quick! quick! quick!

Xu Ziqing's Wanlong punch was even more urgent. There seemed to be only countless dragon heads rushing back and forth in front of him, while his arms and his fists had already disappeared from everyone's sight, and even the afterimages were hidden.

Zhanxiao did not let go, his leopard shadow was also like a black wind, and the moment one shadow was formed, it was replaced by another. It was his body that was arched like a leopard, and it seemed to merge into the boundless fist. middle!

Gradually, the two of them released more true essence, and the dragon head and the leopard head became bigger and bigger.

The smile on Xu Ziqing's face has long since subsided, and the red light in Zhan Xiao's eyes has become more intense.

Suddenly, both of them are a bào!

Xu Ziqing only felt that there was a bào viciousness in his chest that was about to be released. That kind of power that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time went straight into the dragon's head along the fist, and suddenly hit it smoothly - "Boom!"

This is probably the most powerful punch he has ever hit!

And Zhan Xiao also snorted with a bào, and also punched!

At this moment, the countless dragon heads seemed to have transformed into the largest real image of the dragon head, and the leopard head over there was even more powerful and gigantic. Immediately, the dragon head and the leopard head collided together!

"Boom boom-"

After the explosion, the phantom disappeared.

Xu Ziqing was still standing where he was, his fists lowered slightly.

Zhan Xiao closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the red light dissipated.

Then, Zhan Xiao said, "I lost."

Xu Ziqing smiled warmly: "Just now you and I have no winner or loser."

However, Zhan Xiao finally showed a satisfied smile: "I only know fists, but you have many means. If I lose, I lose."

The corners of Xu Ziqing's lips curved slightly, and the smile was as usual.

This is indeed the case.

In the battle just now, Zhanxiao's real yuan consumed 80%, and Xu Ziqing also consumed as much as 75%. However, no matter how Zhanxiao's remaining real yuan was released, he could not really defeat Xu Ziqing, but Xu Ziqing's remaining real yuan could give birth to Rong Jin. This bloodthirsty demon vine can also manipulate several green dragons of wood.

Naturally, only Xu Ziqing will win.

After Zhanxiao conceded defeat, Xu Ziqing devoured half of the dragon and tiger qi.

And Xu Ziqing never made another move.

For them, the battle just now was enough.

It didn't take long for Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie to go off the field together, and then they won one after another.

The two demon cultivators who were righteous and ranked in the top 100 were both defeated by their hands, but there was no harm between them.

Luo Tianfang had previously released the three-turn saber gang and went out, very reluctant, and was almost attacked by it. However, in the final blow, Yun Lie drew out all the power of the three-turn saber gang, which made the backlash less powerful. , so that this magic cultivator who loves swords like his life has not suffered too much internal injury, but just lost his strength. At the same time, Luo Tianfang was blessed by a misfortune, and his understanding of the three-turn swordsmanship was even better. In the future, he only needed to do more visualizations and master the three-turn swordsmanship.

After winning, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie went back to Shanfu.

Among the bystanders, many of them saw the power of the two again, and among them were two old acquaintances and acquaintances.

On the top of a peak, a handsome young man dressed in Chinese clothes sighed, but his tone was not as lazy as before: "Although I already knew that the two of them have good aptitudes, I didn't expect to get to this point."

He was Bai Longsheng, and there was a young man sitting cross-legged on the left and right, but it was Xun Liang and Yin Xiu.

Xun Liang was still very calm: "Brother Yun's sword intent is extraordinary, I can't wait."

Although Yin Xiu was rather gloomy, he also admired Yun Lie very much: "Yes, although I am somewhat advanced now, I don't know when I will be able to reach the realm of swordsmanship like Brother Yun..."

On top of Yun Lie's strength, Bai Longsheng has long known that although Yun Lie's performance now makes him feel very powerful, it is not too unexpected. Instead, it was Xu Ziqing who called him admiration.

Bai Longsheng murmured: "Speaking of Daoyou Xu, as a cultivator of the wood family, I thought I had already looked down on him, but I didn't expect it to look down on him... No wonder it can be called the 'Master of Ten Thousand Woods', but it turned out to be There is a bloodthirsty demon vine by his side, and there is such a magical formula, which can control Wanmu. I used to treat him a little bit contemptuously."

In fact, looking at Yun Lie's face in the past, Bai Longsheng was also very considerate to Xu Ziqing, but compared to his appreciation of Yun Lie's heart, at that time Xu Ziqing was only a cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying, and naturally he would not think that he was too big. . Therefore, it is polite to be polite, but Bai Longsheng does not regard Xu Ziqing as a real person... Now, he thinks he has lost sight of it, so he will say this.

However, Bai Longsheng was only talking to himself. He was indeed inferior to Yun Lie towards Xu Ziqing, but he never neglected him. He also knew that Xu Ziqing had an open-minded temperament, and knew that the other party would not worry about it.

