In the early years, the two of them made a blood contract with Xu Ziqing and were operating in the outer door. Now that several years have passed, I don't know what the situation is. Now, before heading to the Hall of Stars, you can just go and take a look.

Yun Lie had no objection, and the two brothers and sisters left the mountain mansion and fled to the outer door together.

This time, they went directly to the street near Yangling Tower, restraining their aura, as if they were very ordinary monks. However, despite this, his two temperaments are like this, and they can't be completely suppressed, so they are still somewhat different from the small power monks who are running around in this outer gate.

It's just that these few differences can keep people from being provoked, but they won't be too noticeable.

Xu Ziqing had been here once and knew the way, so he led Yun Lie and slowly walked to the Yangling Tower.

This street is a tripartite, but the business of Yangling Tower has not yet found a good way. This time, there are many shops selling spiritual rice and food, selling talismans, and selling simple arrays... It is quite successful. Because it is booming, after a little inquiries, the reputation of this Yangling Tower has also increased a lot than before.

When the two came to the downstairs of Yangling, Xu Ziqing saw that the place expanded a bit, but it was not very presumptuous, and it was only a little more stubborn.

But it's only been a few years, and it's not bad for the sisters to be able to do this.

Xu Ziqing pulled Yun Lie and walked into the Yangling Tower together.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by a guard at the late stage of foundation establishment.

Xu Ziqing glanced at him. He didn't know any of these guards, so he smiled and said, "What do you mean, fellow Daoist?"

The guard couldn't see through Xu Ziqing's cultivation, and smiled: "Dare to ask friends, can you bring the Yangling token?"

Xu Ziqing understood a little in his heart, but he was puzzled: "What is this?"

The guard seemed to have guessed this, and patiently explained: "This thing is the pass token for entering and exiting the Yangling Tower. If there is no such thing, you will not be allowed to enter the building. Let's see—" He pointed to another entrant, There was a red token hanging from the man's waist, "Normally, people who come to jiāo to pick up tasks usually hang this thing, unless they are newcomers, they don't know this. Therefore, I saw that the waists of the two fellow Taoists were empty, so I explained it. One or two."

Xu Ziqing was stunned: "I see, thank you, fellow Daoist." He asked again, "How can I get this token?"

The guard smiled: "There is no difficulty, there is an organ on the right side after entering the door, you can just put a middle-grade spirit stone in, you can take out a token, and then inject the breath into the token, and then you will wait. Identity. And this token is by no means available to others."

Xu Ziqing smiled again: "So that's the case, thanks to fellow Taoist for pointing it out." After speaking, he handed over two low-grade spirit stones, and Quan thanked him.

The guard also accepted the spirit stone and returned to the building door.

Immediately, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie went to the door.

Later, if, as the guard said, a balance-shaped object was placed on the right hand, and only a middle-grade spirit stone was placed on the left, a ray of light would appear on the right, which was a heavy token the size of a palm. He put it back again, and the second piece appeared. So the two of them injected their breaths into the token, and the next moment, the token showed a faint light, revealing the words "Early stage of spiritual transformation, first-class order".

Xu Ziqing saw this, and felt quite novel in his heart. He also felt that the two sisters had made great achievements in this way, and they were really clever. He then smiled at Yun Lie: "Brother, what do you think?"

Yun Lie said: "The mind is sensitive."

Xu Ziqing's smile deepened, his brother's thoughts were really the same as his.

In Yangling Tower, it was not as deserted as when Xu Ziqing came last time. Although it was not full, dozens of people came in and out. There are already several pretty girls standing on the stone platform to receive the visiting monks.

At the end of the first floor is a huge stone wall. There are many tasks written on it. The left side is for release, and the right side is for completion. For every one less on the left, one more on the right, it is very clear.

And these girls are just people who get in touch.

Xu Ziqing took his senior brother's sleeve, and was looking at the various tasks on the stone wall, only to see that most of the characters posted were looking for some kind of spiritual herbs and medicines, and some needed magic tools and elixir, and some rare things, etc. But all in all, many of these things are ordinary things for monks in the spiritual transformation stage like them, and it is not difficult to find... But it is different for this monk who builds the foundation.

Just imagine that in the past, Xu Ziqing had also experienced something in the small world. Now, when I recall it, I feel a little sigh.

Suddenly, on the stairs leading to the rear, two extremely beautiful women appeared. They looked snow-skinned and fair-skinned. They were more graceful than these girls who entertained the monks, and their cultivation was far superior to them.

But although the two of them appeared, they never came to the first floor, but there was some anxiety in their eyes, and they were searching among the monks.

Xu Ziqing had the blood deed in hand, so he naturally sensed the mood of the two girls immediately, and immediately turned his head and smiled at the two of them. When the two women saw this, they looked happy and seemed relieved.

These two women are naturally sisters Chen Ni and Chen Chang. On weekdays, except for the faction that they run the Yangling Tower, they all stay upstairs to cultivate, and the organs on the first floor will automatically The news of the person who received the Yangling token passed.

