Meet a battle that delights him.

In the next moment, Xu Ziqing raised his head slightly again, and his divine sense crossed the mountain mansion and came to the top of the mountain.

There, at some point in time, the handsome cultivator in the heavy purple star robe who had participated in several battles had returned to the Dòng mansion. He is also meditating, and he is also slow and meticulous, refining his state of mind.

He is also preparing something very carefully.

Xu Ziqing suddenly realized that this was the case.

He was thinking about when this battle would take place, but now it seems that it is not far away.

In the field, dozens of water balls burst with a bang, and the wrapped immortal cultivator came out covered in blood, and was defeated by another person. There are also thin figures leaping like monkeys, trembling like snakes, defending like guīs, entering and exiting like cranes, punching like lightning, and fingers like tiger claws, piercing people's vital points and causing them to be defeated.

These Mi Fengxi and Shang Chongyi did not seem to have any intention to challenge Dongli Qi, but only fought against other opponents.

It's just that the aura of the two of them is still no match for Dongliqi.

Dongli Qi is now more than four hundred feet tall.

He is the only one who can achieve such a level that no matter who he is challenged by, he has never been defeated.

On the other hand, the two of the two or three honored people have also lost one consecutive challenge. Although they have also broken the ambition of several people who intend to provoke them, the aura of dragon and tiger is not as much as before, but only close to Just two hundred feet.

The other immortal cultivators, who originally had as many as a hundred feet, had all suffered defeats, and even if they made up for it in other wars, they were not enough.

The distance between them gradually narrowed.

But maybe it was a tacit understanding, Mi Fengxi and Shang Chongyi actually endured the shame of being surpassed by the new monks, and did not challenge Yun Lie.

So much so that now Yun Lie's dragon and tiger aura has become the most under Dongli Qi after three hundred zhang.

Perhaps, this is an undercurrent that is vaguely known by everyone, which has created such a situation.

It's as if... it's tacit.

Afterwards, Mi Fengxi and Shang Chongyi seemed to be enough, and after the end of the scene, they returned to Shanfu.

This time, the two didn't go to disturb Dongli Qi's side, but complimented each other.

Mi Fengxi said lightly, "Wan Jia, what do you think?"

Shang Chongyi sneered: "I can't see anything, but if someone can pull Dongli Qi down from the top of the list, I would be happy to see it happen."

Mi Fengxi's voice was also very calm: "As soon as this battle comes out, the top ten will be decided."

Shang Chongyi snorted coldly: "If Dongli Qi loses, then you and I will move down, and if Dongli Qi wins, Yun Lie will chase after me and wait for one more battle. , and also squeeze the two of me down. Si Yu, are you not afraid?"

Mi Fengxi was unmoved: "This time on the list, Yun Liezhi came out by surprise. I just need to keep the top five and that's enough."

Shang Chongyi suffocated, and then sighed: "...Not bad. With the spirit of the dragon and tiger behind me now, it will be no problem to keep the top five. But if I fight against others again, I am afraid that the chances of winning will not be enough. Once defeated, It must be under ten, and I am afraid that it will be very unfavorable to our position in the sect. Although I am unwilling, but... I can't take risks."

Mi Fengxi seemed to have been told the pain point, and stopped speaking.

Yes, although they are both peerless geniuses, they are not the only geniuses in their two divisions.

In order to maintain their position in the sect, the honor ranking on the Billboard is a glory that they cannot give up, and it is also closely related to their own interests.

Therefore, no matter how much they wanted to, they would go and learn from the newly promoted swordsman, but they couldn't.

Just because they are not sure.

——The ranking battle is coming to an end, time is short, they cannot have another defeat.

This is a bit helpless, but also a bit ironic.

The battle of the immortal cultivators became more and more crazy. In the countless victories and defeats, the dragon and tiger aura behind them also changed drastically. It increased and decreased, and there was no fixed number. There were even some immortal cultivators. In the end, the real energy consumption was almost Gān dried up and couldn't make much progress, so I had to... sadly leave.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people fighting in the venue, and more and more venues are vacated.

Suddenly, Dongli Qi moved.

His whole body was full of stars, and his whole body turned into a ray of stars, and before he took a step, he appeared in the field.

Then, he raised his head slightly and looked somewhere.

At that place, the white-clothed Jianxiu stood up slowly, and the black and golden light flashed past under his feet.

At the same time, he also appeared behind that Dongli Qi.

The actions of the two are extremely fragile, and it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

But after they really stood opposite each other, neither of them said much, just looked at each other and took a step back together.

Dongli Qi looked calm and graceful.

Then, between his fingers, a blue-violet rope appeared.

He then said: "This thing is called 'Nine Star Cable'."

Yun Lie nodded slightly, and the sword of life was also grasped: "War."

Never say a word again.

