All of a sudden, the ten sword intents suddenly came together, making a mistake with each other, and they actually merged into one!

At this moment, the Sword Intent suddenly became thick and strong, and the Intent in it actually became strange and unusual, and the momentum was ten times better!

Immediately afterwards, more sword intents came together, one after the other, all gathered. The sword intent is getting thicker and bigger, and the momentum it exudes seems to be layered on top of each other, which is already indescribable and cannot be calculated.

It's like a huge sword, straddling the starry sky.

Almost cut off the sky!

Yun Lie had always been passively defensive before, but at this time, he finally fought back.

Dongliqi is based on nine stars, and the nine main stars are the most important. When this giant sword is released, it will shock all directions, and the point where the sword is pointed is actually the most core of the nine stars!

At the same time, the sword of life in Yun Lie's hand was also equal to the giant sword.

Cut again!

After the violent roar, the giant sword with a black-gold sword intent split the sky.

Dongli Qi's eyes flashed, his robe sleeves waved, and the nine stars swam quickly.

But it is also because the nine stars are the foundation, so they also form a fixed state, one moves, then all move.

Therefore, even though the main star that was stared at dodged away, the edge of the giant sword was still split from the other main star - it turned out that in the previous many defenses and fencing, Yun Lie did not act at will, Instead, with the help of the gap, on the observation star map, the stars track.

It was only at this moment that Dongliqi avoided one main star, but couldn't avoid the other. He even realized that although the sword light is still far away, he may be able to let the second one dodge, but at the same time, the consequence is that the third and fourth are connected in a straight line, and they will all be hit by the sword!

Obviously, his main stars, the operation route has long been considered transparent...

It should be said that it really deserves to be a sword cultivator of the five refinements of the sword?

It is precisely because this swordsman has practiced countless swordsmanships, and from countless swordsmanships, he has comprehended the mystery of peeking at the movement of all things in the world, so that he can predict the enemy's opportunities when fighting with others, and can also make him continue to use it in the past. After the sword, it is inferred that the stars are running.

This is the power of inspection.

Dongliqi would not wait to die.

Nine main stars, each of which is extremely important, his mind turned, dozens of secondary stars came quickly, one after another, all blocking the main star that was about to be cut.

At this time, one star after another was broken, and all the second-level stars were abandoned and used to keep the main star as the foundation.

Ten, twenty, thirty... a hundred!

Hundreds of stars have turned into dust!

It can be seen... how terrifying the sword-intent giant sword formed by hundreds of sword-intent condensed.

The momentum of this battle was truly astonishing.

Many cultivators are trembling in their hearts. Can people with such power be just cultivators in the Spirit Transformation stage? Even though the cultivators on the Golden List are all arrogant, they dare not say that they can have the skills of the two in the field.

They know even more that if they go against any of these two people, they will be defeated!

But at this time, they are guessing... Who will be the winner of this battle?

In the field, Dongli Qi and Yun Lie both consumed a lot of True Yuan.

Although Dongliqi himself can use the power of heaven and earth to replenish the stars, but when replenishing, he also needs to consume a little bit of real energy, so it is a lot. And Yun Lie directly used those sword intents in Xiao Qiankun to spontaneously aggregate, and those sword intents were actually transformed from the sword intents in the sword-shaped leaves in the early years, which also reduced the consumption. In this way, the two gradually equalized.

It's just that the battle was too long.

It's been so long that the two don't want to linger any longer...

Yun Lie slowly opened his eyes, and in his eyes, it turned into a deep black.

Dongli Qi, who was opposite him, also opened his eyes, and there seemed to be two stars in his pupils.

In front of Dongliqi, nine stars suddenly moved!

They are suddenly connected in a line, forming a peculiar scene of nine stars in a row!

Around Yun Lie, the upside-down galaxy turned faster, and countless sword intents were thrown out, merged one by one, and condensed together one by one, also forming the shape of a giant sword, but at this time the giant sword , compared to the handle just now, it is ten times larger... Even, it is still expanding and changing.

The natal sword in his hand, the black and gold light on it is also constantly being swallowed and stretched.

Every time it expands and contracts, it becomes sharper and doubles, and the sword glow above it also becomes more dense and continuous.

In the end, when the nine-star series formed, the black and golden light no longer changed, and the giant sword in mid-air was raised high—

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Countless stars dotted on the star map exploded.

At this time, the surging and vast star power has become a terrifying energy that is wantonly and cross-current, flowing and bursting in the entire star field! These stars slammed into the giant sword in unison, as if they were about to burst out with the last bit of power.

However, the giant sword just trembled and emitted a dazzling light, but it did not collapse because of this... Such an attack failed.

At the same moment, Jiuxing Lianzhu suddenly stabbed like an arrow—

Yun Lie's sword was also cut off again.

The giant sword combined with the Five Refinements Sword Intent, like a mountain, smashing hard!