But today, the two of them were working hard, and suddenly they noticed that two tokens had been lifted out, and the breath that came from them suddenly shattered the thing connected to the first floor mechanism by their side... In such a situation, only Only those qiáng cultivators whose realm is above Nascent Soul will be created.

The two girls were shocked. Although they had recently entered the realm with the help of the spiritual meridian, they had not yet formed an elixir. Although I don't know why such people would

When I came to the Yangling Tower, I couldn't be careless at all, and I couldn't be negligent... Then I hurriedly greeted him.

They didn't feel relieved until they saw their two masters.

Chen Ni hurriedly sent a voice transmission over: "The two masters came, and my sisters have not been far away to welcome them, and I hope to forgive them."

Xu Ziqing smiled and also sent a voice transmission: "It was my brother and I who didn't tell me, what's the sin? Now that I have something to do for you two, I want to find a place where it is convenient to talk."

Chen Ni immediately replied: "Naturally, I went to the top floor. The rooms of the two masters have already been prepared and cleaned every day, but at any time, they can move in immediately." She asked like this, and she was worried about revealing the two masters. The deeds have ruined their mood.

Xu Ziqing knew that the woman was cautious and nodded.

Chen Ni immediately understood, and gave her sister a wink.

Chen Chang got a signal, and quickly went downstairs, saluted Xu and Yun, and greeted them again.

When the visiting cultivator saw that the second owner was actually welcoming the guests in person, he couldn't help thinking a little. When he saw the temperament of Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, he felt that they were very different. Immediately, he thought a lot more.

But before they could think about it, the two senior brothers followed Chen Chang upstairs, and the sharp-eyed person noticed that Chen Ni, the owner of the building, had also appeared, and he had to think deeply.

At the same time, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also stepped into the top floor.

The two sat on a pair of futons, and Xu Ziqing pressed his hands again and asked the sisters to sit down too.

Chen Ni and Chen Chang are respectful. Now that they have more knowledge, they are more concerned about their identities, and they are more cautious when dealing with Xu Ziqing.

After sitting down at this time, the two sisters first talked about the development of the building, which was probably more than the original, but it was not a big deal. After that, the two of them had to listen to Xu Ziqing's orders again.

Xu Ziqing pondered for a while, then said first, "Do you two know... the waiter?"

Chapter 549 Servant Order

The two sisters looked at each other.

Since the two of them were brought into the outer door by Xu Ziqing, they have been conscientious and hardworking. Therefore, at the beginning of the development of the power, the two sisters had spent a long time to inquire about the internal and external levels and common sense of the Zhoutian Xianzong... This is not a secret. After spending a lot of spirit stones, it can be considered that they know it. detailed.

Among them, the two sisters did not dare to neglect those who were related to the inner sect, just because their masters were in the inner sect, they should understand many rules and act carefully, so as not to cause trouble for them.

Of course the two of them knew about the waiter.

Chen Ni cautiously said, "The waiter is the subordinate of the cultivator, and his status is closely related to the cultivator. To be one of the outer disciples of my generation, it can be regarded as the road to the sky. But unfortunately, not every cultivator is the same. You can take a waiter, but once you get the status of a waiter, you can enter the inner door to practice, but not as a disciple. However, the waiter should make an oath to follow the monk, if he betrays, he will be attacked by the demon. In terms of severity, it is not much inferior to those who have made a blood contract like me."

When I said this, it was very clear.

To put it bluntly, the waiter and the servant of the blood contract serve the monks at the same time, the latter is more loyal, but the strength and aptitude may not be so great; the former is also extremely loyal, and often the strength or aptitude is quite good. Therefore, the status of the former may be higher than that of the latter, but in terms of the depth of the master's trust, the latter is more than the former.

Chen Chang heard something from the master's words, she felt a move, and immediately said: "Could it be that the two masters are already star-level disciples of the Zhoutian Xingchen Hall?"

In Zhoutian Xianzong, monks can also have waiters by their side, but only the star-level disciples in the inner sect can get the order of waiters, and the waiters of these star-level disciples can also be recognized by Zhoutian Xianzong. But also because of this, different star disciples can get their own fixed number of waiters, and with the waiter order as a certificate, they can get sect resources, one of which is a one-star disciple and two two-star disciples, and so on. Unless the sect rewards additional servant orders, this fixed number will not change.

All such large sects have similar rules.

Chen Chang thought that since the master took the initiative to mention it, it must not be a waiter in the ordinary sense, but if he mentioned it, the master must have a certain number of waiters in hand... and I can't say, the order to them falls into this.

Chen Ni was awakened by her sister's words, and her reaction was very fast. Thousands of thoughts also flashed through, and she looked at the two masters with a bit of surprise.

Xu Ziqing knew that the two sisters were smart, and nodded when they heard the words: "Yes, my brother and I will enter the Hall of Stars in two days."

When the two sisters heard it, they immediately smiled and were very happy.

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