Yun Lie's expression was cold and fearless.

After that, his sword split into a wisp and turned into a white phantom. He held the black and gold long sword and collided with the figure frontally! They fight!

Yes, the sword of Yun Lie is the sword of ruthlessness and the sword of slaughter.

Therefore, if he wants to enter the country, he can only——


Constantly and fearlessly fighting.

Thirty-two years later.

In front of the "stream", the young monk in Tsing Yi opened his eyes. There was a cloud of blue light in his left eye, but a black light in his right eye. After that, the light gradually became brighter, and finally he became a person with clear pupils. normal binocular.

It just seems to be more lustrous than ordinary eyes, and it also has many more ancient meanings.

At this time, the yīn yang taiji fish behind the Qingyi cultivator suddenly turned into a glimmer of light, and in the blink of an eye, it plunged into his eyebrows. The ground bounced for a moment... The next moment, the seed sprouted and turned into a green plant, and the plant grew and matured rapidly, and soon bloomed beautiful and beautiful flowers. But within three breaths, the strange flowers withered, the leaves fell, the branches withered... In the end, there was only a speck of dust left.

Afterwards, the dust particles turned into green awns and germinated again.

Ninety-nine to eighty-one times like this, the blue-clothed cultivator folded his fingers together, and the green light disappeared.

This is a drill, a drill of the Tao.

After years of comprehension, Xu Ziqing has not made great progress in cultivation, but his understanding of the way of life and death is more than ten times more than before.

With the help of a star, it is like watching the reincarnation of countless creatures at the same time. For him, he will naturally have a great harvest.

Now, Xu Ziqing no longer needs to manifest Xiao Qiankun, and he can directly condense a huge wooden dragon around his body in the blink of his eyes. He can also make demon vines appear in the snap of his fingers and turn into a sea of ​​vines.

During this period of time, he absorbed nearly half of the crystallization of the power of time and space, all of which was used to consolidate the small universe. .

This is the gradual improvement of the laws of a world, and the will of the world's master, Xu Ziqing, has finally become a little more refined, and the combination with Xiao Qiankun is more profound.

However, the current Xiao Qiankun is still only under Xu Ziqing's will. In his mind, what he needs in the Xiao Qiankun will be in the Xiao Qiankun.

When Xiao Qiankun completely becomes a world, Xu Ziqing is still the master of the world, but there will be real creatures in the world - spontaneously conceived, not merged by the master of the world.

This is also the ultimate hope of every person with a small universe.

The first comprehension was over, Xu Ziqing stood up and left the "stream" for the time being.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to comprehend, but that his mind is broken now, and if he tries to realize it again, I'm afraid it won't be very effective.

Moreover, he still has some things that he needs to do.

Xu Ziqing passed by very quickly in the air like a wisp of smoke.

Turning his head inadvertently, he saw a man dressed in white standing in the distance, definitely not moving, like a mountain.

Xu Ziqing knew that it was his senior brother who was still in meditation... He didn't want to be disturbed, he just took a serious look and turned to leave the sea of ​​stars.

Then, a force of throwing suddenly grabbed him, and Xu Ziqing appeared on the periphery of the "one-eyed" as soon as he became lighter. Not far away, the huge black shadow was still guarding. Xu Ziqing turned his head and nodded to the giant shadow, then flew out... He found the nearest star and settled down for the time being, the "one-eyed" was very far away, he was in There should be nothing wrong with staying here.

Xu Ziqing passed his thoughts to Jia Er through the blood deed, and then slowly accumulated true essence cross-legged.

About half an hour later, Xing Chenshuo arrived here.

Xu Ziqing stepped in, and together with Jia Er, hurried towards the Twin Stars.

A group of star slaves have been waiting there. They know that Xu Ziqing first came out of the sea of ​​​​stars, and now they have not seen Yun Lie, so they are not surprised.

Jia had prepared a good meal early in the morning, and served Xu Ziqing with all the star slaves.

After the meal, Xu Ziqing entered the Immortal Mansion, to consolidate the previous understanding, and then use the sticky aura in the Immortal Mansion to accumulate a lot of True Yuan.

So he closed again.

In the blink of an eye, another three years.

On this day, Xu Ziqing walked out of the immortal mansion and said, "Jia Er, you go out with me, while Jia Yi and the rest are here waiting for senior brother to leave the customs."

All the star slaves responded in unison: "Follow Master Xu's order!"

Xu Ziqing didn't say much, took Jia Er, and took the star shuttle to the place where the stars were sent.

Star-level disciples, it's not that they can't leave the Xingchen Hall, but the star-level disciples who came here, just because the whole star aura is used for them, makes them reluctant to leave, not to mention the star meteor sea. This kind of secret place really makes people feel like entering the holy realm of cultivation, and they are unwilling to travel, làng Fei Guang yīn.

