One is a demon bandit hiding in the barren mountains, and the other is a demon sect in the ancient town of Sinuè.

It's just that although these two tasks are connected to the nearby direction of Jiao Hengzhou, they are one east and one west. If you want to do that task, you have to do it separately.

But this is also something to be decided after the battle.

After taking over the two tasks, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie walked out of the Zhaixing Pavilion and shared these tasks with the younger brothers and sisters.

Due to the large number of annihilation demons in the mission, this mission can be shared with other star-level disciples, and each mission must be accompanied by at least five people. Even if it is divided into two groups, there are six people each. enough.

Many brothers and sisters saw it and felt good.

In the two missions, the realm of the many devils was at the Nascent Soul stage at most, but there were only a large number of them. They do this task together, and it is indeed easy to hone the way of cooperation.

A group of people wrote down the task, and outside the Zhaixing Pavilion, a few people came from a distance.

Each of the star-studded disciples who came back here has six stars tattooed on their necks, and every one of them is followed by several disciples with a lower star rating, and they are obviously their followers.

It seems that these six-star disciples have also brought people who believe in them with them.

Xu Ziqing has seen many six-star disciples, five of them are familiar, all of them are from the same sect who won the honorable position in the last battle, and the other two are eye-catching, about the new six-star disciples in the past 100 years, who did not represent The people who participated in the battle of the sect.

Now, they are leaving together.

Those six-star disciples came over and greeted everyone. Although they have their own arrogance, they don't have to show too much among the brothers and sisters of the same school, and most of them are very friendly with each other.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also greeted them, and then said, "It's not too late, I'll go as soon as possible!"

Many star disciples have no objection.

So, the group of people led their good disciples and star slaves, each used the method, and left this week's star world. After that, they didn't stop, and they all came to the outside of the sect.

At this time, many star-level disciples have already noticed that in the depths of the void, there seem to be many obscure and powerful breaths, spying on them from time to time. Immortal elders, just now have it.

Knowing that Sanxian would be accompanying him, the star-studded disciples did not feel any nervousness. Instead, they turned their heads in unison and looked at the white-clothed swordsman, Yun Lie, who had never spoken.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Senior brother, please."

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved, but the next moment, there was a terrifying murderous aura that was cold to the bone, spreading from him to the surrounding areas.

At the same time, Sen Leng's sword intent rose into the sky, with an unstoppable edge, and exuded a terrifying murderous intent that was indestructible!

Under the eyes of everyone, Yun Lie's eyebrows split open, and a very sharp black-gold light burst out from it. It rushed out, stretched out suddenly, and turned into a black-gold giant sword with the front of the sword in front of Yun Lie!

This sword is dull in color and looks very simple, and even there are no luxurious patterns on the sword body, but only very fine lines, forming an ancient and clumsy texture that is integrated with the sword body.

On the black-gold giant sword, there is a terrifying and terrifying sword intent, it spreads all over the entire giant sword, and it is wantonly swallowing Limang in all directions!

The cloud moved.

With a flicker of his figure, he was already standing at the edge of the giant sword.

Immediately afterwards, half a step behind him, another young cultivator appeared. He had a gentle smile and stood quietly, which actually made people feel a little quiet.

Then one after another, all the six-star disciples moved.

Under the competition of the speed of the movement, they soon fell on the sword body one by one, but they were also separated one by one.

There are exactly nine people standing on the entire giant sword.

It is also the nine-star disciple who went to participate in the ranking battle on behalf of Zhou Tianxianzong this time.

Each of them is of high strength.

Then, the black and golden light flashed in Yun Lie's eyes, and this giant sword turned into a streamer, and it rushed out at a speed that was faster than lightning and faster than lightning!

In the blink of an eye, it has already crossed a hundred miles away!

This is Yun Lie Sword Intent driving the sword of life. Even if it is slightly slower than when driving Sword Intent purely, its speed is still much faster than that of many monks.

The star disciples on the giant sword even felt that they took a breath, and the surrounding scenery changed a lot, and even if they looked back, they could only find that the scenery on both sides had turned into phantoms, it was even what they wanted. When you look closely, you can't help but be dazzled, and even dizzy, unable to see the slightest!

Not only them, the loose immortals in the void, did not expect Yun Lie's life sword to be so fast, and the many followers and many star slaves who could not board this sword never thought that they were just one. In the blink of an eye, I can no longer find the back of the person following him.

Then a few loose immortals raised their brows: "That kid, it's too fast."

But it is precisely because Yun Lie travels extremely fast that they, the accompanying supporters, cannot be left behind. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a big deal if there was a Demonic Daoist who blocked these core disciples of the Zhoutian Xianzong halfway?

