These nebulae were lingering around the opening of the one-eyed. The two of them were just thrown in when they were caught by the starlight. The whole person only felt weightless, and flew straight up and was teleported to another place.

After Xu Ziqing opened his eyes, there were a galaxy of stars in front of him.

——No, if it is a river, it is better to say it is a stream. It is a light belt composed of stars, dotted in the night, and extending long into the distance.

In the sea of ​​stars, countless fallen stars and stars condense into long "streams", and countless "streams" converge in one place, almost like the sea.

These bands of light are disordered and irregular, and many even don't know where to start and where they end. In front of many "streams", there are disciples of Zhou Tian wearing star robes sitting cross-legged and seeming to be immersed in it; some are wielding swords and holding magic weapons; some are immersed in "streams", with faint stars between their eyebrows; Unleash supernatural powers, constantly polish; and dance like crazy... and so on, the scenes are all different.

There are even many who have already moved and moved, standing still with their eyes closed, like a statue, their six senses are all closed, and the whole heart is constantly rehearsing and comprehending!

Each "stream" can only accommodate one person. Naturally, there are many "streams" before no one has gone.

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie, and Yun Lie also looked over at this time.

Both of them knew clearly that at this time, they should branch out and find the "streams" that would be useful to them, and comprehend the mystery. Even if they are dual cultivators, their ways are different, and they must not stay in the same place.

However, the road to cultivation is long, this is just a small farewell, and there is no need to reluctantly part.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Senior brother, I'm going."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Cultivation with peace of mind."

Xu Ziqing said "Yes, Senior Brother" again, and the whole person swayed and disappeared.

There are "streams", each of which exudes a strange aura. Xu Ziqing escapes while releasing his consciousness. For some unknown reason, it seems that since he entered the Starfall Sea, he knew a lot about the Starfall Sea, and immediately understood how to comprehend it here.

His divine consciousness spread out at this time, and his brows flashed with blue light. After a while, a Tai Chi yīn yang fish appeared behind him, which was the manifestation of his small universe. The wood qi lingered around him, and it seemed that endless wood qi burst out from within his body, covering the surface of his fleshly body, so that his whole body was also covered with a layer of blue light. Consciousness, let go of the breath.

At this time, Xu Ziqing had vaguely merged into the sea of ​​stars.

His breath is searching for the "stream" that is helpful to him. After ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles... Finally, a ray of consciousness seemed to be pulled by something, and was inhaled in an instant!

At that moment, it seemed that there were countless mysterious meanings that turned into a boundless scene, transmitted from the "stream", and vaguely engraved in his sea of ​​consciousness!

At this moment, Xu Ziqing suddenly felt an impatience in his heart. This was because he was attracted by "Tao", and it seemed to resonate with something, which gave him endless curiosity and boundless exploration.

So far, where did he not understand?

The place where that wisp of consciousness was inhaled was undoubtedly the "stream" he needed!

Immediately, Xu Ziqing did not hesitate, he immediately withdrew all other divine senses, and hurried away in that direction. It seems that his wish has come true, and it is obviously extremely far away, but in the moment of his thought, he immediately arrives - this is also the magic of Xingyunhai, anyone who comes here, whoever is caught by someone The attractors of "streams" can come and go freely, reaching every corner in an instant.

That's right, when Xu Ziqing stood in front of the "stream" he had chosen, he realized that even the divine consciousness he had released before spread across the entire sea of ​​stars in an instant. Otherwise, he would not have found the place he needed so quickly.

Afterwards, Xu Ziqing walked slowly to the edge of the "stream", lowered his head, and looked into it.

At this moment, the entire primordial spirit seemed to be pulled into an extremely wonderful world, making him seem to be reincarnated in another world, and it seemed to be illusory in the air, seeing countless scenes that were extremely strange but very clear. It's not as blurry as he just showed in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

This is the change of the stars.

Since a little force in the universe has contracted, countless gravels have gathered, condensed into clusters, and continued to expand. In this expansion, the Qi of the Five Elements gathers and penetrates every inch of gravel, but it has different shades. In this group of gravel, many special places are separated.

I don't know how many years later, the gravel can no longer be called gravel. The mysterious power in the void descends, and it interacts with those special places for a moment, and later, a surging power is born!

Since then, no new gravel has been attracted again, and the shrinking force has also become the smallest point, compressed in the deepest part of the huge thing formed by this gravel.

In this way, a star was also formed!

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, these forces interact with each other, making those special places turn into mountains, rivers, seas, jungles, fires, and minerals. In the mutual interaction of water and wood, in the fusion of the five elements, countless kinds of creatures are born.

