Xingchen's ability to adapt is indeed extremely powerful.

After a large burst of star power, the game with other stars, and the balance between star power, the shock of star power became smaller and smaller, and the "dispute pulling" between those stars became more and more slight.

Eventually, some kind of stability was reached.

At this moment, the huge invisible hand that stirred the stars also left, as if it had never appeared.

In the vicinity of the twin stars, there are ten more third-class stars, each of which has a different posture, and each has a different distance from the two stars, but there is no doubt that in the There is a huge palace standing on every third-class star, and there is also a core disciple standing proudly, and the star slaves of that core disciple!

Xu Ziqing was shocked by the power of that giant hand.

He thought about it for a while, and knew that with his current ability, if he was caught by that giant hand, he would probably die immediately! And the giant hand seems invisible, but it is clearly a supernatural power created by a power, and it is definitely not a natural creation of the heavens and the earth-what kind of realm would a capable person with such a powerful supernatural power be? How powerful is it?

None of this is known.

But this scene also made Xu Ziqing feel a little trembling.

The journey to immortality is long, and when he saw this big hand, it was as if the misty white mist on his immortal road had been cleared away.

Let him be able to see that in the distant place, there is still a very powerful force, a very high realm, which is worth his pursuit...

Yun Lie's eyes also fell on the giant hand that suddenly retracted.

The sword intent between his brows was heaving, and a kind of fighting intent was born in his heart.

A kind of eager to try, would rather die than kill a happy idea!

... He didn't calm down until the giant hand disappeared.

At this time, many third-class stars were stable, and the star-level disciples on those stars all jumped up together, turned into several escape lights, inspired letters, and came to the twin stars together.

The ten people stood steadily, all clasping their fists: "I have seen Senior Brother Xu, I have seen Senior Brother Yun!"

Among the ten people, there were eight male cultivators, two female cultivators, two disciples of another star, six disciples of two stars, and two disciples of three stars.

Moreover, among the ten followers, five were followers of Xu Ziqing, and five were followers of Yun Lie.

Xu Ziqing looked at these classmates and welcomed them in his eyes.

Among his five followers, two women are two-star disciples, one is a three-star disciple, one is a one-star disciple, and one is a two-star man from the same sect.

Among these five people, two female cultivators have been friends for many years. One practiced wood practice, and the other practiced water practice. Although they were not very powerful in attacking power, they were particularly skilled in magic and magic. kind of spirituality. One of the two has a more gentle personality, the other is lively and agile, and they are both very endearing.

Two-star male disciple, he cultivates earth-generating exercises, and his character is also very calm and well-behaved. The three-star disciple's personality is also very stable, but from the outside, it can't be seen that he is practicing the extremely fierce Thunder Road. The last one-star disciple is a practitioner of wind art, with a small stature, flexible and changeable body art, and a restrained and withdrawn personality.

Among them, the one who cultivated the Thunder Road was one of the first few people Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie took a fancy to, but Xu Ziqing thought that even if he wanted to choose, he would choose the domineering senior brother, but he did not expect that the other party was indeed It was intentional to seek refuge, but the one who chose was Xu Ziqing himself.

On the other end, the five men under Yun Lie's command were all aggressive.

It is also a three-star disciple, a one-star disciple and three two-star disciples. It's just that among the two-star disciples, one practiced the Fire Movement Method, one practiced the Gold Movement Method, and the other practiced the Star Movement Method. The one-star disciple practiced the Variation Ice Method in the Water Movement Method, and the last three-star disciple, the one who practiced. It's actually a Hunyuan technique!

In Hunyuan Gong, only those who have all the five elements can practice it, but not everyone who has all the five elements can practice—if this method is chosen, among the ten thousand people, only one person can live, and the person who survives is in the Before the Nascent Soul Stage, every time a breakthrough was made, there would be the suffering of all five internal organs, and 90% of them were likely to fall.

And of these ten people, none of the cultivation bases are below the Nascent Soul Stage.

After the ten star-level disciples greeted each other, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie stood side by side and bowed their heads in return.

Xu Ziqing said with a smile: "Since then, I will share the difficulties and luck together." He glanced at Yun Lie, "Senior brother and I do not separate each other, and you should not separate each other."

When the followers heard the words, they all laughed and said, "Listen to the orders of the two senior brothers!"

Although these two "each other" have different meanings, the distance between the two sides has narrowed a bit between talking and laughing.

After that, more understanding is needed between the person being followed and the person following.

There are those star-level disciples who asked their subordinate Xingnu to go to the two brothers’ star-slave to have a chat. Because the star-level disciple below the five-star disciple must have a star-slave realm below the Mahayana period, so the star-slaves After the communication, in addition to the orders of their own sons, they should also be headed by the two young masters' star slaves.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie called Huáng Yuan to inform everyone of the identity of the waiter.

The star disciples were also very surprised when they heard the words.

There were none of these waiters after they came to the Hall of Stars.

