Soon, a middle-aged man who was better dressed than ordinary townspeople strode over. He was slightly fatter, with a slightly rounded belly, a smile and eager eyes, and he cupped his hands from a distance: Miss, but you want to come here to play? Not only Zhu Hou, but the mayor of this place, if you don't dislike it, why not let Zhu accompany you all?"

Xu Ziqing took a step forward and smiled reservedly: "It turned out to be the mayor..."

Tong Ran Ran's nose wrinkled: "In our place, the second brother can hit three or five mayors with a fan!"

Xie Tongde said, "If you are the mayor, your status is acceptable, so I'll let you accompany you!"

That Zhu Hou's eyes flashed, and his smile was still very attentive: "Yes, if the people in this small place are not well entertained, they will be neglected. Although Zhu has no knowledge, it is okay to talk about the situation in this town. ."

Xu Ziqing and the others all hid a touch of arrogance between their eyebrows and nodded to him, believing it was acceptable.

Zhu Hou looked at these people carefully. There were about twenty people. They didn't look very powerful, and they were very rich and rich. It was true.

He didn't know what to think in his heart, while smiling and introducing the ancient town to everyone, he followed what everyone said and took them to the only independent inn in the town.

When Xu Ziqing and others followed, they were also dealing with Zhu Hou while secretly observing the specific situation in the ancient town. The deeper you go, the more you realize that this place is really sinister. Between the stone house and the stone house, it was as if a giant shòu opened its mouth, as if it could choose someone to devour at any time.

——Although this situation does not affect the monks above the Jindan stage, but if the weaker people live here for a long time, they will be full of evil spirits.

For mortals, those who stay here, I am afraid that there are not many open-minded people, and most of them also have evil thoughts in their hearts.

As I walked, I could already see the shadow of the inn, but I had to turn another street to see it.

Zhu Hou took a group of people and was about to turn a corner.

However, between the street and the street, there is a very empty place, at least twenty feet in a radius, and in the center, a strange stone platform is erected.

This stone platform is dark, and a stick of unknown material stands upright in the center. It is also dark, with rust spots on it, and it looks very worn.

Xu Ziqing frowned slightly.

He seemed to feel a sense of discomfort... Not to hurt him, but to be disgusted from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time, it seemed that something was about to move.

Immediately, he understood.

Undoubtedly, at the stone platform—I don’t know if it’s inside or outside, there must be a lot of blood. Otherwise, it will not disgust him, a person who cultivates pure wood energy, and Rong Jin, who is addicted to blood, will not be disturbed.

However, Rong Jin was only shocked for a moment, and immediately lost interest.

Xu Ziqing sighed in his heart, even if he didn't use his spiritual sense to probe, he could guess that the reason why the stone platform was dark was probably because the blood was flowing every day, and the blood stains accumulated, and finally precipitated such a color.

What is the use of this stone platform... it is self-evident.

These star-level disciples are also smart people. They have also seen the stone platform and have their own methods. Like Xu Ziqing, they all perceive the usefulness of the stone platform.

And they seemed to be interested in Shitai, and they were also noticed by Zhu Hou.

Zhu Hou smiled and said: "Several distinguished guests, that is something unique to our town. Every few years, the immortals who entered the Taoist mountain in the back mountain come here to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth and pray for the town's blessings."

Xu Ziqing raised his eyebrows: "Oh?" He beckoned, "Come here."

Jia Er took a few steps in a row and released the tenth level of Qi refining, and a burst of light shrouded his surroundings.

Xu Ziqing said casually: "Xianchang? It's just my family's guard."

Zhu Hou looked at Jia Er's aura, and smiled meaningfully: "The immortal chiefs in this town have more than this ability... If a few distinguished guests don't believe it, you might as well stay here for a few more days. It's a coincidence, and then Two days later, it is the auspicious time for the immortals to sacrifice to heaven and earth, and on that day, when you have seen the immortals, you will know that what Zhu said is true."

Xu Ziqing and the others seemed to be aroused by interest: "...The immortals? I wonder how many immortals can be in this rural town? If there are three or five, it is nothing. My family only worships them. There are dozens of people.”

Zhu Hou smiled confidently: "Three or five? Not only, not only, even dozens, but not more."

Xu Ziqing raised her eyebrows and looked over: "Can you tell me a number?"

Zhu Hou smiled "hehe": "Two hundred seventy-eight is always a lot."

Xu Ziqing and others, as if very surprised, shook their heads again: "There are so many? Mountains and wild places, no, no!"

Zhu Hou's face was bright: "This town is a treasure land of feng shui. The immortals have lived here for hundreds of years. The water and soil in this town and the surrounding villages are also blessed. The immortals have a word, their sect inheritance and this town. Destiny, I will never move to him again..."