And if you want to go out, you have to go to the teleportation star.

There are only a dozen or so teleportation stars, and each one goes to the same place, and the place where each one is located is only between neighbors.

When Xu Ziqing came here, someone came to receive him, and he didn't need to say anything. After the teleportation array flashed, he and the Jia Eryi

He got up and quickly returned to the Zhou Tianxian Sect. On the extremely high Tianzhu, he saw the scattered immortal clone. He saluted the senior again, and the other party didn't care why he had one more person.

After jumping off the Tianzhu, Xu Ziqing took Jia Er and went straight to the outer door first.

The two turned into two escaping lights, one in front and one behind, quickly escaping.

In less than half an hour, the outer door arrived.

This time, Xu Ziqing didn't hide it, but the wind was blowing under his feet, wearing this five-star robe, with a respectful Mahayana star slave Jia Er, and fell together on the street where the Yangling Tower was located.

In an instant, it attracted the attention of many monks coming and going.

"That's... the five-star disciple of Xingchen Hall?"

"The core disciple of the inner door..."

"Silence! Don't make that person angry!"

"Look at his whereabouts, yes, yes..."

"Could it be that what Yanglinglou said was actually true!"

Many very thin discussions rang out in the mouths of some monks, like whispers.

These voices are naturally received in Xu Ziqing's ears, and these words must not shake the will of any star disciple.

Otherwise, how dare they do this?

Xu Ziqing rarely shows his identity, so he has his own intentions.

Now, he walked slowly to the front of Yangling Tower.

Here, sisters Chen Ni and Chen Chang, who received the whistle early in return, also dressed up and greeted each other outside the building.

"My maid Chen Ni—"

"My servant Chen Chang-"

"Congratulations to the arrival of the master!"

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "You two have worked hard."

Chen Ni and Chen Chang looked at each other and said "don't dare".

At this time, a lot of people came to the whole street, and the other two forces that stood on three pillars with Yangling Tower also heard the wind and sent people to come.

Xu Ziqing was welcomed into the Yangling Tower by the two sisters, but she looked at the second eye armor.

Jia Er understood, he stretched out his finger and swiped in front of the building, and in an instant, no one could enter except those who were already in the building.

The people in the building are not allowed to come in.

Chapter 560: The Reaction During Those Years

Yangling Tower is now equipped with an expansion spell, which not only increases the size of the lobby on the first floor dozens of times, but also has a lot more rooms, and the number of rooms on the second floor has also increased. Ten rooms increased to 100 rooms, and eight rooms with five times the concentration increased to 25 rooms!

At the same time, the number of monks who joined Yangling Tower has grown from forty to fifty to hundreds, becoming a force that cannot be ignored on this street.

On weekdays, there are also many people who earn Yangling Points in Yangling Building and are able to become peripheral people here and rent many rooms on the second floor.

At this time, after Xu Ziqing led Xingnu Jiaer into the Yangling Building, many keen-eyed monks entered the lobby of this building early.

Therefore, there are thousands of people, monks of different realms and cultivation bases, all standing there. They are talking in a low voice, but their expressions are also quite cautious and respectful.

Surrounded by the two sisters, Xu Ziqing went straight to the innermost part of the lobby, and then a sturdy vine grew under his feet, entangled and circled all the way up.

Finally, it stopped about two feet from the ground.

And around the main vine, there are several branches, which also form the appearance of seats. They hold up the two sisters of the Chen family and several stewards in the Yangling Building. Only the second one sits cross-legged two feet behind Xu Ziqing. s position.

Seeing that there are still some mixed words below, Jia Er's eyes swept away, the pressure spread like mercury, and in the blink of an eye, the entire lobby was filled!

This huge coercion is really powerful, and it immediately shows boundless majesty. In an instant, all the monks quieted down.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly and said in a harmonious voice, "Everyone, please take a seat."

Sister Chen Nishang waved, and all the monks who served as guards in Yangling Tower were divided into two columns, standing in front of the walls on both sides.

After hearing Xu Ziqing's words, they all looked at each other and sat cross-legged in the middle of the two rows of guards, in front of the huge main vine.

At this moment, Xu Ziqing pointed with his finger, and the three waiter orders that had been hanging in the hall immediately rose into the air and returned to his palm.

His action was seen by many cultivators below, and the pupils suddenly contracted.

What does this star cultivator want?

Is this move to fulfill the promise, or to take back this thing and put it on hold?

The many monks sitting cross-legged now, except for the members of the Yangling Tower originally, most of the others came for the order of the waiter.

As early as more than 30 years ago, after the Battle of Fengyun Ranking, Zhou Tianxianzong's several star-level disciples were famous on the gold list, showing great prestige, the reputation of those star-level disciples gradually spread, resounding throughout the sect. .

Among them, two new cultivators were in the limelight, and they were almost never heard of before, which attracted more and more people to inquire.

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