Yun Lie's mind was clear, and he knew what his younger brother was thinking, so he nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, let's fight."

Canglan Sword Immortal's eyes were calm, he stood up and swiped his finger to the empty space in front of him.

In an instant, a kind of restriction appeared there, transparent and colorless, spreading like water waves, containing unparalleled power. This is exactly a kind of magical power condensed by Sword Immortals. Unless the power of the two can kill the Loose Immortals, the prohibition will not be broken, and it will not hurt Xu Ziqing who is exercising power. Transforming Immortals. Ask him two people to compete with each other, and don't have to be distracted by the safety of the people in their hearts.

Yun Lie didn't move, and strode into the restriction.

Sword Immortal Canglan walked steadily, and with each step, the aura on his body decreased a bit... Gradually, after more than ten steps, the aura he exuded was already on the same level as Yun Lie.

The two stood opposite each other, both raising their eyes slightly.

Immediately, Yun Lie's black golden sword was already in his hand, and Canglan Sword Immortal, at an unknown time in his palm, also showed a very thin, transparent long sword like a water pattern.

Canglan Sword Immortal smiled casually: "Okay, let me experience the power of that Six Refinement Sword Mix!"

Yun Lie didn't say much, just raised his hand and slashed.

In an instant, a thin black gold thread flickered and silently approached Canglan Sword Immortal!

This sword intent is extremely fast, so fast that the Sword Immortal almost never reacted, it already conveyed a terrifying sense of danger, and even the chill that was about to harvest human life had to penetrate the Canglan Sword Immortal's body. collar!

Although Canglan Sword Immortal knew that the Six Refinement Sword Confusion was bound to be extremely powerful, he still despised it because of the Yun Lie realm. At this time, he sensed the threat, his mind was upright, and his actions naturally changed immediately.

At the moment, his wrist trembled, and a wisp of water wave suddenly rippling, stopped directly in front of him, and called that black gold ray slashing on the water wave - but the five-refinement sword mix was not as pure as the six-refinement sword, and the water wave was instantly destroyed. Slashed, the ray of light moved further forward. But the moment when the water pattern was broken, it gave Canglan Sword Immortal a chance to react. With a sway of his figure, he stepped back a few feet, and cut out a wave of water with his backhand again, and attacked with the black gold!

After such a series of water waves, the black gold ray was finally completely stopped, and the two phases canceled.

Yun Lie and Canglan Sword Immortal were in the wrong figures, and after a little warm-up, they had already fought together in an instant.

The black gold awns and the light blue water waves are rubbing against each other from time to time, and every time a few rays of light flash, it is extremely beautiful, but it is also extremely dangerous. Outside, other people can only see the light spots, but if you enter it, you will find that the sword net is vertical and horizontal, and the sword is overflowing, which is a very terrifying atmosphere!

After that, Xu Ziqing worked hard again for a year, and Yun Lie and Canglan Sword Immortal fought countless times, and a year passed.

Sometimes the two of them fight for days and nights, but sometimes after a few tricks, they ponder on their own.

However, the situation has been changing. Canglan Sword Immortal initially only used the realm of the middle stage of God Transformation to fight against Yun Lie, but over time, he gradually became unsupported, and because the realm of kendo was slightly inferior, he turned to improve his cultivation The first layer, turned into the late stage of God Transformation, was once again on par with Yun Lie. But even so, Yun Lie was still entering the country, almost a thousand miles away, making people speechless.

Later, Canglan Sword Immortal even had to raise her realm to the middle stage of leaving the body before she could completely contain Yun Lie!

In short, if Yun Lie played against the people in the early out-of-bore body, he could have a slight upper hand, but if he fought against the middle-stage out-of-bore body, he would definitely lose. But even if it is defeated, I am afraid that I can escape...

After each battle, Yun Lie meditated to adjust his breath, and meditated to realize his enlightenment. One year later, his cultivation level had also risen to the peak of the middle stage of God Transformation, and he only needed an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

In just two years, the two brothers and sisters squeezed their own potential, and they have achieved "a hundred feet and a step further".

Another day, Yun Lie fought with Canglan Sword Immortal, and after re-stabilizing the foundation, he said, "I'll leave when I say goodbye."

Canglan Sword Immortal was startled.

At this time, Xu Ziqing had just given a round of indoctrination and was recovering his true essence. Now that he heard it, he turned to look at his senior brother. Then he smiled slightly: "Senior brother is right."

Having been here for two years, it is indeed time to go back.

When Immortal Venerable Qinghua heard this, his expression was a little hesitant.

Canglan Sword Immortal said, "In the blink of an eye, the two little friends have worked hard, and it's time to go back and rest for a while."

Immortal Venerable Qinghua moved his lips slightly, but said nothing.

Xu Ziqing had already recovered at this time, and then smiled: "The younger generation spends all this time, and the gourd is always dissatisfied. In the end, it's a bit boring, but it's a bit unbearable. I hope the two seniors don't take offense."

Senior brother's decision must not be wrong, although he still has spare strength, but even if the wood is constantly nourished and the dantian meridians are broadened, it has reached its limit.

