The silver dragon swung its long tail and stopped several thousand feet in front of the Hall of Stars.

At such a distance, as long as the hundred-zhang-long silver dragon flicks a few times, it can immediately approach.

Guan Deacon's face became a little serious, he turned his head and said to the two brothers: "Master Xu, Master Yun, the back of the Xingchen Palace is a forbidden area, if there is no order from the elders of Xingchen, you must not spy on your own, otherwise you are afraid that your life will be lost. Save."

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie heard the words and understood that this was a rule, so they wrote it down.

Deacon Guan was relieved to see that the two had a good attitude.

That place is called "Dark Star Territory", and many of the secrets of the Zhoutian star world are in it, and those secretly flickering stars are the residences of the elders of the stars. These deacons also have silver dragon mounts to pass through, but Rao has to be careful everywhere, otherwise they will also be in danger... The danger there is not only from the different temperaments of the powers, but also from the Not very stable starry sky.

Afterwards, he slapped the silver dragon's head and took the two to the Hall of Stars.

At this time, Xu Ziqing realized that there was a fairly wide passage area near the Hall of Stars, and the star power on both sides was sticky, which brought a vague pressure, but the place where the silver dragon swam was much easier.

In less than a few breaths, the silver dragon has come to the front of the Xingchen Hall, and a dragon head is placed on the wide hall platform.

Executive Guan jumped down beforehand, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing followed, while Yinlong waited in place.

A group of people entered the hall, Xu Ziqing stepped in, but also stood in the void.

Such a sight made his heart tremble.

In the hall, there is also an endless night sky, and in this night sky, there are also countless bright "stars".

Looking closely, those "Xingzi" are not real Xingzi, but jade plaques with brilliance flowing, very shiny, only in the center, there is a ray of air surging, like a jumping flame, and it seems Twinkling stars.

Deacon Guan didn't wait for the two to ask questions, and said first: "Two young masters, this is 'breathing the fire'."

Xu Ziqing was startled: "Could it be... the fire of breath that I'm waiting for?"

Deacon Guan nodded solemnly: "Yes, it is the fire of the breath of all star-level disciples."

The use of this "breathing fire" is similar to that of mixed lamps, mixed fires, blood talismans, etc. It is all about refining the things that are closely related to the monks into one thing that connects their lives, which can reflect the safety of the monks. The protection of the disciples is also the monitoring of the disciples.

In the Zhoutian Xianzong, not every cultivator is qualified to leave the fire, only the core disciples—that is, the star-level disciples in the Zhoutian Xingchen Hall, have this qualification.

If the star disciple falls outside, the breath fire will be extinguished. If it is injured, the breath fire will either dim or become weak, which is very clear. If it is a disciple who is very much favored by the sect, once the fire has such a reaction, the almighty in the sect will detect it, and may find the trace of the disciple who is out of the fire through the fire and go to rescue. Even if it is 100,000 miles away, for some extremely large cultivators, it is often just a thought or a few steps away.

Deacon Guan was explaining to the two when suddenly, in the night sky, an old man in black robes appeared.

This life was short and withered, almost all of his flesh was shriveled, his bones were thin, and he was like a candle that had been teared out of tears. He doesn't look like a threat, just like an ordinary mortal, without a breath of qiáng, if there is a little bit of strangeness, it is that his eyes, like the last bit of starlight, are a little bright, and they are about to fall. general.

But this person appeared abruptly and silently, and none of the three people in the three sessions could see his traces. It could be seen that he was not an ordinary person at all, but a peerless person who returned to the basics and made it difficult for people to approach.

Then he spoke, his voice hoarse and unpleasant: "breath...give me."

Deacon Guan listened, and hurriedly said to the pair of brothers and sisters: "Two young masters, please quickly pick up Fuyu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little old man over there had already lost two light groups.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie immediately reached out and held each other.

Deacon Guan added: "Two young masters, please introduce your breath."

The two brothers and sisters naturally followed suit.

Soon, there was a trace of breath flowing between the two pieces of snow-white jade.

Deacon Guan hurriedly took back the talisman and put it into the hands of the short old man. I saw the old man rubbing the two pieces of talisman with his fingers, and the breath in the middle immediately became stronger and more agile!

At this time, the fire is generated.

Immediately, the dwarf old man threw the two pieces of talisman, and they turned into two spots of light, disappearing into the densely packed countless breath fires.

The two brothers made another mistake, and the short old man disappeared again.

Likewise, no one noticed how he acted, how he left.

Seeing this, Deacon Guan wiped his sweat: "It's done, you two, please go out with me."

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, of course, also went out.

The three returned to Yinlong's back and left the Star Palace.

At this time, Deacon Guan took the two back, and the direction Yinlong went was another starry sky opposite to the Xingchen Palace.

Xu Ziqing thought for a while and couldn't help but ask: "Govern the deacon, who is the senior in the hall..."

Deacon Guan sighed, and there was a hint of reverence in his tone: "That senior is a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal."

Xu Ziqing was horrified: "...Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal?"