Chapter 584

Except for the stone platform in this ancient town, there is no special thing related to the evil way. After a while, when Zhu Hou saw the tiredness of the children of the noble family, he was very obedient and took them directly to the inn. Never again tell them about the town.

The shopkeeper in the inn was very familiar with Zhu Hou. Seeing that the mayor was attracting distinguished guests, he was very enthusiastic. Even if he asked the most shrewd person to come out to serve the guards, he personally led everyone into the "Tian" room. , One by one, they were properly settled, and even the special dishes were delivered to the room.

With such an attitude, although the demeanor of those "children of the aristocratic clan" is still disgusting, it will pass.

That Zhu Hou also accompanied the reception, and when these people settled down, he exchanged a wink with the shopkeeper and quit.

After the two left, Xu Ziqing and others were eating in a room. Jia Er released his consciousness slightly to check whether anyone was peeping or eavesdropping outside.

Those people simply knew that there were also "immortal elders" among them, and they didn't use mortal methods. However, when Jia Er checked his spiritual sense a little further, he found a slender young man who got out from the back of the house and jogged on the ground. Headed out of town.

A and two told this matter, and everyone understood.

If it is not unexpected, this ancient town colluded with the demons, and they liked "foreigners" like them the most, and how to deal with it, there were already means. Now that they are so warmly entertained, in private, the lanky young man should quietly go to the mountain, to the place where the devilish energy is clouded, and tell them the news.

That's fine too.

Now it's only two days away, and you can do it cheaply.

On the black and gold giant sword, more than twenty people stood solemnly, piercing the clouds.

After a short while, the people below decreased, and they came to a vast, but very desolate mountain range.

Outside the mountains here, there are many villages to recuperate, and there are sporadic mountain gates in the mountains.

However, there seems to be a lot of people here, but they cannot gather into a town.

In a corner of the mountain, there are many figures working there.

If you look closely, the people in the village are working hard in the fields that they have opened up, and they are all old and weak, women and children.

But no matter what, they are all thin and muscular, without the appearance of fullness and warmth.

Zhong Qingzhuang gritted his teeth and waved his shovel vigorously, digging for some minerals and the like.

Those who stepped on the magic weapon were floating on the top of the young and strong heads, holding long whips, but as long as anyone did it a little slower, they would slap the whip down and hit their scarlet backs with bloodstains.

In the middle of the mountain, there is a very strong fortress with high walls and no stairs to go up.

Above the fortress, the rays of light of many magic circles flowed. The rock that made the fortress was also a very hard thing.

Inside the fortress, there is blood billowing, and under the high wall, there are white bones.

I don't know how many people died.

high in the sky.

Where the giant sword was pointed, a young man in white looked stern and his eyes were calm. At this time, he said, "Block all directions and ten sides."

There was a tall and strong young man who took a step, flicked with both hands, and shot out countless spots of light.

These light spots turned into countless thin lines in the air, and they were quickly woven together, and not many mysterious lines were formed.

Afterwards, this tall and strong young man split his hands and played dozens of flags, scattered them, and inserted them on many nodes. This is a kind of sky-locking formation. Anyone whose realm is below the god-transforming stage can't do it in the area of ​​the formation. Get away.

Yun Lie said again: "Jiayi, move the mortals away."

The Mahayana monk who had been following him respectfully replied, "Yes, Young Master Yun."

In the next moment, his whole body was full of breath, and his right arm suddenly stretched forward!

In the blink of an eye, a huge palm appeared out of thin air, transparent and invisible. One turned into ten in the void, and ten turned into a hundred, and suddenly grabbed the ground repeatedly!

In just a few breaths, all the mortals under the control of the demon bandits were caught in the palm of the ten thousand li of land, and in just a few breaths, they were sent to the outside of the great formation.

The hundreds of thousands of mortals looked at each other, not knowing why. When they looked up, they saw the huge long sword hanging in the air, and many tiny black spots fell on it. Could it be that an immortal rescued it?

At the moment, these many mortals bowed their heads and shouted, "Thank you immortals for your help! Thank you immortals for your help! I ask immortals to kill the thieves!"

Everyone on the giant sword glanced down, and then looked at the fortress.

The demon bandits here are very heavy, and most of them hide in the fortress to enjoy themselves.

Although it is a bit overkill, but all the demon bandits within ten thousand miles who have not entered the fortress were all crushed to death when Jiayi sent the mortals away, and they had already turned into bloody minced meat.

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved, his right hand was slightly opened, and in the palm of his hand, he grasped a solid black and gold long sword.

This sword is not the sword of his life, but the birth of the sword soul, the manifestation of the sword intent, and it is enough now.

Then, he swung his sword.

A black-golden edge came out, like invisible lightning, and like an extremely thin long line, almost instantly, the long line fell on the fortress!

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