The higher the status of the master who follows, the stronger the strength, and the more beneficial it is for them.

Chen Ni was a little anxious: "Dare to ask the two masters, what star is it now?"

Chen Chang pulled Chen Ni slightly.

Chen Ni hurriedly calmed down: "I'm sorry, my subordinates have lost their temper."

This is not to blame for the two of them, just because the cultivation of the two women is not very high, and the inner disciples they rely on are also not well-known, making their development extremely difficult at the beginning. Seeing that things were getting better now, and the status of the masters was also greatly improved, she naturally couldn't help feeling a little bit.

Xu Ziqing didn't blame him, just smiled and said, "Senior brother is a six-star disciple, and I am a five-star."

The two sisters grasped nervously with ten slender fingers, and their hearts were extremely shaken.

These two masters are really nothing to do, one is amazing... Being able to enter the Star Palace in a short period of time, and immediately have such a star rating, must have made a great contribution, or have Great glory, otherwise, how could this be?

Thinking about the recent major events, the two sisters also paid attention to them. The two masters went to participate in the battle of the Ranking List... But although the battle of the ranking list has ended, they are not the generation with hands and eyes, and they cannot find out the details of the final honorary position for the time being.

Now it seems that the two masters must have a illustrious reputation on the Billboard!

Chen Chang was also a little uneasy: "The two masters are ranked in the golden list... Can you tell the two maids?"

Chen Ni also held her breath and looked over.

Xu Ziqing pondered for a while, but still told him frankly: "Senior brother won the first place, and I also won nine. The sect master gave thirty servant orders, I have ten, and my brother twenty."

The two sisters were almost suffocated, it was such a ranking! When the two looked at the pair of senior brothers again, their eyes became more and more respectful.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Ni said sternly: "Two masters, please instruct."

Xu Ziqing smiled, stretched out his hand, and three tokens appeared in front of sister Chen Nishang.

This token is almost purple-black in color, embellished with the shadows of five stars, with three big characters "Waiter's Order" written on it.

There is more ingenuity in this thing, unless the Lord of the Star Palace, others must not refine it.

Xu Ziqing then said: "After two days, my senior brother and I will officially enter the Xingchen Palace. I want to come to the ranking list and my two names will be announced. When the time comes, you can play my name, and my servant will order it. Recruit Nascent Soul cultivator and Jindan cultivator with good qualifications. After a while, I will come here again and select the person who will give the Servant Order." He thought for a moment, and then said, "These three Servant Orders, can you? Embed it in the main hall on the first floor, and call everyone who comes and goes to see it."

Chen Ni and Chen Chang suddenly understood that when the two masters became famous, their small forces should also speed up their development... They must take the opportunity to lay a firmer foundation.

So the two sisters replied solemnly: "Please rest assured, the two masters, the maid will live up to her mission!"

Xu Ziqing listened, and smiled slightly: "This is my intention to come back here. Since you already know about it, my senior brother and I will stay soon." He paused, "Just wait."

After he finished speaking, he looked at his senior brother.

Yun Lian nodded slightly.

Then the two joined hands and turned into a ray of light that pierced through the sky.

After dealing with the development of the outer sect, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie still returned to the Zhongshan Mansion in the Wuling Mountains. The two exchanged a few words about what they had gained in the Battle of the Billboards, and Xu Ziqing asked his senior brother to release the Wulian Sword. Mix, temper your own will.

Before you know it, two days have passed.

The two brothers and sisters turned into escaping light and came all the way to the core of Zhoutian Xianzong.

There is a very high palace here, made of boulders, square and majestic. In this hall, there is another sturdy column, this is the mother column of countless Tianzhu, and it is also the center of this half-immortal artifact.

And around the mother pillar, there are several shorter pillars, which are slightly taller and thicker than the other pillars, and are evenly distributed.

On each of the slightly shorter pillars, there is a monk sitting cross-legged, and they are the people who guard the pillar.

It's just that unless there is an enemy attack, they don't need to fight against people. What they do is to guard the teleportation formation.

Yes, the secret and important places of the sect are all in the void, and the surrounding area is blocked. Unless you pass through this teleportation array, you cannot enter.

As the residence of the core disciples, the Zhoutian Xingchen Hall is no exception.

Xu Ziqing had been informed early, and it was known that the seventh pillar on the right side of the mother pillar was the passage to the Zhoutian Xingchen Hall.

He and Yun Lie jumped up, circled the Tianzhu, and went straight to the top of the column.

After landing, I saw a solemn monk sitting cross-legged on the edge of the Tianzhu. His appearance was just ordinary, but when he opened his eyes, there was a very distant and profound feeling in the depths of his eyes. Be ordinary, like ordinary people.

But Xu Ziqing and the two would not underestimate him.

Because although this person is not an unfathomable peerless person, he is a clone of a loose immortal.

After the two brothers stood still, they bowed first.

Only Xu Ziqing said: "Xu Ziqing and senior brother Yun Lie went to the Zhoutian Xingchen Hall to receive the Star Disciple token. Please, senior, open the teleportation array and let me wait."