Deacon Guan nodded, and his voice came back again.

Some heavy: "This senior has long since known his name, only know that when the Zhoutian Xingchen Temple appeared, he had already protected the elders of this Xingchen Temple, and everyone up and down called him 'Xing Lao'. "

"It is rumored that Xing Lao was a Nine Tribulation Loose Immortal when he appeared, and countless years later, he is still a Nine Tribulation Loose Immortal. He can't leave the Xingchen Hall, otherwise it will cause a thunder calamity. In order to protect the foundation of the Immortal Sect, I would rather not ascend to immortality!"

Under the immortal world, scattered immortals are respected.

And the Loose Immortals of the Nine Tribulations are the most respected ones, and almost no one can match them.

Those who fail to cross the tribulation but still have their Yuan Ying to transfer to the Loose Immortal, suffer the thunder tribulation once every five thousand years, just for the sake of ascension and have another chance. The Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal who gave up the last step of the ascension was almost unprecedented.

Elder Xing guards the Hall of Stars, in fact, guarding every star disciple.

These disciples are the seeds of the Zhoutian Xianzong. As long as they are there, the inheritance will be there, and the sect will not be extinguished.

And in the entire Xingchen Hall, only this old Xingxing can watch over the fire.

As mentioned in the previous article, Xihuo reported the news of the core disciples, so that the sect could monitor these disciples to a certain extent, and also protect these disciples. However, not everyone in the sect is selfless, and even if there is no selfishness at the beginning, it may not be selfish in the future.

If there is a group of people with entangled interests, who want to use the fire to spy on the traces of outstanding disciples, and take the opportunity to get rid of the future seeds in the other party's interest group... If everyone is like this, there is no fairness in the sect, and it will be difficult to continue to develop.

Therefore, Xing Lao voluntarily stayed, and his emotions and desires had already been extracted.

He is the fairest, has no selfish desires, and only recognizes tokens and not people. He took care of every wisp of fire and knew where it came from. If the breath fire anywhere weakens, it is also the breath fire of his ward who will give the breath to the other party.

The rest of the people, etc., are not allowed to spy on the fire without permission.

And anyone who intends to touch the fire, no matter what status or status, will be attacked by him with the power of thunder!

Chapter 551

Hearing what Deacon Guan said, Xu Ziqing couldn't help showing reverence in his eyes: "This old star does this... It's really rare."

The reason why immortal cultivators cultivate immortals is to gain immortality and become immortals? Elder Xing actually gave up this opportunity when he was about to become an immortal. What kind of perseverance and dedication did he have? Of course he deserves his utmost respect.

Even Yun Lie had a cold temperament, and his eyes flickered slightly at this time.

He was the same as what his younger brother thought.

There is still a long way to go, but the deacon can easily tell the origin of Xing Lao - but most of the star disciples who come to the Xingchen world will pay respect to Xing Laosheng after lighting the fire, and they will also be very curious about him. .

After a long time, he is also willing to tell more, and it is also to let these disciples understand the meaning of Xing Lao's virtue.

Speaking of Xing Lao, his aptitude is also very ordinary, even just a poor baby whose parents were killed by demons. At that time, there was a talented young monk who entered the inner door just after forming the pill, accepted the task of eliminating demons, and just happened to save the newborn baby in the hands of the demon.

After that, the young monk had another direct disciple.

The young cultivator raised Xing Lao single-handedly, and loved him almost as if he was his own son. No matter how slow Xing Lao's entry was, he never gave up on him with all his heart, and even took a lot of money from his own resources. Help Xing Lao to continue to practice. And Xing Lao's character is also very dull, and even slowly become a little inferior in the jealousy of others, but what remains unchanged is that he also regards the monk-his master as his biological father, and he is full of admiration. Affection.

If it goes on like this, at most the young cultivator will ascend first, but Elder Xing accidentally offended a great master of the calamity period during the Nascent Soul period and almost died. His master was in the Mahayana period at that time, and he was able to fly immortals, but he went to fight with Da Neng in order to avenge him. Afterwards, although he successfully killed Da Neng, he was besieged by Da Neng's fellow sect and injured. At the root, the possibility of Feixian was destroyed. But even though he cut off the immortal road for Xing Lao, he still took good care of Xing Lao, Xing Lao was in constant pain, and from then on, he was ashamed and brave, and went up against the current.

However, this cultivator is still extremely intelligent, and later became the elder of the sect, and later he has made countless contributions to become the sect master, carefully cultivating the younger disciples.

Xing Lao gave birth to a demon because of this incident. Even if he could finally transcend the Tribulation Fei Xian, he almost fell because of it. Only Nascent Soul escaped and transferred to San Xian. It was his master, who made his contribution to exchange precious resources for him, allowing him to survive the thunder tribulations several times. After Xing Lao finally had enough strength, he went to kill the person who besieged his master back then. However, after many years, the master Shouyuan, who died on the Xianlu road, was also exhausted due to various reasons, the soul dissipated, and finally he couldn't rest assured. , is also Xing Lao and his teacher.

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