Dongliqi stood on the spot, but it seemed like he was standing in the sky, in the starry sky.

At this time, every star seems to be contained in his world - yes, his small universe has already been combined with the star map, making him the spirit of the star map, the star field is him, he is the star field , the starry sky gives him star power, and he controls the star power.

At this moment, he is Dongliqi, but he is also every star.

Even his figure seems to have transformed into the vast stars...

Yun Lie held Yuan to keep one, and his mind was free of distracting thoughts.

In the center of his eyebrows, the black-gold rays of light were also unsteady. Within his sword domain, the galaxy hung upside down, and the sound of the black-gold long sword was pulsing and solidified. Beneath the galaxy, the tens of thousands of other sword intents burst out with a cold murderous aura at the same time.

Pure ruthless killing kendo, pure killing intent.

The sword is a murder weapon, a heavy weapon for killing. Anyone who uses a sword wants to take his life, and he must have a murderous intention.

And this murderous intention led to all the murderous intentions.

For a time, the sharp swords transformed by the sword intent, the sword edge pointed to the sky, trembled slightly!

Countless, subtle, clear-eyed sword cries sounded, and those swords shook, as if they were about to fly, almost impossible to contain!

The giant sword of black gold was also pulled out from the upside-down galaxy little by little, and then suddenly turned into a ray of black gold, which appeared in Yun Lie's hands in a flash!

It coincides with his natal sword.

Yun Lie flexed his fingers and flicked the sword of life.

The sword immediately uttered a long groan, and inside the sword, as if something had awakened, making a chirping sound of joy.

It is close, as if connected with flesh and blood.

The sword spirit woke up—no, it was Yun Lie who woke him up.

The spirit of Gengjin's spirit, because he does not want to be wiped out of his true spirit, is willing to become the sword spirit of Yun Lie's life. However, when the sword embryo was cast, the sword spirit was weak and fell asleep with the sword embryo for many years.

When Yun Lie's cultivation level has improved, the realm of kendo has broken through again and again, and the sword spirit has a sense of it, and the advancement is also very fast. The spirit has also matured, waiting for the sword master's blood to start at any time.

However, for many years, Yun Lie has not opened the sword of life, and the sword spirit has not been able to wake up.

At this moment, he was about to fight against Dongli Qi, but he started from his heart to awaken the sword spirit... Yun Lie's other hand slowly touched the sword's edge. Where his fingers crossed, fresh blood gurgled down and landed on the sword, making the black and gold color with a few traces of blood again.

And these blood glows flowing from the black gold sword body, there is no sense of mystery, but it adds a murderous aura and a touch of awe.

Xu Ziqing discovered that his brother's life-changing sword was completely different at this moment.

It's like... from a dead thing to a living thing, the power has increased several times in an instant, and even looking at it more, it seems to be stabbed by the cold light on the sword - like a pain in the skin.

It is conceivable that if you use the sword to generate the sword intent, and then attach the sword intent to such a treasured sword, then when the slash comes out, it will bring an extraordinary light!

On the other end, a corner of Dongli Qi's gorgeous blue-purple star robe swayed out, and his figure was looming, and he stretched out his hand in the distance.

At the tip of the finger, on the star map, a huge star suddenly moved!

In the initial trial, the secondary stars below the nine main stars were used!

At the same time, Yun Lie also moved.

He is extremely brittle and decisive. As the saying goes, "The Dao is simple, and the evolution is complicated." No matter how complicated the swordsmanship, no matter how bizarre magical powers, in the extreme, it is only a simple truth.

Therefore, Yun Lie's sword is very simple and simple.

He is nothing but slashing straight.

An extremely sharp sword light flashed away, and at the extreme point, it condensed into a thin line, like hair, but it was thinner than hair, but it seemed that the sword intent was infinitely squeezed and finally converged.

This sword light seems to be a spot of light, and it meets the huge star on the front!

Then, it appeared on the other side of the stars.

This is... penetrating the past.

Almost in the next instant, the huge star suddenly separated and was split into two halves.

The broken part is smooth and flat, almost like a mirror.

The power of the stars falling is extremely powerful. When they separated, a gust of wind rushed towards them, and the separated stars lost their cohesive star power, and immediately turned into a little starlight. Yun Lie's long hair fluttered, but he was never standing at the slightest point.

Then, he swung a sword again.

It turned out that there was a dark star, hidden in the splendid brilliance of the previous star, and intending to attack when it disappeared.

It was also noticed by Yun Lie, and was also cut down by a sword.

These are either open-minded or turbulent stars swimming in undercurrents, and they are not the enemies of the Five Refinement Sword Confusion.

Dongli Qi stood in the star map, with his robe sleeves flying and his long hair rising.

At the tip of his hair, the stars flickered slightly, and it seemed to be integrated into the starry sky.

Then, he flicked his sleeves a little, and at the hem of his sleeves, he fanned the stars.