He sighed and said again: "I used to think that Daoist Yun could be in the top 100, but Daoist Xu might not be on the list... But now it seems that Daoist Yun is pointing directly to the top of the list, but Daoist Xu can go there. Got a fight in the first twenty."

This is true, Yun Lie has fought for so many times, and he has never lost, and he has never even shown signs of exhaustion, which shows that he is fierce. Although Xu Ziqing consumes more real essence, he is still able to kill the demon cultivator ranked thirty-ninth, which is also very impressive.

The skills of the two are endless. Bai Longsheng dared to assert one or two a few days ago, but now he does not dare to say it all, so he can only speculate.

Yin Xiu and Xun Liang didn't answer, they looked at each other.

Speaking of the two of them, they have little achievements.


Earlier in the last round of the battle, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang both met the monks on the throne, and they both lost the battle. Afterwards, the two self-examined themselves and thought about it a lot, and then they started from the beginning and slowly looked for opponents to challenge. , and also train yourself.

So they first challenged from the victors of the round. At first, they both won and lost. Later, the two of them gradually mastered the sword and became more proficient. Xiu Li is also a real leader, and Jian Xiu's attacking power, as everyone knows, is indeed extremely powerful.

After more battles, the two of them won more and more games, and the aura of dragons and tigers behind them rose one after another, and they even killed the devil of the evil way later. It's just that the aura of dragon and tiger behind the two is only more than 30 feet, and it seems that they can have a place at the end of the list, but they haven't fought with the cultivator again, and they don't think that they can Qualified to go to occupy a mountain mansion.

They are also waiting for the venue to be vacated. Moreover, the two sword cultivators of them have already selected the masters on the golden list that they want to replace. Now, it only needs an opportunity.

Chapter 541 The final battle is coming

Undoubtedly, now is the time.

Since Da Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing were challenged and both won, it was as if a firework had been lit, causing many immortals to boil. At this time, not only the righteous cultivators came out to challenge, but many people who wanted to compete for the honored position were no longer avoiding it.

——This is after the external worries are resolved, the internal struggle will be fought again.

Yun Lie suppressed the place with a single sword, and many monks had already understood that if they challenged him, they would lose half of the dragon and tiger energy that they had so hard to gain. Therefore, unless those who want to ask for breakthroughs and experience the Five Refinements Swordsman, often do not take the initiative to challenge him.

On the contrary, it is Xu Ziqing.

Although Xu Ziqing also showed extraordinary means, he looked tender and often had room to shoot, and although the bloodthirsty demon vine was powerful, it was not released back, and there were certain restrictions.

Therefore, there are more challengers who come to him.

It's just that Xu Ziqing is not an easy generation, and in a short time, he has won several games.

The aura of dragon and tiger behind him also gradually broke through to one hundred and forty-five, and went straight to the peak.

At the same time, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang went off the stage one after another, and took the initiative to challenge the five or six hundred honored monks, fighting hard for several times. Although a little tired, but after a few times, each has a winner and a loser, and the dragon and tiger aura has doubled compared to before.

Numerous immortal cultivators no longer have any taboos, and each resorted to various means. Even the top ten cultivators no longer respected their status, and instead quickly fought against several opponents, which greatly increased the aura of dragons and tigers behind them.

Some people control the thunder and set off a sea of ​​thunder; some people use a hundred shòu, called shòu hoofs to shake the eight directions; some people use a wonderful array method, which is not much less than the previous thousand absolute devils; Technique jiāo Hui illusory shadow changes.

Countless kinds of peculiar magical powers, countless kinds of strange magic weapons, when flying all over the sky, there is a surging pressure, and there are bright colors and splendid human eyes. Every immortal cultivator did his best. At this time, most of the righteous demons were content, and they would not argue with them about their honor.

As usual, there are between one and two hundred.

However, even if the fight was so lively, no one fell. Although some monks made too many shots, or the magic powers were not enough, in the end, at most, only the physical body was damaged, and the Yuan Ying Yuan Shen could survive.

It's just that after that, they need to find a good physical body, or the primordial spirit to support the rebirth, and they will be able to return to the original after many years of hard work.

The many sects of Xianxiu have never forged an incomprehensible hatred between each other.

In the blink of an eye, it was another day.

There is still half a day left until the end of the ranking battle... about five or six hours.

If you encounter an opponent who is easy to deal with, it is naturally more than enough, but if you encounter a difficult opponent, you may not be able to fight a few times in these few hours. And in this short period of time, even the many genius immortals who had their own demeanor on weekdays could not help but be a little crazy.

...for whatever reason.

At this time, Xu Ziqing had no opponent to take the initiative to provoke. But his attention was not on the battlefield, but on the brother beside him. He could feel that his brother had changed.

This is not only because he has fought against many elites and countless geniuses, but he has also had an insight after watching countless battles.

Even Xu Ziqing, who was a Taoist companion, noticed a shudder at this time.

Senior brother is... excited?

Xu Ziqing felt that his senior brother was preparing in earnest, adjusting his state, and constantly polishing his state of mind—he seemed to want to bring out his best state to welcome a...

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