Above, Xu Ziqing looked at the liveliness of these classmates, and smiled slightly towards Yunlie: "What do you think, Senior Brother?"

Yun Lie took the performances of the star-studded disciples into his eyes, and he could hear all the news that A, A, A, and 2 said, but now that the younger brother asked, he replied: "There are a few people who are quite good, if they are interested, they can accept it. "

Xu Ziqing's brows moved slightly: "Which ones are the brothers interested in?"

Yun Lie opened his mouth and whispered a few words.

Xu Ziqing also nodded: "Let's see if they can see me."

In the field, those spirit servants were divided into two groups. One group was still bringing all kinds of wine and vegetables in a steady stream, so that everyone would not be left without food.

Seeing the lively atmosphere at this time, Dongli Qi moved in his heart and took out a jade plaque. Afterwards, he also pointed out that he had crossed the jade plate several times, and gave a follower beside him a few words.

Hearing the words, the four-star disciple held the jade tablet in his arms, then left his seat and walked quickly, came under the main seat, and presented the jade tablet to the two master families: "Senior Brother Yun, Senior Brother Xu, and Senior Brother Dongli intend to have a relationship with the two masters. Let's do a fun thing and play around, what do you two think?"

Xu Ziqing was stunned for a moment, then took the jade card, and after a little probing with his divine sense, he couldn't help but smile.

It turned out that what was sealed here was a phantom of Dongliqi's supernatural power, which was linked by several nodes. Unless these nodes can be found, which also refers to the weak points of supernatural power, they can be destroyed one by one before the phantom can be damaged. .

It is indeed a fun thing to play. Dongli Qi sent this thing, no doubt he has goodwill to the two, and he wants to do a little fun like ordinary brothers and sisters.

After Xu Ziqing read it, he smiled at the four-star disciple: "This matter is very interesting. After my senior brother and I have seen it, I will return it to Senior Dongli Senior Brother."

The four-star disciples saw Xu Ziqing say such words, and knew that the other party also had the intention of sympathy, so they returned with satisfaction and went to answer the senior brother they were following.

Xu Ziqing handed the thing to Yun Lie again, and said, "Senior brother, Senior Brother Dongli is kind, why don't we play it?"

Yun Lie received it, his consciousness swept away, and he closed his eyes and thought.

Because Xu Ziqing is still paying attention to the many star-studded disciples, Yun Lie still has a look at this joker first, and then he will study it together with his junior and senior disciples.

What Dongli Qi has preserved is one of his proud magical powers. Although he is not the best at it, he is also quite difficult. However, as far as Yun Lie is concerned, these difficulties can be inferred only after a little thought.

It's just that the two of them are not fighting with all their strength, nor are they opponents. Yun Lie does not want to brute force it with sword intent, so he also uses a few swordsmanship, and presses a swordsmanship at those nodes. The movie, I showed it to my younger brother later.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing nodded and smiled: "Senior brother is so wonderful."

Then, he called Jia Yi and told him to send it to Dong Li Qi.

Jia Yi followed his words, and Dong Li Qi took it and took a look. He also smiled, and after a while, he sealed up another magical power again.

This time, Xu Ziqing broke it, and Yun Lie watched the words and deeds of the star disciples, and Jia Er sent them to Dong Liqi.

Between exchanges, the two sides have a deeper understanding of what each other can do.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie learned that after Dongliqi's breakthrough, not only the realm was stable, but also the progress, and they admired it very much. Dongliqi also felt that the progress of the two was extraordinary and was shocked.

In this way, they really cherished each other, and their affection was a little deeper.

No longer nodded like before.

Here in Shiqie, the atmosphere in the small banquet became more and more enthusiastic.

Under the steady stream of fine wines, many star-studded disciples enjoyed inexhaustibly, and before they knew it, five days and nights had passed.

And during these five days and nights, those who had a relationship with others would marry, those who decided that they wanted to take refuge would be ready to take refuge, and those who felt that they were lacking and gave up would also give up.

But no matter what kind of decision it is, it has already been decided.

At the same time, because of the tacit understanding between the same sect, even those who offered to seek refuge would never step forward in a big way, but contact them more obscurely.

Otherwise, if they are not accepted and then turn to others, the "others" will inevitably feel that their choice of "resigning and seeking second" is very inappropriate.

So, after the fifth day passed, one after another, many star disciples were leaving.

Feng Wu Kuangzun has gained something in the end. When he left first, in addition to the number of people who had already followed him, there were also a few people who followed him, because he was attracted by his temperament.

Then Dongli Qi also left. He had no intention of looking for a follower here, so he has been indifferent to those who want to approach him these days, so how many people come and how many people go.

However, Dongliqi left a three-inch long purple token for Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie. This token has a teleportation array engraved on it. The object will directly transmit the two of them to the star where Dongli Qi is located.

This is also a kind of pass, and only friends identified by the Lord of the Stars can hold it.