Dongli Qi's fingertips trembled, and the rope, like a filament, and like a chain, was continuously drawn and stretched silently, almost in a blink of an eye, and it was already all over the audience.

In an instant, the same rope filled the sky, forming a peculiar form, the original silky rope.

Suo, under different arcs, has become a line with many bends, but if someone looks closely, they can find that these lines are so familiar, yet unfamiliar.

Yun Lie recognized it, and Xu Ziqing also recognized it.

This is a star map.

The power of the stars is the most difficult to control, and this Luo Tianxing actually spread the nine-star cable out of a star map!

So in this star map, is the sky full of stars also simulated?

Xu Ziqing looked into the distance, and he was already determined in his heart.

Since Dongli Qi dared to act like this, there must be stars in this star map.

Just how many stars are there? What kind of star array will be formed?

Maybe it's the Zhou Tianxingchen Great Array, but this kind of Great Array is actually more common, maybe it's not.

Yun Lie has also heard that what Dongli Qi has learned is "Daluotian Xiandian", and his name is Tantan dàngdàng, and he has never covered it up.

As the name suggests, Daluotian is the total of thirty-six days, which means the universe is infinite.

Since this immortal scripture has this name, there must be thirty-six correlations above the cultivation method, which forms the territory of the star map, and I don't know which star field in the universe is the foundation.

But for Yun Lie, it doesn't really matter what it is.

He doesn't need to know too much, and he doesn't need to speculate on the meaning of the stars in the star field. He just needs to hold his sword, use his five swords to mix up the sword intent, go one by one, and break open all the stars!

Chapter 542 Battle

Within the sight of the cultivators, over the entire venue, purple formed a star map, and above the star map, there were many more stars twinkling.

Only in the blink of an eye, those stars suddenly expanded and contracted, gradually expanded, and then suddenly changed, turning into a purple star!

Gradually, there are countless stars.

Among them, nine stars are the most dazzling. They fall on several corners of the star map and become the supporting bones of the entire star map. In addition, there are many smaller stars, which are linked to each other and reflect each other, brewing surging and continuous. star power.

This kind of power drummed, turning half of the sky into purple.

It was getting dark.

The star map continued to spread, and the sky was full of stars.

At this moment, the stars on the curtain reflected the stars in the star map, and many more star forces seemed to have received some traction, and suddenly fell from the sky, falling on one of the many stars in the simulated star map. superior.

In an instant, the light shines brightly.

The honored monks on the Billboard, as well as the monks who have participated in the Billboard battle before, all recognize this scene.

Dongli Qi has been on the list for many times, and he is a peerless top genius. Although his realm continues to increase with the growth of the years, the magical powers of his life and the cultivation method on which he is based are not hidden things.

Naturally, they had glimpsed some clues in this star map.

A cultivator on the golden list was surprised: "Luo Tianxing Zun, at the beginning of the battle, actually used his life's supernatural powers?"

Another person pondered: "There should be a reason for him to act like this."

Someone else frowned and said, "This Star Venerable is so cautious about that Sword Venerable, so why is it so important..."

After that, everyone seemed to understand.

In the field, Dongli Qi slowly opened his eyes, and under his eyelids, there were two groups of deep light.

This light burst out from his eyes, and contained his entire face in the starlight, making it indistinct, mysterious and noble.

Immediately, Dong Liqi said, "Between you and me, all the trivial matters are unnecessary."

Yun Lie raised his eyes slightly and listened to what he said.

Dongli Qi said again: "This is the best skill of this deity, and under the night, it will be doubled."

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved.

Dongli Qi smiled slowly, his voice was low and flowing like water: "The best way to decide the outcome."

Yun Lie finally said, "Naturally."

Xu Ziqing also heard the words of the two of them outside the Shan Mansion.

All who were watching could hear it.

That's right, a cultivator who has reached such a realm has already found his way early, and he is firm and unswerving. But the immortal journey is long, and even if it is specialized in one, there are many supernatural powers and techniques, and many other alternative methods... These are all side-effects.

Although it can be against the enemy, it is by no means fundamental to itself.

The root of Yun Lie is the Sword Intent.

And Dongli Qi, his root, is this starry sky, the vast star power, is a complex and terrifying star map!

Now, the contradictions are about to meet.

Dongli Qi sensed the threat of Yun Lie, and Yun Lie also knew that Dong Li Qi was very powerful.

The two have respect for each other.

Therefore, they don't use fancy means, they just use the most powerful skills!

In the blink of an eye, Dongli Qi's star map has been laid out, Yun Lie did not move, nor did he take advantage of the opportunity.

The star power in the field has been several times more than before, that kind of dàng and cold power is changing very quickly! They are as calm as water at one time, and ripples at the same time, so terrifying, so gentle, so mysterious and strange.

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