The living beings migrate and grow with each day, and then die after the end of their lifespan. After the death, the body returns to the soil, and the mixed soul re-enters samsara, or it dissipates and returns to the heaven and the earth... Until there is another reincarnation, it is born again. .

Life and death, reincarnation.

this kind of

The scene actually recorded the countless years before this star died.

The stars on the stars have a cycle of life and death, from the beginning to the fall, the stars also go from birth to death...

This is also the way of reincarnation of life and death, but it is different from the way Xu Ziqing cultivates.

His way, derived from ten thousand trees, is based on the tree of vitality, but the way just now carries the birth and death of a star... If it is small, he is based on one of the five elements, the universe and all things, Can't escape the meaning of the five elements, how can it be said to be small? But if it is big, how can he dare to say that it is greater than the understanding contained in a star? At this time, it seemed to confuse him.

Xu Ziqing was stunned. In the yīn yang taiji fish behind him, among the yīn fish and the yang fish, there was a telescopic faucet on one side, and demon vines on the other side, as if they wanted to get out, and they seemed to be comprehending something.

Blue light flickered endlessly in his eyebrows, and his whole person seemed to be insane.

He vaguely understood that his way is small and big, but in fact, there is no need to distinguish too much. From the small, you can see the big, but from the big, you may not be able to see the details... This star's conception of life and death is related to his The way of reincarnation of life and death resonates, and he only needs to comprehend it carefully here until he is fully enlightened, or he has no enlightenment.

It is no wonder that many star-level disciples want to cultivate here, and it is no wonder that Zhou Tianxianzong regards this place as a secret realm.

If every star-level disciple can find the one that resonates with him among these fallen stars, then they will have a great openness in mind and knowledge with the help of the power of the entire star!

For Xu Ziqing, the first comprehension was the most shocking. Naturally, this was also his chance.

On the other end, Yun Lie also let go of his consciousness, and in just a few breaths, he fled to the place that attracted him.

Chapter 559

Yun Lie stood quietly in front of the "stream" and immersed his whole mind in it.

This is also a star that suddenly converged when the universe expanded and contracted, but it suffered an unpredictable blow at the moment of its initial formation.

It was an awe-inspiring sword light—just for a challenge in the future, just to make oneself meditate, a hazy but incomparably tall figure slashed recklessly with the long sword in his hand!

So the stars have been destroyed before they were formed. What a surprise at the moment before that, how resentment at this moment. Its body was split into countless small pieces by the sword light and scattered to all sides.

Every small piece is covered with the will of the stars, that is hate!

hatred! hatred! hatred!

Hate why it falls short!

Hate not be able to give birth to life!

I hate that Jianxiu's reckless actions, destroying its foundation for his own selfishness!

I hate all the sword cultivators in the world, I wish I could kill them all!

Countless years have passed, and these pieces have secretly produced boundless hatred, but they also retained the sword intent of the sword cultivator who smashed the stars with that sword, thus... attracting more sword cultivators to come.

The will of the stars is about to dissipate a long time ago, and the pieces that the fragments have shared are not enough to attract the attention of these sword cultivators.

Later, some sword cultivators discovered these fragments and began to compete for enlightenment on these fragments.

And their sword intent was also absorbed by the pieces, their kendo realm, their kendo comprehension, were all greedily seized by the pieces, and their murderous aura when they swung their swords was also gathered and turned into their own by the pieces!

They came, learned, and left.

No one noticed the difference between these pieces.

They only thought that these fragments were treasures left by their ancestors...

Countless years have passed, and these fragments have settled in the depths of the starry sky, and there is no legend that Jianxiu obtained these fragments.

However, these fragments have continued to absorb starlight for many years and continue to gather gravel again, and at the same time, they also continue to form huge things similar to stars.

At the same time, these stars with the same will have formed a "stream".

It's just that these stars are covered with countless sword intents and countless mad killing thoughts, as well as boundless hatred for Jian Xiu... and the intimacy and dependence of the source that is unwilling to admit.

Under such circumstances, these stars simply cannot give birth to life, that is... they cannot "live".


Before he was born, he died first.

At the moment when Yun Lie was immersed in his mind, a figure condensed out of thin air on a star.

This figure was holding a long sword, and the whole body erupted with fierce momentum, with boundless and majestic sword intent erupting, and in those empty eyes, there was also a fierce and mad killing intent!

However, his face is sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, and constantly changing.

This should be the face of the sword cultivator who used to practice swordsmanship on fragments a long time ago.

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