The Sanxian clone looked indifferently: "It turned out to be the two of you." He closed his eyes slightly, and after opening his eyes again, Fang said, "Yes, it is indeed the two of you. Come on!"

After speaking, he stood up, led the two of them, and walked to the middle of the Tianzhu.

Here, the engraved

Countless extremely mysterious formations and runes, at first glance, it seems that the primordial spirit will be drawn out, thrown into the endless void, and will never find the way back.

Xu Ziqing only glanced at it, did not dare to think deeply, and then regained consciousness.

The Sanxian clone waved the sleeves of his robes, and instantly played hundreds of hand moves, which were extremely complicated and all fell into the formation.

Gradually, the teleportation array glowed with a little star, and in an instant, a beam of light that was as large as it was released, shot straight into the sky!

At this time, the Sanxian clone said again: "Just stand in."

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie obeyed and walked in.

The next moment, the two of them only felt an extremely strong suction coming from the sky, and then their feet flew into the air, as if they had crossed countless spaces, and appeared in another place very quickly.

When Xu Ziqing came back to his senses, what he saw in front of him was a vast starry sky.

Countless stars shone around, and in the depths surrounding the stars, there seemed to be something extremely terrifying. Even if you didn't spy carefully, it faintly revealed its existence, making people terrified.

Xu Ziqing looked at his steps again, and the place where he stood with his senior brother turned out to be a star.

It's just that there are only bare earth and rocks on this star, and there is no one, no vegetation, or even anything with a little vitality.

This star is just the most common death star.

The two of them were just looking around, and within the stars in front, suddenly a cultivator in a gray robe jumped out. He was a little fat, with a round face, and his face was very attractive.

At this time, the slightly fat cultivator was standing opposite the two of them, and before he could stand firm, he had already handed over and smiled: "The two young masters, but the leader of the Slaughter Sword Master Yun Lieyun, and the master of ten thousand trees, Xu Ziqing, the young master Xu. ?"

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and immediately replied: "It was Xu Ziqing and his senior brother Yun Lie who came here. What is the name of this senior brother?"

The slightly chubby cultivator smiled "haha" and waved his hands again and again: "Young master doesn't call him that, he's just a deacon, but he can't be this 'senior brother'..."

Chapter 550

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Then I have seen this deacon..."

The slightly chubby deacon also smiled and said, "My surname is Guan." Immediately, he stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, and continued, "The two young masters are here in the Zhoutian Xingchen Realm, please follow me to the Xingchen Hall first. Enter your breath and receive a star-level disciple order."

Xu Ziqing nodded spontaneously: "Please take care of the deacon."

Even now, Deacon Guan knew that Young Master Yun had an indifferent temperament among the two, and often used what Young Master Xu had to say.

The whole body of this dragon is crystal clear, the scales are clearly carved like gems, the color is full, and it is extremely beautiful.

It is not a real dragon, but seems to be transformed by a magic weapon, but it looks like a real dragon.

Guan Deacon boarded the dragon's head, and Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie did not need him to invite him, so they followed and stood under the neck of the silver dragon.

At this time, Xu Ziqing also realized that the silver dragon's eyes are very smart, but its body... reminded him of what he saw when he watched the inheritance of the Thousand Puppet Gate, and knew that it was probably a puppet.

Although Deacon Guan stood at the head of the faucet, he never ignored the two behind him. Seeing Xu Ziqing's clear expression, he couldn't help showing a hint of admiration: "Master Xu seems to have guessed it."

Xu Ziqing pondered for a while, and said, "This seems to be made of dragon blood wood after blending into the real dragon scale armor... It is so dexterous that it must be obtained by pulling out a flooded monster and smelting it. "

Deacon Guan became more and more admirable: "It turns out that Young Master Xu also understands the way of puppets."

Xu Ziqing shook his head and smiled and said, "I only know a little bit about it, so I can only talk about it on paper. If you want me to try it myself, it won't work."

Deacon Guan's expression did not change, and he smiled brightly: "Xu Shaozhu is humble, and the way of immortality must be dàng."

After the two said these few words, the silver dragon's body was meandering, and it had already disappeared into the depths of the stars.

Xu Ziqing realized that several of them were constantly approaching the place he thought was dangerous before... But since there was nothing unusual about the deacon, the dangerous place must be dangerous, but it was not dangerous to them.

Sure enough, not long after, a great hall appeared in front.

This hall is more majestic and majestic than anything Xu Ziqing has ever seen before. It is like a 10,000-kilometre peak, standing firmly in the void, among the stars!

You don't even have to look closely, Xu Ziqing already knows that this hall must be the Zhoutian Xingchen Hall!

And around this Star Palace, the star power is extremely surging, almost forming a substance, solidifying the surrounding space, like glue, like a sticky rǔ juice that can't be dissolved, even if you don't approach, you can be oppressed by its momentum, It's even breathless.

At the same time, behind the Hall of Stars, the blue-violet sky became even deeper, almost dark.

In that starry sky, there are also many stars shining, but these stars appear and disappear from time to time. If they seem to be absent, people can't see the traces at all, but they can feel the terrifying pressure inside. No.

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