At that moment, several stars came in formation, rolling, spinning, leaping, or colliding, and their respective postures were like one, forming a state that seemed to be stable and inseparable.

Immediately afterwards, there were three sword lights, slashing with the word "pin"!

Sharp sword light shines through the stars

The formation, with an irresistible force, suddenly cut two stars, the formation was in chaos, the stars disintegrated, and a few stars were in a panic.

But the next moment, Dongli Qi Paoxiu danced again.

The messy stars immediately seemed to have found their orbits, disappeared into the other star field, and instantly became a corner of the star map, which was elusive. Then there are the right, left, upper, and lower sides, with double stars on each side, turning together.

Yun Lie's body moved slightly, but it seemed to have turned into four phantoms, and the entity stood in the middle.

These four phantoms shot out their swords one after another, and the sword light was divided into four strands, each meeting a pair of double stars.

At this time, the two stars separated and were cut off again.

Dongli Qi held the royal map of the stars, using the supreme star power to manipulate the transformation of the stars, attacking Yun Lie from all directions in various formations and postures. That Yun Lie stayed on the ground and did not move, no matter how Xingchen changed, he could break it with swordsmanship.

After countless stars were cut down, they all turned into stars, and these stars gradually gathered in the vast star power.

This is the power of the star map. As long as there are endless star power coming in, the fallen star can also be reunited with the help of star power. And even if the opponent's strength is high, how much real yuan can he have to make up for it? In the end, the stalemate continued, and I was afraid that I would also fall into the star map!

Yun Lianzi also understands this.

Although his Sword Intent didn't cost a lot of True Yuan, it couldn't compare to Dongli Qi's help from the stars in the sky this night.

At this point, he seems to be in a weak position.

Chapter 543 Victory

However, Yun Lie was still wielding his sword, the gān was crisp and neat, and the sword and the sword were distinct.

After each sword is struck, the stars will still be cut off, the stars will be broken apart, and the stars will still be swept away.

At the same time, behind him, a white mist appeared.

This mist continues to spread, expand, and permeate.

The monks could see that in the depths of the fog, there was an incomparably strong fortress, which seemed to be an unattainable portal.

Inside, pure murderous aura gathered into a group, and there seemed to be countless sword lights, which were uncertain in the depths.

Even more powerful momentum, although it never gushed out of the portal, it also gave people a very terrifying and terrifying feeling.

That is... the sword domain of Yun Lie.

Take his sword heart as the door, take his sword as the city, take his sword intent as the body, and take his life sword... as the key.

After the sword spirit awakened, this sword domain also changed, and countless other sword intents in it also changed.

They became more and more solid, more and more sharp, and more and more restless.

Yun Lie's mind moved.

In his palm, the sword of life is held straight and lifted slightly.

In the sword field behind him, the sharp swords formed by hundreds of sword intents suddenly soared into the sky, aiming at the portal with the same attitude, and they were all about to get out!

They "buzzed" and released many different thoughts, and they couldn't wait!

Pulled by the murderous aura, it was like a thin thread that bound it, and finally, Yun Lie swung his sword.

At the same moment, those "sharp swords" suddenly rushed out!

The star map is vast and the star field is vast.

But in such a vast and vast starry sky, there are many sword intents like shooting stars bursting out and passing by quietly.

The splendid sword light drew long sword marks, which were not even dimmer than the stars.

After that, the sword intent formed a formation and gathered around Yun Lie.

That form is like a galaxy hanging upside down in the sword field, spinning uncertainly, deep and mysterious.

The entangled nebula is the sword light, and the surrounding stars are the sword intent.

Seeing this situation, not only many cultivators in the audience couldn't help but let out a low voice, but there was also a faint surprise on Dong Liqi's always calm face. He never thought that the center formed in the small universe of Yun Lie was actually related to the stars.

It's just that he firmly believes that on top of this path, the sword cultivator who is dedicated to practicing the sword must not be able to compare with him.

Xu Ziqing sat in front of the mountain mansion, and when he looked down, he squeezed his fingers slightly.

This Dongli Qi is undoubtedly an extremely rare opponent. He is on a par with his senior brother, and he will use the most powerful means without reservation. This fight is very different from any previous one. Senior brother is naturally looking forward to it, and he... should also be looking forward to it.

He even believed that, regardless of victory or defeat, after this battle, the senior brothers must have gained more than the countless previous battles.

However he...

I only hope that my brother will win, and his strength will increase greatly.

Yun Lie stood above the galaxy, his white clothes were quiet and his expression remained motionless.

Although this galaxy is already huge and deep, it still looks small compared to the star map of the entire star field.

However, the power increased.

His sword slashed out, spinning in the galaxy, like countless rays of light, the slender sword meant to roll out in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, it collapsed and flew past, at various strange angles, attacking the incoming the stars!

It's a pity that the sword intent went too far, and the stars only gave birth to cracks, and then more sword intent rushed to kill, making it bruised and bruised, but it didn't shatter.

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