Moreover, in the past two years, he poured so much real energy into it, and he should be able to use it for a period of time.

Immortal Venerable Qinghua was not good to keep people again, he just smiled and said: "Little friends help, concubine is full of kindness, how can there be any reason to blame? But if there are some deficiencies, I am afraid I will have to trouble you in the future..."

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this? At that time, the two seniors will just summon the juniors."

With the honor of the two loose immortals, it should be easy to pass the news to them.

Having said that, Immortal Venerable Qinghua flipped the palm of his hand, took out the fire in the wood, and handed it over.

However, Xu Ziqing waved his hand to refuse: "When the matter of the senior is over, the senior will continue.

It is not too late to give to the younger generation, and now that I have not done my best, I dare not take this. "

Although it is said that the heart of harming others is not necessary, the heart of defending others is also indispensable.

Things have never been done properly, and this thing is too hot to receive.

When the two scattered immortals saw this, they also understood his thoughts, and they were about to put away the fire in the wood for the time being.

At the same time, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also said goodbye and stopped staying here.

Chapter 574

A1A2 waited outside for two years. Although I didn't know the reason, I heard that the two young masters were helping the two scattered immortals. In addition to being surprised, I also had some doubts.

The two young masters are indeed talented, but if they are in the realm of gods, they will be helpful to loose immortals. It is inevitable to speculate a little bit more, and it will also give birth to a lot of cares.

However, Duobaolou is not an ordinary force in the end. The two Mahayana monks did not immediately go wild. Besides, they are the young masters and star slaves, but they are also very clear about the safety of the two young masters.

So, just wait patiently.

It's just that although Duobaolou also arranged a comfortable and quiet room for the two of them to move to practice, they would rather stay behind the gate and refuse to leave easily.

Until this day, the door behind him suddenly opened, and A, A, and A hurriedly got up, and finally saw the figures of the two young masters. At this moment, they just felt relieved and called out in unison, "Young Master!"

Seeing that the two of them looked a little tired, Xu Ziqing pondered for a while, and knew that they had been waiting for two years and their hearts were burning, so he smiled: "You two have worked hard, and now you can go back. People can get second class."

A-1 and A-2 looked at each other with joy: "Yes, thank you, Young Master Xu!"

For example, Xingnu and others, if there is no young master to follow, they can only receive a fourth-class case; after following the young master, they can receive a third-class case based on their own different cultivation realms; if they want to mention the second-class, they need to It is necessary to make the young master quite satisfied with what he has done; only after he has made a great contribution can he be mentioned as a first-class case.

Therefore, it can be said that all the resources obtained by the star slaves are also in the hands of the young master.

For the past few years, Jia, Jia, and two have followed the two brothers and sisters, and they can only have three equal cases. Now, because they have done things very properly for a hundred years, they are now very loyal. Xu Ziqing felt it, so he took the two as an example. One percent.

Now, don't look at it, just talking about raising the case for two years. If the two are still meticulous and rigorous two years later, then the case will not go down any more.

The two Mahayana cultivators naturally understood this truth and were very happy, because the second-class case was not only twice as many as the third-class case, but also could get some magical treasures, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, etc. source of joy.

But it is also because of this that many star disciples have their hearts attached to the sect, and they will not arbitrarily promote the status of star slaves.

Even Xu Ziqing only gave A, A, A, and a second. Those star slaves below the Mahayana realm who were guarding the treasure car were not able to receive such treatment.

Soon, the old man who was also guarding the gate led everyone out.

After Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie completely left the building, in the gate, the two scattered immortals took back their immortal knowledge.

Sword Immortal Canglan looked at Immortal Venerable Qinghua with a gentle expression: "Qinghua, can you use this gourd true essence?"

Immortal Venerable Qinghua held the gourd and sighed slightly: "Now let's refine it first, extract the wood energy from it, and combine it with the real essence of the concubine's body before it can be used. Enough... How much jīng is out."

The two of them, the sovereign of loose immortals, did not want to be as entangled with their younger generation. However, in the past thousand years, only this Xu Ziqing's true essence has a balance of wood qi. No matter how profound the cultivation level of others, it is either Jiasheng or Yiwang, which is similar to Qinghua Immortal Venerable itself. Only take up one. This time Qinghua Immortal Venerable invited Xu Ziqing, only to see that he performed well when he entered the battle, and he set up chess pieces. Later, when he saw Xu Ziqing's performance in the battle, and found that the Qinglong he placed in the wood was extremely pure, he held out a little hope. . Later, I hoped that it would come true, but it was impossible to speculate immediately whether or not these real essences were enough.


A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of Immortal Venerable Qinghua: "The demon stone is so poisonous that someone actually gave it to the concubine body, if it was just misunderstood, it would be fine, if the concubine body knew what the conspiracy was. Trick, concubine will never let go of the person behind the scenes!"

Canglan Sword Immortal's originally very happy mood also showed a bit of killing intent: "Recently, Duobaolou should pay more attention to the news of the 'Heavenly Meteorite', if there is such a thing, no matter what it is Whether it is true or false, we must get it in our hands at all costs!"

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