough, in the next instant, a long, distant chirping suddenly sounded in the air.

Xu Ziqing was familiar with this long cry, but at the same time, it was louder and more oppressive than he had imagined!

In the dark clouds on the sky, a huge faucet suddenly appeared!

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