Just this dragon head made Xu Ziqing understand that this dragon in the cloud is bigger than the giant dragon he has transformed into, and its dragon body must be nearly a thousand feet tall!

The Kowloon Raging Formation, transformed into the flooded Kowloon.

Xu Ziqing felt that he was being hit by the surging dragon energy, and every sound of the dragon roar seemed to shatter his heart. The bloodthirsty demon vines are still growing, and they stretch higher and higher, and they are also more than a hundred feet long! But this is not enough. Under the might of the giant dragon, Rong Jin only protects its master with the vines, but he can't really hurt the giant dragon.

Just because this dragon seems to be very real, but it is only the manifestation of the magic circle... not, the body of flesh and blood.

But Xu Ziqing would not be discouraged by this.

The first-grade magic circle can evolve into nine dragons, and he also has ten thousand woods and ten thousand dragons.

He didn't hesitate, the yīn yang fish above his head, and the yīn fish yang fish, were all wide open.

The next moment, there were three or five faucets, which came out from the two portals respectively.

Soon three or five wooden dragons appeared, and in the rear portal, the dragon heads were still moving, and in the blink of an eye, ten had appeared!

These ten dragons jumped up suddenly, and the hundred-zhang dragon body was flying high in the sky, and then the dragon's mouth sucked, and it actually grew again, becoming hundreds of feet long! And this is not the end, in the yīn yang fish, ten wooden dragons drilled out again! The same changes...

In the clouds, the nine dragons also appeared one by one. Their dragon roars were high-pitched and continuous, and the sound was deafening. At the same time, a more powerful dragon pressure poured down like flowing water.

The wooden dragons also uttered long dragon roars, which is just provocation - it is true that the nine dragons are bigger than the wooden dragons, but the number is only "nine", and the wooden dragons have twenty, and the coercion is not there. Down.

The nine-headed giant dragons were threatened, and they didn't just care about releasing their pressure. With their dragon claws raised and their tails swung, they leaned down!

At the same time, the wooden dragons rushed forward and frantically fought with the Nine Dragons!

Xu Ziqing had a solemn expression and was still casting spells.

In the yīn yang fish, Wanmu was still moving up and down, and it was still the same. In the incarnation of a wooden dragon... Within a few breaths, another ten dragons emerged and joined the battle.

Then there are ten, twenty, thirty... In the end, there are a full eighty dragons, all biting with the nine dragons!

Xu Ziqing's face turned pale.

In the Divine Transformation stage, the dragons that he transforms should not exceed a hundred at most. With his current cultivation in the initial stage of Divine Transformation, he can make thirty giant dragons with ease, but it is somewhat difficult to make sixty dragons, and he uses more... That is qiáng support.

But he had no choice but to support him. Although the other party said that he could no longer attack him in the air when the second-grade and first-grade magic circles were deployed, the amount of real energy that he consumed when manipulating the magic circle and using magic magic power was very different. If it is a protracted battle, he is afraid that he will lose without a doubt.

Therefore, he needs to do it as soon as possible, and as soon as possible!

That's why he wants to cast spells like this...

Eighty wooden dragons were all entangled with Nine Dragons, but it was still not enough.

Xu Ziqing bit the tip of his tongue and spurted blood from the tip of his tongue, forming a cloud of blood mist.

Immediately, the yīn yang fish made a brilliant light, and there were actually ten more dragons, rushing out!

At this time, every ten wooden dragons battled a thousand-zhang giant dragon, and the power was ten times, a hundred times more violent! Xu Ziqing felt the intense consumption of real energy in his body, but it was another impulse, which made the bloodthirsty demon vines even crazier!

Rong Jin sensed Xu Ziqing's intentions, and actually pulled back the roots of the originally packed aurora. In contrast, the vines were bigger, thicker, and more elongated... There were about hundreds of vines, rushing straight up, like a blood-colored cage , wrapped the giant dragons that were biting like scales and rain, and then dozens of them wrapped around a thousand-zhang giant dragon, making those azure wooden dragons even more fierce!

Soon, a thousand-foot dragon was torn apart, and then there were a second, a third... one by one, all of them were smashed to pieces, and unfortunately survived.

Besides, when Xu Ziqing broke through the formation, outside the field, many cultivators all separated their spiritual consciousness, scattered their thoughts, and had a panoramic view of the many battles at that time. This time it was the final battle between the demon cultivators and the immortal cultivators. In the previous situation where the immortal cultivators fought repeatedly and filled in a lot of lives, there were only ten very powerful demons left, and these demons And being divided among the many top-ranked immortals is precisely what attracts attention.

All other demons were challenged by Xianxiu, but only Xu Ziqing, who was ranked thirty-ninth in the Thousand Jue Demon Venerable, took the initiative to challenge.

Xu Ziqing took on the challenge, but no matter how good he had performed before, he was still the weakest one among those who fought against other demons at this time—naturally, he was also the one who deserved special attention.

After Xu Ziqing came on stage, Thousand Jue Demon Venerable immediately released the formation, calling some immortal cultivators, sweating in his heart.

At this point in the battle of the list, many immortals asked each other, and they already knew that this Thousand Jue Demon Venerable has excellent attainment in the formation technique. qiáng!

