The next moment, many cracks appeared on the body of the wild blood cow, and then dozens of thick pieces of meat fell with the fragrant charred skin outside, and were being caught by those leaves.

Then the leaves swirled again, then dispersed, and landed on the long table in front of each star-level disciple one by one... Steaming and fragrant.

The two brothers and sisters cooperated extremely well. In just one breath, they served another good dish for many star-level disciples. They were really neat and thoughtful.

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Everyone, please use it."

Seeing this, many star disciples also wanted to cheer.

However, they found that when they were about to use chopsticks to poke into the thick layer of meat, the whole meat was evenly divided into more than ten pieces, and each piece was the same size, and it was eaten in one bite!

At the moment, there are some star-level disciples who also have some understanding of kendo, and they are amazed.

Just now, between the lightning and flint... How many swords did that Senior Brother Yun use?

Senior Brother Yun's sword is too fast!

Even Dongli Qi and the others were slightly shaken.

Jianxiu and the others have seen a lot, and they know that Yun Lie's kendo realm is the combination of the five refining swords. They don't know that Yun Lie has broken through again. In the first battle, it seems that they still can't really see the full strength of the opponent.

Moreover, he also had some understanding of Xu Ziqing's power.

Mo Kan just seemed to have just revealed the tacit understanding between the pair of Taoist companions, but in fact that scene was by no means just the two of them.

Yun Lie's sword is very fast, but Xu Ziqing was able to catch all the pieces of meat at the very right time, and he could deliver many pieces of meat to everyone at the right time, and he was able to say something at the right time. After please, let those pieces of meat spread out just right.

The timing, the fast speed, and the accuracy of the blade follow-up are beyond words.

With this one hand, Dongli Qi already understood that although Xu Ziqing was ranked ninth, it was hard to speculate on where he could be in the real fight.

Thinking of this, he also smiled slightly in his heart.

The future generations are terrifying. He Dongliqi prides himself on talent and diligence, but the latecomers are still aggressive. The two are hundreds of years younger than him, but they are already catching up with him.

After a second thought, Dongli Qi put the matter aside again.

Since they are from the same sect, there is no conflict of interest between the two sides. The more powerful the two junior brothers Xu and Yun are, the more beneficial it is to the sect. Moreover, the latecomer is more powerful, so that he can always reflect on himself and not be overwhelmed by the glory and arrogance. His mind also allowed him to advance bravely and not be afraid of the dangers of the immortal journey.

In other words, even if the two apprentices and younger brothers are peerless geniuses that have been rare for tens of thousands of years, it would not be a pleasure for him to meet such a person of the same generation! Those who are not afraid of others' behavior, and who are conceited in the East and who are also self-righteous, how can they be depressed and envious of others' behavior? It should be compatible with them and promote each other!

Dongli Qi has such a heart, even if those who followed him were a little dissatisfied with Yun Lie earlier, but now they really saw a little bit of his power, they really let go of their resentment.

As the saying goes, "Things gather by like, and people are divided by groups." They poured wine that time, and this time they were convinced by the strength of the two, so there was nothing unpleasant.

But the group of people here quickly put their minds down, and the Fengwu Kuangzun over there was a little unhappy.

He has always been arrogant, and he is also proud of himself. Because the classmates that he gathered during the last small banquet at his home were not enough, when he learned that there were still people holding small banquets in the past 100 years, he wanted to recruit a few more.

It's just that he didn't expect that these two new five-star and six-star disciples actually have some abilities in their strength, and they suddenly made a splash - some of those who can become core disciples are ignorant. ?

As a result, the thoughts in his heart may not be able to be achieved.

unlucky! How unlucky!

Indeed, as Feng Wu Kuangzun thought, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing combined to make this move, which not only revealed Yun Lie's kendo realm, but also showed Xu Ziqing's seldom publicity skills before. He is a stupid person, and he should know that if these two Daoist couples fight with others, their strengths will not only be multiplied.

If you vote under the two of them, you will be convinced.

If it was said that there were only two people who were eager to reveal it beforehand, now there are more star-level disciples, and they are just around the corner.

Immediately afterwards, when everyone feasted, they also resorted to many means.

For example, there is a person who is in the water element. He also pointed out that a stream of water appeared a few days ago among the star-level disciples. This water flow is very strange. It actually rises from the ground, and is more than a foot off the ground. It is as high as that long. When the disciple flicks his sleeve again, there are many shiny jade plates placed on the running water, and there are various colors of fresh fruits on the plates. , the water flows down, and moves along the water around many of the same doors, circulating back and forth, no interest.

When another disciple moved his cuffs, many small pieces of ice appeared in those jade plates, guarding the fresh fruit, and the cool air was refreshing and very refreshing. If you look closely, each piece of broken ice is the same size, even if it is close to the silver furnace, it will not melt, and some people will recognize it. .