Huáng Yuan was a little trembling. He had been in the outer sect for many years, and even when he regarded himself as the highest, he never thought that one day he would be able to approach these many core disciples.

Chapter 580

These star disciples do not

He didn't pay much attention to Huáng Yuan, and after he saw the ceremony, he just glanced at it, and then set his eyes on the two new brothers who were following him.

However, since the group had already met each other, there was no need to show too much politeness. After getting to know each other, Xu Ziqing only had a brief chat with them before saying goodbye to them.

On the first day in a hurry, those star-level disciples who moved the living stars here have to go back and settle down for a while...

Xu Ziqing also felt at ease when those fellow students left.

After getting in touch just now, he also felt that these juniors and seniors had good temperaments. If they got along with each other, they should have a deep friendship. He and his seniors should not be distracted.

After thinking about it, he didn't want to stay for a long time, and he had the heart to discuss Taoism with his senior brother in the immortal mansion.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the two people, A, A, and T, suddenly stopped: "Two young masters, please stay!"

Xu Ziqing was a little puzzled: "What else do you two have to do?"

The two star slaves looked at each other, and Ayi said quickly: "Report to Xu Shaozhu, half a month later, the battle of the ranking list will start again. I wonder if the two young masters will participate in this ranking battle?"

Xu Ziqing was startled when he heard this.

He was a little dazed, indeed, another hundred years had passed... He had forgotten about it.

Immediately, Xu Ziqing's heart moved, and he asked again: "If my senior brother and I go, and we can keep our honorable position, what kind of reward will we have for the mountain area where we are located?"

Jia Er responded immediately: "There is an unwritten rule in the sect, which has not changed for millions of years. But anyone who can obtain the 800-ranked position does not need to fight the battle of the heavens within ten years in the mountain area; If you are in the top 100, you won't need to fight Doutian within 30 years in the mountain area; if you enter the top ten... then you won't need to fight Doutian in 50 years. And the mountain area that won the first place will have The number of apprentices is not fixed, and the rest of the rewards are not the same every time."

Xu Ziqing understood.

That is to say, if he and his senior brother only need to keep their honor, then in the next hundred years, the Wuling lineage will still be able to develop with great momentum, and the number of apprentices will be more.

That being the case, even if the battle on the Billboard is almost useless for him and his senior brother to improve their strength, they will always have to go on a journey.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing asked, "If you want to go, what are the regulations?"

According to what he saw last time, Zhou Tianxianzong sent nine disciples, led by the magic weapon held by Dongli Qi, to the place where the battle was fought.

Now that the battle is imminent, I don't know if the sect has made any arrangements.

Sure enough, Jiayi said: "Reporting to the young master, the sect has already sent the arrangement. Led by the young master Yun, there are also several six-star disciples and the young master Xu. They will meet in front of the Zhaixing Pavilion in the Shaoxing Pool three days later, and go to the list together. Battleground."

Jia Er also said: "How to show the majesty of Zhoutian Xianzong when you go, it will be arranged by Young Master Yun. If you do it well, you should also be rewarded."

Xu Ziqing was thoughtful.

Last time, Brother Qi of Dongli brought his own life magic weapon "Nine Seals Shaking the Star Wheel", and made a great reputation. Now that he has broken through to the out-of-body stage, he will no longer go to participate in the battle of the Billboard, so naturally senior brother Yun Lie will take the lead.

And with the temperament of senior brother, if you want to bring many disciples with you, I am afraid, it will be used...

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing smiled unconsciously.

But he thought that if he did what his brother wanted, he would never lose his prestige, and he didn't have to worry about it any more.

It's just that the star-level disciples he has accepted now are all under a thousand years old and have the realm of Nascent Soul. I wonder if they are willing to go with them this time? It's better to invite some.

So, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie said a few words, and then popped up a few pieces of communication jade talisman respectively, informing them that they would go to the Billboard in three days.

Sure enough, after a while, the younger brothers and sisters who followed were also very interested in the ranking battle, and they had never even participated in such a ranking battle, which made Xu Ziqing a little surprised. But now everyone has no objection, and it is more convenient for him to do things.

The two brothers and sisters rested in the Immortal Mansion for a few days, and when they were gathering, they came to the Rockstar Pool and Zhaixing Pavilion early.

None of the other six-star disciples came, and the younger brothers and sisters who followed them waited early.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing first smiled and said, "I'll go to the list first, and then if it's close, it's better to do one or two tasks, and also run in the skills. What do you think?"

When these star-level disciples heard the words, they said: "I will obey the orders of the two brothers!"

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie: "Senior brother?"

Yun Yan nodded and said, "Let's go to Pick Star Pavilion."

In this Star Picking Pavilion, there are as many tasks as the stars in the sky. After a short meeting, Xu Ziqing picked out a more suitable task.

Because the place of this battle is in Jiaohengzhou and Hidden Dragon Valley, and outside Jiaohengzhou, there are many demons rampant.

The mission Xu Ziqing found was to exterminate the devil.

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