So the next moment, these loose immortals all used their own magical powers, and the half-immortal body was shuttled in the void, and they all took out the fastest speed to catch up with the giant sword that was rushing ahead.

And that giant sword is really too fast.

Almost to the point that even the loose immortals who have experienced several calamities are quite exhausted.

It took some work to catch up with people.

After catching up, you can't take it lightly.

Chapter 581

In less than a day or two, in the sky above Jiaohengzhou, there was a sword light coming from the sky and hanging in the sky.

However, after a short pause, the sword light disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the sky again.

When it reappeared, it was already floating high above the Hidden Dragon Valley.

Nine young men in blue and purple star robes stood on top of a black and gold giant sword. In the vertical and horizontal sword energy, their robes and long sleeves were hunting, their expressions were calm, and their bearing was extraordinary.

This is the disciple of Zhou Tianxianzong, who came to the place where this battle of the top ranks was held in the sword light that was so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

It is also the dragon and tiger cauldron that blocks the void, the same high billboard stands, and the same eight hundred rank are golden and shining, shining with the brilliance of the world.

There are also countless genius monks gathered in the valley.

There is also the same lonely peak with 800 palaces, which will accommodate 800 monks.

Yun Lie was condescending, glanced at the lonely peak, and said, "Go."

When many star disciples heard the words, they all responded.

In the next moment, the black-gold giant sword suddenly disappeared, and all Zhou Tian Xianzong disciples stood in the void, and then they shook their bodies slightly, turning into several rays of light, scattered in many palaces, or found a place to stay. !

Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing looked at each other, and then fled down, one at the top and the other at the bottom.

The once-in-a-hundred-year-old battle of the charts, and now it's a storm again!

Jiaohengzhou, the land of borders, in Tianhua Town.

A group of more than ten young men and women with good appearance walked slowly, entered a restaurant, found a few tables by the window, and sat down at will.

There were originally many guests in the restaurant, and it was originally very lively, but when this group of people came in, they suddenly suffocated and suddenly became quiet.

It's not that the people who come here are ferocious, but that these people have a very different temperament, and their aura is deep and their strength is extraordinary, so even if they don't show any malicious intent, they are vaguely intimidated.

Immediately, everyone saw that these young cultivators ordered some dishes, but they didn't boss around, and didn't pay attention to other people, so they felt relieved and continued their own affairs. Some curious people are also sneaking a look, but even if they seem to be noticed by them, they have not been severely reprimanded. Gradually, everyone no longer regards it as a strange thing.

Among those people, a pretty woman smiled lightly and said, "Although the dishes here are not as good... it's not bad."

Another gentle woman was a little helpless: "The two brothers haven't spoken yet, Ran Ran, don't say more."

The pretty woman's eyes were bright: "Oh, Xia Wenmo nagging, I know!"

Many other men saw the two girls talking, but they all smiled.

Then the young monk in a green shirt by the window also smiled warmly: "It's okay, all the junior brothers and sisters, you can have a full meal. After the meal, there is still a lot of hard work."

This group of people is naturally Xu Ziqing, Yun Lie and the others who have just participated in the Battle of the Billboards.

This return to the ranking battle is also the same as the last time. After a lot of hard battles, the demon cultivator and the immortal cultivator also fought each other, showing no mercy to each other. The same blood flowed into a river, and Immortal Dao prevailed, but this time, the price paid by the Immortal Dao cultivator was twice as much as last time.

Obviously, this time, people in the evil way are also prepared, and more and more people come to participate in the war.

And since Dongliqi withdrew from the list, he has been at the top of the list. The aura of dragons and tigers behind him is incomparably huge, and it is difficult for others to compare, and this time there is no peerless figure like Xu and Yun. It has a great effect on the mountain area, so he did not hold back from beginning to end, and later, he was able to break into the third position.

But in the end, Xu Ziqing's aura of dragon and tiger was only ninth last time, and now this second position was won by Fairy Si Yu, Mi Fengxi, who was the fourth one last time.

Between each other, the difference between dragon and tiger qi is only less than ten feet.

After the battle was over, all the other disciples of Zhou Tianxian Sect went back to the sect under the protection of the scattered immortals, while Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie still followed their previous thoughts and took away the ten fellow disciples who followed them, and then there were others under their command. The slaves followed and came to the border of Jiaohengzhou together to prepare for the subsequent demon suppression.

A group of people rested for a while in this restaurant for a while, but also listened to the news. Those star slaves are stationed outside the city due to the large number of people, waiting for orders.

While Xu Ziqing poured a cup of tea for his senior brother, he thought to himself.

After the battle of the rankings, there will be some waves of immortals and demons, but it is also because the scattered immortals of the immortal Dao have been paying attention to the whereabouts of the scattered immortals of the immortal Dao, and they are relatively safe to do this task under mutual restraint.

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