Later, all the star-level disciples left the blessed land, but they did not necessarily leave the rocking star pool.

This blessed land is still available for a few days, so Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie stayed here, waiting for a post.

That's right, after these fellows leave, if they intend to follow, they will produce a drop of blood, write down their name, origin, and who they want to follow, and send it to the two of them.

If the two also like each other, they will give back a token that burns their own breath, but if they refuse... they just need to burn the post with baby fire.

But if you are not within three days

If you give a token in return, and you don't burn the post, that's a grudge.

Chapter 579

It didn't take long for more than 20 posts to come out of nowhere, on and off, divided into two sides, one went to Xu Ziqing, and the other went to Yunlie, each with more than ten.

In comparison, Xu Ziqing actually received more.

It turns out that although many star disciples know that no matter who they are under the command of the two of them, they are actually driven by the two, but after getting along with each other, they also know that Yun Lie has a cold temperament and does not like to talk to others, while Xu Ziqing has a temperament. Moderate, tolerant and generous in behavior on weekdays.

Therefore, after thinking about it separately, I felt that Xu Ziqing was easier to get along with.

And those who choose Yun Lie are all fascinated by Yun Lie's swordsmanship. They are not sword cultivators themselves, and they always have one or two kendo supernatural powers. They are about to ask Yun Lie for guidance.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie took over the post, but checked it together.

The few candidates that the two of them valued before were actually among them, so they picked them out first, distributed the letters one by one, made them go away in a subtle way, and responded.

Then, the two brothers and sisters have to pick the rest.

Usually, a disciple with a higher star rating will always be followed by a dozen people.

As Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were dual cultivators, they didn't need to choose as many as they could, but as long as they could get a total of those numbers, it was enough.

After Xu Ziqing pondered for a moment, he chose three posts.

Yun Lie's consciousness swept over and picked out three.

Combining the previous four, it is exactly ten people.

When the two chose, they also popped out the letters of the six people, and the fifteen or six posts left were pointed out by the two of them, and a group of infant fire was burned to the ground.

At the same time, in many corners of the Rocking Star Pond, there were some people whose faces were filled with joy, while others were frowning with disappointment.

This matter is over, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie don't stay here too much, they go out to the blessed land, and then bring many star slaves with them, and then go back and end up with two stars.

After arriving, not long after, the surroundings of the twin stars also underwent great changes.

The power of the stars is boundless, and there is a violent movement near the two stars.

Xu Ziqing was slightly startled.

Jiayi quickly explained: "Master Xu, don't worry, these are several young masters who are following the two young masters and are moving their stars here."

Xu Ziqing said in surprise: "There is still such a statement?"

Jia Er also took a step forward: "This is the acquiescence of the sect. If there are third-class stars around the second-class stars, it will not have any effect." Therefore, the disciples with higher star ratings are often followed by people. Later, for the convenience of doing things, the followers will move the stars over. "This pair of stars obtained by the two young masters is comparable to a first-class star. Even if those young masters have increased their star rating and changed the stars, it will be enough, and it will not cause the stars to exclude too much."

It should be noted that although the Zhoutian Xingchen Realm is collectively referred to as "Zhoutian Xingchen Hall" in the outside world, the real Zhoutian Xingchen Hall is actually a huge palace in the star field, and it is the core of this realm.

And this side of the world is very vast, and there are often many stars that are extremely far away from each other. If the stars cannot be migrated, then even if there are tokens that come and go, it is extremely inconvenient.

——Just like genius and genius either cherish each other or monopolize each other's domain, the level of stars is even more strict. First-class stars and first-class stars are in the same place. Because the star power is too domineering, the two have always pushed each other away and cannot exist stably. Second-class stars and second-class stars, and third-class stars and third-class stars are no exception.

But the low-level stars can float around the high-level stars. One side of the star power is too much better than the other, but it is easy to surrender and create a state of check and balance.

Or extremely rare stars such as twin stars, they are almost combined in parallel, and the total amount of star power is almost the same. They complement each other and limit each other. When they are directly balanced, it is the rarest state.

Xu Ziqing understood after listening to the two star slaves.

That is to say, in the vicinity of him and his senior brother, will there be many more neighbors?

It is also good to have the same family as neighbors, not only can it make the relationship between each other deeper, but also can improve the way of fighting. If you want to do tasks together in the future, it is always more convenient.

He remembered that Dongli Qi and his followers were very close, and the atmosphere between them was very harmonious, and he had some expectations for these upcoming star disciples.

As Jiayijia2 said, the power of the surrounding stars shook even more.

In the starry sky, there seems to be a pair of invisible big hands that grabbed a star fiercely, let it escape from the original star field, and came to another star field at a very fast speed. Embrace it hard!

At the same time, there are many stars who have the same experience. They were all sent to this star field and pressed near two extremely huge stars, as if they had entered a special environment and forced them to adapt!

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