There are also people who are good at gold magic. I don’t know how to separate dozens of golden knives. The blades are narrow and thin as cicada wings. If you drive it intentionally, just touch it with your finger, and when the golden energy moves, the fresh fruit will be separated immediately, and the core of the fruit is actually Make a puff of wood powder and dissipate in the air.

Chapter 578 The banquet is over

At the banquet, there are countless wonderful techniques. In addition, many star-level disciples have used some small tricks when you come and go. After looking closely at these small tricks, you can see that the foundation is deep, the exercises are solid, and they are smoke-free when used. Dust-free, without traces, in the understatement, each has shown his own skills.

After going back and forth with each other, the people in the audience not only changed their own supernatural powers, but also took a peek at all the other people's abilities, and secretly had some concerns in their hearts.

This is the first time to show it, and it's over.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were above, and naturally they also saw the means of the crowd.

From time to time, they transmit voices to each other, they are also toasted by some of the same family, and they also drink with the invited guests.

There are so many star-studded disciples, they can't accept them all, they have to look at the means, but also look at their words and deeds, and judge whether the xinxing of these same sects is compatible. It is very useful. They can serve the young master closely and memorize the information of countless star-level disciples early on. Now that they meet people, they can not only see some of the insides from their Mahayana realm on their faces, but also can use their brains. The records are compared with real people. Afterwards, they talked a lot about the many experiences of these star-level disciples, which also provided convenience for the two young masters.

In a blink of an eye, the wine has passed three rounds.

The star-studded disciples all had a bit of enthusiasm on their faces because of the strong wine.

The mad bào barren blood cow was slashed by Yun Lie and the outer layer of burnt meat was cut off. At this time, the remaining half of the li was roasted again by those spirit servants, and it penetrated the fire again and gave birth to another kind of sweet aroma. odor.

This is edible again.

Just now, the main family shared the meat with all the guests. Now these guests don’t want to let the main family specialize in beauty, so they can also use it by themselves.

So, it's another swing.

That Feng Wu Kuangzun was shocked by the ability of Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing before, and his intention was almost impossible to achieve. Now that I see an opportunity, I refuse to let it go, so I have to vent.

Since then, they didn't see how he moved. Others only felt that a gust of wind blew up around him, and the messy hair that was draped over his shoulders was thrown upside down like a rage, and his robe was also hunting. It made a noise, but it was actually controlled within one foot of this radius, and the people around him—even the few people who followed him, were never affected by the aftermath of the gust of wind.

The next moment, this gust of wind was like a long dragon, and suddenly formed a gust of wind, circling and rolling towards the large half of the wild blood cow - when it was about to touch, the gust of wind turned into countless wind knives, just on the cow. Dip and go!

Immediately afterwards, the roasted beef was brought back by Liu Feng and landed on Feng Wu Kuangzun's plate. At this time, anyone with a heart can notice that the wind suddenly dissipated, and the beef left behind was carefully spread on the plate.

...Each piece of beef is no bigger than a fingernail, as thin as a cicada's wing, with a faint color, and it seems to be connected to a piece of paper when it falls on the plate, and even the shiny bottom of the plate can be seen.

This piece of "paper" is also made of hundreds of identical pieces of beef.

Although this move is not as precise as Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, it is also very clever and respectable.

After doing this trick, Feng Wu Kuangzun noticed that many star-level disciples were also discussing and appreciating, and the feeling of unhappiness and depression just now faded a little.

——In the past, many people shot together, earth fire feng shui, gold wood thunder light, all kinds of magic powers, although they are all very powerful, but they are still slightly inferior to Fengwu Kuangzun.

On the contrary, Dongli Qi never made a move.

He is here to be a guest, and since he is famous, he does not need to do business like Fengwu Kuangzun, and he already values ​​Xu and Yun very much, and is willing to make further ties, and he is also unwilling to come with the respect of Seven Star disciples. Doing this means seems to be overwhelming.

Therefore, after coming here, Dongliqi was just like the most ordinary guest, enjoying it slowly, and occasionally chatting and laughing with those who followed him, and commenting on the many fellow students who used various means. .

It seems to be the most happy.

Gradually, these temptations and exposures were revealed, and the star-studded disciples became more casual with the delicious food and wine. Occasionally, I will have a sparring with my classmates who are sitting closer to the side - but it is not to fight in the center, but you use a few small tricks, and I use the other ones to resolve it, without hurting the peace at all.

Later, for example, there were those who had cultivated similarities in magic and supernatural powers. When they saw the heart of hunting, they simply moved their seats to one place and moved towards each other. There were also people who made new marriages in twos and threes. The expressions of the two masters in the main seat.

Around Feng Wu Kuangzun, there were also a few one or two star disciples who came to tie the knot. He laughed rudely, acted eloquently, and exchanged cups with them, and he seemed to be happy.

He also seems to have a classmate he likes and wants to take the opportunity to recruit him.

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