Later, as expected by everyone, as soon as the Thousand Jue Demon Venerable made a move, it was the annihilation of the Shiquan Array.

Since the beginning of the ninth-grade magic formation, the venue where Xu Ziqing and Qianjue Demon Venerable fought has been shrouded in thick fog, and then the formation has changed several times. Many immortals can only see Qianjue Demon Venerable changing the formation outside the formation tactic, but do not know the details of the formation.

But suddenly, a sect elder in the Mahayana period took action and sacrificed a treasure mirror!

When it was, the treasure mirror became extremely large, and it showed the situation in the extinction perfect formation one by one!

——If it is an ordinary formation, naturally no one does it deliberately, but this extinction is perfect.

It is extremely rare, and the appearance of such fierce things as bloodthirsty demon vines makes people worry about it and can't help but take action.

After that, Xu Ziqing's battle became more and more intuitive.

With the continuous changes of the formations, Xu Ziqing revealed all of what he could do. He did not know much about formations, but he was able to rely on his own mechanical changes to destroy many formations one by one.

The first five or six formations were fairly normal, but when Xu Ziqing easily passed through the seventh formation, he was already in a little admiration. The formation was even more terrifying!

This made many immortals think: Nine Dragons vs. Ninety Dragons, such a terrifying power, if it were me, could it be against me?

Someone else thought: What kind of cultivation method this person is practicing, it is too powerful!

There are also people who understand in their hearts that this person must be treated with more caution...

After the ninety dragons appeared, the treasure mirror was almost completely filled with giant dragons, making it difficult to see the details of the battle.

But then, in the venue where Xu Ziqing was located below, the demon Xiu's complexion turned from iron blue to red, and the appearance that he seemed to be unable to hold on was also seen by everyone. Obviously, the magic circle is about to break!

At this moment, dozens of long dragon tails suddenly rose from the field!

At this moment, the ninety wooden dragons that appeared in the treasure mirror suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone. At the same time, bloodthirsty demon vines also spread all over the venue, filling the entire area.

Xu Ziqing stood tall on the top of the main vine of the demon vine. Opposite him, the demon cultivator who laid the magic circle only occupied a mere ten-meter square.

The ninety wooden dragons have already torn apart all the giant dragons. At this time, they turned their heads together and looked at the evil demon Xiu, and the bloodthirsty demon vine with its teeth and claws turned all the vines at this moment!

Almost immediately, countless giant dragons and countless vines rushed towards the Thousand Absolute Demon Venerable!

Even the screams didn't have time to let out. The seed of the giant who ranked thirty-ninth, the peerless devil with this extraordinary formation, has already been bitten by the giant dragon and sucked by the blood vine...

Completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Chapter 536

The demon cultivator was finally killed, Xu Ziqing was lightly put down by the demon vine, and he was slightly relieved.

The ninety wooden dragons and the bloodthirsty demon vines that took root all over the place immediately returned to their positions at this moment, and they all drilled back from the yīn yang fish.

Xu Ziqing stood quietly, his face was pale, and he seemed to be exhausted. The dragon and tiger aura behind him was swallowing the demon cultivator.

He now has only 20% of the true essence left in his body, which is more intense than after the battle with the many monks before. It can be seen that the higher the ranking, the more difficult it is to kill the devil. If it is just to beat the opponent, it is not so difficult. He secretly figured it out in his heart, this is also the reason why this demon is good at formations and seesaws with him, if he does not break through the last two formations with bào strength, it will not be the case.

At the same time, because Xu Ziqing broke the Extermination Perfection Formation, many older monks who were more powerful couldn't help feeling emotional.

A middle-aged bearded man sighed, "I don't know which sect cultivated a disciple. At such a young age, it is very rare to even break the extinction formation. It's a pity that it's not in my sect..."

The person sitting with him is also his friend, and after hearing the words, he continued: "I don't need to praise it too much, it's just a formation cast by the god-turning devil. Although it is at the ninth grade, it can't compare to a real formation path. The person, that junior can break through, and there is some luck."

The middle-aged bearded man shook his head: "Even if the big formation didn't show its true strength, the junior realm of breaking the formation is not that much, and the original battle path was not very good, and it can be said that it is exhausted to be able to do this. Many methods can only be achieved by being flexible and flexible. I praise him, not for his brilliant formation, but for his spiritual wisdom."

His friend heard it and nodded, "If that's the case, it's not bad."

Such a correct answer, many older monks have everything, everyone's eyes are very vicious, they will not overlook Xu Ziqing's ability, nor underestimate the extraordinaryness of this younger generation. And the disciples who came to watch the battle behind them have their own thoughts. If they said that they were only taken by their demon vines and Qinglong before, they would naturally be more transparent after hearing what their elders said.

Besides, in the field, Xu Ziqing surpassed the demon, and the aura of the dragon and tiger behind him was so strong that he was already among the top ten in terms of its size. However, those monks who were in the top ten were also working very hard, and the spirit of dragon and tiger was also rising.

However, in the surrounding venues, Xu Ziqing was not the only one who eliminated the devil in a short period of time.

His senior brother Yun Lie, the top three monks on the gold list, Le Zheng and Zheng, all of these five killed the opponent's devil in a short period of time, but the opponent's dragon and tiger aura was also very thick, and it took a little longer to swallow.

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