After Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie walked out of the building outside the building, they naturally saw their own treasure car in the courtyard where they came, and the second-class star slave and Huang Yuan, who had been arranged in the Duobao Building earlier. I practiced here, and when I was informed this morning, I was already waiting in front of the treasure car.

These people are waiting, it seems that the spirit is good, and it seems that the treatment is indeed quite good. It can be seen that Duobaolou's hospitality is also considered a bit thoughtful.

After the two brothers and sisters came, they both entered the treasure car and were about to go back to Zhoutian Xianzong.

Xu Ziqing instructed: "Go to the Wuling Mountains first."

It's not for the sake of it. In the early years, he encountered the demon stone twice on the road. Although he felt it was inappropriate, this matter is just speculation. The Wuling Mountain Region has been weak for many years, but it is not easy to inform the domain owner. in the eyes of people.

But when the two came to Duobaolou two years ago, they found out that even the third-line natal magic weapon, such as Qinghua Xianzun, was eroded by the magic stone that day, and they became even more vigilant in their hearts.

If you think about it, a thousand years ago, a loose immortal was harmed by the demon stone. In the past one or two hundred years, ordinary monks can also encounter the demon stone... If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental.

I don't know if there are monks of different realms who have been harmed by the demon stone for many years.

Heavenly meteorites are extremely rare, and the Heavenly Magic Stones formed by their mutation should be even rarer. The current situation is really quite strange.

That being the case, Xu Ziqing thought that he might as well inform the domain lord first, and the domain lord had a lot more experience than him and his senior brother. If this matter is really inappropriate, his own Wuling lineage will report the matter to the main sect.

At that time, it is impossible to say that the Wuling lineage will still have some benefits.

With such a decision, the two brothers and sisters rode the treasure car and went all the way to the Wuling Mountains.

Along the way, it still attracted the attention of many people, and when these people saw the treasure car staying in the sky above the Wuling Mountains, they of course paid more attention to the Wuling lineage.

The treasure car is flying into the sky, and people in the Wuling Mountains will not turn a blind eye, but many new disciples in this field have already known that there are two star-level disciples who have been cultivating in the Xingchen Hall all year round, and now they can only see such core disciples. The treasure car they ride in will not make a fuss—they also understand that those who come so frankly are most likely to be the two uncles and uncles from the same family.

Sure enough, after a short meeting, someone above said: "Please open the mountain protection formation, the disciples of this domain, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, return!"

The man who manipulated the mountain protection formation really opened the formation gate.

Xu Ziqing was a little surprised. In the past few decades, a large formation has been set up outside the mountains, but it was something he had never thought of... But thinking about it carefully, this is not very strange.

Many years ago, when the Wuling Mountains were glorious, there were many world-shattering talents, and the mountain was also a huge mountain, so there was a great formation to protect the mountain, showing a rigorous and solemn state.

Later, the mountain area declined, many of the same sect worked hard, and the resources in the small mountain area were scarce, so there was no need to make it so ostentatious. Therefore, the mountain protection formation has never been opened.

Now it's different.

Because the two disciples became star-level disciples, the status of the mountain area of ​​this sect has also risen. In addition, there are 30 places to accept disciples. This mountain area has gradually gained a lot of popularity. When the rules are restored, this majesty must also be maintained. .

After decades of development, the Great Array for Protecting the Mountain was also set up.

Xu Ziqing understood for a moment, the treasure car also went around, the two black flood dragons let out a long cry, and there was also a flood dragon on the main peak in the mountain area.

Soon, the treasure car fell to the cloud head and was parked at the top of the main peak.

Nowadays, the number of people in the Wuling lineage has increased a lot. In the past hundred years, more than 20 disciples have been admitted to the entrance, and some ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators from the inner sect are willing to attach themselves. Now they are all lively.

The Lord of Hangyu was also busier than before. Just after the treasure car descended, Xu Ziqing saw a cultivator of Nascent Soul who seemed to have said something to the Lord of Hangyu, and hurried away after seeing the arrival of the treasure car.

For a time, Xu Ziqing also sighed in his heart.

The current Wuling Mountain Region is very different from when he and his senior brother first arrived.

Lord Hang Yu was also a little surprised when he saw Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie.

These two disciples have excellent qualifications. They entered the Zhoutian Xingchen Palace in a short period of time. It can be said that they have made great contributions to the Wuling lineage. Now they have such a good opportunity, they should be in the Xingchen Palace. Penance is...

Now, several other outstanding disciples with less aptitude have exhausted their quotas, and received outstanding disciples, and they don't mind being assigned one or two disciples by the mountains. The two more outstanding disciples are working hard to cultivate themselves at the core and improve their status in the mountains. The two-pronged approach is the way to revitalize the Wuling lineage. And these two disciples are not people who don't know the world. If there is no major event, they will not return often.

For a while, the Lord of Hangyu had a hint of worry in his heart.

Although it is very important to improve the status of the mountain area, these two disciples cannot afford to be lost in the Wuling lineage. Even if the mountains are temporarily dormant, their safety cannot be exchanged for short-term glory.

The concern of Lord Hangyu was seen by the two brothers and sisters. Xu Ziqing felt a little warm in his heart and walked over quickly.

He smiled slightly and said, "Domain Lord, my senior brother and I just visited Duobaolou Canglan Sword Immortal and Qinghua Immortal Venerable. We got some news there. We need to inform Domain Lord about it, and make preparations early."