The first main star, broken.

The speed of the second main star is twice as fast as that of the first star, and its strength is also twice as large.

But it also exploded when it touched the edge of a sword.

Immediately the third one, faster and more powerful!

Still broken.

Fourth, fifth, sixth!

Almost each one is more powerful than the previous one, but each one is also not the enemy of the Five Refinements Sword Intent!

The seventh one, shattered again!

The star map is collapsing, and the star field has also collapsed.

As if the sky was cracked, the starry sky map and shadow fell in large pieces.

The eighth one was chopped in half at the moment when it was almost cloudy.

In the end, it was the most powerful main star!


Yun Lie's fingers held the hilt of the sword, and the knuckles bulged slightly.

A trace of blood spilled from his lips, and at this time, he was under unparalleled pressure.

The ninth main star is equivalent to the last power of the star map, and it is also a fatal blow——

As for Dongli Qi, his expression also became solemn.

His chest was stuffy, and the true essence in his dantian was constantly being squeezed, and when it started running, his blood boiled.

It's...a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

The pain in the meridians, the sea of ​​consciousness is like a needle stick.

Yun Lie's eyes turned cold, and he made the final cut!

A splendid sword light erupted, and the last main star was also split open.

On the field, everything is business as usual.

The starry sky disappeared, and the upside-down galaxy formed by Sword Intent also disappeared.

Only Dongliqi, who had a purple star rope wrapped around his hands, and Yun Lie, who held the sword of life, were left.

Dongliqi said slowly: "I lost."

His true essence is gone, but his opponent can still cut a sword.

Yes, Yun Lie did have the strength of a sword, but after that sword, he didn't even have the strength to move.

Yun Lie glanced at Dongliqi, and slowly put away the sword of life.

Dongli Qi took a deep look at Yun Lie and said, "I will help you."

The cultivators didn't know why this happened. Immediately, Na Dongliqi turned around and walked away. After the starlight flashed, before he sat cross-legged in the mountain mansion, half of the dragon and tiger energy was lost, leaving only more than 200 zhang.

But at the next moment, Dong Liqi, who seemed to be recovering with his eyes closed, erupted with a more powerful aura.

At this time, a vision appeared in the air, and the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth formed a huge vortex, and all of them rushed towards the mountain mansion.

All the cultivators noticed that the rich spiritual energy around them was also drawn away...

How could anyone not understand this situation?

Dongliqi, about to break through.

With the help of the battle with Yun Lie, he will break through the spirit transformation stage and enter the out-of-body stage!

Chapter 544: The Battle of the Rankings Ends

In an instant, several monks bounced from the front of the different mountain houses, and several others jumped from the field below.

In front of the dòng mansion at the highest point, there were seven or eight people, all protecting Dongli Qi's body.

During the battle of the Billboard, it is inevitable that a peerless genius will make a breakthrough, causing a vision in the world. This time it was just a bit more exaggerated. It was only when Dongliqi broke through to the out-of-body stage that it attracted more people's attention.

However, this time is different from usual. In the past, when the geniuses made breakthroughs, the demons were not removed, and they were still able to play havoc in the field. Therefore, people who were familiar with the breakthroughs reacted immediately. Just the necessary caution.

Undoubtedly, these people are the disciples of Zhou Tian Xianzong who have already been identified and who have come to the meeting with Dong Liqi.

Yun Lie's eyes moved slightly, paused for a while, and swayed to a nearby mountain mansion. He didn't approach, just stood on the empty stone platform, standing quietly. Then there was a rustling sound by his side, and a blue-shirted monk came from the sky and was standing on his left.

The blue-shirted cultivator called out, "Senior brother."

Yun Lian nodded slightly.

Xu Ziqing understood that the senior brother was protecting the Dharma for Dongli Qi.

First, they are from the Zhou Tianxian sect. Even if these people don't know it, they know it well, and they can't see it. Some affection.

As for the senior brother standing here... just to let those star-level disciples feel relieved.

No matter what kind of bad intentions Ruo Ruo has, whether these distances can stop him, at any rate, is also an attitude.

Sure enough, those Zhou Tianmen people were quite vigilant when they saw Yun Lie approaching, but when they saw that he was only standing a little far away, they understood what he meant, and their expressions naturally softened.

At the same time, the vision in the sky above Dongli Qi was still changing.

The level of transfiguration to out-of-body is much simpler compared to the time of forming a pill or forming a baby. In fact, after the birth of a baby, no matter what realm it is, there will no longer be such a strange sight.

Therefore, such a breakthrough will not take a few days and nights.

In the field below, most of the cultivators who were fighting in the battle quickly resolved the battle at hand, and turned to wait and see—after all, none of them had ever reached the state of being out of the body, so they could watch and learn a little. There are also some people who are a little weaker. When they use their magical powers, they are pulled by the vision in the air. It is inevitable that they will be affected and they will not be able to fight.

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