When Lord Hangyu heard it, although it sounded quite serious, it seemed that he had nothing to do with the safety of the two disciples, and his heart was relieved: "This old man has placed a ban on this place, Ziqing, Yunlie, you two come over and pay attention to it. Say."

Xu Ziqing heard it and waved to the crowd

Duo Xingnu and Huáng Yuan were waiting outside the ban, while he and his senior brother sat cross-legged opposite the Lord Hangyu, and spoke gently, telling the respected elder all the incidents that he had encountered with the Heavenly Magic Stone.

Chapter 575: The Day of the Small Banquet

After listening to this, the expression of Lord Hangyu changed: "is there such a thing?"

Xu Ziqing nodded: "It was originally just a very accidental thing, my brother and I didn't feel anything, but even the Sanxian was affected by this, but it made people feel a little uneasy."

The Lord of Hangyu pondered: "That's the truth... When I am waiting for immortal cultivators to give birth to warning signs, I cannot ignore it." Then he looked at the two disciples and asked, "Ziqing has worked hard for Qinghua Xianzun for two years. Years, but is it really okay?"

For Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, he can say that he is more concerned than them. Even if the other party's status is scattered, he must not break the foundation of their Wuling disciples.

Xu Ziqing shook his head and smiled and said, "Do not worry, the domain master. Senior brother is taking care of me. I am also very careful, and regard this as polishing. Not only will I not damage myself, but in a few years, I am afraid that I will break through again."

Only then did the Lord of Hangyu feel relieved: "that's good."

After telling the domain master about this important event and speculation, Xu Ziqing's mind was not lingering on the demon stone, but instead asked about the current development of the Wuling Mountains, and also cared about the current situation of many brothers.

How the Lord of Hangyu decided was not revealed on his face, he just smiled kindly, and also talked about the Wuling lineage.

Because of the resources brought by two star-level disciples, and the fact that the battle of Doutian will not be repeated within a hundred years, the Wuling lineage is just recuperating, and has vigorously cultivated many Jindan disciples.

As for Mi Xing and other former Wulingmen people, almost all of them have broken through the first-level realm in the past hundred years - this is probably because of the accumulation of the previous hundreds of years, once they can concentrate on hard cultivation, they will enter the realm immediately.

Now, apart from Gongye Feibai, who first broke through to the early stage of out-of-body transformation, the cultivation base has accumulated more, Lv Wenge and Ke Hong, who were originally in the late stage of spiritual transformation, have all broken through to the early stage of out-of-body transformation; Xie Feng and Guan Hengping, who were in the middle stage of spiritual transformation, Both broke through to the late stage of spiritual transformation; Hu Zhang and Mi Xing, who were originally in the early stage of out-of-body, have both entered the mid-stage of out-of-body... and the most exciting is undoubtedly Xing Zunzhu, who has been stuck in the late stage of out-of-body for many years. He is now a monk in the early days of Mahayana!

For this alone, there is a successor to Lord Hangyu, even if he can't hold back one day and has to rise through the calamity, there is also Lord Xing Zun to preside over the overall situation. Even if the cultivation base is slightly insufficient, if it is combined with the suppression of the two core disciples of Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, the Wuling lineage can continue to develop!

Xu Ziqing was also very happy when he heard that many senior brothers entered the country like this.

The Wuling lineage was born out of Wuling Xianmen, and Wuling Xianmen was his teacher, not only because of the "Brother Yun" who introduced him to it, but also because of the care and care of Xiaozhufeng's mentor, after all these years , make him care deeply.

What's more, he was young and had no relatives. Later, he only had his senior brother to accompany him all the way, and he married his senior brother and became an immortal Taoist partner at Wuling Xianmen.

When Zhou Tianxianzong came, these senior brothers and seniors also cared for them very much, so that they also gave birth to a lot of camaraderie.

It is also for these reasons that Xu Ziqing has a very strong sense of belonging to Wuling Xianmen, and the growth of Wuling's lineage is also his wish.

After saying this, Lord Hangyu suddenly smiled and mentioned the interesting stories of many brothers.

The most important thing is naturally the matter of Senior Brother Ke Hong.

Decades ago, Xu Ziqing accepted a waiter, who was a female cultivator who had been in love with Ke Hong for a long time, and then the female cultivator was left in the Wuling lineage. At first, this Qiu Sutong was taken in as a guest. He always cared about Ke Hong on weekdays and tried his best to convey his affection, but Ke Hong focused on cultivation. Although he was a little embarrassed at first, he returned to normal afterward. Women, at most, they are never bored.

However, Qiu Sutong had this opportunity so easily, how could she be willing to give up so easily? Later, when she saw that Mianmian's affection could not impress Ke Hong, she also decided to do something so that she could truly stay in the Wuling lineage.

As for her love for Ke Hong, she also made plans to wait for a long time.

Speaking of this at this time, the Lord of Hangyu also admired Qiu Sutong.

It turned out that Qiu Sutong didn't take herself as a guest seriously, and later she asked to see the domain master as a waiter and needed to do some errands. Seeing that she was so persistent, the domain master also fulfilled her wish and asked her to help Xing Zunzhu in the management of resource allocation, disciple settlement and other miscellaneous matters.

Qiu Sutong did her best, and she was able to arrange it in an orderly manner soon, because she would never betray the Wuling lineage. Later, Lord Xing gradually gave her the matter, and she could free up more time to practice.

Women are more meticulous in their work, and Wuling Mountain Region also slowly recognized Qiu Sutong's ability, and Qiu Sutong showed her ability, and her affection for Ke Hong has always been the same. After decades of this, , Although Ke Hong still did not have love for her, he also had some appreciation for her.

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